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News Item10/1/16 3:02 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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James Comey should be fired immediately ––– and all those involved in handing out immunity to Hillary's cronies should be fired immediately as well –––– Special independent counsel should be appointed and Hillary and those under her should be brought up on charges

Damn it all to hell –––– corruption has consumed our government ––––


How can people be so blind ––

News Item10/1/16 2:06 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Watching Hillary Clinton during the debate just made my stomach turn ––– she is the most scandalous individual to ever run for president of the United States ––– the thought of all the controversies surrounding her tenure as Secretary of State, the way FBI Director James Comey showed his complete and total incompetence by giving her a pass when she should have been brought up on charges, the way Hillary and her henchmen terrorized the women Bill had sexual encounters with (some of which were sexual assault), the way she lied to all the families of the fallen Americans in Benghazi, ... HER FAILURES ARE FAR TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST –––– all I saw up on that stage was a dressed up failure –– A DRESSED UP LIAR –– the biggest dressed up fraud ever to stand on a debate stage...

I'm sure many of you have seen the picture of a small device under her red dress and wires running up her back –– what was that?

I've lost confidence in our process, our government –– all of it –– That circus in DC is out of control ... the Democrats and the Republicans have cheated "WE THE PEOPLE" for far too long ... their greed is insatiable ... their corruption has tainted every office and it knows no bounds ... it's time to end their good-old-boy network before they bring us to complete and total ruin!

News Item9/30/16 7:06 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Now the truth comes out –– The shooter was another illegal alien and to top this off with a cherry they say he had participated in the voting process two or more times –––– and how did he vote? – – I'm glad you asked –– he was able to vote because it was under the system whereby voters did not have to produce identification (The honor system –– the honor system does not work in the democratic party because there is no honor there) –––– just think about it –– how many millions of illegal aliens have voted fraudulently? ? ––– And never let us forget the Acorn surrogates who were members of Obama's Race-baiting Socialistic Wolfpack seeking to bring this country down ... many of which I'm sure are part of the Black Lives Matter movement now

News Item9/30/16 2:55 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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The truth be told Obama is a fool –– and our elected officials are just as worthless as Obama

Absolutely pitiful...

News Item9/30/16 2:25 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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It is quite obvious that Jim Lincoln is a hardline democratic sellout … there are those who just refuse to exercise logic and reason ... that's okay –– all is not lost because Nebraska is a Republican leaning state for this election cycle –––– I am encouraged by this fact!!! That means Jim Lincoln's fuzzy thinking is the exception and not the rule in Nebraska

News Item9/30/16 1:43 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Jim Lincoln

Donald Trump is guilty of having lived and like all of us he has made many mistakes in his life ––

I really don't know what anyone could say to you Jim that would help you to see clearly ––– I don't want to be ugly –– but I do understand that you and many others like you have a far different view of America ...

As a nation we are likened unto a man on a gurney that has just been rolled into emergency surgery –– this man is in critical condition and he is in dire need of a specialist –– but the nurse has asked you to make a decision –– you must choose between a doctor that has years of service and a history of only prescribing anabiotic's to his patients –– or –– a specialist that can address the immediate need –––– which one do you choose? ? –––– The direction that is needful at this time for our survival as a nation is critical and the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to set us on that course requires "critical thinking" –– you must conduct an objective analysis and a thorough evaluation of this issue that you might arrive at a "sound" conclusion

I know you love slinging around links in an attempt to sure up your viewpoint –– I'm asking you to take an "honest" assessment of these two individuals and our dire need

News Item9/30/16 12:28 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Wayfarer Pilgrim
I honestly feel in my heart of hearts that Hillary Clinton is the most unscrupulous individual to ever run for president –– People just do not understand how truly dangerous Hillary is ... her vision for America is far left of Barack Hussein Obama (hard to wrap your thought around that)...

When it comes to Donald Trump I feel his heart is in the right place. People need to take into consideration his success and with it his constant interaction with politicians throughout his career –– i'm sure Mr. Trump has seen it all and he's never met a politician that wasn't willing to take his money

Can we all agree that he is a bit rough around the edges? – but that's because he's not a professional politician like the Clintons and many others there in Washington, DC who have been feeding off the common man for far too long!

My humble assessment of Donald Trump is this: In his experience with our corrupt politicians and his observation of their willingness to run this country into the ground ... he has finally been moved to the point that he has come to his senses ... he realizes the dire straits America is in...

Remember πŸ‘‰ Donald Trump has a comfortable life –– he's just sick and tired of watching these fools destroy America… ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

News Item9/29/16 10:07 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Hillary Clinton is a globalist and if she gets in the White House it's going to be a disaster for America – – She will make Obama's presidency seem like a walk in the park😣

News Item9/27/16 1:01 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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The biggest tool of Satan today is the "Prosperity Message" ––– it is the greatest distortion of God's Word today ––– men are using this message to manipulate the Church and sour hearts –– setting them on the course of want, greed and hunger for more –– and "Covetousness"...

News Item9/23/16 6:33 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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The Clintonian Conundrum Continues ––– Hillary Clinton is an extremely proficient obstructionist ––– Her operatives will do anything (They will lie, cheat, steal, break the law… YOU NAME IT) to cover up for her incompetence –––

News Item9/14/16 11:28 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Could it be that the "basket of deplorable's" are the individuals that were in attendance at that fundraiser where she was speaking???

News Item9/14/16 10:50 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Why did Hillary Clinton lie about her health? –––– Why? –––– Because the truth never serves well for Hillary Clinton (or her husband) –––– The Clintons have told lies for so long that it has become their philosophy *WHY TELL THE TRUTH WHEN A LIE SERVES THEIR PURPOSE BETTER* –––– The Clintons only need to conjure the lie and from that point on the lie takes a life of its own with help from their multi-layered agents of spin –– some surrogates appearing on FOXNews – along with all the boisterous blabber-head buffoonery broadcast by the left-wing News Media throughout America…

The Clintons lie because that's what liars do ––– sad isn't it?

The Clintons are lying megalomaniacs

News Item9/11/16 10:56 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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B. Warely –– "The *RIGHT* to bear arms" ???? –– you actually think the right to bear arms has anything to do with the violence in this country?

There are no laws you can pass, no restrictions you can impose –– not even abolishing the Second Amendment will solve the real problem that is ailing this nation... ––– The truth be told if you did abolish the Second Amendment things would only get worse ––– Thugs are not going down to apply for gun licenses or concealed carry permits –– they are buying their guns on the black market ... And let me level with you –– really and truly many of these laws they have been passing and others they want to pass are unconstitutional ... it is the right of every American to bear arms ... I don't care if you want to carry it on your hip, in your coat pocket, back pocket, under your hat or carry a gun on your back with a sling... If you are a law-abiding citizen that shouldn't be a problem

There's always someone wanting to introduce new hoops for law-abiding citizens to jump through –– none of which will change the mess that's going on in Chicago or any of the other troublesome inner cities.

Godlessness, Broken families, Drugs, Gang activity, you name it ... and Democrats want to eliminate God completely

News Item9/11/16 4:49 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Damn it all to hell ––– what are these morons in Washington doing? ––– they should start impeachment proceedings on Obama immediately!!!

News Item9/11/16 4:22 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Hillary and the Democratic Party are counting on the gullibility of the people ––– they will do what they've always done –– they will lie and deny… They will say anything and do anything for money and power ––– and we all know corruption follows in the wake of everything they do –– just look at the way the FBI Director James Comey gave Hillary a pass on everything ... CORRUPTION HAS REACHED THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF OUR GOVERNMENT ––– How can we trust in a broken system such as this

You better believe HELLary's whole administration would be corrupt, it would be nothing but chaos and she would usher in the bankruptcy of America –––– Let us not forget how she had her list and went after people on that list using the government and its resources as her own personal tool just the way Obama instructed his cronies to use the IRS

It is beyond me how any people of sound mind and heart could/would dare give someone like Hillary Clinton the time of day –––– it really speaks volumes about just how low, or should I say how close to nonexistent the moral fiber of this citizenry is...

It truly is a sad state of affairs when we have someone as depraved as Hillary Clinton (with🚫integrity) being considered as a viable candidate for President

News Item9/10/16 9:42 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Obama and everyone involved in this should be impeached/removed from office

News Item9/10/16 8:54 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Sorry Jim ––– Chicago is the murder capital of America –––

Rahm Emanuel has been mayor in Chicago since 2011 and that pretty much says it all right there ––– He was born and raised there in Chicago ––– Rahm Emanuel is just one of many of Obama's Chicago thugs that he brought along with him to the White House...

Chicago boasts the highest sales tax in the United States 10.25% ––– crime is high, unemployment is high and foreclosures are high…

I'm sure many of you remember Rahman Emanuel sending a dead fish to someone he was at odds with there in Washington ––– And for those who do not know what that means –– A dead fish wrapped in paper sent to someone means "You're a dead man"...

News Item8/31/16 4:10 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Article II of the Constitution requires that an agreement such as this is to be submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent –––

Obama has proven over and over again that he is the biggest south end of a northbound horse on this planet ––– this climate control proposal will cost taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars ––– just more of Obama's green energy hoodoo ... he (and many others like him) are well-versed in spending money we don't have –––– Rather than waste all that money on this foolish "pipe dream" THEY SHOULD JUST PILE ALL THE MONEY UP AND LIGHT IT ON FIRE –– at least it will go to some use as a source of heat rather than letting Obama further squander the wealth of America spreading it around to others…

You can bet this, just like Obama care, will impact all Americans that are on the poverty line, the middle class and everyone in-between ––– Par for the course when dealing with the Democratic Party and their grand comrade Barack Hussein Obama

I honestly believe they will block it –– and if they don't hopefully it will be overturned :-)

Our careless representatives in Washington, DC best get a grip and start putting America/Americans FIRST!!!!!!!

News Item8/24/16 1:40 AM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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Most of us have always known this to be true ––– it is merely the perversion of men's hearts ... and their desire to drag society into the pit of their debased delusional reality...

News Item8/23/16 7:12 PM
KK | USA  Find all comments by KK
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There is a time and a place for everything ––– there is nothing about this story that conjures a joking mood in my spirit ––– If I may express my personal opinion, as it relates to the story in this article, this was not the time nor the place for joking…

I have no words for the heartbreak I feel concerning the hell this woman was put through ––– it is beyond belief…

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