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Sermon1/4/16 12:27 AM
Lyn | South Africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lyn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This series has been one of the most exciting and informative that I've listened to in years. Praise God for raising up teachers like John Mac Arthur

Sermon7/15/15 9:37 PM
lyn  Find all comments by lyn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is a must hear for all who name the name of Christ, particularly those who stand in the pulpits. How sad to see this country fall into a state of moral corruption, yet we know that only means one thing.....Christ is coming! This sermon is filled with truth and is indeed a blessing, thank you Pastor Jacowitz

Sermon8/16/13 6:18 PM
Lyn | Austrakia  Find all comments by Lyn
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Marriage Defined and Defended
Rev. David Mook
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this sermon. This is foundational and vital teaching.

Sermon8/4/09 9:04 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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The Carnal Christian Doctrine #1
Albert N. Martin
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a MUST LISTEN for all who profess Christ verbally, yet their hearts remain unchanged. Those who claim the promise of 'all who call on the Lord shall be saved', yet neglect the doctrine of regeneration.

Blog8/1/09 7:02 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by lyn
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Hi Nick,
Just a quick comment on your claim that homosexuals are 'wonderful loving humans just like everybody else'.
Let me direct you to Romans 3:23,'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God'. Also, Romans 3:10, 'As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one. (verse 12) 'They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable. There is none that does good, no, not one'.
We are all sinners who have no hope apart from Jesus Christ. The sin of homosexuality is a costly one, as is all sin, especially sexual sin. God's word is crystal clear on this, 1st Corinthians 6:9,10 says homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven. God calls homosexuality an abomination in Lev. 18:22. He detests this sin, it abhors Him.
The good news is Christ died to reconcile lost sinners back to a Holy God. All who cry out for mercy and forgiveness will be made righteous. I pray you will 'repent and believe in the Gospel'.
You have no idea how flaunting and boasting of your wickedness only increases God's wrath on you. You may think He doesn't see, or has changed His mind about your sin...but He hasn't. Just because He seems to delay judgment does not mean it isn't fast approaching.

p.s. -there are no 'loopholes' in God's word concerning homosexuality

News Item5/31/09 6:20 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by lyn
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All sin is birthed out of the human heart {Matthew 15:19}. The reason these priests are acting out on their forbidden lust is because they are not born again; they are unregenerate and dead in sin. Their minds have not been renewed, they haven't been given a new heart and a new spirit {Ezekiel 36:26}. Salvation is a gift from God, it cannot be earned. God gives to those who repent and cry out for mercy.
The RCC doctrine is powerless to transform a lost sinner, the shameful acts of these priests proves such.
There are many from every denomination who are unregenerate and act out what lies embedded within their hearts, unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church appears to have an abundance of such. This church has chosen to go against the word of God by covering up their wickedness, instead of dealing with it biblically, they opted to sweep it under the rug. From Numbers 32:23, 'You may be sure that your sin will find you out'.

News Item3/30/09 2:43 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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Why is my post so confusing and so misinterpreted by so many?!?
I give up! I do wish I could erase all my postings here.
Have a blessed day gentlemen, and ladies as well.

News Item3/30/09 9:18 AM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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The point is, Mrs. Palin calls herself a Christian, but thinks sexual immorality is what happens in life. She doesn't see it as a grievous sin against a Holy God.
This is why I think it may be best to avoid these boards altogether. Someone reads a post, and misinterprets what was posted. They run with it, and a debate breaks out. 90% of the time, it turns heated, and sarcasm and false innuendos are the result.
I will not go back and point out previous comments where you've misinterpreted my comments, it's insignificant. I do pray you have a blessed day Mike.

News Item3/29/09 10:36 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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You never cease to amaze me Mike, you go out of your way to nit pick almost every post of mine! I obviously have offended you somewhere down the line, and you can't seem to let it go.
In any case, re-read what I said. I was commenting on Palin's response to her daughter's pregnancy, which she kept to herself until after the election. When she first announced her daughter's pregnancy, she had high hopes of being a grandmother and of the upcoming marriage of her daughter. Now, it seems that's not in the works, the young couple have parted ways. In any case, Palin now states the sexual sin of her daughter is part of life. My post was on Palin's response to her daughter's pregnancy, NOT the announcement of the actual pregnancy. You have misconstrued my comments and taken them out of context.

News Item3/29/09 6:58 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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John Paul's wife~ Just because Mrs. Palin attaches the title of 'evangelical Christian' to her name does not make it so. What kind of tree is she? Does she bear the fruit of a true follower of Christ? Examine for yourself, her daughter sins sexually, and Mrs. Palin says, 'hey, life happens'. Now, the soul of this young woman is at stake. Is this the response a Godly woman should give her daughter? Shouldn't she have sat down and shown her daughter, from scripture, what God's word says about this matter? Then, she should have pointed her toward Luke 13:3. John 3:3 would be another passage that should be examined. That would have been the biblical way to handle this issue, along with requesting prayer for her daughter and the young man involved.
To flippantly say 'life happens' shows the concern of this woman isn't on the fact that God will punish sin; instead, her response seems to say, 'no big deal'. She doesn't seem the least bit concerned that her daughter has sinned against God, and, unless she is saved by His grace, she will perish, or be destroyed because of her sexual sin. The true follower of Christ would cry out to God for their child's soul to be saved, not go on national television and lessen the severity of this sin and say,'hey, life happens'.

News Item3/28/09 10:49 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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So Gov. Palin couldn't find a prayer pal. Why bother making this known?
She should have been praying for her daughter's sexual immoral behavior and telling her of the need to repent. Instead, this was Gov. Palin's response to her daughter's pregancy {notice how this wasn't made known until AFTER the election} "Get beyond the idea of abstinence" the 44 year old new grandmother said. "Hey, life happens". From Fox news channel 2/16/09 interview between Greta van Susteren and Gov. Palin.
Aaaah, but she was 'eye candy' for the religious right! Many tripped over themselves in support of all is eerily quiet.

News Item3/24/09 10:56 AM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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Lance, here is a link with an article that goes in depth about this very issue of Peter being crowned 'pope'. I do hope you will take the time to read it.
You will also find an article pertaining to Peter and the keys at
Dr. White is more knowledgeable on this than I am.

News Item3/24/09 10:15 AM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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This analogy by Christ was spiritual, not literal! We know this because the Bible condemns any consumption of blood {Gen. 9:4, as well as several other places}. So, Christ would not go against God's word by commanding a literal drinking of His blood. This statement by Christ wasn't even a reference to communion, it hadn't been instituted yet, and, if it were necessary for salvation, Christ would have said so. If you read on, vs. 57 says, 'so he who feeds on me will live because of me'. A continual feeding of God's word is what is meant here, not a wafer and some wine. It is a spiritual analogy...again, read on. vs. 63, 'it is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing'. If the flesh profits nothing, then why would He command you to eat His flesh? After all, God is Spirit.

News Item3/24/09 8:21 AM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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No Lance, Matt. 16:18,19 does NOT speak of any office of popery. Your religion twists those passages to form a make believe office. Christ NEVER refers to Peter as a pope {neither 'Peter', nor 'rock' translate in the original language as meaning 'pope'}, nor does Peter refer to himself as one {he does refer to himself as an 'elder'- 1 Peter 5:1}. So, your argument isn't valid. Do you understand the warnings not to add to {Deut. 4:2, Prov. 30:6} God's word? Since 'pope' or 'papacy' is not there, your religion is adding to God's word. Not even in the original language do you find anything close to some fictitious office of papacy. I reject your version, because you add to the holy writ, and you twist it to 'fit' your beliefs.

BTW- 'keys to the kingdom' translates 'authority' which all born from above believers have...the authority to tell lost sinners they stand condemned if they don't repent, or they have eternal life if they do, all in accordance to God's word.

News Item3/23/09 5:37 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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where is the office of pope explained in scripture? Where is papacy identified and described in God's word?
I am not referring to a roundabout backdoor explanation. God does not shy away when He speaks; if He set up an office entitled papacy, or pope, He would have made it clear. Just as He did with the office of elders, deacons, preachers, teachers, etc{1st Timothy 3}. Why is this office of pope so elusive in scripture?

News Item3/21/09 7:22 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John Y.~ this is what you stated in your previous post, 'Jesus earthly remains disappeared from the tomb and are not in existence anywhere on earth'.
Would you please elaborate on your meaning of this statement? Were you merely stating He was resurrected?
If I've misrepresented your post, I apologize to you.

News Item3/21/09 6:16 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Publican- amen!
As so many waste time debating secondary issues, it's brothers and sisters like these who are truly serving Christ and pleasing the Father. Their wholehearted selfless commitment makes me ashamed.
I praise God for brave souls like these, may He be glorified.

News Item3/21/09 5:44 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John Y~ wherever did you get the idea that Jesus' remains disappeared?!
Christ rose from the dead, his body intact, and received His glorified body upon being raised up from the grave. Matthew 27:62-66 speaks of a 'plot' schemed by the religious Jews fearing the disciples may steal his body, but, his body was resurrected whole. He wasn't in the grave long enough to decompose! Read Psalm 16:10, 'because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay'.
This is what happens, John Y., when you sit under doctrines of demons. You starve yourself spiritually, which eventually leads to death. Wrong doctrine leads to wrong thinking. May the Lord get you out of this apostate church, and quickly!
BTW-The proof of His resurrection is found in 1 Cor. 15:3-8

News Item3/16/09 2:36 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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God bless you Robert! And a hearty AMEN!

News Item3/14/09 7:26 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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This widow, as well as the congregation of this church are in need of prayer. It is disturbing that the theme song from 'The Jeffersons' was played at this man's funeral, which caused the congregation to stand up and applaud.
The service ended with a video previously made by the slain pastor giving the 'abc's' of salvation, ending with the invitation to pray to accept Christ. It's the dreaded easy believism syndrome, how terribly tragic for those who think they belong to Christ simply because they followed a procedure laid out for them. I do not find this invitation to accept Jesus in scripture, I do find a tax collector who says, "O Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner".
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