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News Item2/28/08 12:00 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Awful as this episode is, The extent to which this Christian
photographer is being persecuted is probably very minor compared
to what's coming in the not so distant future.

I've seen and heard more than one modern Atheistic commentary
suggesting that Christianity and religion in general be declared
to be a form of Psychosis that ought to be "treated".

I find this very ironic, as I'm old enough to remember when
homosexuality was considered a mental illness by our professional
medical community.

Reminds me of that saying: "the inmates are now running the asylum".

News Item2/27/08 5:00 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Anyone who's followed Microsoft knows that they owe their
success to their consistency over the years. As a company
they tend to make fewer mistakes than their competitors,
and when they do (i.e. Microsoft Bob), they drop the losing
commodity quickly and move on to something more promising.

they "missed" the internet, but were nible enough to see
its promise early enough to muscle their way into that

They were there when Gary Kildal, Apple, IBM, and others
"dropped the ball"; and promptly capitalized on those
situations as well, coming out ahead most every time.

Microsoft is not really a monopoly. They're just GOOD...
even if some of their products (initially) AREN'T.

Survey2/25/08 5:56 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Probably Jeremiah.

Especially places like chapter 51, verses
20 to the end of the chapter.

NOT exactly what you might expect to see on
one of those fluffy daily-Bible-verse calendars
sold in most Bible bookstores that try to show
what a "loving God" God is.

We must read and listen to the WHOLE Bible.
Even the parts that sound unpleasant to us
if we are ever to know God for who He truely
is in ALL His aspects.

News Item2/24/08 4:19 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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No doubt those who value the material-physical over the mental-spiritual
world will find it easier to employ waterboarding over other types of
so-called "torture", in that waterboarding (I'm told) does not produce
the long-term physical damage that results from other so-called "torture"

This could be a further testimony to the "sensualization" of our modern
western culture, which is becoming increasingly health and saftey concious
while at the same time neglecting the less palpable mental and spiritual
aspects of human living.

News Item2/24/08 3:43 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Could you imagine having this man's memory while being on
the verge of being converted (convicted of your own sin)?

The overwhelming amount of sudden shame from all those
memories would be absolutely unbearable, I would think.

Then again, God Himself would certainly account for this
difference in this man's capacity and protect him from
being afflicted by more trauma than he could bear during
his own salvation process.

News Item2/24/08 3:12 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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There are such things as parody-churches, founded and
"pastored" by secular folk who attempt to demonstrate
the (perceived) absurdity of Christianity and religion
by being absurd themselves. Examples include Bob Dobb's
Church of the Sub-Genius and The Church of the Flying
Spaghetti Monster, to name a few.

Despite the deliberate goofiness of their external
messages, these groups are VERY serious in their attempts
to ridicule and undermine Christianity and religion in

Maybe Pastor Mike is involved with one of these.

Survey2/20/08 1:31 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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DJC49 wrote:
What if they had eaten of the Tree of Life (Gen 3:24) PRIOR to eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Any speculation there?
Years ago I wondered the same thing.

My "guess"--and that's all it is--is that one of the
reasons Satan and his demons are doomed, without the
hope of salvation is that they cannot DIE, which is
a neccessary component OF salvation. Even God himself
had to take human form so he could actually DIE in our
place, which was necessary for us to be saved.

It almost sounds, from the Biblical text, that if
God allowed Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of
life before or after they ate the forbidden fruit,
they too would be beyond salvation, as Satan and
his angels were and are.

But again, this is just speculation on my part,
which is what you asked for.

News Item2/19/08 4:53 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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'Throckmorton's letter noted, "Essentially, the entire opinion
discourages counselors and clients from attempting to do anything
about homosexual desires except affirm them."'

What if a straight client wants help from one of these counselors
to change his orientation to homosexual, or does this ever happen?
Is the counselor still obligated to "affirm" homosexual orientation
and thus support his/her desire to become gay? Unless I'm missing
something this sounds like a double-standard.

If gay people need help to escape their
lifestyle but NONE to enter it, then
it sounds like homosexuality is a PROBLEM,

News Item2/19/08 1:28 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"little beasties"??

That's what Anton Van Leeuwenhoek called them when he first
observed them (microbes) in water with his primitive microscope
back in the 1600s.

Bro Neil is quite the historian.

News Item2/18/08 12:57 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Imagine how they'd react to a talking Muhammad action figure.

At least they'll get a chance to see how it feels for those
who take the 2nd commandment seriously while having to endure
zillions of pictures of "Jesus Christ" everywhere.

News Item2/18/08 12:44 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"...a litre bottle of Evian or Volvic generates up to 600
times more CO2 than a litre of tap water."

Never heard that argument. I'm told other groups hate the
fact that the bottles themselves are a significant form of
pollution even though they fetch 90-cents per pound at the
local recycling facilitites here in California.

News Item2/17/08 8:39 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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verity wrote:
The book of Revelation has a pedigree which, to say the least, is highly questionable. The book certainly was not written by John the apostle -- as the linguistic style of the Greek demonstrates beyond doubt. And there are other proofs.
The book of Revelation is but one of numerous similar apocalyptic documents -- all of them Talmudic Jewish forgeries -- which were circulating in the first century A.D. Not being the work of John the apostle, the book is not canonical, and must be rejected as worthless.
So which "John" actually wrote the book
of Revelation? Rev 1:9, 21:2, 22:8

News Item2/17/08 8:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Wow! How did I miss this one (article)!

Looks like Neil and Mike have already said most of
what I might have...and probably more eloquently, too.

Minnow wrote:
Mike and Neil
OK keep the guns!
But restrict the Bullets.
California has been trying to do this for years by
trying to force all center-fire ammo AND firing pins
to be serialized by micro-stamping. Such a system,
though it may "sound" good, would simply lay additional
legal burdens on law-abiding gun-owners which most
criminals could easilly circumvent.

California is also getting very anal about lead-content
of common bullets and their resulting potential for
causing heavy metal toxicity in people and animals,
which is also over-blown.

News Item2/14/08 12:48 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Psalm 115:17-18 would seem to imply soul-sleep for the wicked but not
the saved, who "praise God" from the time they are saved on into eternity,
without any kind of interruption (call it soul-sleep or whatever).

Still, those who prefer a more literal understanding of Lazarus and the
rich man would vehemently deny the above teaching.

Hebrews 9:27 also seems to suggest that unsaved will "sleep" from the time
they die until the final judgement on the last day, whereas the believer
has already been judged with Christ on the cross, which is why they go
straight to Heaven to be with the Lord right after they die.

I may not be able to refute the likes of N.T. Wright to the satifaction
of his people. All I can say is that he looks, feels, and sounds like
a phony bank note to me.

News Item2/13/08 2:08 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Interesting that you prefer musak to that which your/our generation
was listening to, which I also loved prior to my conversion--after
which I too gravitated toward musak if for no other reason than it
seemed to me to be the most enjoyable AND innoccuous of "the world's"
music, and thus most suitable for the believer to enjoy apart from
hymns and such like.

Neil wrote:
But whatever the style, the name of the game is to "soften up" customers so they'll be cheerful spendthrifts.
Amen! Nowhere is this more true than with CAR commercials.
Depending on who's being targeted with which model, marketers
will select background music of the genre that most typifies
the audience being targeted.

Lol, Jim Lincoln. A friend of mine and
I used to joke about loitering at such
places just so we could enjoy the quality music they were playing!

News Item2/13/08 1:01 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Some of the establishments here in San Jose play CLASSICAL MUSIC on
externally-mounted speakers to discouraging loitering after hours.

It seems to work since I've never seen anybody hanging around such
places. Evidently loiterers hate classical music and classical music afficianados hate loitering!

News Item2/11/08 7:11 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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'When asked by Time about the period between death and the resurrection of
the dead, Wright said: "We know that we will be with God and with Christ,
resting and being refreshed. Paul writes that it will be conscious, but
compared with being bodily alive, it will be like being asleep.

Maybe so, but John in Revelation 6:9-11 makes it sound like such people
will be very much awake--at least awake enough to plaintively entreat God
by asking "...How long, O Lord...?", and be able to put on "white robes".

Since Christ is seated at the right hand of God, and Heaven is where God
dwells, then it follows that those who die in Christ go to be with Him
where he is at the moment of their deaths--which is Heaven, right?

Or is this BRILLIANT theologean seeing something that the rest of us are
somehow missing? I doubt it!

News Item2/9/08 5:20 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Steve aka Xtian wrote:
Anyway, WB is a carefully controlled torture technique used to repeatedly "drown" a person to the point of mental, physical & emotional breakdown, w/out actually killing them.
Again my comment is not to condone torture, but just wondering if anyone here has experienced this, or do we just have a bunch of backseat drivers who are downplaying a very harsh torture technique?

Since you're the one who's interested,
why not have your own self subjected to
WB. Then you can tell us "back-seat
drivers" how bad it really is.

News Item2/9/08 4:41 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Dessie wrote:
This almost sounds like a hoax.
If true, there has to be outside
influence. No innocent child could
be this STUPID!!

This article sounds so outrageous it
almost seems like a parody.

Such a person in MY second grade class
would've been swiftly referred to a
psychiatrist. Today such people are
treated even better than the nine black
students in Little Rock, back in the 50s.

It's truely maddening to watch my own
country get dumber and dumber as time
goes by.

News Item2/9/08 10:06 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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terry evans wrote:
Sorry, are there any examples of torture
in the Bible, besides those solders who killed Jesus?
"Torture" is a pretty loaded word, which is why I ALSO used the
phrase "military coersion", which also sets the context (i.e.
wartime, government-level--NOT individual-level application of
justice/vengence/reprisal/etc., which Protestant so eloquently
dealt with in his comment.

euphemisms are good if they can keep people from getting too upset
to clearly think through a difficult subject, but they are bad if
they downplay any horror that should be dealt with in that subject.

It's tough to balance the two, as I am trying to do now.

Military coersion in the Bible is probably more common than "torture",
but the only passage I can think of at this time is Judges 1:24-25.

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