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Survey5/28/08 7:10 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob the seed has come. That seed is Jesus. He has fulfilled the law and the prophets. Hebrews 1 explains in detail how he has fulfilled the covenants and is now seated and his enemies have been made a footstool for his feet. '
v8 " But unto the son he saith ' Thy throne O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom' "
The Jews received all the land promised under King David and King Solomon. They were dispersed again after that. The promise was fulfilled. Now Christ is reigning in a kingdom made without hands - an everlasting kingdom. It's not still in the future.
The only way into that kingdom is through Christ - the door. All who enter must come that way. There will be no further sacrifices offered. Hebrews explains that.
One day He will return to judge and recreate the heavens and the earth for His pleasure.

Survey5/28/08 6:54 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob I am sorry you do not have this assurance as we have described. I pray that God will speak with you through scripture that you may grow in understanding and love of him.
Jesus prayed for us John17:20-26 "....v24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. ......."

Read the whole passage. This is the prayer Jesus prayed for those who would believe through the disciples testimonies - that's us.

Survey5/28/08 3:49 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob How do you know anyone?
You simply know that you know.
Are you really seeking an answer or are you changing the subject again. You leave me with the impression that you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ, but are simply contending with a philosophy you have studied in great detail.
The Lord Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Saviour. Is He yours?
I am a member of His family, a lively stone in His temple ie is in His body. As a group we who are members of His kingdom now will one day feast in heaven with Him.
We have many promises and one of them is that we are the seed of Abraham in Christ.

Survey5/28/08 3:24 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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I gave you a verse Phil 1": 6 but you still have made no effort to explain to me how you know who the woman who put the leaven in the bread was.
You have made no effort to answer djc49's questions.

Casob you do not appear to know or understand the scriptures or Jesus Christ whom they proclaim.

Survey5/27/08 10:25 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Jesus did preach his own death and resurrection.
He also told people that His kingdom is not of this world.

Survey5/26/08 9:58 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob have a look at Phil 1:6
"Being confident of this very thing, that he which began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"
He has begun a good work in me over 50 years ago and has continued faithfully to increase my faith in knowledge and understanding in Him. Yes I a confident I'm one of His elect.
But I'm always ready to learn Can you tell me how you know the details you gave about the woman with the leaven?

Survey5/26/08 9:46 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob it is absurd to say the covenants could not be broken. Why were the Israelites scattered? Why were the taken into captivity? They broke the covenants and God turned from them. When they came back into a right relationship with Him He renewed His promises. Under the new covenant He took the punishment for our sins so that He did not not have to turn against us. The new covenant that Abraham, Jacob and Isaac looked forward to is now in operation. Jesus said Abraham saw my day and rejoiced. The Jews must accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah to be brought into this everlasting covenant.

Survey5/26/08 9:36 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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If the wine is not fermented why were there rules about putting new wine in new wineskins? If it did not ferment it would not break the old wineskins.

Survey5/26/08 9:27 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob yes He told them.
The only people who had the seed grow are those who had been prepared for it by God.
But this does not explain how you know who the woman with the leaven is. Jesus does not state it is Jezeebel or the woman of Rev 17. How do you know?

Survey5/26/08 7:57 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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He has set up his kingdom and all we who belong to Him are subjects of it. It is not an earthly kingdom but one made without hands.
His parables recorded by Matthew tell us what it is like.
I am still waiting to hear how you know that the woman who took leaven to make bread is the same woman as mentioned in Revelation ch2 and ch 17.

Survey5/26/08 2:52 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob you made the statement that it is the same woman. Please tell me how you know this is the same woman. Did scripture say so, or did you read it somewhere or did you just make it up?
Not all women in scripture are evil. In this case Jesus is simply talking about the woman of the house who is cooking the meal.

Survey5/25/08 6:46 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Wow Casob you sure know how to alter scripture for your own interpretations.
I ask again
Please tell me how you know this is the same woman. Did scripture say so, or did you read it somewhere or did you just make it up?

You say the "King is away". Scripture tells me that He is present everywhere at all times. He is certainly present with His people now on earth.

Survey5/25/08 2:47 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Please tell me how you know this is the same woman. Did scripture say so, or did you read it somewhere or did you just make it up?
You say the "King is away". Scripture tells me that He is present everywhere at all times. He is certainly present with His people now on earth.

Survey5/22/08 9:08 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Preacher that is a new rendition of those verses, but I think it is how the freewillers read them.
God didn't ask the Israelites if they wished to leave Egypt. He simply told them to pack and go. He saved them and then told them how he wanted them to live.
The same with us. He calls us and saves us and then tells us how He wants us to live. Actually he not only tells us, he enables us through the Holy Spirit as he sanctifies us.

Survey5/21/08 10:00 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Michael, when sinners receive their new heart of flesh they do cry out to be saved, because it is then and only then that they realize the seriousness of sin.
Remember the people Moses brought out of Egypt. It was only after they were out that God gave them the law to live by. He told them "ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation" Ex19:6 He saved them first.
1Peter2:9 uses the same words to refer to those saved in Christ "but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation..."

Survey5/21/08 12:31 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Well said DJC49,rogerant and MurrayA.
I wrote earlier about the covenants being for gentiles as well.
Gen42:6 "I will make you to be a covenant people and a light for the nations."
They were not to keep God to themselves but to bring the nations to him.
Jer 4:1-2

Survey5/20/08 2:59 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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The OT covenants were for the gentiles as well

Survey5/19/08 5:16 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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The lone wolf and PILUT.
In Eph 2: 8 The word "saved" is not a neuter pronoun, "saved" is part of the compound verb "are saved". The subject who is saved is "ye". The adverbial clauses "for by grace" and "through faith" tell how ye are saved.

Survey5/18/08 7:02 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Pilut, have another look. Salvation is not even a word in the sentence.

Survey5/14/08 1:54 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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I believe dispensationalism is a very effective weapon that satan uses to sow discord and argument in the church. Where ever it becomes strong the church folk seem to lose sight of Christ and spend their time in useless discussions. Churches seem to grow strong for a time as people come to hear the latest ideas, but it has no depth and does not stand up to Biblical scrutiny.
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