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News Item10/25/08 10:10 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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Molly wrote:
I think the point is that although the men in question may be sexually attracted to other men, rather than women, they do not fornicate with anyone and are therefore not fornicators of any variety. If they also are able to mortify their heart's sin, then they are not sinning. In the manner of an alcoholic who no longer drinks, so to speak. That is, he is no sodomite who does not sodomize.
I believe the problem with your scenario is that you are allowing the so called "celibate" homosexual, to retain their conviction that homosexuality is somehow acceptable to God.
Clearly it is not.

Lev 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." - Thus even the concept of this act is an abomination.

Then Jesus said on adultery that;
"But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matt 5:28.

If the thought of lust/adultery is this sinful, then entertaining the idea in society, whereby homosexuality is acceptable - if latent - is acquiesing to evil lusts.

Further we only have to remember the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to observe God's total rejection of it.

News Item10/24/08 6:28 PM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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By Your Standards, Not Elect wrote:
Which part was idolatry, Pikestaff? I missed the part in your post when you explained it.
Old bones of dead sinners, relics, a myriad of iconolatry. You name it they venerate it instead of God and His Son. But thats the way of heresy, when it replaces the truth!!
Did you have a nice day in oblivion today?

Just look at the company these idolaters keep.
1Cor 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor IDOLATERS, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

May God help them to perceive the truth.

News Item10/24/08 3:32 PM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"Two regional bodies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have rejected a proposed amendment that would allow non-celibate gays and lesbians to be ordained."

Celibate or non is irrelevant. If they put sodomites in the pulpit then they may as well put atheists, muslims, papists, JW's etc etc, in there too.

After all none of them are acquainted with God's truth in a faithful way.

News Item10/24/08 2:08 PM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"In the case of evangelical Christians, those are people who have very strong personal beliefs, they know the Bible very well, they are frequent churchgoers, and eventually they want to join an established church with deep, historical roots."

Terminology and its authentic definition is so important in debate today. Truly "Evangelical" Christians would never turn to the idolotrous practices of these old cults.

1Cor 10:14 "Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry."

Gal 5:19 "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 IDOLATRY,......"

News Item10/23/08 3:18 PM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"All state school pupils in England are in future to receive compulsory lessons in sex, relationships, drug misuse, personal finance and first aid, in both primary and secondary schools."

All the problems which have been introduced by the moral declension into a liberal society, are now addressed by teaching the future generation.

Sex education is really translated - perversion and the avoidance of transmitted diseases.
Relationships are now about how to live after the death of marriage.
Drug misuse says it all about the Godless society we introduce our children to.
Personal finance? - How to worship mammon of course.
First aid? - We used to learn stuff like this in kids organisations like Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. You can't have these in UK now in case you hire a maurading paedophile.

United Kingdom of Sodom and Gomorrah.
A Godless society and its sad future.

7 "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way."

News Item10/21/08 11:30 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"Bendy-buses with the slogan "There's probably no God" could soon be running on the streets of London."

All the atheist/humanists are doing is illustrating their doubts and ignorance. It is not a positive statement by any means. "Probably" simply indicates a lack of knowledge.

As for Dawkins, I've booked front seat at his judgment so that I can see the expression on his face when he stands before Christ whom he says does not exist.

News Item10/20/08 3:30 PM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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Definitely Mike;
This guy and his Libby pals are a bunch of clowns and waxing worse and worse.

He also said
"In the book, called Finding Faith and described by Dr Williams as "profound and challenging", he reveals the impact that pop songs have had on his Christian belief."

Matt 13:15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

News Item10/20/08 3:10 PM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"In a book backed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, the Rt Rev Nick Baines, Bishop of Croydon says that the Bible has become banal and argues that pop music writers can communicate deep theological concepts in a way that is more accessible to the younger generation."

The trouble with this banal fool is that he works in a Liberal church - the diametrically opposed religion to Christianity. These poor deluded worldly followers of culture couldn't tell the Bible from a banana.

18 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, THEY BECAME FOOLS"

News Item10/18/08 2:26 PM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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33k wrote:
1] By your logic you also are therefore biased "towards" Islam?

2] It may also very well be that the BBC actually is biased towards Islam.

3] In the light of the 9th commandment I again ask Sermonaudio where they have found express support for the statement that they have put into the mouth of Mark Thompson?

I'm still worried about your "bias" towards Liberalism and its exponents.

1] Nope!!

2] It is blatantly obvious where the BBC's bias lies. Can't you see that?

3] The info you seek is in the article and in the Daily Mail's report on what the BBC's own words make manifest.

You may not accept they are bias towards Islam and anti-Christian, BUT apparently the BBC itself does.

News Item10/18/08 9:11 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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33k wrote:
I have read the article that is cross-referenced and see that either you have made an editorial change to the headline for your piece or the title of the original Telegtaph piece has now been corrected.
The para quote;
"Mark Thompson claimed that because Muslims are a religious minority in Britain and also often from ethnic minorities, their faith should be given different coverage to that of more established groups."

Illustrates a bias towards a different treatment to the muslims.

But the BBC run by homosexuals, by its own admission, is bias towards atheism, alternative lifestyles and anything that is against Christian teachings. Which we must expect and acknowledge in worldly organisations like the media.

"At the secret meeting in London last month, which was hosted by veteran broadcaster Sue Lawley, BBC executives admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multiculturalism, is anti-American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the feelings of Muslims than Christians." [URL=]]]Daily Mail article[/URL]

News Item10/17/08 11:03 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"Ms. Goodman, in a recent syndicated column, called for opening the current two-party debates, to more candidates. “It will not only make for better television,’’ said Ms. Goodman in her column, “it will make for better democracy.”"

I disagree. If you check the results of the Canadian election it shows that the Left of centre vote, were divided amongst several parties which allowed the Conservatives to take the win.
Being a conservative myself I think this is a good thing, but the point is made by this situation that fewer, rather than more parties is democratically less confusing.

News Item10/17/08 10:43 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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Mike wrote:
I'll likely be voting for McCain, General. Mostly because Palin is on the ticket. How about you?
Mike, I'll vote for you.

News Item10/17/08 10:36 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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33k wrote:
So, please may I ask what do you mean by a "real church authority"?
What additional authority does the church need?
All authority comes from God.
A true vibrant Church alive in Christ will have beneficial affects upon the church and state of a country.
Today western nations are in moral decline because of the state of their mainstream churches, - spiritual bankruptcy. In UK the national churches C. of E and C. of S are a very very sad comment on the state of Christianity in our country. Liberal theology preaching the social gospel is completely useless, but has taken over these worldly religious houses. Even the so called evangelical wing, (self identified) are a pale on where true Christian doctrine should be.
I'm surprised you pose the question, "What additional authority....." Looking around us in UK the Christian can see clearly that this nation's circumstance is vividly described in the second half of Romans Chap. 1.

18 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature ....(CHURCHES FAULT)
26 For this cause GOD GAVE THEM UP unto vile affections..."

News Item10/15/08 10:15 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"....the school said the trip, where students tossed rose petals on their teacher and her wife as they left City Hall, was academically relevant."

"academically relevant"
Sure it is and we all believe that don't we.

Relevant to Politically Correctness according to the modern moral decline and spiritual bankruptcy is more to the point.

Worship of the creature and his culture has a price tag. It's called eternal hell!!

25 "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1.

News Item10/15/08 10:06 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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"The opposition Liberals have typically been the party in power, forming the government for most of Canada's 141 years. But the left-of-center vote was divided among four parties, giving an edge to the Conservatives."

Clearly the Conservatives still have a way to go in Canada (as with UK). I'd like to see modern liberalism eradicated completely from society because I can't stand social and moral anarchy. But hey ho, without a real church authority in these countries and real Biblical doctrine, who can expect otherwise amongst politicians.

Survey10/15/08 9:49 AM
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Doctor WOMI wrote:
Calvinism can singlehandedly be refuted with simple, unadulterated, biblical declarative statements like...
"For God so loved the world..."
Trust me, it works.
Oh dear yamalaladingdong is raising its head again.
By this ultra-arminian theoretical humanist religion, we can expect that his god so loves everybody that he has cancelled the wrath to come. Hey isn't that pure unadulterated liberalism.

Same old popery salvy by hooman beans effort again.

".....O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Matt 3.7


"And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. 1Thes 1.10

The real Christians can trust in the merits of Christ crucified ALONE.

Survey10/10/08 10:34 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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Mike wrote:
Prevenient grace is not innate to man, according to those who believe in it. It is what they might call enablement, or prompting of the Holy Spirit, the drawing we hear about.
"What we are interested in exploring, however, is not how prevenient grace affects those who have never heard the gospel. The distinctive aspect of prevenient grace that is relevant for our discussion is that it provides the ability to choose salvation, an ability that was surrendered by Adam’s sin. Wesley describes it as follows:
Salvation begins with what is usually termed (and very properly) preventing grace; including the first wish to please God, the first dawn of light concerning his will, and the first slight transient conviction of having sinned against him. All these imply some tendency toward life; some degree of salvation; the beginning of a deliverance from a blind, unfeeling heart, quite insensible of God and the things of God.
What separates Calvinists from Wesleyans is that the former see electing grace as given only to some (the elect) and insist that this grace cannot ultimately be resisted. The latter argue that prevenient grace is given to all people and that it can be resisted"
(Dr. T.R. Schreiner)

News Item10/10/08 7:22 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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As the old saying used to teach; Marriage is made in heaven.

Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

Matthew 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Mark 10:7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;

Ephesians 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

Survey10/10/08 6:55 AM
Pikestaff  Find all comments by Pikestaff
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Neil wrote:
Pikestaff, your post belongs in another thread.
I see the falsehoods, abusive ad hominems, & the strawmen about Calvin haven't ended. Better get used to it, for they never repent.
My profuse apologies Neil.
I thought this being a religious board that the "vehicle" in question here, related to the "doctrine" which takes us to truth and salvation. Which as the Elect know is Reformed.

I drive a VW Polo.

As for John Calvin, we do not defend his human life but the work of grace and the Holy Spirit, which enabled him to preach and teach the Scriptures so expertly.

The opposing team attacks the human person, because their doctrine originates and derives from that same human source.

Survey10/9/08 5:07 PM
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Michael Hranek of Endicott
"Well since you brought it up please ask yourself honestly prayerfully in the fear of the LORD, was John Calvin hearing and following the voice of the Good Shepherd when he used (abused) the power of the civil authorities in Geneva to persecute non-Calvinists?"

This is a complete lie, a fabrication of history. Calvin, a Frenchman, was not a citizen of Geneva, and therefore was not a part of the justice system. Justice was meted out by the council of 200, which was the local authority and could ONLY be made up of citizens.

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