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News Item4/11/18 6:01 PM
Gay allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay allen
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Thank You and God Bless You for all your prayers and well wishes, right now we are waiting for underwriters to clear the final loan documents as we have signed the paperwork you get three days before closing. in 24 hours I will be able to let you all know if we sign closing, we are praying and trying to just hang on
I remember all the ways I have described my hardships and i seriously cant tell you of any right now as stress filled as trying to purchase a house, I'm physically ill with the gastric issues I had before over this, I could stand up to a raging bull with strong faith but can I faith that God will actually prosper me? this is what I'm praying for, more faith, a healing for my body, a final yes and to sign closing
ill be back to let you know in 24 hours if we are successful

Sermon3/30/18 8:39 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Nebuchadnezzar Loses His Mind
Voddie Baucham
“ Great Sermon! ”
I would watch the heck out of a Voddie Baucham and Terry Crews TV Special

News Item3/23/18 12:57 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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please join my family and myself in prayerful rejoicing as we are brought out of the desert of being renters, having moved 15 times, feeling like we were to wander the desert until we perish, instead are being brought to our own promised land~! rejoicing but also praying that everything goes smoothly, it's not over yet so please pray for our good outcome
God Bless and thank you for all the prayers, good advice and thoughtful rebuttals over the months we reasoned and wrestled

News Item6/11/17 8:26 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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who is hacking my computer and bricking it?
John you said "excellent: raise their ire" i asked who "they " are

a little while later my computer shuts down on me and now it wont take mouse or keyboard input, i cant fix it this time like i did the last 5 times so my kids who build computers will fix it, im on a borrowed comp.
according to my kids who have been all through hacking and have hacked, my IP address was given to a hacker through here

the scare tactics death threats and computer downing wont work

my kids walked in with my fixed comp. now you get to dash it to pieces again .....

Sermon6/11/17 6:42 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
i met a guy at age 17 he was 21, i was a run away, i wound up being his foster sister (his parents volunteered to foster me) we had 3 children and never got married, i left him and married another guy, we divorced 10 years later even though we only lived together for 3 months , i went back to the father of my children and married him and then got saved, whose wife am i? i have asked pastors for this answer and no one replies, this is not a put on, this is reality for many, what does God's Word say?

News Item6/10/17 6:21 PM
Gay Allen | Wosconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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John, i'm still trying to figure out just who "they" are, or if that was just sarcasm.

you see "they" have been locking me out of my computer password at microsoft and refusing any retrieval attempts, i have had to reboot to factory settings about 5 times this year alone and it's only June. i have lost all my files so many times i don't even save, and that is why when i try to explain something with youtube links im desperately searching for something like what i owned to share to no avail.
you would think "they" knew i have dementia and are making it near impossible to log on to my computer let alone share what i have learned
i am freaked out about "them" but also know God is the decider, not "them" and fear of "them" is a snare
i hope "they" feel "they" have clothes-lined me so much online that i look the fool and only other saved people could possible understand
please tell "them" i even hope "they" get saved and if they needed a leprosy cure that only i had, i would gladly share it with them, after all im a Christian and i love them

News Item6/10/17 1:23 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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its a terrible idea to surround yourself with yes men, John the baptist raised ire, it cost him his head, this is a good thing~!

News Item6/10/17 3:19 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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John UK wrote:
Excellent. Keep raising the ire.
i will reiterate that i don't think i have all the answers, i am a trump voter because hillary was the alternative, it felt like cutting off a leg to save the body, and then discovering that the infection swept the body and now you're legless and still in a predicament, what will we do as we become cornered? the NWO is not stopping, men will get worse and worse, they will overcome us eventually, we will be martyred if we live that long ...
i think we should recognize the time were in, we need to more than Faith, we should mentally prepare for the betrayal of human compassion, it will be removed from Christians completely, if it isn't already

News Item6/10/17 2:58 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Prostitutes .... prostitutes accept a payout for "allowing filthy discourse" Trump is making you prostitute your morals for his trade deals get it?
he is turning Christians out just like a runaway found at a bus station ....
and it stands to reason, he is a strip club owner, they work prostitution, he knows his business, pimp daddy trump

Remember he is a 4 year hireling, not a god emperor as they call him on reddit and say all will bend a knee to him, its called an election, we have them every 4 years ...

these things bother me to no end depriving me of sleep, that and my uncontrollable physical pain, God Bless

News Item6/10/17 2:48 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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That is one ugly mug ... you want 20 bucks usd? crazy ... just like those ugly twisted carvings, peddling God, making merchandise ...

what do you do with all the dues people pay and then the sales, are the employees aware of this?

News Item6/10/17 2:44 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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again im outraged that you all are engaging in debate about chimps rights instead of feeding the homeless today ....

navel gazers, just like meditating "holy men" in barbaric pagan religions,
good for nothing but to be cast out and tread under foot ....
this salt has lost it's savor ...

News Item6/10/17 2:34 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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well to heck with someones uncontrollable pain, we need to control people, wait till you wind up in Hell yourselves for being compassionless control freaks, first lock up the pain meds, everyone's getting high on them, then lets lock up medical care, everyone's freeloading on it
then you hear of people like me who get beaten at the dentists or doctors, and our last avenue is to lie in the street and let the dogs lick our wounds and you outlawed homelessness and took all the dogs to the pound ...

News Item6/10/17 2:26 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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THIS IS GREAT NEWS~!!! for ecumenism

News Item6/10/17 2:22 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Yet Trump had no problem recognizing Milo Yiannopoulos who is a gay man who said it probably isn't a bad thing raping teenage boys as he was raped and that's how he was turned gay ....
Yet he has no problem recognizing Paula (throw The Bible on The Floor) white and her group of like minded devils ....
Yet he has Pedophiles as associates and so does his associates, Mike Pence'd friend pedophile, a pedophile campaign manager ....
Yet he is seen posing giving the devil horns hand sign and owned casinos strip clubs, in strip clubs they have prostitution, every single one ....
so Trump is a devil, God can control devils, think the king of Babylon was a good man?

News Item6/9/17 7:30 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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John UK wrote:
I won't comment on this article.
America will come for all you in the Isles. we will not forget, when the poo hits the fan, America will be there.

i'm thinking this will happen during world war III

some guy said "After last night Britain is done. Forget about us."

America will not forget you.

News Item6/7/17 10:24 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Catherine died outside homeless shortly after this interview. Her death could have been avoided.

if SermonAudio could earn money they could have a homeless outreach too ... hmmm

these invisible people

News Item6/7/17 10:19 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Apparently her Church she attends wont help her?

Angela is dying under this bridge. Please watch this short video. If it affects you, do something.

this woman claims Jesus and goes to a Church, why have they not helped her?

you guys? somebody please explain before i loose all hope in "denominational divisions"
in "Churchianity" i know there are real Christians sprinkled about all over and even some in these demon "churches" so there has to be a reason right?

News Item6/7/17 8:01 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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wish more expose's of what the poor actually go through in America, then the Dems would see why we voted for a devil worshiper like Trump. instead of a devil worshiper like Hillary.

yes slapped kicked and punched at the dentist or hospital and shown the door, threatened with the police ...

you cared not so Islam will make you and your children next, i beg of you repent before it is too late, wake up America

you have no idea what is really going on, you think wrongly about the poor and needy

News Item6/7/17 7:48 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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we need more watchdogs because this happens too much to the poor in America, this happened to me and my children, we were tortured by dentists, but you are too busy to care about what poor people went through, just damn us for being poor because God cursed us right? or he Blessed us and were awake to what America has been doing and you all live in bubbles ...

Pediatric dentist accused of torture, abuse, fraud

you let the poor become food for the wolves and did not protect them, you actually blamed them for being poor and believed God did it to punish us ...

to this day, im so freaked out to go to a dentist and couldn't if i wanted to, same with all my children~!

we get tortured other ways you don't realize because of self righteous individuals who rode a feather bed thinking that this made them better or more beloved to God, let me tell you, God left you sleep, and woke us up, were actually blessed and you are actually cursed with sleep and blindness and lack of lamp oil

the rest of us get "marathon man" dentistry
like i said when i first started here, YES CHRISTIANS ARE GETTING TORTURED IN AMERICA, and if you're not you had better ask why God not me? gift me

News Item6/7/17 7:29 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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the barbarians have invaded this website ... lol this one is trying to sell us some quackery ... cause you know western medicine is secondary to some voo doo mumbo jumbo witch doctor shamanism junk right? lol

its a sign a portent, that this site has and always will be for the birds
those hateful and unclean ones

God said if you fall away the barbarians will come invade, if you continue, the barbarians will overcome us and we become their slaves, just like Israel in times of old ....

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