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News Item10/13/2020 1:44 PM
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Christian wrote:
Anyone that defends Facebook has there head in the sand or denies the agenda they push. It’s a matter of study and research. Facebook is a simple tool created by the evil people to guide goats in the church from ever being sheep!
Study and research? The same unbiased and objective study and research that leads you to conclude that goats can become sheep were it not for the evil Facebook? That tares can become wheat? That vessels of wrath can become vessels of honor? Do you also believe that guns kill people?

I hope you'll pardon me that I don't trust or believe your study and research. But I do thank you for an interesting perspective.

News Item10/12/2020 10:40 PM
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MS wrote:
Brother Lurker, your comment concerning civil discussions reminded me of something my husband has remarked to me over the years. He said he has met friendlier and more civil men at the golf course than a lot of men at church buildings who profess to know Christ...🤔
Thank you sister MS. Your husband is a wise man and if you think of it, let him know I agree.
Ladybug wrote:
Sister MS and others here on SA, my apologies for offending any of you in any way. I pray the Lord grant me strength to stay away from this forum, it never ends well....have a blessed night.
No offense here, sister Ladybug.

News Item10/12/2020 9:34 PM
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Christian wrote:
I find it awfully strange that there aren’t very little comments on this article. The fact is most “Christians” have Facebook and cannot comment. I wish true Christians that are following the Lord will delete social accounts and truly live the way they are supposed to live. How much more do we need to hear about Google Facebook and Twitter before we are saying enough is enough? Don’t bother putting your stupid comments about having to stay connected with family and friends. It’s a lie. I had no trouble communicating with friends and family before Facebook was invented. Trap the secular world and stay connected on SermonAudio.
Ha! I can't pass this one up.

I've had a Facebook account for about a year now. My home page has nothing but family pictures. But what intrigues me is people who clearly have never taken part of Facebook are experts about the perceived evils that permeate Facebook. How could you possibly know and then speak with such authority?

Facebook is simple a tool and with any tool; it can be used for good or bad. I'll just say that I've had more civil discussions with likeminded family and friends on Facebook than many of the discussions that go on here on a Christian comment board. So you figure it out.

News Item10/11/2020 9:10 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Exodus 21:22 shows that abortion is not considered murder.
I sure hope by now someone else has called you out on this. Exodus 21:22 doesn't talk about abortion.

Edit: I see Frank has. Excellent article but Jim will ignore it as usual as it doesn't fit his agenda.

News Item10/9/2020 1:23 AM
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Watcher wrote:
Not even going to start Lurker. Sorry.
Start? You must think I'm looking for an argument. Nope. Just offering a little constructive criticism. What you do with it is up to you.

News Item10/8/2020 11:39 PM
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Watcher wrote:
Even with his casinos and lap girls? Shouldn't a Christian turn from his evil ways and come about? It seems to me that Trump is playing both sides of the fence to garner as many votes as he can. He's a manipulator and has manipulated man and church. Donald Trump is not a Christian, he's a con-man of the highest order.
Who said Trump was a Christian?

As you well know, there are many who call themselves Christian but it's mostly to distinguish themselves from Muslims, Jews, Hindus, atheists, etc. But we all know the extreme majority are tares amongst a tiny remnant of wheat.

So why is it that you chose to jump on John Chamberlain's case and argue that Trump is no Christian when he could just as well meant Trump was the minister of God according to Romans 13? Have you ever considered asking for clarification first before jumping to conclusions?

News Item10/7/2020 12:52 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
So, Hillary is correct.
"JD Greear endorses black lives matter as gospel issue, denounces organization"
I believe JD is the President of the southern Baptist convention.
So it's wrong for real Christians to "try to force the kingdom on others" but you approve of Barber's heretical social justice gospel which is Marxism doctored up with Christian lipstick?

How sad you can't see how far you've fallen.

News Item9/16/2020 11:19 PM
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Colin wrote:
MS you are correct YOU specifically did not refer to Spurgeon as a heretic. For that I sincerely apologize. You do however tag team with ladybug regularly on your mutual dislike for John from UK. I also missed the part in the passage I linked to â€in a Church building’. We are all the Church. Neither of you are â€discussing opinions’. You are railing. Creating derision feeding your pride. It troubles my Spirit and humbly ask you repent and stop. I will obey the Word and not be quarrelsome. Have the last word. Christ be with you both. God bless.
Respectfully, if you have a problem with the sisters commenting here then you should take it up with the staff of SermonAudio as they make the rules. But I already know the answer so perhaps you need to find a male only comment board.

News Item9/12/2020 12:24 AM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Better pack your bags and move to a blue state, Jim. The end is nigh for Nebraskans.

News Item9/4/2020 9:53 AM
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Colin wrote:
Fair question. Why didn’t he do that his first four years? Why does he use terms like â€extreme’ abortions for late term infanticide? They are all extreme and wicked. Why did his first stimulus package grant planned parenthood 80 million dollars? Why did it give the Roman Catholics 1.6 to 3.5 billion dollars to bail them out of their sex scandals? Why do my Christian brothers and sisters turn a blind eye to his bold and proud stance in support of sodomites? I pray that Christians in this Country would wake up to this false paradigm. Trump calls Biden a socialist and then proceeds to pass not one but two socialist stimulus packages. Both of these men are puppets and the media is playing most of the population. We have one King. The Lord Jesus Christ. He rules and reigns. We are not of this world and our eyes should be fixed on our country. The city built without hands whose maker and builder is God.
Sounds like you are another non-voter. Of course that's your right, recognized and honored by the constitution of the nation you live in which you claim to not be part of. But if you didn't vote for a POTUS last general election, then you have no right to complain about what Trump did or didn't do. That is, unless you are a hypocrite.

News Item9/1/2020 5:21 PM
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Adriel wrote:
""It attacks the idea of property, because to get the property to buy things, they have to work for a boss, in order to buy things. She considers this “unjust""

""Vicky Osterweil, argues that looting is morally justified, because “without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free.”"

The problem is people like this actually believe this is the right attitude and everyone else is messed up. How they got that way is anyone's guess but there is no reasoning with unreasonable people, or are completely bereft of the ability to reason, who are blind but claim they see and everyone else is blind.

2020 has proved to be the year from hell. What's next?

News Item8/23/2020 1:20 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
My thoughts, thanks for indulging me.

Thank you, brother, for taking the time to say what needed to be said. Sadly, there will be those who fancy themselves the smartest person in the room who will argue against a reasoned and biblical position of the matter. But, there will always be those. We've seen them come and go many times over the years.

News Item8/21/2020 10:11 PM
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MS wrote:
Brother Lurker, thought you might appreciate this wee bit of humor, considering some on this thread you are engaging with.
“One man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh”.🤓
Seems a good fit.

God bless you, sister.

News Item8/21/2020 8:04 PM
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hey_yo wrote:
I don't hate Trump.
(And we all know Biden and Bernie are going to Hell anyway.)
I only desire God's wrath on Trump for being an unrepentant blasphemer, in front of the whole world, much like Antichrist will do.
I'm not buying your load of fertilizer. Every comment you post reeks of Trump hate.

God said: Vengeance is mine, I will repay. But you'd steal that right from God if you could and rain fire on Trump.

No one on this forum believes Trump is a blood bought Christian but I suspect most pray for his salvation. But not you. Nope. That translates to hate. You want to see him burn in hell forever and the sooner the better. You said as much above.

Your heart definitely is not right with God so you may want to take a que from Kind David when he prayed to God to create a new heart in him.

Oh, you didn't deny you were going to vote for Biden/Harris. How shall we interpret that?

News Item8/21/2020 1:39 PM
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hey_yo wrote:
'But don't you dare launch bible verses at me...'

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

I admit to being a slow learner but I'm catching on.

You're not opposed to voting, like Remo. You're just opposed to voting for Trump.

And being from the North East you're likely a disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporter who intends to vote for the radically liberal dream team of Biden/Harris.

How am I doing so far?

Hey Jim, you've got company. Say hi to another Trump hater... Hey_yo.

News Item8/21/2020 2:54 AM
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hey_yo wrote:
You're right.
I'm behind all those 'Christians' that support Trump.
It was a losing argument to begin with.
And I am glad to be left behind.
Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
The replies to my comments here, as well as from other 'Christians' online regarding the truth about Trump, has helped me to better understand these verses: 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Let's get something straight.

I could not care less that you dislike Trump. That's your right and I respect it. But don't you dare launch bible verses at me and say... There, it says your a sinner if you vote for Trump. Or you're under strong delusions if you support Trump.

I love God and therefore I love His written word and I will not stand by and say nothing when I see someone, you, Remo or anyone else, twist it or add to it to make it say what it doesn't say to justify your pet grievances.

As for 2 Thes 2:11-12... Fool your self if you must but the text speaks of the setting up of the abomination of desolation and the beginning of the great tribulation, not an election.

News Item8/21/2020 1:10 AM
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Watchmanrem wrote:
GOD say pray for our leader dont vote for them.
I know what the bible says about praying for those in authority but where does it say anything about not voting for them?

It doesn't so you are just adding something to the bible that doesn't exist to suit your bias. Be careful presuming to speak for God when He hasn't spoken. It didn't bode well for the false prophets of old.

Not only that, you have no dog in this hunt, being from down under, so you'd do well to dial back the vitriol and hold your peace.

News Item8/20/2020 10:37 PM
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hey_yo wrote:
James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
You know Trump is a blasphemer.
You also know the end does not justify the means.
Therefore James 4:17 applies to you.
So...... you've taken it upon yourself to decide that voting for Trump is sin. Okay..... let's see here.

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Remember the law given at Sinai? No mention of 'thou shalt not vote' that I'm aware of.

I'd advise you to cut your losses while you're behind.

News Item8/20/2020 1:01 PM
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hey_yo wrote:
So when you are moving your 'right hand' to vote for what is 'in the forehead'; perhaps you are only doing what your sin has programmed you to do.
If that is an accusation against you, my supposed fellow Christians, then so be it.

So has voting for elected positions in government always been a sin or just recently? And if just recently, when did it first become a sin? And what is your verdict on voting for county sheriff? Or dog catcher?

Seems confusing to me.

And since you are linking the act of voting to the mark of the beast, are you saying that everyone who has ever voted has already taken the mark and are headed to the lake of fire along with the beast and false prophet? How can this be since the beast and false prophet have not yet made themselves manifest to impose the mark? Can there actually be a mark before there is a mark?

Now I'm really confused.

Or could it be that you have no idea what you're talking about? Just trying to get the bible to uphold your anti-political ideology of camping out in a cave pretending nothing is going on outside?

News Item8/19/2020 12:59 PM
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Watcher wrote:
"How long will the fable of Romans 13 be perpetuated?"
Fable? How sad. Rebellion has drawn many away from the inerrancy of Scripture.
Whatever you do, DO NOT connect the dots. You might actually learn that the "minister of God" is NOT civil government and "that day" was the day of the Lord's vengeance. Love and cling to the fable for you have far too much invested in it to give it up. I'm sure that's what God would want you to do.
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