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News Item1/2/09 6:58 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Past discussion mentioned the invention of other "holy days" and I don't think anyone pro-xmas has responded. So, now please answer...

Can we invent other "holy days" and use your very own reasoning to justify them?

News Item1/2/09 6:52 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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DJC49 wrote:
What kind of question is that???
Just follow the posts and it should be clear.

John: What's HOMELAND Security?

What "providentially speaking" has said is rather interesting. It seems, especially considering Dr. Joel Wallach's (trace mineral guy) research, that the peoples living the longest don't worry about health. Is it because they are not "civilized?" The problem, however, that we "civilized" peoples are having is that the food supply is not only controlled it has been corrupted, whereas the food really isn't food anymore, even though it fills the belly. Therefore, since we're being attacked we should be concerned about what the enemy is doing and why. On the other hand, too much worry and stress can not only defeat the purpose, but can also choke the word.

News Item1/2/09 12:48 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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wherewithal wrote:
The crucifiction, the death and resurrection of Christ is the churches greatest memorial to worship praise and remember Christ's sacrifice for His elect.
Without the birth and incarnation of Christ, - this would clearly have not existed.
I see no reason for not praising and commemorating God for the incarnation of His Son.
Christmas may have been usurped by the worldly concerns of mankind, but that is not what the believer is communicating to God and His Son in that event.
If you pray to God as a non-believer God does not listen. Therefore there is a difference to God in who and why He discerns and listens to.
Jeremiah 14:11 Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good. 12 When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence" (also 7:16)
Alright, we'll compromise - just remember it one time and be done with it. And obviously that one time has already occurred, so let us move on.

News Item1/2/09 12:34 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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"But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean."

Was Peter referring to food here?

News Item1/2/09 10:13 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Here's a good spot.

healthy fish wrote:
'Yes, yes, yes, oh deep joy, a fellow health nut' Johnuk
'Luke 24:43 describes Jesus eating fish after the Resurrection. However, Jesus’ diet 2,000 years ago in a Mediterranean fishing community does not mandate what Christians should eat today'
'The Bible does not prohibit eating meat.'
Quoted from the Christian Vegetarian Association
I am interested in why Christians are vegans and some even eating only raw food? Others following The Hallelujah Diet-buy the book and the supplements? Even the above vegetarian society accepts that meat and fish were part of a Bible diet. We read Jesus eating 'broiled' fish in the scripture above and cooking fish John 21: 9. BROILED=a hot heat source, cooking means exactly that.
FISH IS HEALTHY-ask the Japenese
Likewise Gen 18 a tender calf was set before note 'God' and was eaten. Methinks Abraham had flocks and herds to eat. I fully concur it is wise to eat bible foods and properly prepared meat and fish. Jesus' diet is obviously for believers today just like all His teaching and even that example in a fishing community 2000 years ago!
John 6: 9-14 wonder if there were any vegans who refused amongst the 5000?
John 6: 63

News Item1/2/09 9:46 AM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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'The Bible does not prohibit eating meat.'

Maybe there's a specific forum for this topic.

I do recall that "fish" actually meant bread -according to some vegetarians.


Buenas Dias all, I'd appreciate no harassment today. Thanks a bunch!

News Item1/1/09 8:56 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Publican wrote:
Yes, I am, AAC. I will assume, unless corrected, that you will be representative of many.
In case I spoke to soon, the reference to 'reference point' might have just been my not perceiving a form of communication taken for granted. Putting us on common ground, so to speak.
As I stated elsewhere I do find the amillennial position to be the most simplest.

News Item1/1/09 8:53 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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I understand that curious feeling, but I'll have to keep you in suspense a little longer.

And no you are not harassing me.

News Item1/1/09 8:49 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Right here guys.

Why do you keep harassing me?

News Item1/1/09 8:46 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Yes, very good. John figured it out later on. Along with my friend Bernie.

News Item1/1/09 8:43 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Page 2 guys. It's still there. Read the scriptures and allow the Lord to enlighten you about spiritual Israel.

News Item1/1/09 6:52 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Ok, millennialism is the belief in 'ten hundred' or 'an indefinitely great number of years'.

News Item1/1/09 6:02 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Publican wrote:
What do you mean by the term 'millenialism', Anti-antichrist?
And are you using it as a reference point?
I guess I'm asking this question of you also, Jim Lincoln.
Um, a thousand years. Is that the correct answer?

I'm using the word as my buddy Jim uses it.

News Item1/1/09 5:31 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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whatsup: Is that you DJC49? Or possibly Lyn? Don't worry, you can talk to me - I don't bite.

But anyway "whatsup": Posting back to back is possible (keep trying), just not with the same name (as far as I know, I'm not real smart you know). I obviously did it from the same place so I could finish speaking/writing. I do find it rude to be cut off.

You seem perturbed with me, was it something I said?

As for Albert, I only read "Our Enemy, the State," so I don't know about the Jewish thing. I did follow the link and found this: [URL=]]]Nock and the Jewish Problem[/URL]

News Item1/1/09 3:56 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Yeah, that's me. I wasn't able to finish my reply so I had to change the name and post again. No game. Just don't like being cut off when I'm speaking/writing.


And speaking of Israel and bombs...I just had a little fella drop some "bombs" that I must attend to.

Now go learn what that meaneth and I'll be back later.

News Item1/1/09 3:53 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Yes, Publican, there is too much amillenialism and postmillenialism around here! A better view of [URL=]]]Eschatology[/URL]. The Romanish Church view of end times should be dumped and a more proper view of [URL=]]]Dispensations[/URL] taken.
If we dump the 3 Romanish views, what's left? Mid-millenialism?

News Item1/1/09 3:25 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Bernie G. wrote:
I wasn't aware of persecution toward Christians in Israel..
The Lord saith, through Paul: Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

Bernie G. wrote:
Your living in Israel and fighting the fight of a soldier of God is ambiguous.
The Lord saith, through Paul: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;...

Bernie G. wrote:
Are you an Israeli soldier?
In a sense, yes.

News Item1/1/09 2:16 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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John UK wrote:
p.s. It WAS very quiet last night, with hardly a soul in sight. And where were you, bro? IN ISRAEL??????? Were you??? Is that where you live???
Yes, I am IN ISRAEL. Sometimes I can't handle the daily persecution and would like to leave, but the Lord keeps me in. I fight many battles, but many battles I also willingly choose not to fight. Nevertheless, by God's love, grace, and mercy I remain engaged in this war as a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ, and will fight to the end.

PS: I also recommend reading the holy scriptures without the chapter and verse numbers, but I'm having difficulty convincing anyone of that.

News Item1/1/09 12:58 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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John UK wrote:
Yes, yes, yes, oh deep joy, a fellow health nut. Indeed, get your body alkaline, and the chance of you getting a major illness is reduced to almost zero. Cancers cannot grow in an alkaline environment, and if you have cancer and begin a strict raw food and freshly extracted veg juice diet, with barley grass powder and clean water, and raw fruits, the cancer can be made to shrivel up and die, instead of us shrivelling up and dying.
You're a bad man John. According to the mysterious "Sacred Law" you are not allowed to speak such things. If you go to jail for disobeying "civil authority" then we Christians will not visit you nor pray for you because you only deserve the punishment. Some may even laugh at you.

News Item1/1/09 12:35 PM
Anti-antichrist | God's land  Find all comments by Anti-antichrist
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Hey what happened to you alls last night? Was you out there gettin' all liquored up?

Around here people were shooting their guns that antichrist allows them to have. But I must admit, and I do confess, that I did partake of the festivity since I got my bow and shot about 50 or so arrows.


I don't understand why the Christian Zionists are not using the Hebrew calendar, but rather choose to follow the calendar of that dead Roman cult leader, Ugo Boncompagni.

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