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News Item1/1/09 9:48 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
Wake up......and what?
Is there no answer to this simple question?
And do whatever seems necessary. If you wake up and realize the building is on fire, you can decide for youself what to do about it.

Start out by just waking up. By the mere act of waking up you will behave in a sane and constructive manner. If you are living in delusion your actions will go with the flow of destruction. Once you wake up you will swim against the current, and your mere existence will be salt and light and an obstruction to the beast.

If you are not awake, then you will be a tool, a handy tool, for the beast.

So just wake up. The rest will take care of itself.

Jesus says he wants to vomit up people who won't choose either the dark or the light side. If you're really as confused as you seem, go study. You don't think people can teach you in these short posts, do you? I recommend you go study.

News Item1/1/09 9:36 AM
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John UK wrote:
From 2007
[Up to 300 Muslims and Christians attended a memorial service for Rami Ayyad .. Christians living there have pleaded for protection against the ISLAMIC militant extremists.
Was there a justification for Hamas..
Hey, John, do you know that we have been at WAR against the Muslims since 2001? Do you KNOW THAT! Do you know about the torture dungeons, the little kids raped with large objects dipped in battery acid? Did you ever hear of Shock and Awe, the millions of Muslims who took the rap for the false flag murders committed by the Mossad at 9/11 and 7/7? You really think all Muslims must love the Christians after what we have done in the name of Jesus!

Wake up. Drink some coffee. Slap yourself a few times on the face, shake your head and see if you can slosh your brains around a bit.

If you can't see how dangerous things are, how dire, how vicious the people are who are running all of us into the ditch, I don't know how I can help you.


Not EVERY Christian is a Judaizing Zionist Idolator of the NWO cowering under wilful delusion.

News Item1/1/09 7:33 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Imagine sending a yacht full of medicine to the poor people in Gaza and Israel comes out in internaetional waters and rams the boat three times.

The people in Gaza were already denied the necessities of life, and now Israel is using their high tech weapons supplied to them by the U.S. to bomb Gaza into the stone age. They don't want these poor people to have any medicine. They want them all DEAD.

They are USING us. When they get done using us to wage their war against humanity and erect their New World Order, they will turn their guns on us. They despise us, despise the soldiers who we send to kill and die for them and are laughing up their sleeve at the goyim pawns who serve them.

The people in Gaza are dear precious people that God loves, and we Christians need to speak up for them and do what we can to help them. Check out the scriptures posted below from Proverbs that warn us that if we do not rescue the innocent led to the slaughter that when our own day of trouble comes and we call out to God for help that he will not hear us.

News Item1/1/09 7:27 AM
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over come evil wrote:
Pro 24:11 If thou forbear to deliver [them that are] drawn unto death, and [those that are] ready to be slain;
Pro 24:12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider [it]? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth [not] he know [it]? and shall [not] he render to [every] man according to his works?
Many are in a trance, DON'T CARE, or if they do care they want WWIII to eliminate most of the planet, selfishly thinking somehow this will make their own lives better and safer.

Contrast this to Alex Jones who'd gladly give his life in a split second to save people from the horrors to come.

Jesus said he'd rather we be devil worshippers than to be lukewarm fence-sitters, that people like that make God VOMIT.

It's time to WAKE UP, climb out of the hypnotic trance and come to our senses.

Start w/ Alex Jones "Truth Rising," then Silvia Smallstorm's 9/11 Mysteries; then check out Alex Jones documentaries online re Bohemian Grove. After that, if you still don't care you never will.

Mind control is a very evil thing. We're all victims. Watch some You Tubes on stage hypnosis, discover the power of mind control, how easy it is to program people using scientific mind control techniques.

News Item12/31/08 9:12 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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just a thought wrote:
So then, what do we do with Genesis 17? Or Romans 11? Isaiah 44? Isaiah 48? Jeremiah 31? and so on and so forth? We cannot think God has rejected Israel, for then He would not be a God of covenant, a God that is true to His word and faithful. If you want to know what God says about Israel, shut off your computers, tv's, radios; find a quiet spot, pray and ask for Him to reveal in His word through His Spirit His truth. This requires time and patience, but anything less leads to deception. That is why this 'debate' continues to go round and round, truth can only be given by the Author of the Holy Bible, and can only be grasped by those who truly possess His Spirit dwelling within their hearts.
Why don't you go back and read some of the posts before they get pushed off into cyberspace? We have discussed at least some of these verses already by seeking out the Bible as our authority.

It's unfortunate that the postings get lost in cyberspace so new people can't refresh and that does make for going round and round.

News Item12/31/08 7:46 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
BinB, ah, there are more Zionists than that!
from, [URL=]]]What Will Become of Israel?[/URL]
Yes, read some excellent articles by Joseph Farrah, such as, [URL=]]]The Jews took no one's land[/URL].
Maybe it's time you looked for some one mentors? Zionists are racists, you know, and they are also the ones who have stolen all the money out of this country, the ones pushing to WWIII. You should cut loose, the quicker the better. If somebody is big and accepted, they probably sold their soul because the Zionists own it all, and you don't make it big without their backing.

Joseph Farah works for the Illuminati, sold his soul, bad guy, neocon, gatekeeper, real bad.

Look to the little guy, the alternative media, for your news and information.

Survey12/31/08 6:17 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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just a thought wrote:
they say whatever you do the last day of the year is what you will do the rest of the year---banned
isn't superstition of the devil banned? isn't being superstitious sinful? hmmmm, yet you claim to be a blood bought born again believer...or do you?
Yes, superstition is a sin, and what you say would qualify, so I regret having said that, even if in jest, and I would never want to lead anyone into anything occultic at all. Thank you for pointing this out.

Survey12/31/08 6:04 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Me wrote:
Vampire? Not a word in my vocabulary.
You must have me confused with someone else. I've actually defended you on occasion.
Sorry, yes, somebody named "Irritated" who was speaking about Israel in the same manner as you, who had visited there, said if I looked in a mirror I wouldn't have a reflection.

I shouldn't try to guess when people cross-moniker, because seems I'm always wrong.

Survey12/31/08 5:48 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Kindly don't read into my post things I am not saying.
Have you listened to Marc Monte's message Islam - America's enemy number one? If you had you would know it is simply NOT a message to stir up hatred against "your friends" the Muslims.
No, I can tell.

Michael Hranek wrote:
Now let me ask you again, "Are you a Roman Catholic?"
Don't end the New Year being a nag. They say whatever you do the last day of the year is what you will do the rest of the year. Make some resolutions instead -- like to do more studying and less speaking.

News Item12/31/08 5:37 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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kenny wrote:
My kids spent their days living life, out and about...learning how to function and thrive in the world. ... BY FAR the ones who attended gov't schools are the ones least capable of getting along in life.
Kenny, your postings on homeschooling are great. Another thing to consider, w/ the crashing of the U.S. economy, people aren't going to have $ to keep the money-pit govt schools open, as most of property taxes go to support.

I live in the country and seems like a third of the young men are into homosexuality, bisexuality, drunkenness, drugs, tattoos, seem not to have a lick of sense. For this kind of graduate, homeowners are taxed so high they deliberately forego painting their homes or maintaining their front stoops and lawns to keep the assessments down.

They say the new economy when the dollar crashes and Main Street shuts down will be local, neighborhoods trading and bartering. Neighborhoods ought to clamor for the closure of govt schools, or that the bldgs be turned over to locals to run as they choose, staffing w/ volunteers or small groups sharing the bldg.

If people get back to small farms, take back control of our lives, training up of our own children, the looming economic crash can be a blessing in disguise.

Survey12/31/08 3:34 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Me wrote:
Is this truly an open forum for discussion, or is it only for a select group? I really don't want to intrude where I don't belong.
It's obviously an open forum or there would not be such a sharp difference of opinion freely given. Your views are in the majority, so I'm sure you will be welcome here -- unlike me. We don't have to agree here, but it would be nice if you would use reason to make your points, not call me a vampire because you don't agree with my opinions.

Survey12/31/08 1:40 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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People are scared, cowed, not wanting to be 'disappeared' or fingered, knowing full well the horrors of being fingered as a "terrorist" or to oppose the corrupt govt. So they will turn their backs on their neighbors, ignore the plight of victims of the war machine of the beast, cuddle up to the tyrants and hope their neighbor doesn't finger THEM.

And all this before they are actually hauled into court, which the Bible says Christians will indeed be.

If such cannot act with dignity and courage while free men, what will they do when they are taken before the magistrates?

Sad, sad state we are in, people calling themselves Christian men, without courage, siding with the antichrist beast against a fellow Christian.

Jesus said not to fear what man can do to the body, but to fear God who can cast body and soul into Hell. So I'm sticking with God, and Homeland Security is welcome to come take me away anytime they choose because in the end Homeland Security is going to be thrown into the lake of fire where it belongs. I cast my lot with God's suffering people, no matter where they live.

Survey12/31/08 1:17 PM
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John UK wrote:
Sure they have lots of converts. Convert or else.
Or else what? They are making a ton of converts here in the U.S., not using any force at all.

John UK wrote:
They blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ.

They resist the Holy Ghost.

How so?
John UK wrote:
Violence is accepted as normal.
Barbaric brutes, are they? I lived next door to a Muslim family. Muslims seem not to argue, to live in harmony in their families.
John UK wrote:
Murder is condoned.
I think they have very little murder. But here in the U.S. we have 1.5 million abortions a year, rampant euthanasia, crime through the roof, the highest % imprisoned anywhere in the world including China.

John UK wrote:
You speak just like the 'poor innocent Muslims' do all the time in the UK, just before they go out on another bombing trip.
7/7 was pulled off by MI6 and Mossad, as 9/11 was CIA and Mossad. Wake up. Or maybe you think you'll be safer if you pretend not to know. Such great Christian courage.

Survey12/31/08 12:35 PM
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John UK wrote:
In the UK, the Scofield Bible is used very much by independent assemblies called The Brethren...
Charismatic churches sometimes propagate this Zionist teaching...
You include Calvinists as those who support Zionism.
John, quite honestly, Zionism is more the norm than the exception in Christianity at large, because the publishing houses, seminaries and media is all owned by Zionists, in particular the Rothchilds et al.

1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, IS NOT OF THE FATHER, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

We must get our information from the Bible, think for ourselves, and NOT rely on Pop Christianity. Any time we hear of a ministry that is comfortable and highly respected by the world, we know that it's just that -- worldly, illusive, and not of God.

BTW, we just got a big snowfall and it's really cold. They say this winter is going to be a little milder than last -- hope so.

Survey12/31/08 11:04 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Eph 2.8 wrote:
Clearly the statement of the Arminian.
That is - "faith for them is an intellectual assent" and nothing more.
God is precluded from their religion.
And obviously HE chooses not to involve Himself either.
This does not compute. The Muslims hardly have an "intellectual assent" religion, and in fact the Koran is a jumble that most don't even understand or care about. With Muslims it's all about the lifestyle and the rituals, which they have a lot, borrowed from Catholicism. They are very concerned with living holy. This is one reason they have converts, lots of them, because they seem to be walking their talk.

They do not fornicate, abort, sodomize, drink and/or drug. They value the family; have their priorities straight. They work hard. They dress modestly and avoid worldly glitter and things that would ensnare, are wary of the roaring lion who prowls about, ever vigilant.

This is not a bad thing, and they deserve respect for this. Wisdom demands the realization that God doesn't ignore their lifestyle either. And when he sees Christians taking up arms against Muslims on behalf of atheist, Luciferian, and/or antiChrist Zionists, God won't be blessing us in our warlike endeavors against the Muslims.

News Item12/31/08 9:47 AM
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John UK wrote:
As for the rebuilding of the Temple and reinstituting sacrifices etc,...
Here's an example of a Zionist.

Joseph Farah, Zionist, neocon owner of World Net Daily, provides warmongering propaganda on Israel's behalf. For example: The Israel Report, "Arabian Knight, Farah best friend Israel ever had" by Aliza Davidovit.

"Today Farah belives that what happened in 1948 and 1967 was a fulfillment of prophecy and of God's covenant with Abraham. He is appalled by Jews who ignore their historic claims and divinely ordained birthright. "If I see Jews willing to compromise on the Temple Mount, I come to the conclusion that those are not Jews, just as I conclude that anti-Semitic Christians aren't real Christians," Farah says fervently. "If they are really Jews they would understand that the Temple Mount is their centerpiece. I have no respect for those Jews."

Survey12/31/08 9:45 AM
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by Edward Hendrie

(short excerpt)
The Scofield Bible was funded and nurtured by World Zionist leaders who saw the Christian churches in America as an obstacle to the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. These Zionists initiated a program to infiltrate and change Christian doctrines. Two tools used to accomplish this goal were Cyrus I. Scofield and a venerable, world respected European book publisher: The Oxford University Press.

“Scofield's role was to re-write the King James Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes.” In 1909, the Oxford University Press published and implemented a large advertising budget to promote the Scofield Reference Bible.

The SRB was a subterfuge designed to create a subculture around a new worship icon, the modern state of Israel, already on the drawing boards of the well-funded Zionists. The progenitors of the pretribulation doctrine were Jesuit crypto-Jews secretly maintaining Jewish practices. Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto-Jew of the Occult Cabala. Francisco Ribera (1537-1591) and Emanuel Lacunza (1731-1801), the Jesuit priests who first conjured up the pretribulation rapture doctrine, were Jews.

Survey12/31/08 9:03 AM
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John UK wrote:
Well I did try to locate one or two Zionists yesterday, as you know, and there was not one response.
A Zionist is somebody who supports the takeover of Palestine by the Jews. You don't have to actually send a check to pay for a plane ticket to be a Zionist.

Fundys are always, w/o exception, Zionistsm, also Dominionists who have aligned w/ Neocons are Israel Firsters.

I do not have the space or the time to track down their quotes.

Here's some popular Zionists: Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell (deceased), John Hagee, Joseph Farah, MacArthur, virtually ALL THE POPULAR BIG MEDIA PREACHERS, Calvinist, Charismatic, Baptist -- all are ZIONIST because if they are NOT, they don't get to be BIG. Because Christian radio and television is OWNED by the Zionists.

It is in the seminaries, in the commentaries, in the footnotes in the Bibles.

And it is a LIE.

If you want the truth, you have to go to the Internet and shortwave. The King James Bible is also what you might call "alternative media."

Survey12/31/08 8:42 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
NO ONE here on this forum has ever called for the extermination of Islamic nations!
There are people who post here who seem to greatly enjoy hatemongering against the Muslims, trying to outdo each other in castigating them, WHILE WE ARE AT WAR, while our wicked govt is waging a phony war on terror here at home, with the threat level charts and all the rest, and it's all lies. Christians have no business joining in this warmongering, seeing terrorists behind every tree, building a case against them, repeating the govt propaganda.

And your stupid little tinfoil hat icon is hatemongering. You accuse me of not being 100 percent accurate, and I admit I'm not always right, but your response is to use ridicule or run to a govt debunking site. You aren't interested in what's real or true, just to keep your prejudices and maintain your illusions and comfort zone.

You are living in a dream world and you need to wake up, start caring about people, care about your own self enough to find out the danger we are all in.

Survey12/31/08 8:12 AM
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John UK wrote:
As for Muslims loving Jesus...told us (militantly) that Christianity was finished, and Islam was taking over.
Yeah, Muslims are very competitive, focused on winning converts, and ARE winning a ton. Part of their success is that Islam is very close to Christianity, but the lifestyle of Muslims is what's winning their converts -- because Muslims are focused in their opposition to anthchrist and the Satanic culture. Christians are wishy washy, a bunch of fluffer nutters, and that's why we're not getting the converts.

I watched a series online The Arrivals, a brilliant series by a young Muslim man, and that's when it dawned on me how close Islam is to Christianity in their love for Jesus and to the Catholics in love for Mary. I saw they are not naive (as are Christians) to the wiles of Satan, are focused like a lazer on the war between Satan and God, not interested in the world's baubles and Satan's lies. They see through the Matrix far better than thumb-sucking Christians.

I'm a Christian and always will be and say this more about the sad, even frightening, state of Christianity than to convert anybody to Islam.

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