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Survey5/15/08 7:13 AM
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Casob wrote:
The promise of regathering and salvation after dispersion for diobedience was unconditional. God said he would do it. Now, he must do it!
Really? And where do you get that from? God specifically told them that if they repented and cried out to Him He would bring them back. But their final and total rejection of God culminated in His total and final rejection of them.

You cannot escape the clear Biblical teaching that there is no longer an Israel as there was in the Old Testament, but one body of believers comprising of people from all nations, tribes and tongues. How many olive trees are there in Romans? Only one, and it is made up of natural and wild branches, all partaking of the same promises.

Sorry Casob, but you have to disregard a lot of Scripture to hold your position and twist a whole lot of others to fit your theology.

Survey5/14/08 10:40 PM
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Read your Bible my friend and stop trying to reconcile it with your human reasoning. Man in his natural state is clearly described in the word of God as totally unable and unwilling to repent. He is described as dead, blind, only desiring to sin more etc. You accuse me of being like the Catholics when, in fact, they are in total agreement with you and place salvation squarely in the hands of man.

The Bible puts it in the hands of Almighty God. You don't base your faith on election or anything else. You receive your faith as a gift from God. Faith includes obedience and surrender. How is that possible before the Spirit has taken out your unyielding heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh?

If man can resist God then who is Almighty? If God is not able to save whom He wants, then who is Almighty? You are on a losing course with this one my friend, because the Scriptures are saturated with the doctrine of God's Sovereignty over all things, including your salvation.

Survey5/14/08 7:32 PM
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It is sad that the doctrines of grace commonly known as TULIP have been called "Calvinism". I am sure the great reformer would not have approved. It was never his greatest theme, he did not deal with it as extensively as many think and has been villified for it by ignorant Arminians ever since.

It could as well be called Lutheranism, as Luther wrote on the topic in more detail than Calvin did.

So to say "I am not a follower of Calvin" is fine, as long as you explain yourself. None of us should be followers of any man. But in the theological debate of Augustinianism/Pelagianism, Erasmusism/Lutheranism or Calvinism/Arminianism there is only one answer - The God who raises the dead is sovereign over all things at all times and has decreed the end from the beginning.

Survey5/14/08 7:22 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
I whole heartedly agree with what Jesus Himself says in the Sermon on the Mount.
But that does not nullify the reality of what the Holy Spirit moved Paul to write in Romans 10 and no amount of Greek will nullify the context either.
Shame on you.
Do you by any chance remember the Pharisee and the Tax Collector?
Did Jesus by any chance approve of this Tax Collector, who cried out, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!'
Just what kind of a stumbling block are you trying to put in the path of people to hinder them from, Yes! Even in their panic at the discovery of how lost a sinner, deserving nothing but death and hell they are, from calling upon the Name of the Lord, to be saved from their sins?
Shame on you.
This kind of teaching whatever it is simply doesn't come from the Lord Jesus Christ for God abounds in mercy to all who call upon Him, perhaps you might read that part and repent.
Quit with the shame and repent bit, it is getting tiresome.

No one will call on God UNLESS they have been enabled to do so by the regenerating power of the Spirit. Corpses do not call out. It begins with the God who raises the dead, not with the dead crying out to God.

Survey5/14/08 9:41 AM
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Not all who say "Lord, Lord" shall enter into the kingdom, but those who do the will of the Father.

Sorry Michael, but go and check your Greek. To call on the Name of the Lord is to invoke His Name in worship. It is not just to cry out to Him in a moment of panic.

Unless someone is a Christian they do not even have the ear of God. Unless one comes to God in the name of Christ and through the agency of the Holy Spirit, he cannot even pray. I know that sounds harsh, but that is what the Bible teaches.

Survey5/14/08 9:36 AM
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Casob wrote:
Eph 2:12 That at that time (before God extending his grace that brings salvation) ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
You conveniently left out the next part which carefully explains that Israel and the Church are now one entity. He, that is Christ, has made from the two one, reconciling them both to God in one body.

How many covenants do you think there are anyway? Can you not see that they all pertain to the one covenant of grace? That God had one plan of salvation from all eternity, and that this first pertained only to the Jews and then to the whole world?

Where did this nonsense come from that there are two seperate peoples of God, the Jews and the Church? It is not far short of rank heresy, for the Bible is so clear that only the deliberately blind could miss it.

Survey5/14/08 7:17 AM
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Casob, your idea of the restoration of all things is this nonsensical theory that things will be as they were in the times of the Old Testament prophets. The Roman Empire will be restored, the temple rebuilt, the Jews coming back from captivity. All these things have been fulfilled and it is ludicrous to read the prophecies about Israel coming back from Babylon and to say these are all still future.

The Lord said to my Lord, sit Thou at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool.

Christ will return when things are the way they should be, and that doesn't mean a restored Jewish religion complete with sacrifices.

I never use allegorical interpretation, unless the Bible indicates it is an allegory. The whole concept of literal where possible is a fallacy. It is literal where indicated, allegorical where indicated etc.

You have to let go of this theory that the restitution of all things is a restitution of the Old Covenant. It is a blatant fallcacy and fatal to the Church. We are the Israel of God, we are the members of the covenant. Christ is the Seed and all who are in Him are part of that one glorious body, no matter what their ethic origin.

News Item5/14/08 1:43 AM
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Rev. Joel Garrett wrote:
It is right and good for the Royal Family to remain unequivocally UN-CATHOLIC. Remaining Roman Catholic means remaining loyal to the absolute monarch of Vatican City - the Pope - who is anti-christ; and who believes he holds authority over all the kings of the earth. That is pure rubbish, indeed!
The Church of England is so close to Catholicism one can hardly spot the difference. This has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics. So many centuries since the Protestant Reformation and little has changed.

Survey5/14/08 1:39 AM
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Casob wrote:
1) They killed the Prince of Life v 13
2) God has glorified him V 12
3) God has raised him from the dead and took him to heaven v 13
4) This is literal fulfilled prophecy concerning his suffering V 18
5) repent THEREFORE was the command and be converted and your sins will be blotted out.
This is a message to the national leaders in Jerusalem who held sway over the people and so far everything is literal even to the promise that he would send him back to them.
I'm out of room.
Sorry Casob, but you are so far out you are almost out of sight. Read the text. Those who Peter preached to were devout Jews from all over the place and who spoke all kinds of languages at home - hence the tongues.
All, and I mean all, promises made in the OT covenants were fulfilled in Christ and all who are in Christ are recipients of those promises. There was one over-arching promise, which Peter mentioned. He did not have to explain to them what it was. It was the old promise of the coming Messiah, and it was still to them and to their children. It has nothing to do with the land of Israel. It has everything to do with salvation in Christ and in Him alone. And it is a universal gospel, not a Jewish gospel. Sorry, but you are totally in error.

Survey5/14/08 1:35 AM
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One cannot divorce regeneration, justification and sanctification. Although theologically we treat them seperately, at conversion they are simultaneous.

To see regeneration as coming after faith and repentance, as someone stated below, is to misunderstand completely what it is to be saved. The Arminian MUST have faith preceding regeneration or else his whole free will theology falls into a bottomless hole. But if regeneration is what the Bible says it is, ie, a raising from spiritual death, then this is not possible. Regeneration must precede faith and repentance because the spiritually blind and dead cannot even see the kingdom or discern spiritual things.

To call on the name of the Lord is not just crying out to God in need. It literally means to worship. Abraham built an altar and there he called on the name of the Lord. All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. That is not all who cry out "Lord, Lord", says Jesus. It means all who are true worshipers. And this can only be translated as all who are in Christ, ie saved. The non-Christian cannot worship, or even pray, for God will not regard anyone who is outside of Christ.

Survey5/10/08 9:14 PM
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Confessions and Creeds are apologetic tools. They were always born out of controversy and the struggle against heresy. Each time the leaders of the church would distill their doctrinal truths into a statement or document.

During the Reformation it became important to nail down exactly what the Protestant Church confessed. Thus in Holland the Belgic Confession was adopted. This was written by one man, Guido De Bres, and its purpose was to bring to the attention of the king of France what the Protestant church believed.

Each confession dealt with the issues of the day. Therefore they can never be seen as fully comprehensive of all that the Bible teaches. The early reformed confessions did not have a fully worked out theology of regeneration, because justification was the burning issue in the fight against Rome.

So a written creed or confession is merely a statement of systematic theology and is there to summarise what you or your denomination believes. Most denominations these days do not have one, but then again, they don't believe much. And a lot of what they do believe is not Biblical anyway.

Survey5/9/08 8:06 PM
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You confess nothing about the Spirit of God?

That is not unusual. In Reformed circles He is almost treated like a poor relative. The Westminster Confession of Faith does not even have a seperate chapter on the Holy Spirit.

No confession is fully adequate for every moment. Each one is an apologetic tool designed for a specific time and purpose. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit was not an issue then. Had the WCF been written in our day it would have been more full-orbed.

Survey5/9/08 8:00 PM
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MurrayA wrote:
Faithful Remnant,
I don't think that the behaviour of Anglican bishops during the Stuart era can be glossed over in such a blithe and cavalier manner, as merely a few "over zealous and faulty folk". These were the Church leaders of the time who embarked on a programme of rigid conformity, and any deviation was to be dealt with in the utmost severity.
You obviously have not read the history of the times. I suggest you do.
As to the Puritans, they were under no illusions about any alleged finality or infallibility of the KJV. And the Anglicans wanted the KJV used exclusively not because they thought it was a perfect translation, but for reasons of uniformity (ecclesiastical oppression again).
Are you recommending any reading in particular? I would like to know a little more about this.

Thanks for your always insightful and informative posts. It is always a great pleasure to read your comments.

Survey5/9/08 7:42 PM
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Casob wrote:
That is silly! In the parable they are all sheep. It is just that some are his sheep and they are the sheep that hear his voice. If that were not so, the parable would not make sense. They are his sheep because they came to him and believed in him and chose him as their shepherd.

I am silly? For refusing to see sheep choosing shepherds? Babies adopting parents? The lost choosing their Redeemer? The dead choosing the one who would raise them up again?

I must be silly! I always thought the Shepherd chose the sheep, the parents chose the child for adoption and the redeemer could only redeem what was his to begin with. As for the dead, well, that issue has never been resolved on this forum has it?

Silly me!

Survey5/9/08 7:37 PM
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I did some research on that Acts 12:4 text, and I think I know why they did translated it "Easter".

Vs 3 says that "These were the days of unleavened bread", and according to Leviticus the Passover Day was on the 14th of the month and the days of unleavened bread started on the 15th. So the KJV guys probably thought Herod was not referring to the Jewish Passover, which was already past, but the Pagan Easter Festival. This mid-Spring pagan feast was in memory to Tammuz, you can read all about him in Ezekiel.

I don't know if they got it right or wrong in the KJV. The old Dutch Bible, and the old Afrikaans Bible both translate it as the KJV did. The old German Bible also makes a difference, calling Passover "Osterfest" but the reference in Acts 12:4 is just called "Fest".

I just found it interesting.

By the way, I bought a Geneva Study Bible years ago, but it is just a New King James. Is it still possible to get a Geneva Bible?

Survey5/9/08 2:39 AM
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Nobody is as blind as he who refuses to see.

The reason the sheep hear is because they are sheep. God has given them ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to understand. The difference between the two is that all are taught by men but only the sheep are taught of God.
"Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but My Father in heaven."

Many listen to the word and don't obey it. Were we not chosen unto good works, prepared for us from the foundation of the world? What are good works if not obedience to the commandments of God?

Obedience is faith in action. Israel could not enter in because of unbelief. This unbelief was manifested in their rebellion, ie, their disobedience.

The reason why some fall away from the faith is that they were never of the faith to begin with. They were like the Jews in John 8; they believed Jesus but His word did not abide in them. Believers they were but only on an intellectual level. They were not sheep so they were never true believers.

Survey5/9/08 2:32 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
Dr. Phil
Are you suggesting that the apostles' selection of Matthias was not recognized and disapproved of by God?
Peter did make mention that the main qualification for being numbered among the Twelve was that the candidate must have been a witness to Christ's ministry from His baptism to the Ascension being able to testify to His Resurrection.
Paul wouldn't meet this criteria ...
Or ... was Peter, once again (and true to his character) "jumping the gun" on this need to fulfill prophesy by finding a twelfth apostle?
I know it's not a big issue, but I've sometimes wondered about there being 13 apostles.
13? James the brother of Jesus was also counted as an Apostle. So with the original 12, including Judas Iscariot, and then Matthias, Paul and James the number is 15.

I think that God rejected Matthias because he was chosen by men and Apostles are appointed by the Lord.
How James fits in I don't know.

By the way, once you start putting new perspectives on Paul, what is to stop you from putting new perspectives on Genesis, or any other book. It is just another form of Liberalism and rejection of the Bible as the complete Canon of God's inspired Scripture.

Survey5/9/08 2:28 AM
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Can anyone tell me if they have an opinion on why the KJV uses the word "Easter" instead of "Passover" in Acts 12:4?

And do you think it is a correct translation of the text from the Greek?

Survey5/6/08 10:22 PM
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Adelphos wrote:
The main purpose of the church is to glorify God, plain and simple. Everything else flows from this understanding!
Amen and Amen! What would Jesus' answer have been to this survey? The first petition in what we call "The Lord's Prayer" gives us the answer. HALLOWED BE THY NAME! The first, foremost and most crucial task of the church is that He His Name be regarded as holy. His kingdom will not come where His name is not hallowed. Nor is His will done where His name is not reverenced.

So if you look at the church today, with its endless man-made programs of progress and church growth, you will see that they are all doomed to failure because the church has lost focus of its primary purpose. There will be no growth, no evangelism, no blessing until we go back to the Old Paths and regain our primary focus; God's Holy and Awesome Name.

"Let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:28,29).

Survey5/5/08 7:53 PM
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But Peter was talking to Jews wasn't he? That doesn't have anything to do with us.
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