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News Item6/1/10 5:02 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
And I thought Microsoft is the monopolistic villain in Europe, to be avoided at all costs.
But Neil, by definition you can not avoid a monopolist.
Villainy is irrelevant

News Item6/1/10 2:15 PM
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Mike wrote:
Arguing over the "real" differences and definitions of Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, etc. is like trying to decide which pig manure smells less: that from the Razorback, Chester White, Essex, or the Vietnamese Pot-Belly. Relative stink is still stink.
Hi Mike - Agree with that!
Illustrates the value of defining one's terms and of folks then using them consistently and without partiality in that same context.

Regarding the actual news article rather than the local rhetoric ...
it is rather obvious that if a recession is caused by a credit bubble - for the private sector can demonstrably 'print more money' even more voraciously than government! - then the necessary correction to that reckless and excessive behaviour would be a contraction of available credit and supply of money in the economy.

A contraction of the money supply is therefore actually what most folks commenting on sermonaudio forums are demanding whether they realise it or not.

A Keynesian would be more concerned about the loss of the multiplier effect on both public sector and private sector spending, and would be concerned about the "paradox of thrift".

News Item5/31/10 8:30 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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peasant wrote:
Oh alright here is an easier one
By the definitions of Sillar and/or Lacock and/or peasant is Barack Obama a socialist?

Why is no issue taken with the statement "Mr Obama and his socialist fixit is making quite an impression on your economy" and yet issue is taken with the factually accurate correction that the quoted "socialist fixit" was actually GW Bush's?

You and/or yous need to use the same measure and definition consistently.

Neither Bush nor Obama are clause IV socialists.
"To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service."

BOTH Bush and Obama demonstrated belief in the state control (without ownership) of private property. The technical term for that philosophy is fascism.

News Item5/30/10 5:52 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Thank you for your definition. On those philosophical defintions alone I would agree with you.

Please feel free to police the board against all other variant uses of the word socialist - including any that you may use.

I think it was Neil who quoted recently "“If you wish to converse with me, define your terms” from Voltaire.

From many years of observing these forums it is clear that an effective working definition (among the Americans on sermonaudio) of socialism is when government ever does ANYTHING ADDITIONAL to punishing the evildoer or defending the borders or invading foreign countries.

By that definition spending $700 billion dollars on a government expenditure program most definitely is socialist.

Margaret Thatcher rolled back the frontiers of the state and said "No-one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions; he had money as well."

George Bush rolled ever onwards the frontiers of the state. One could equally observe the key difference between George W Bush and Lenin was that Bush spent money as well. Imagine what Lenin would have done with $700 billion...

News Item5/30/10 1:51 AM
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The9thPilgrim wrote:
While preaching in a prison in Kazakhstan in 1992 a russian prisioner told me "There were 3 Americans in the last prison he was in" I quickly had him to write down the name and location of the prison before any guards saw us.
When I returned to the states I turned the information over to the authorities, but as far as I know, nothing was done about it. The powers that be never contacted me, eventhough I had contacts in the country and made 10 follow up trips to the area.
Rambo needs to look in Russia and Kazakhstan, not just Vietnam.
How did you make the giant leap from Americans being in prison to the assumption that they were in need of Rambo's rescue as POW's?

Why would you expect or require the American 'authorities' to get back in touch with you about it? Could they trust you not to post about it on the internet for example?

Why would their failure to get back in touch with you imply that "nothing was done about it"? Or do you have specific information that they did not and would not follow up?

If the Kazakhs were illegally detaining US POW's in their jails why would they let American preachers from Arkansas into their prisons to preach?

What do they hope to gain from holding POW's? Evidently in vain so far

News Item5/30/10 12:06 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Lacock wrote:
Bush might be a lot of political things - but socialist??? Nuh!!
For Lacock, and all others who have an equally short and/or selective memory of Bush's most momentous decision, FYI:

"WASHINGTON — After the House reversed course and gave final approval to the $700 billion economic bailout package, President Bush quickly signed it into law on Friday, authorizing the Treasury to undertake what could become the most expensive government intervention in history.

But even as Mr. Bush declared that the measure would “help prevent the crisis on Wall Street from becoming a crisis in communities across our country,” Congressional Democrats said that it was only a first step and pledged to carry out a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s financial regulatory system. "

Follow the links through ...

News Item5/29/10 3:15 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Sillar wrote:
Mr Obama and his socialist fixit is making quite an impression on your economy.
To be fair,it was George Bush's socialist fixit. Obama just carried on with same policy.

News Item5/28/10 2:03 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
"The Christian Party" advertisement does infer God in the standard of expectation of moral code...

Many of the persons who complained about the advertisement, may have already been aware of "The Christian Party" policies. Two unpopular policies with voters are: "The Christian Party would end the “promotion” of homosexuality, ban abortion outright."

Given the Christian Party only secured 18,623 votes despite contesting about 70/650 constituencies it infers that their policies were also rejected at the ballot box by the vast majority of bible believing Christians in those 70 or so constituencies.

News Item5/9/10 12:27 AM
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wee man wrote:
But Scotland never having experienced a specific governing body of any ilk, cannot perceive the benefits obtained thereof. We here in Scotland are therefore destined to wander aimlessly from Westminster to Brussels without the hindsight of how to live under a reigning anybody.
Well it looks as though England will soon be free from the egg yolk of Scottish tyranny.

Was "wee man" a reference to the 1 solitary Conservative MP in Scotland out of 59 seats?

Oh well, there's always the possibility of proportional representation to cheer you up. You can comfort yourself with another 9 wee men or wee lassies next time around.

News Item5/8/10 4:50 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Thank you for outlining a case for a supreme democratic Parliament.

I hope you in the US will soon be rid of the evils of a "supreme court" and rid of an "executive" that does not need the necessary support of the legislature.

News Item5/8/10 3:40 AM
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Scott McMahan wrote:
This defined-contribution retirement stuff is one of those social contract things where one side isn't keeping its end of the bargain.
Defined-contribution programs are sold with warnings that the value of investments can go down as well as up. The compound interest illustrations are just that .... illustrations.

Defined-benefit programs are potentially far more disturbing for broken social contracts. e.g.
1. Funds are often dependent on the continued existence of the companies holding the investments. Many retire penniless after companies get acquired, transform and then are liquidated.
2. Exceptional investment gains, as happened in the 80's or 90's, are seized by companies. The investment gains rightly belong to those they are invested on behalf of. Actuarial surpluses should be invested for a rainy day.
3. Poor investment performance leads to companies having massive potential liabilities paid for by current employees to support those who have long since left. This is poor economics and can lead to the collapse of companies carrying the added burden, making them uncompetitive.
4. Companies that seized excess profits, still turn round in lean times and cut benefits. This is fraudulent.

News Item5/6/10 2:35 PM
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Shrinking Remnant wrote:
The fact is that Labour like the Liberals are anti-Christian and pro-sodomite bureaucrats, who wouldn't know how to run a bus que, far less a nation.
FYI - party political campaigning stops on election day Mr Tory.

Simple fact is that the Conservatives are also pro-sodomite.
Labour calls for equality for sodomites,
Your Tory party calls for freedom to sodomise.

News Item5/6/10 2:19 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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*"I think it's wrong, it's evil," Nate Phelps told "Nightline."*

Yep, he sounds just like a Phelps.

News Item4/23/10 7:45 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
Regardless of the desire for justice,
The God-given desire for biblical justice is sufficient reason.

Mike wrote:
Regardless of the desire for justice, in what way could the suit have results that matter? Does anyone expect the Pope to show up in a Wisconsin court? Pay a fine? Do not pass go, go directly to jail? It might make someone feel better, but it's a waste of time.
It seems at least one on your side of the pond functionally believes in the divine right of a Popish Person at home and abroad.

News Item4/23/10 4:02 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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From the article dated yesterday:-
"The Vatican was studying the lawsuit and had no immediate comment. "

Today the BBC report:-
The Vatican says a lawsuit brought against Pope Benedict and two Church officials by a US man who says he was abused by a priest is "without merit".

Well that's for the court's to decide not the Pope. And of course the Pope won't let the court's examine this as the Vatican are also playing the "don't touch the anointed" card:-

Today the BBC report:-
The statement added that the Pope, as head of a sovereign state, has diplomatic immunity from prosecution in other countries.

Not to worry, the Vatican knowing the hearts and minds of all men also have yet another angle of mud-throwing at the victim:-

Today the BBC report:-
"the lawsuit was "an attempt to use tragic events as a platform for a broader attack" on the Church. "

God's wrath burns against popery wherever its familiar modus operandi is to be found:-
1. "Without merit" claims regardless of the evident documented facts.
2. The "You can't challenge your spiritual leaders, we're anointed" lie.
3. The "Well, you're just evil" response.

News Item4/22/10 8:24 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Am I missing something? Why on earth should a group of Christians need *anyone's* permission to meet?
Quite right that Christians don't need anyone's permission to meet.

However they probably do need permission to have a noticeboard up announcing the existence of the group and their meetings.
But since we are in the days of online social networking I'm sure they can find ways of seeking each other out.

They might also need permission to meet on School property (even if in a hall of residence room one of them is paying rent for). Again not insurmountable I would think.

News Item4/22/10 8:02 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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What I find ironic is that when the airlines got together and all just happened to run test flights on the same day it only took a matter of hours for Europe's policy of zero tolerance of ash to be revised - a policy making process that usually takes years took hours.

Now the Airlines are demanding government compensation for the last few days of the zero tolerance policy that they happily flew with for decades.

So, if the policy was so clearly flawed for so many years why did these evidently very powerful airlines not invest a relatively small amount of money in testing this out years ago? Why did they not get the zero tolerance policy abolished years ago and replaced with a 'safe' tolerance level?

The simple fact is the Airlines have no one to blame but themselves for their own shortsightedness, their own failure to perform contingency planning and risk assessment, and their own failure to purchase insurance for such an eventuality.

Let the Airlines eat their losses.

News Item4/22/10 7:39 PM
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Mike wrote:
Remember there are some across the pond who still believe in the divine right of kings,
Not in any significant number since 1688. Thanks be to God.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
The Republicans need some different people to run for President.
It will be interesting to see if Condoleeza Rice can be tempted back out of academia. It would be novel to see a smart republican actually run rather than just act as puppet master.

News Item4/17/10 6:31 PM
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Max wrote:
... or they join the new exodus out of all Marxist nations to emigrate unto the last refuges of life from conception protecting and freedom of conscience respecting countries still found in certain countries of the 3rd world.
Can you be more specific please, which "certain countries"?

News Item4/12/10 10:54 PM
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1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.
2 While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.
3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
5 Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:
6 Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:
7 Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The LORD looseth the prisoners:
8 The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous:
9 The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.
10 The LORD shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD.

But perhaps there are some who want to return to Popery, princes and compulsion in religion? or perhaps the ways of Islam?

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