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News Item11/19/08 6:36 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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That Bishop is totally off of his rocker. When a Catholic has a college education then they should be able to think logically and analytically and think for themselves instead of blindly following every Catholic doctrine. Why does the Catholic Church expect all Catholics to believe all Catholic doctrine and every part to the Mass? Only someone who is an uneducated ignoramas and who's mind is totally gone would believe all Catholic doctrine and every part to the Mass.

News Item11/19/08 6:20 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln,

Seeing as you are from Nebraska are you old enough to remember the killing spree in 1957 and 1958 in Nebraska of Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate? Do you believe that Fugate was a willing participate in those homicides?

News Item11/18/08 7:12 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Max wrote:
If you are born again then it would be impossible for you to remain in an apostate church such as the Roman Catholic Church with their idolatry and Mary worship and transubstantiation!
God commands that we 'come out' of apostate churches.
If you guys keep stating that when a Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or Mainline Protestant becomes Born Again that they have to leave the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or Mainline Protestant Churches and join a Evangelical Protestant Church then you guys are stating that there are three requirement for gaining entrance into Heaven:
(1)Become Born Again
(2)Leave the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Mainline Protestant Churches
(3)Join a Evangelical Protestant Church

If you guys believe that there is only one requirement for gaining entrance into Heaven namely receive Jesus as Savior then why do you guys keep stating that when someone becomes Born Again that they have to leave the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and join a Evangelical Protestant Church?

News Item11/17/08 6:41 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Lance Eccles wrote:
John Yurich, if you think you know who is in hell, then you are making yourself equal to God.
You claim to be an RC, yet the RC Church forbids speculation on who is in hell.
Have you ever heard of the virtue of Hope?
Jesus stated "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME.". Now how much plainer can it be that when a Non Christian passes away without coming to Jesus that they go to Hell?

News Item11/17/08 6:36 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Dialect and Jim Lincoln,

What is with you guys anyway? If the Episcopal Dioces of Fort Worth, Texas has split from the National Episcopal Church because the Fort Worth Diocese is against homosexuality and the ordination of women priests then that means that the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas is a Bible believing church. Why do you guys keep stating that when a Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or Mainline Protestant becomes Born Again that they have to leave the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church or Mainline Protestant Churches and join some type of Evangelical Protestant Church? Is it because you guys believe that when everybody stands before Jesus after they pass away that He will require for entrance into Heaven that everybody had belonged to a Evangelical Protestant Church in addition to having received Him as their Savior and Lord?

News Item11/17/08 6:08 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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If the boy was 12 years old then he was above the age of reason and thus because he was an adherent of Judaism then he passed away without receiving Jesus as his Lord and Savior and thus he is in Hell.

News Item11/16/08 6:57 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Michael Hranek wrote:
And while the Teaching Magisterium of the RCC may believe the lies of Satan in regards to the false teachings of the RCC they aren't dumbies in the sense they know if Catholic people begin to read the Bible for themselves and believe it they will "get saved" and leave (escape) their control.
Well I am no longer under the control of the RCC. I still attend and belong to the RCC but I am no longer under their control. I adhere to the scriptural RCC doctrines and the scriptural parts to the Mass and I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass. I dispense with the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass.

News Item11/14/08 6:16 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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This is a free country where those parishioners were free to be insane and vote for Obama. It was not a sin to vote for Obama. It was insanity to vote for Obama. It is none of that priest's business how his parishioners voted.

News Item11/13/08 8:14 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Neil and Jessica,

So what if Jesus was not born on December 25? There is nothing wrong with celebrating the Birth Of The Lord Jesus on December 25 regardless if He was not born on December 25. If celberating the Birth Of The Lord Jesus is unscriptural then the Wise Men(However many there were. More then three that is for sure) would not have celebrated the Birth Of The Lord Jesus by giving gifts of gold, frankansense and murr.

News Item11/11/08 4:40 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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It is really insane that the Catholic Church does not allow priests to get married. And it is really insane that the Catholic Church allowed homosexual men to become priests.

News Item11/11/08 4:35 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well King's dream was to engage in sexual intercourse with his mistress, which was adultery. That is really insane for blacks to state that anybody who did not vote for Obama is a racist.

News Item11/11/08 4:30 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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That lady should of had a baseball bat to start knocking the heads of those insane fruit cake protesters. In fact that lady should of had a gun and the minute that she started being attacked then she could have started shooting those protesters in self defense.

News Item11/8/08 12:11 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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enough already wrote:
John Y. -ask yourself that as you head for mass.
'Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?'
2 Corinthians 6:14
RC's are not unbelievers because the RCC has always acknowledged the Deity Of Jesus and the Holy Trinity. An unbeliever is someone who denies that Jesus is God and denies the Holy Trinity. So knock off this insanity that RC's are unbelievers in Jesus.

News Item11/7/08 6:33 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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What is with the Vatican anyway? Why does it want to have anything to do with Islam when Islam denies that Jesus is God and thus worships Satan whereas Catholicism has always acknowledged that Jesus is God and thus worships Jesus?

News Item11/7/08 6:28 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Josh wrote:
She needs to be fired. Incredible. Parents, if you have any love for your children, you will pull them out of the public schools -- TODAY!
Amen to that. Private schools whether they are Catholic, Protestant or Jewish are better then public schools because they teach morality whereas public schools teach amorality and immorality. When I get married and have children I am going to send them to Catholic parochial school so they are taught morality.

News Item11/6/08 5:43 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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GG:And why would I want to go to the other side of the church and receive the bread from my priest? Sometimes my priest is on the side of the church that I sit on and I receive the bread from him, but I do not state "Amen" when I am handed the bread.

Enough already:I do not evangelize Catholics at my local Catholic Church. I instead evangelize Catholics on discussion forums by telling them the Gospel Of Jesus. I am spiritually fed when I watch Fundamentalist Protestant ministers on the Trinity Broadcasting Nework and the Word Network. The reason that I am choosing to remain in the RCC instead of leaving and joining a Fundamentalist Protestant Church is that after having been raised in the RCC I am more comfortable with the liturgical worship of the RCC over the non liturgical worship of Fundamentalist Protestant Churches. Another reason why I am remaining in the RCC is so that I can attend church on Saturday Vigil in order to do other things on Sunday. And I believe that God is pleased when I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass and thus worshipping Him in spirit and in truth.

News Item11/5/08 5:31 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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the ornithologist wrote:
Oh Dear!!!
If John has predicted it then the complete opposite is bound to be true.
Don't you know anything about biblical prophecy concerning the last days? We are living in the last days. The Second Coming Of Jesus is very nigh. This nation will soon turn into Hell and fall apart, which means that God will cause an economic depression to come upon this nation the likes of which this nation has never seen as judgement upon this nation for electing a mentally deranged and psychotic man like Obama as president.

News Item11/5/08 9:00 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I predict that there is coming upon this nation an economic depression the likes of which this nation has never seen because of the election of a mentally deranged and psychotic man like Obama. Hell is going to be poured out upon this nation after Obama is sworn in as president.

News Item11/5/08 8:03 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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CMT wrote:
I disagree, Bill. The first red president was Abraham Lincoln.
Say what? Lincoln was not a Native American Indian.

News Item11/5/08 7:47 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Mike wrote:
They are calling it historic. What on earth is historic about a liberal Democrat being elected?
I think what they mean by historic is that Obama is the first black president. Lord have mercy on the United States for electing a mentally deranged and psychotic man like Obama president. Hell is going to come upon this nation after Obama is sworn in as president.
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