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Survey7/11/08 11:54 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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You forgot to add
C.I. Scofield/J.N. Darby/E.W. Bullinger Dispensationalism

to your list.

I am sure you meant to include those but ran out of space.

Survey7/11/08 4:59 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Easy believism version.

Preacher: Do you believe you are a sinner?

Sinner: Everybody is a sinner.

Preacher: Do you believe Jesus died for sinners?

Sinner: I think so.

Preacher: Do you want to invite Jesus in your heart and save you.

Sinner: I guess so.

Preacher: Now pray after me and really, really meant it with all your heart.

Sinner: OK.

Next day the preacher goes to pick him up for church. The new convert comes to the door smoking a cigarette, drinking a can of beer with the woman he is living with.

Sinner: I am not interested in going to church, don't come back.

Preacher to congregation: Hey, we saved one yesterday, add him to the roll.

What is wrong with this picture?

Survey7/11/08 10:07 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Contender wrote:
As I have stated many times before we do not know who the elect and non-elect are, only God does and therefore we are to proclaim the gospel to all as Christ instructed. It is not for us to tell sinners that God loves them, it is the operation of the Holy Spirit to confirm God's love in them.
For some reason I cannot see Jesus telling the Pharisees that God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their life, when in fact he said that they were of their father the Devil and called them a generation of vipers.

I didn't see anywhere where John the Baptist told the Jews that God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their life either. He told them to repent for the kingdom was at hand.

The only time the love of God was mentioned in a personal way was to the disciples that followed him and in Paul's epistles to the believers in the church.

Even the apostle John was writing to believers.

Contender, you are correct, our job is to proclaim the gospel that Christ dies for sinners and if they repent of sin and come to Christ by faith they will be saved (whosoever). God the Father will draw His own by His power through the preaching and hearing of the word.

Survey7/9/08 4:34 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Minnow wrote:
2] God does not love everybody but telling the reprobate about His love, wont make a blind difference to the unsaved designated for hell.
But telling the reprobate that God love him personally is the same as telling the reprobate that Christ died for him personally. I would just say that Christ died for sinners and all who come to him in repentance & faith, He will save. The rest is in God's hands.

Minnow wrote:
3] Coming to saving faith is the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore human verbal communication whether given or received, does not change the elect unto salvation or reprobation.
God can do that by Himself.
But we are commanded to do so.

Minnow wrote:
You appear to give an inordinately high value to human communications. Where is the Holy Spirit involved?
On the contrary, I have stressed over and over of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit to quicken those who are dead in tresspasses and sin. God commanded us to PREACH the gospel. He uses the means of preaching to carry the message to the lost to bring them to saving faith.

Survey7/9/08 2:29 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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So according to Mike and JD's version the bible should have been properly rendered;

(Psa 26:5) I have loved less the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.

(Psa 31:6) I have loved less them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD.

(Psa 101:3) I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I love less the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

(Psa 119:104) Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I love less every false way.

(Psa 119:113) SAMECH. I love less vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.

(Psa 119:163) I love less and abhor lying: but thy law do I love.

(Pro 5:12) And say, How have I love less instruction, and my heart despised reproof;

(Amo 5:21) I love less, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

(Amo 6:8) The Lord GOD hath sworn by himself, saith the LORD the God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and love less his palaces: therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein.

JD, you are the one who pumps the idea that words have meanings and defined by their context. That is why I posted verses that contain the same words, now all of a sudden it doesn't apply.

You can't have your cake and eat it too!

Survey7/9/08 11:51 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Mike wrote:
God loved Esau less.
That is interesting. The same Hebrew word for "hated" in Malachi 1:3 "And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness." is the same Hebrew word in the following.

(Psa 26:5) I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.

(Psa 31:6) I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD.

(Psa 101:3) I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

(Psa 119:104) Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

(Psa 119:113) SAMECH. I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.

(Psa 119:163) I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love.

(Pro 5:12) And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof;

(Amo 5:21) I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.

(Amo 6:8) The Lord GOD hath sworn by himself, saith the LORD the God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate his palaces: therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein.

(Zech 8:17)

Mike, You may want to rethink your definition.

Survey7/8/08 6:01 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Romans 8:29 "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."

Notice the words "to be" were not in the original Greek. The word for "conformed" is συμμορφους ans is used as an adjective. Thus rendering the verse "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate, conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."

We see that God predestinated those whom He foreknew.

Romans 8:30 "Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."

Then he called those who he predestined and justified them, then he glorifies those whom he justifies.


Mike from NY wrote:

Lots of "willing" there, Lone. Don't you need a will in order to be willing?

Joh 8:36 "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

Instead of worrying about needing a will, are you willing?

Are you willing to humble yourself and empty yourself before God?

Are you willing to recognize your utter total depravity before God of any moral goodness to offer Him in exchange for salvati

Survey7/8/08 3:41 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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JD wrote:
Okay, this is brand new. Unconditional election and conditional salvation? This is even more confusing. If the person who has been elected does not meet the condition for salvation, is he then not elect anymore? The question arises. Is there any scenario when an elect person could ever be lost?
Won't happen.

John 6:37-39 "All that the Father giveth me SHALL come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. 38. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. 39. And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day."

JD wrote:
What is this new word "savingly?" I have not heard it yet.
I guess not. It is probably found in the same passage that commands you to say a sinner's prayer to invite Jesus in your heart for salvation.

If you have not come to a place of repentance of sin and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save your soul, then I can see why you never heard of "saving faith" or coming to Christ "savingly".

Survey7/8/08 3:17 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Excellent points quote.

Minnow, you contradict your own statements. That is what quote is trying to tell you.

In one place you say that it is not wrong to tell everybody that God loves them, but then you say that God does not love everybody. So by telling someone who may not be one of God's elect that God loves them are you in essence lying to them.

Once a person comes to saving faith, then they can know, hear and understand of God's love for them because they are His own.

Survey7/8/08 3:08 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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JD wrote:
Now don't get mad at me for pointing this out friend but all those things you mention above are "conditions" for salvation. You are the man who pumps "unconditional" salvation.
But, I do agree with you, salvation does have a condition and it is none of the above. It is faith alone in Jesus Christ. This is the lone condition for us to be saved.
Lets agree here. There is no way under heaven a reformed Baptist is able to be consistent with reformed doctrines in his evangelistic thrust. The prebys, maybe, but not the Baptists.
I can distinguish between the presbys and the baptists in just a few posts. There is a great deal of difference but you all put your head in the sand and ignore it.
"unconditional salvation"???
It is unconditional election, not unconditional salvation. Election is election, salvation is salvation.

The Holy Spirit is the one who brings you to savingly faith. It is evidenced by the terms I mentioned previously.

However since you rejected the terms above, it is evident that you have yet reached that point of being able to come to faith in Christ savingly.

Survey7/8/08 2:41 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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JD wrote:
Lone Wolf is in far worse shape of the two, if you ask me, but if I believed what he says he believes I think I might want to shoot myself. Read what he wrote. It seems election is not the issue at all, but coming to the end of oneself so he might trust in God's offer of pardon.
Someone help me here!
What is so confusing for you JD? What part do you disagree with in my previous post?

Then we'll talk.

Are you willing to humble yourself and empty yourself before God?

Are you willing to recognize your utter total depravity before God of any moral goodness to offer Him in exchange for salvation?

Are you willing to recognize the righteousness of Christ as satisfying God's requirement for Heaven?

Are you willing to recognize Christ as God's satisfaction for justice that he paid on the sinner's behalf?

Are you willing to repent of sin and faith toward God?

No JD, I am not the one in far worst shape here. I know my Redeemer in Jesus Christ, and He knows me. Do you?

Eternity hangs in the balance.

Survey7/8/08 1:02 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Incognito wrote:
OK Lone Wolf
Your task from now on is to convert JD.
With man it is impossible, but with God all thengs are possible.

He needs to come to the end of himself and see himself as God sees him, dead spiritually in tresspasses and sin, lost, totally depraved of any moral goodness to offer up to God in exchange for salvation. He has to come to the point of seeing Christ as the only means of salvation as the satisfaction for God's justice and as payment for his sin debt. Then and only then can he begin to trust soley in the grace and mercy of God for his soul.

Survey7/8/08 11:14 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Incognito wrote:
The knowledge of salvation in the elect cannot be communicated across the divide to the non-elect, that is the way God works in us.
If it was communicable JD, then you and all your friends would become Calvinists.
On the contrary Incognito, scripture tells us,

1 Peter 3:15-16 "15. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to ***every man*** that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: 16. Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ."

A true believer will give God all the glory and praise for the gift of salvation and for the effectual working of His power in their hearts to bring them to biblical repentance of sin and saving faith toward God and belief in the gospel. If you are saved and have the witness of the Holy Spirit bearing witness with your spirit that you are a child of God, then you are one of God's elect. The fruits of the Spirit are made manifest in those whom God had effectually called as well as the chastisement by God the Father of those who are His.

Survey7/7/08 3:26 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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It is ANOTHER gospel, not the gospel of the bible and is an accursed gospel. It is a works based salvation. Try to get to theaven the best way you can, through Mary,St. Jude, St. Christopher, the Pope. It is based on doing the sacraments and good works, praying the rosary, confessing your sins to the priest, all works of self effort. And if you works aren't good enough your family can pay the priest to say enough masses to maybe get your soul out of purgatory. I was raised RC and know what I am talking about. You are forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures without the proper interpretation of the clergy.

Jesus said that "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me."

Survey7/7/08 2:56 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Not meant to disagree with you, but would you also agree that in the context of the passages you cited, John is writing specifically to those who are already believers. Is he not writing to the elect of God of His love for them?

Survey7/6/08 4:41 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Mike wrote:
Your position is also based on the assumption that had Adam not sinned, none of his descendants would have.
If that would have been the case then Adam would still be alive today in the Garden of Eden.

Time to leave for for choir practice, so I am off for a bit.

Survey7/6/08 4:07 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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If Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8) who did he die for?

If Adam had not sinned then Jesus would have been slain for nothing.

God didn't have to come up with a plan after Adam's sin, He had it planned all along.

Survey7/3/08 11:58 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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No one denies that Jesus received his humanity from Mary, what we claim is that he received his earthly body from Mary, but you want us to believe that he had the propensity to sin like the rest of us. That is what we deny JD. He was both fully man and fully God in hypostatic union. You insinuate and intomate that our sins were infused into his nature making him a sinner just like us. We claim that our sins were imputed on him. (Big difference here) He was 100% holy, righteous and just by nature, yet he took our guilt upon himself and paid the sin debt we rightly deserved.

Survey7/2/08 8:58 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Two question for JD,

Was Christ suceptible (sic) to contracting human diseases of the flesh like colds, sore throats, flu, leprosy etc. like you and me?

If as you say that Christ received his hunan nature from Mary, do you claim that she was perfectly sinless?

Survey7/1/08 12:33 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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However JD, Adam was not God, Jesus was and still is.

Do you reject that it is only in Christ that we can have victory over sin and that in and of yourself you have the power to overcome sin without the need for divine intervention.

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