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News Item2/18/07 9:13 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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That is quite a bit of eisegesis.

1 Kings 2:19-20 doesn't make any mention of a future Mary, nor is there any hint in scripture to give warrant that this woman is a type of Mary.

Rev 12:2 also says nothing of a mediating Mary.

Luke 1:28? This also says nothing of Mary's mediatorship. Does this also mean that Stephen is a mediator since he is said to be full of grace in Acts 6:8? Are we our own mediators since we are righteous as well? We share in the righteousness of Christ don't we?

Matt. 16:19? Not sure what you proof is here. This is about church discipline.

Nothing in scripture gives anyone the warrant to claim that the saints are pleading on our behalf.

I think that when scripture says that there is only one mediator, that that "precludes" anyone, including Mary, from acting as a mediator to Christ. You wouldn't say that about the roads to Christ. There is only one way to God and that is through Christ, you wouldn't say that this doesn't preclude anyone, especially Buddha, from acting as the way to God?

Indeed, who gives God counsel?

News Item2/18/07 7:28 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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1 Cor. 11:27-28
27Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. 28Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup.

News Item2/18/07 7:23 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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Yes, Christian Values. They claim to be Christians, they even live according to the Ten Commandments. So I would say that, yes, they try to hold to Christian Values. Same thing with all the unbelievers in the church. They fancy themselves Christian because they went to church as a child, or even go now. None of that makes them a Christian, but they still try to live by them, thinking themselves to be on God's goodside.

News Item2/18/07 7:17 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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In regards to John 2, you still have a problem on your hands with Him changing water into Wine. If it were wrong, He led them into sin, making Him even more guilty. I don't think you would be willing to say that.

I won't argue with you there whether He drank or not(I believe He did), but there are other accounts where we know He drank wine.

For Hab 2, if you knew that, why bring it up, when it has nothing to do with drinking at all.

For Lev. 10, you're right it does say when, but my point still stands. You make it stronger even by using "when". So then it's "only when" they go in the tent that they are not to drink wine and strong drink. Why would God even say that, if they didn't drink it any other time? That shouldn't had even been an issue.

Lev. 10:8-11
"Drink no wine or strong drink, you or your sons with you, when you go into the tent of meeting, lest you die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations."

Where's your arguemnt?

Where is this destruction? I only ask that you show me from scripture how it's wrong to drink alcohol. I've given you the common courtesy as to show my convictions by scripture. Surely you have the evidence to back your claims because of your strong conviction?

News Item2/18/07 12:12 AM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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Lev. 10:9-11? No, he was not guilty of this either. It’s odd that you say that I need to learn to read English, when this text clearly says nothing against drinking in and of itself. But it does say that Aaron, nor his sons, were to drink wine, or strong drink, BEFORE ENTERING INTO THE TENT OF MEETING, or as your perfect Bible puts it, “TABERNACLE”.

So with that said brother, I hope that you can at least acknowledge the scriptures I’ve put forth and deal with them. I won’t continue going back and forth with you when you show a lack of concern for biblical exegesis

News Item2/17/07 10:58 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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. It still wouldn’t matter because we know He changed the water into the wine so that they could drink it. It was a miracle, but it was also something that God had done in the OT. He gave them wine as a covenant blessing (e.g. Gen. 27:28; Deut. 7:13; 11:14; 33:28) . Christ was blessing the wedding, with the best wine, not grape juice.

And it’s actually funny that you would call me a wino, because that is what they called Jesus in Matt 11:19. Cause even your own KJV, written in perfect English, uses the word “winebibber”, or as you prefer to use, “wino”. Apparently, they, like you, didn’t appreciate that Christ drank wine.

Hab 2:15? No, he was not guilty of this. Considering Jesus was not the Babylonian King who involved other kings in his own evil affairs. Not only did this king get other neighboring kings involved in his greed for domination, but he got them involved so that they could help him, and once they helped, he would dominate them, leaving them naked and helpless. This is a prophecy concerning the Babylonian king, not a mandate against drinking alcohol.

News Item2/17/07 7:49 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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Bro. Williams

You’re right, it does say drink and not drunken. I’m not sure if you were actually reading my post to build or to critique it ahead of time. I’m going with the latter considering I never said that Romans said “drunken”. I only said that, like the other passages, it didn’t condemn drinking. I don’t think this is a debate, because if it were, you would have responded back with scripture and/or context to show how I was wrong. But instead you try to insult me and close your ears to hearing truth by saying that you don’t care what the “greek” says. I don’t know you, but if I were to judge your character based off of this one incident, it would show that your willingness to study God’s Word would be less than commendable. It really shows that you don’t care what the word of God says, even when it shows you where you err, you’ll still hold to whatever it is that makes you feel better at the end of the day. You say you have the perfect English Bible? Are all other translations written in other languages less than your KJV? Which KJV do you have? The original, or the revised? The account in John 2 doesn’t say that Christ actually drank the wine. And if you want to argue that He didn’t, then I won’t argue with you there, but I think that would be a weak argument.

News Item2/16/07 5:17 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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Actually Bro. Williams, you have only posted verses that condemn drunkeness, not drinking. As for Romans 14, it also doesn't condemn it either, only that we are not to cause our brother to stumble. You don't consider eating certain foods to be sin, but Paul also speaks of eating as well causing brothers to stumble, not just the drinking.

I find it funny that people try to explain away without warrant the fact that Christ drank. The unfermented wine bit doesn't really carry any weight. I say that because the same Greek work for wine in John, is the same greek word in Ephesians where Paul says to not be drunk of wine, but filled with the Spirit. How can you get drunk off of grape juice?

I do hope however that the church that is doing this does stand up and condemn drunkeness.

News Item2/16/07 4:45 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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Nothing more than an unbeliever with Christian Values.

News Item2/16/07 4:40 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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What would be our reaction, and the medias reaction, had someone got up there and said that they hate prostitutes, adulterers, liars, theives, swindlers, and so on and so forth?

News Item2/15/07 5:20 PM
Brandon | Kansas City  Find all comments by Brandon
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I don't see that as any form of common grace. If we're basing it off of Romans 2:15 especially. Cause it will only condemn them. That's more like Common Law if anything.
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