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News Item2/8/08 6:45 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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No. Extreme hatred of Ineligent design
by powerful people is what cost this man
his job.

News Item2/8/08 1:13 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Ecclesiastes 7:1-4 as a balance against
being "too happy".

News Item2/8/08 12:56 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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R. K. Borill wrote:
To use the term "Born Again Christian" is redundunt. I mean can there be any that are Christian and not "born again"? The term implies that there can be.
Bill Bright's concept of the so-called
"carnal Christian" comes to mind, but
I'm not sure if this idea exited when
Wallace made his first statements to
this end.

News Item2/7/08 5:34 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
If you listen to classical ("powdered wig music") on the radio, you get NPR.
I can't stomach the "Christian rock" music station.

Our local classical and PBS stations are separate, but the latter is right
next to (on the radio dial) to a local Christian station (which also plays
"Christian rock)...which is how I found the PBS station in the first place.

Neil wrote:
I understand that in the Soviet Union, people learned to figure out from
what *wasn't* said on state radio, what was really going on.
SIGH! The rate things are going here in the US, you and I will probably
aquire this skill, too. Sorry to be so pessimistic. "Hope thou in God",
David often said (Psalm 42:5,11, Psalm 37:1,7,8)

News Item2/7/08 5:09 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Maybe this: "And there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls." (Sura 52.24)
Thanks Lance.

I have difficulty making time to read
the BIBLE, much less some other religeon's
authority. I'm just not that much of a

News Item2/7/08 4:54 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
BTW, NPR this morning interviewed some Clinton & Obama supporters, & I could not believe how childish & superficial their rationales were, even the college prof's. One might think a satirist made it all up. That's pretty scary; voters worry me more than the candidates.
Glad to hear you listen to NPR. I do
too, from time to time just to take a
break from Limbaugh and some of the
other conservatives, and to see what
"the other side" is up to.

Most of the liberals I know think they're
much smarter than they are (and YOU are),
but you can tell that they don't think
through the issues, choosing instead to
go for the fine-sounding talking point
or soundbyte from one or more of the
mainstream media outlets rather than
trying to see the long-term wider aspects
of their positions.

News Item2/7/08 12:14 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"The wrath of God is the only way I can describe it,"
Gov. Phil Bredesen of Tennessee said after surveying
the damage by helicopter.

Yep. We live in a fallen world.
(Gen 3:17, Psalm 90:9, Rom 8:22)

News Item2/7/08 11:47 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Advances in Technology have "spoiled" us to the extent that we
haven't had to use military coersion (torture, etc.) as much,
resulting in such practices becoming something of a lost art
these days, I think.

Similar advances in media technology have greatly decreased
the ability to be discrete when using such methods, which are
now very much frowned-upon by our current human-rights-obsessed

Even before we had spy satellites, successful code-breaking in
WWII and the Cold War greatly reduced the need for dangerous
prisoner-snatching missions of ranking enemy officials to get
the same info. The extremely irregular nature of the current
conflict has forced us back to more primitive methods to supliment
the effectiveness of current hi-tech info-gathering, I think.

No. I don't like torture, but I don't like watching our
buildings and their occupants get blown-up either.

News Item2/6/08 12:11 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Wow! I was living in Dayton, Ohio back in the early 70's
when a huge tornado plowed through the town of Xenia, just
east of us, that killed about 30 people, which was a lot for
one tornado. Pin-ball-sized hailstones pelted the houses in
our neighborhood but that's about the worst we got from it

My heart goes out to these victims and expecially to those
who lost friends and loved-ones.

News Item2/6/08 12:01 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Minnow wrote:
Hey man, looks like nuthin is changed since the sixty's. Cool man.
I agree. This is hardly a new problem.

60's rockers sang about psychadelics.
70's rockers sang about pot.
80's rockers sang about cocain.
90's rockers sang about rave-drugs.

Songs may be more common and blatant
now but it's just the continuation of
an old trend.

Only real change I notice is having
to show my ID now when I need to by
cold/flu medicine!

News Item2/6/08 11:51 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Somebody once told me that it was DEMOCRATIC party candidate
George Wallace who was first--or one of the first--to use the
phrase "born-again Christian" in politics, way back in the 60's
to describe himself and others.

I have no idea if he really was a born-again Christian or not,
but it seems that this more or less loosely applied definition
is still being used in that party to describe many of their
members (Jimmy Carter, etc.).

News Item2/3/08 1:00 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Cliff Leckey wrote:
My father just had to give us a look
and that ensured silence & if not a few strokes with his belt.
Didn`t do me any harm and learned us to respect other people although the halfwits today would say it was "child Abuse"
Upon reflection " halfwits" doesn`t do them justice.
My dad was pretty much the same way, only he spoke in a way
that had roughly the same effect on us as Cliff Leckey's
father's "look". Both of which being backed-up with the
threat of certain punishment, of which my dad's had two stages:

1. Standard spanking for minor infractions.
2. Using his belt for more serious misdeeds.

In contrast my brother and sister seldom if ever spank their
kids (or if they do, they're VERY discrete about it), preferring
instead to use "time-outs" and/or threats of having privilges
deprived them.

Very different world now.

News Item2/3/08 12:35 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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In today's modern, "tolerant", progressive society
it's not only laudible to resist that which is perceived
to be bigotry, racism, etc.; but to punish it as well...
and there are plenty of poweful groups able and willing
to do so (ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc.)

This dear lady is being punished by people who think
she's being bad when she's actually being good.

It's a no-win situation for her unless the "punishers"
back-off, or are in some way convinced to do so.

News Item2/3/08 12:09 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
A year or so ago, my son & I got to fly in a Collins Foundation B-25 at Tucson Int'l. Major impression: very noisy when revved up. Cost: $325/person!
That Sounds great, and the price sounds similar to that
charged by a similar group who brought a B-24 and B-17
to the Bay Area not so long ago. I didn't ride, but had
fun watching the old birds fly overhead.

My Dad actually got to fly in a B-25 for free, but that
was very early in his Air Force carreer (early 1950's)
when he and some other airmen needed an urgent flight
from one AFB to another and no other planes were available.

Being a warplane buff myself, I was envious of him but he
said that plane was a very noisy, drafty, lumbering thing
compared to the much newer Douglas transports of that day.

News Item2/1/08 7:26 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Dr. Phil wrote:
They briefly get their virginity back. . . very briefly in "their heavenly brothel".
So that's where at least some of those
sets of 72 virgins come from.

Good one, Dr. Phil!

News Item2/1/08 7:20 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Dr. Phil wrote:
Hey John,
In 1985, I went to the Natural History Museum in Denver, Colorado thinking that I was going to see "real" dinosaur bones. But, what I saw mostly was plastic and ceramic replicas of what the "guides told us "would be what the dinosaurs would look like if they had all of the bones", or "the real bones are not placed on public display for security reasons".
I hear you, Dr. Phil. Thanks.

I spent many childhood hours playing
with toy Brontosauruses thinking they
actually existed only to to be told
later in my life that they did not.

Makes me wonder about some of the other
"dinosaurs" that have been found and
published these days.

News Item2/1/08 11:41 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Sir Straightforward wrote:
Died believing in 72 virgins / woke up believing in hordes of demons!
What do the women suicide bombers think
they will get? 72 stud-muffins?

Then again, the 2 women who blew themselves
up in Iraq recently were mentally retarded,
so who knows what they may have been told.

News Item2/1/08 11:27 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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From 1962 to 1977 I lived in Dayton, OH
which is only 70 miles north of this museum.

It would've been nice to have had such
a substantial alternative to our local
natural history museum back then.

Neil, if you ever find a way to visit
that museum, try to reserve additional
time to check out the Air Force Museum
in Dayton Ohio. I know you'd like it.

News Item2/1/08 11:12 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Sir Straightforward wrote:
Finally he knows that Joseph Smith was a false prophet.
If he doesn't know by now, he certainly
will when he gets judged (Hebrews 9:27).

News Item1/31/08 12:33 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Allan wrote:
2 score years and 10 we are told in psalms.
Psalm 90 says "3" score and 10. 4 score
if we have the strength. Maybe you meant
to type 3 instead of 2 (typo?).
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