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Survey10/20/08 8:40 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Let me ask you two questions.

Did not the LORD say that His Spirit will not always strive with man?

Does God have the right to withhold His saving grace from anyone? A simple Yes or No please!

Survey10/20/08 5:00 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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WOMI, here is the passage.

Dan 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Dan 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Where is there any mention of the antichrist establishing the covenant to start with in this passage?

My argument is that any covenant of such significance, especially one that pertains to bible prophecy would be clearly spelled out in scripture as to the contracting parties and the terms of the agreement. We have all been led to believe that this covenant in Daniel 9:27 refers to a covenant between the Antichrist and Israel. However where is the terms of this contract clearly spelled out in scripture? If it's there, then I will gladly concede this point and recant my argument. FWIW I am a seeker, not a scrapper.

BTW, thanks for jumping in for discussion.

Survey10/20/08 8:50 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Doctor WOMI wrote:
Let's try to work from the bottom up first.
I think maybe, covering their thighs and chest would be a good start.
R. S Graziotin wrote:
No truer word said . What is happenning with our convictions about modesty??
I agree with the both of you. My wife has remarked on several occasions how hard it is to find modest dresses even in the retail shops. The length may be fine, but the neckline is cut way too low or if it is modest in the neck, the length is too short. As far as head coverings go, Pastor John Greer of Ballymena FPC and Michael Barrett of Faith FPC in Greenville has an excellent series concerning this issue. Very informative and right to the point.

Survey10/19/08 3:50 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Michael Hranek wrote:
you might recall the 'beloved' by Calvinist/Reformed Westminister Confess of Faith(fanciful world of Calvinism?) tells us as much in how "their" "god" has created certain people only so "he" could damn them to hell for all eternity and makes sure they will never believe in the Son of God Jesus Christ who shed His precious blood for sinners on the Cross.
Your argument is not with the eformed, but the word of God.

Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
Rom 9:22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
Rom 9:23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

Pro 16:4 The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

Survey10/19/08 9:07 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Doctor WOMI wrote:
Hope you are doing well. If you are interested, I have a challenge for you at the link below. Scroll down a couple of my post to find out what the question is. I am not interested in throwing jabs or digs, but a sincere and reasonable question concerning Daniel 9:27."
Thanks There is Hope. I will take a look at it as soon as I can. Do not be disappointed if I do not answer right away since my time has been lately very limited.
Sounds good my friend.

It concerns the peace treaty that the antichrist makes with the nation of Israel and then breaks it. Where exactly is this covenant spelled out in scripture. Dispensationalist use Daniel 9:27 as its proof text, but as with any covenant in scripture, both contracting parties are given and the terms of the covenant are spelled out. Certainly there is more specific information to this covenant in scripture than just Dan. 9:27.

Survey10/18/08 2:16 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Hope you are doing well. If you are interested, I have a challenge for you at the link below. Scroll down a couple of my post to find out what the question is. I am not interested in throwing jabs or digs, but a sincere and reasonable question concerning Daniel 9:27.

[URL=]]]What is Your Theological System?[/URL]

Survey10/15/08 1:44 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Something for all to consider, the word "so" in John 3:16 is translated "on this manner" in Matt. 1:18, "thus" Matt. 2:5 & 3:15, "After this manner" Matt. 6:9, "Likewise" Matt. 7:12, "So likewise" Matt. 18:35.

Get the picture. There are 204 verses where this Greek word is used.

To maintain that the word "so" in this passage means "to such an extent" or that God loved the world "so much" or was "in love" with the world is based on a false premise and definition.

Survey10/15/08 9:03 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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It is very difficult to maintain that the word "world" in John 3:16 is restricted to the elect only, simply due to the fact that the same word is used in the immediate context of this passage, vs. 16-21. In this case the meaning would have to be consistant in each case or else you would have confusion.

What you must also consider is the verb tenses used in the passage. In verse 16 "believeth" is present tense "is believing". It is a promise to one who is a believer already, not a promise to one to become a believer and God would save them. Although we must also note the fact the the bible clearly states that one is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. To deny this is to deny scripture. One must come to Him for salvation. Question is, who will come to him? Will man come to him on his own or is it those whom the Father gave him? Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life.

The scripture is clear, "whosoever will" and that leaves the question, does God make him willing or does he make himself willing? By whose power does he come to Christ?

Survey10/13/08 9:58 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Norman Smith wrote:
I recently placed a comment against the sermon by Pastor Click *tulip wilts under the son*.
I have had no less than 4 venomous emails sent to me because of this !
Come on dear saints...if one is born again ,one should be *clothed with humility*, and *speak the truth in love*, even if one is convinced that they are earnestly contending for the faith.

Shame on those 4 who would display such behavior. It is totally uncalled for and displays their unregenerate nature.

I listened to Bro. Click's message and much of his criticisms were based on misinformed sources. I have heard a couple of other messages that were anti-reformed as well and the same rhetoric is used. Misinformation! Instead of consulting the writings of Calvin himself or men like Witsius, he consults people like Dave Hunt or modern day people who call themselves Calvinist but have no idea what Calvin actually taught.

I remember you when you were out on the streets with placards giving out the gospel. You had a fire and zeal even as a reformed. I love the Free Presbyterian church because they are out on the streets and door to door. They have a passion to reach the lost for Christ. Don't let the hypers discourage you. Keep pressing for the mark.

Survey10/9/08 12:43 PM
There is Hope | USA  Find all comments by There is Hope
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need more space roger?

B2B, many confuse being regenerate oor quickened as being saved. As the farmer breaks up the hard rocky ground, plows it, disks it before he can plant the seed, the same applies as God prepares the heart of the unregenerate man, makes it ready to receive the Word of God and produce fruit. When God does the work, He gets results or else tit makes God a failure. Jesus SHALL save His people from their sins. All that the Father giveth me SHALL come to me.

There are no maybes or probably, but God works effectively in His own. If He didn't then He would not be God, we would.

Survey10/9/08 10:31 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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continue Roger

Survey10/9/08 10:29 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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I have had problems with the audio from the live webcast from Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church. This past Sunday I couln't hear a thing.

Survey10/9/08 10:18 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Back 2 Basics wrote:
Hope - now we don't leave out 13 God is the drawing force that enables us to receive.
Bro. Gery, you are probably the only one I've heard that will admit that.

Many of the IFB that have come here in the past say that they came by their own power and free-will and that God didn't have to free their will from the bondage of sin.

BTW, I've checked out your website. I am familiar with Bro. Malone. I have heard him preach many years ago at a Sword conference and have always had a great respect for him.

I'll be away for a couple of days, but I'll try to check in on a remote computer. Blessings my brother.

Total Depravity or Total Inability.
Rom. 3:10-12
Job 4:4
John 3:19
Ps. 51:5
John 6:44
John 15:5
Jer. 17:9

"My understanding of Cism is that U take that a step farther. Am I right or wrong?"

I believe what Eph. 2:1 says that men are DEAD in tresspasses and sin. Someone who is dead spiritually (nekros) needs to be made alive spiritually (quickened) in order for them to receive (understand) or respond to the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor. 2:14). The unsaved, unregenerate does not have that ability.

Survey10/9/08 8:58 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Lurker wrote:
"Receiving Him" is an unfamiliar term and unless you can establish a precedent from scripture to use this term I would encourage you to stick with "repentance and faith" as man's obligation in salvation.

God bless.


They get it from John 1:12. But they conveniently omit or explain away John1:13.

Survey10/9/08 8:55 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Separatist wrote:
I think sermon audio slows down the download speeds.I was having trouble with downloads taking 20-30 minutes and called up my provider who tested my speed and it was fine. He said sermon audio was slowing down the download speeds.I then went to another sermon website and had no problem. I think it might have something to do with the paying customer vs the free customer. The Separatist

I doubt seriously that is the case. I am not a paying customer and my d/l speed is just fine. Of course I am on high speed cable. There was a situation where some of the older files were stored in another area and yes the d/l was very long. Sermonaudio did move them to a faster machine. Is there any particular file you are referring to?

Survey10/8/08 3:26 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Ome thing I have noticed is how pastors are treated on this board. If he is indeed God's called, God's ordained and God's appointed pastor to his congregation, then God will hold him accountable. At the same token, God holds the rest of us accountable of how we treat God's man. From what I've observed the last two days, some of you are on dangerous ground. I may not agree with the position he holds, but I still respect him as a pastor and would condsider him a friend if I knew him personally.

I am not trying to be unkind her, but simply admonishing everyone including myself that if we name the name of Christ, we need to display Christian charity. Afterall, you may be a Calvinist, but first and foremost, you need to be a Christian first.

Survey10/8/08 1:06 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Back 2 Basics wrote:
Roger..You have to work hard to get works out of "conviction of the Holy Spirit" and "Impossible to save myself." If your going to debate at least be honest!!!!! That's all I ask.
PS: God loves you unconditionally!
Bro. Gary, have you given any thought to the question I asked earlier on the "What is your theological system?" thread.

Survey10/8/08 12:16 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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rogerant wrote:
Now that looks like a genuine testimony brother.
However, that is a complete turnaround from you initial profession that was laced with I's rather than HE's.
God Bless
I am still not sure where any testimony I gave was laced with a bunch of I's unless you are confusing me with someone else.

Survey10/8/08 11:52 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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rogerant wrote:
Your testimony is laced with verbs expressing what YOU have done.
Not sure where you picked that up from. The reason why I have never doubted my salvation is not because of faith in my faith or faith in my belief or prayer, but it was Christ who secured my salvation on the cross of Calvary. It was the Holy Spirit who revealed to me my lost and desperate state. It was the Holy Spirit that showed me the awfulness and how wicked my heart was, eventhough I thought I was basically a very moral guy. It was that work of the Holy Spirit that gave me the grace to repent and to believe the gospel. It was God who gave me the grace to resign myself and to fall on and to finally rest on God's mercy. He changed my heart and gave me the desirte to love Him and His Word and to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. Salvation is in nothing I have done, but what Christ did for me.

Survey10/8/08 11:32 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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rogerant wrote:
That is why we have confessions of faith, faith in Christ, and why you have fundementals that one must believe to be saved. The differece is life and death.

Mattew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


Be careful when quoting Matt. 7:22, there is more to that passage, see verse 21.

Matt. 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that *** doeth the will of my Father *** which is in heaven."

What is the will of the Father?

John 6:40 "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."

But lest we forget.

Phil. 2:13 "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."

No belief, no salvation.

And lastly, always remember, Herod was eaten up with worms, because he gave not God the glory. (Acts 12:23)

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