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News Item3/1/10 3:17 PM
prince charles | anglesey, wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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jpw wrote:
Which church is the Western church of today most like? Do we even ask if a demand conflicts with a higher law of God? I am perplexed by human nature that most often we realize a problem only after the effect. Can anyone expound on that?
Thats a sobering question, the church is quiet over the ever increasing demands of the state and the taking away of our liberty to expound the gospel and as individuals there may be an extent to which we are intimidated by it but not realising it being a part of it.

The same tyranny comes back in another form but is only recognised by the few that have the light of the gospel the rest dont know or care or are participants

News Item3/1/10 12:41 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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jpw wrote:
Things are changing in our world very quickly and I have a feeling that the pew warmers are going to be counting the cost.
I couldnt agree more, events are rapidly showing the spritual, moral and doctrinal bankruptcy of postwar churchianity in the UK

For decades churches have been run for pew warmers and their ministers have been happy to do it (hirelings ?)

The arminist heresy and its worldly travelling companions have brought us to this place

Good News tho ! God is pulling the plug on this impudence

He is raising up believers who have been asleep and have now been made to thirst for the old paths and loathe the churchianity of the postwar years and see it for the cissified dishonest satans gospel that it is

The blind false teacher billy graham worlds greatest heretic and false prophet of these years is soon to split hell wide open, see his travelling companions try to pray him into heavan when he does

God is begining to shake the nations, a profound shift in power and wealth from west to east has begun after 500 years (the usual biblical 'cycle' 14 generations) God is raising up the enemies of the west to judge the fromer countries of the reformation who now despise His word

Get ready !

News Item3/1/10 12:19 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
It is fortunate that, even in the Old Testament, the Lord vouchsafed to seek out his lost sheep himself, because of laziness on the part of his church.
Charles, you've now added two extra words to my vocabularly: arminist and it!
Ha Ha so true john absolutely, btw is there a conspiracy for everyone to be nice to me today !!? compliment appreciated

yes us reformed crowd couldnt give a hoot we know you will come anyway !!

seriously tho thank heavan for election - how on earth do the arminists sleep at night with all those people going to hell and its basically their fault for not convincing them to be saved? especially since from my observation the churches mostly work very hard at ....well...concealing the gospel is mainly what they do !

Thanks for the enquiry June ! I am hugely flattered that you should seek my worthless opinion but, and may i be regarded amongst the least of your friends i shall offer what pitiful scraps of knowlege i can !

AiG is great and im a fan i use their resources quite a bit, their message made a big impact on me when i came across them - Genesis is the foundation of all biblical understanding thats why its peculiar that they offer SRB

News Item3/1/10 12:08 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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I smoke roll up cigarettes since i was 16 im 47 now maybe i should stop ...dunno im active never short of breath or anything i dont smoke all day like some tho, i never have i like a smoke in the evening maybe one or two during the day honestly no more than that, i dont like cigarettes in a packet (they are bad for you )

News Item3/1/10 5:43 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
#1 A C.I. Scofield Bible
#2 A Peak's Commentary on the Whole Bible.
It took a long while before I realised the Scofield was bad news, but the first verse I looked up in the Peak was John 3 about being born again. What I read there was amazingly pathetic and I knew this man was NOT born again.
That is unfourtunate John ! Being waylaid by the charismainiacs and then the schofield 'refernce' bible !

That schofield was a bad boy and no way a christian, exactly the sort to 'make merchandise of you' that you mentioned earlier, fred phelps did an interesting sermon on him a while back

apparently he left his first wife and kids and took up with another plus a bunch of other stuff

yet they laud him

For some peculiar reason ken ham at AIG can be seen advertising the schofield refernce bible and saying what a wonderful thing it is - extraordinary such a shame as it is them that reprinted for the first time in many many years the complete works of josephus

oh yes one can grasp the essentials of Gods doctrines and sometimes diecern his providence but more tyan that i believe is given to no man apart from the prophets of course, the real ones not todays charismaniacs

News Item2/28/10 5:39 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Why the Lemsip? Vick? Antibiotics? Why not just thank God for the affliction and suffer it?
well, thats an interesting idea and it may be scriptural.....

Now, medicines are a product of science which itself is a product of the dominion mandate so i can also see that the use of medicines is also biblical.

had i had space in the last post i would have added the following :

There seems to me to be general products of Gods curse upon creation, such as colds and genetic mutation and disease which can be dealt with thru the dominion mandate and expressed thru the finding of solutions through our God given intelligence and ......those events which are beyond the control or modulation of man such as earthquakes, tides, storms etc. God Himself controls these things to whit the disciples witnessing Jesus calming the storms and they said 'what manner of man is this ?'

I was thinking about Job earlier, God was obviously pleased with Job but let Satan torment him and make his life a misery, this was ultimately for Gods glory and on the way we are edified by learning from it

I thank God for medicine but maybe if I was more spiritual ....?

BTW i am told that there is to much use of antibiotics these days ? Dunno

News Item2/28/10 3:43 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Ha Ha beauty, permit me to gloat but this one is really going to play well for the labour party at the forthcoming elections i hope the opposition have got the werewithall to make the most of it (probly wont tho)

the labour party are going to get totally wasted

News Item2/28/10 3:18 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
And what, pray, is a 'divine fiat'?
This divine ‘Fiat’ is an agreement to the Eternal Father’s Will, a ‘yes’ response to His Will; a profound divine
oneness to It. ‘Let it be done.’ In the Holy Trinity, there is perfect agreement to the Father’s Will among the
Three Divine Persons. The Father wills, the Son responds ‘yes’, and the Holy Spirit fulfills Their act.


sorry to be a cut n paste jockey

why exactly do you dear brother suffer that malady common to us all at one time or another ? I dont know but our good and micromanaging God ordains that you should

I have been mercifully free from it this winter and I must not forget to give thanks

The complex biochemical processes which give rise to our discomfort are known to a few which labour in this specialist field but these are simply the means which God has ordained

Similarly the naturalists may explain eartquakes in terms of natural processes but our great and terrible God has complete control over these mighty forces and He ordains when and to what extent they shall occur just as He did when He instigated the great catastrophe of the Genesis flood

News Item2/28/10 12:06 PM
prince charles | wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Do I get a headache because I sinned?
Am I healthy because I've obeyed God?
What if I've obeyed God, but still suffer with ill health?
No body would claim to know the mind of God, which is what wiould be entailed where we to categorically state that this event or that was due to a particular end. However all events from earthquakes to the common cold are ordained by divine fiat

The believer should seek to discern Gods providence in all things

There are singular judgements such as earthquakes and floods, temporal such as national bankruptcy or poverty, individual such as poverty or illness
some seem to be part od general wrath being revealed now from heavan agianst all mankind and some are singular

But 'bad' things have to be understood in the widest possible context of the individual and the nation and the rules are seldom as the world might understand them.
For instance the unrighteous might be temporally blessed or an unrighteous nation might be raised up in strength for God to judge a backsliding nation, theis would be a suprise to the afflicted nation. But the starting point is all events are by divine fiat.

News Item2/28/10 7:16 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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The subtlety of Hills error is astonishing I can be devious but the devious ness of the wicked one is gard to see until its to late

The whole evangelical movement is tainted to a greater or lesser extent with the charismaniacs error most especialy in my limited observation the baptist church

I thank God that I was not led into error whilst seeking in hindsight i was fourtunate to have a sleepy presbyterian church where nothing much happened !

The deterioration of the church in the UK is far more advanced than most people recognise - its actually i believe finished as an effective force all that remains is for remnants to gather together as they can

News Item2/28/10 7:10 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Reliable reports are crucial bro, as the devil is seeking to discourage believers in the west. How? By false reports and false teachers who say that God is not working in the west because there is no faith
Now we are talking, i beleieve that also, how many times have we heard felloe believers say that God has moved on elsewhere and we have had our chance !!

What an unfourtunate idea !! If that was satans plan then it has worked, many believers are discouraged by these reprts and feel their God has abandoned them !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh may we repent of this dreadful heresy this does no honour to our God how the devil must gloat when he hears this

Yet sadly this is extremely common - believers dooing the devils work !!!!

why am i at my PC this morning when i could be at worship ? I am doing what all the reformed brethren are doing - surfing (in the sea ) in the morning with my youngest and church in the evening !

News Item2/28/10 4:44 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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[QUOTE]To Clifford Hill's thinking as he explicitly expounded it in 1992:-
- Christ's death on the cross was not necessary.
- God forgives, because that's what God does.
- Christ's death was just a "demonstration" of God's love.
How macabre![/QUOTE]astonishing, pure heresy but its so close to the real thing if you werent grounded in the truth you might not see it

i never heard him expound doctrinr so i couldnt compare but the fact that he has always been light on doctrine mafde me suspicious also he is pals with some very wordly people

also i heard him slag off martin luther once

News Item2/28/10 3:20 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Guinness wrote:
You will find part truth 'but it is not the real "thing as it is" in the Bible' as Ryle put it.
Yes ive lietened to quite a few of his CD's as a friend gets them and passes them on, they sound interesting but when you listen to them you get the feeling that something is missing i couldnt articulate it but i think you have it, the Gospel doesnt seem to be coatained within what he says

So much for C H being the 'acceptable face of charismania' The whole thing is phoney, if he cant pull it off no one can

Satan produces counterfiets of the real thing but the elect are inoculated it doesnt matter how good it is we know there is a problem !

News Item2/28/10 2:41 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Guinness wrote:
As far as I am aware Clifford Hill has never repented of his liberal doctrine where he denies the necessity of the shed blood of Christ.
I heard it in person with my own ears.
It was a very carefully prepared message.
He said that he had had that message for 10 years previously but never dared speak it.
It was no slip of the tongue.
He was not misunderstood.
Clifford Hill is a heretic. The Bible rejects his damnable doctrine.
"For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator."
wow, so subtle to, the cd's are interesting but now and again i used to wonder............

13For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

its amazing to think that clifford hill could be a false teacher but the possibility accords with scripture

News Item2/28/10 2:32 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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John UK wrote:
Charles, I think it is true to say that claims made for conversions and healings etc around the world today are, in the main, not simply exaggerations, but quite false.
Yes I dont believe what I hear, like beleagured troops we hear of victorys in a far country where God is at work and we are encouraged by some to believe that God has 'moved on' to these places - Ill see it myself before I believe it I dont care how many 'thousands are queing up' to get into chyrch in south korea etc Ill hear whats being taught first before I I believe there is a revival

In the case of Haiti a report from a reformed church would be more reliable than a secular news chanel however believing as I do that God talks to men in a language they understand and in this case earthquakes and 'disaster' and in the absence of reliable reports I think that its inevitable that many or most of these conversions are true

News Item2/27/10 5:27 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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that seems to answer the question

News Item2/27/10 5:25 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well, I'm glad you put that word "Vision" in quotes, because there are not prophets today, [URL=]]]Temporary Gifts the Spirit Gave[/URL]. No one, today has visions or prophecies from God, they are all from Satan.
In the UK we have quite a well known man called clifford hill who claims to have a prophetic ministry.

I listen to his CD's which are very interesting but on the downside he seems to keep some odd company at times which makes me wonder .......have any any UK based brethren come across him ?

News Item2/27/10 5:18 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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June wrote:
Amen, prince charles . .
There is a set time of awakening in the soul of the "remnant saved by grace", when a man is brought to his spiritual senses, as sure as there is a day of reckoning for the unsaved. This fearful and solemn event, when the foundations of the very earth have been terribly shaken, may very well be just such a wake up call for many.
Amen sister June, the church you attend is blessed and I hope you have the pleasure of fellowship with likemeinded saints

You may be right of course John in the possibility of them being false converts but considering the shocking and ongoing nature of their experience i think its more likely that when we reach the kingdom we may find a joyous club calling themselves 'haiti 2010' praising their maker ! My guess is that they have seen thru the false church in Haiti - mmm maybe thats why God used the quake ? I hadnt thought about that, you know - God used the quake to call the elect because the church was no good ?
Interesting thought indeed and i wouldnt have thawt of it but for your post -

what think ye brethren ?

News Item2/27/10 1:24 PM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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Mike wrote:
The elect were never in any need of earthquake mercy, unless you think they would have missed the calling out without it.
how do you know ? After all they needed some kind of calling like the rest of us
It seems that this was the way God decided to do it on this occasion, reason being for His greater Glory

News Item2/27/10 7:53 AM
prince charles | anglesey wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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see its like i said,(a while ago) sending the earthquake is a merciful thing because it calls out the elect

oh how us leading edge thinkers are persecuted for our perpacity !

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