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Survey4/20/08 4:06 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Assurance of salvation comes from the knowledge and understanding that Christ Jesus is the alone author and object of our faith.

Q.80. Can true believers be infallibly assured that they are in the estate of grace, and that they shall persevere therein unto salvation?
A. Such as truly believe in Christ, and endeavour to walk in all good conscience before him (1Jn.ii.3), may, without extraordinary revelation, by faith grounded upon the truth of God’s promises, and by the Spirit enabling them to discern in themselves those graces to which the promises of life are made (1Cor.ii.12, 1Jn.iii.14 & 18-19 & 21 & 24, 1Jn.iv.13 & 16,, and bearing witness with their spirits that they are the children of God (Rom.viii.16), be infallibly assured that they are in the estate of grace, and shall persevere therein unto salvation (1Jn.v.13).

We sinners know that faith in Christ is a ***free gift*** of grace given to all that are elect, and reject your view it is your human will that deserves victory. We know how to tell who speaks the true gospel, and can assure you that you do not. That is assurance.

PS - Don't tell me JD is Casob under a different color?

News Item4/20/08 1:25 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Dear brethren,

If the Pope says to hold fast to Scripture, then let us take to the world that greatest translation that caused the Roman Catholic Church to repent for her sins and evil Inquisition.

The marginal notes in the Geneva Bible (published 1560) were a major building block of the first reformation (1560-1600)...Christ Jesus being the Chief Cornerstone of the reformation.

"The first Bible printed in Scotland was a Geneva Bible in 1579[2]. In fact, the involvement of Knox and Calvin in the creation of the Geneva Bible made it especially appealing in Scotland, where a law was passed in 1579 requiring every household of sufficient means to buy a copy[3]."

The Roman Catholic Church was dealt a great blow to her murderous rampage across Europe with the printing of the Scriptures for all to read, and the formation of the great reformations, but one should not be confused with what the Pope says below. My partner lived in Rome until his recent death, and you cannot find a bible for sale at any of the bookstores. Unbelievable.

Survey4/20/08 12:10 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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You are blinded to the Roman Catholic heresy because, like my parents, you ignore comparing Scripture with Rome's tradition. I can only give credit to the Lord for giving me a strong desire to study the Scriptures and compare them to the Catholic Catechism. I've learned it is not by my nature to be a strong student of God's word, but rather my nature is against the things of God. It is clear when I was a Roman Catholic, like my parents today, I had no desire to read God's word and compare it with my Catholic traditions.

My daily devotions to the Virgin Mary, in praying multiple Hail Mary's, was what I was taught. My rosary used to be in my pocket, and the nuns used to show me how to devote prayer to Mary and Jesus through the Rosary. I used to kneel in front of Mary and Jesus statutes as a good Catholic boy. My mom used to burn candles for us and the dead. My father won't go to mass on Sunday as there is too much news to follow on the morning shows, so he goes on Saturday to give money and receive all the gifts of the Saints.

The Roman Catholic is blind, ignorant and a follower no matter what the Scriptures teach contrary to Rome. Like I was, you are still till this day. You love Rome and she loves you for it.

It is sad GG.

Survey4/20/08 12:01 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Casob is the typical Arminian follower who believes God is sovereign in all things except for man's salvation. Like most Arminians, they believe one is saved only by luck or coincidence (e.g., being at the right place at the right time and opening their eyes and ears to the gospel).

You see preachers tell people they are lucky to have been in their church at the right time, and by this lucky event they can "accept" Jesus into their heart. Few preachers explain it is by God's sovereign and divine will that He drew them into a saving knowledge of Christ. Rather than faith being given as a free gift and grace from God, as the Scriptures teach, they teach it is all luck and coincidence they heard their special alter call, and now it is up to them to "believe".

They will assign God's sovereign hand to a person's death, or a they tell people, "It was God's time for the person to go to heaven" or "It will be God's time for a baby to be born", but not salvation. They believe this is a work of man and not God himself. They absolutely will not accept God is sovereign in salvation.

Of course, we true gospel believers know that it is God alone who has blinded them, due to their sin and His will, not to see this truth...yet!

Survey4/20/08 11:49 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Yes, I believe Christian media should report on the Pope, but a far more balanced view should be presented. They should focus on the evil this religion has caused the Christian church in the past, present and future.

For those who have not watched this excellent documentary on why the Reformers taught the Pope and Vatican is the Antichrist of Scripture, you will want to see this video.

I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church and my parents today are blind followers of the Pope. They absolutely refuse to read Scripture and follow blindly like all typical Catholics what ever the church teaches as to be God speaking on earth. They call this "sacred tradition" to be equal with Scripture, even when Scripture speaks clearly against Rome's tradition.

If you are a Roman Catholic (besides GG and Lance who are blind followers), I would encourage you to watch the video, and for those who are hoping Rome and the Evangelicals can "be friends" I would hope you watch it as well.

News Item4/20/08 10:44 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Why Waco Still Matters
by Anthony Gregory

"...This mass seizure of children featured officials "wearing body armor and carrying automatic weapons, backed by an armored personnel carrier." The militarization of domestic police has infected every level of American government, down to the local. The Texas police were ready to conduct a warlike raid of the Fundamentalist Mormon home, and the particular justification for it has shifted from a specific report of abuse (still unconfirmed, and possibly a prank) to a more general one, just as the rationale behind Waco shifted (from a methamphetamine lab, to illegal guns, to child abuse). ..."

If this lady thinks she will not be arrested and put in jail once this bill is past, better think again.

For those interested to see where the legal system is headed, read here:

Survey4/20/08 10:06 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." (Rev.21:3-5).

Casob, may I assume that you do not believe this verse above to be true? Do you think it is impossible for God to make such a promise and keep it exactly as written?

If you do not believe in the sovereign nature of God, then you can only believe in luck, in coincidence or in a massive disarray to all things good or evil.

"The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." (Prov.16:4)

"That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things...I the LORD have created it." (Isa.45:6-8)

Survey4/20/08 9:19 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Mike wrote:

"Our assurance of salvation lies in God's promise of eternal life to those who believe. This assurance is based on God's character, not his sovereignty."

The first sentence is half-true and the second sentence is destructive heresy, bordering on damnable heresy.

Beware of Mike's comments everyone, they are based upon the great Pelagian, Arminian and Roman Catholic heresies of old on the doctrine of a Sovereign God.

"Dear ones, only the Christian who rests in a sovereign God who controls every movement, event and circumstance in this universe, in our world, and specifically in your life--only that person can know the everlasting joy of the Lord in the many different experiences in life (whether trials and blessings). For the Christian is able by God’s grace to look beyond his immediate experience to see the hand of a good God wisely directing every event to His glory and to the benefit of His people." Sermon on Eccl. 3:1,2

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted" (Eccl.3:1-2)

Survey4/20/08 9:05 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Christ died and rose again for His elect.

"But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one." (Jn.10:26-30)

Survey4/20/08 8:45 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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very well said fact, excellent!

By the way, I was glancing through your comments and notice you fill up the comment section as one large block of text. Although I am no expert on the matter, I have found most people to read the comments if you separate key points by separate paragraphs. People here often read and study only one liners and very short comments. Since your comments are so well written, it might be more effective if you can break up the blocks of text into multiple paragraphs in the same quote.

I say this not to offend you, but to help your comments become more effective as I have seen from watching people read them in the past, and ignore most of the substance of the comment. This is just my opinion as others may also suggest other ways to be more effective.

News Item4/20/08 8:36 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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I watched the Larry King interview of these women last night, and think there will be a seachange shift to promote and support Polygamy marriages. If true what the ladies said on TV, it is the State again lying and deceiving people to get anything they want accomplished. I am absolutely opposed to polygamy, as it violates the Law of Marriage and God's Law, but that State has no God given right to lie and deceive people to enforce the law. They are not above God's law, nor can they make laws along the way out of political expediency.

For those who interested, the best treatment on the subject of polygamy is here:

"The Hebrew Wife, Or, The Law of Marriage" By Sereno Edwards Dwight,
Published 1837

You can find it on google books for free as a PDF file or text file.

Survey4/13/08 10:56 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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John and HP,

YOU BOTH are totally blind to proper meaning of the Scriptures. Saying that Polygamy was practiced for 2,000 years or 5,000 years is foolish. I've never heard of such lies even in most of the literature I've read on the topic.

Even Rabbi's claim that only one Jewish Rabbi has promoted polygamy while all the rest have taught the Scriptures are against guys are just throwing all sorts of garbage hoping it will stick to something.

Be gone!

You are delusional...I could only pray the Lord would rise up a faithful civil magistrate to charge you with a crime, but in Nevada and Oregon I'm certain that is unlikely in those communities.

Survey4/13/08 9:51 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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HP, you wrote:

"The Hebrew Wife states, "If he is connected with any other women, he ceases to cleave to his wife, and makes himself one flesh with a stranger."

I not sure how you think Mark 10:8-9 supports anti-polygamy. I can only think that you are misreading the passage."

HP, please don't forget the verse before 8 & 9 which I'm sure Mike in context was saying which is absolutely consistent with The Hebrew Wife quote above:

Mk.10:7-9 says, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and ***cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh:*** so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

The supporting OT verse is, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." (Gen.2:24)

You cannot cleave to your wife while going sexually after multiple wives. It is obvious there is really nothing you Polygamists will hear on the subject to change your mind, using Scripture as the final authority, as your heart and mind are blinded by the lust of your flesh.

Survey4/13/08 9:15 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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It appears from what Dr. Phil wrote he meant to say "delusional" rather than "deluded". I got his point as I know the definition of "delusional disorder".

At wikipedia, it says, "A person with delusional disorder can be quite functional and does not tend to show any odd or bizarre behavior except as a direct result of the delusional belief. "Despite the encapsulation of the delusional system and the relative sparing of the personality, the patient's way of life is likely to become more and more overwhelmed by the dominating effect of the abnormal beliefs". (Munro, 1999)"

There is overwhelming evidence in history and with regard to the current arrest of cult leaders in Texas, that many who have been living with these men have a "delusional disorder". It is obviously a serious medical and psychological problem with your people, and most people who have a delusional disorder don't even know it themselves.

I'm not sure if Dr. Phil is a medical doctor, but he obviously is seeing a serious problem in your commentary on this site to render his opinion.

Don't be offended. I would encourage to escape from the internal pain you obviously have, but are not able to reveal on this thread. Living in sin is neither healthy, nor biblical.

Survey4/13/08 7:05 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"If he is connected with any other women, he ceases to cleave to his wife, and makes himself one flesh with a stranger. "What, know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot, is one body?" The same is equally true, if the connection with the stranger were to be preceded by the forms of marriage. Any connection with another women is leaving his wife, and ceasing to cleave to her, in the very point which the law respects.

So obviously is this the only interpretation, that this very language is customarily used in the marriage ceremony, when a promise is exacted from the parties, that they will be faithful to each other."

The Hebrew Wife, pgs. 9-11, S.E. Dwight, 1836

Dr. Phil, "The Hebrew Wife" is a classic and orthodox position on the subject. You can search and download it off of Google books for free.

"In reply to this call, three passages, besides Lev. xviii.18, the one in controversy, have been adduced, as containing direct or implied permissions of Polygamy: those are Exodus xxi.7-11; Deut.xxi.15-17; and 2Sam.xii.7,8. We shall give each a distinct examination." (The Hebrew Wife, page 14)

Survey4/13/08 6:38 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"(4) That all who are united in marriage, are joined together by god.---Here, then, is an express recognition of this law, as the Original Law of Marriage; as in force from the beginning; as in full force under the Levitical Dispensation, amended as it was in a single point---that relating to divorces; and, in consequences of the express repeal of that amendment by Christ himself, except for one cause, as in force with that exception, in all its original extent under the Christian Dispensation.

3. This law in the very terms of it, as well as according to the comment of Christ, is an absolute prohibition of Polygamy. It is so in the terms of it. It declares that lawful marriage, as appointed by God, is the connection for life between twain or two, one man and one women, and that when they are married they cease to be twain, and are one flesh.

It also declares that the man who is thus united to a women in marriage, shall 'cleave unto her' as his wife. Before, with filial affection, he clave unto his parents as a son, and acknowledged them only; and now, with conjugal affection, he is directed as a husband to cleave unto his wife. This language is capable of but one interpretation.

To be continued...

Survey4/13/08 4:34 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"It was made, therefore, for their Posterity; and since, in its binding force on them, there are no restrictions or limitations, it was clearly given to bind the whole human family. On this point the comment of Christ is express.

The Jews inquired of him,---Whether it was lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?---In his reply, he admits that Moses, for the hardness of their hearts, allowed divorces in certain cases; but asserts that in the beginning it was not so.

He then declares, that, except in the single case of incontinence, it is not lawful for a man to put away his wife, and marry another; and assigns four reasons for it.

(1) The fact, that God originally created but one man and one woman, and joined them in marriage; and thus expressed his own pleasure that marriage should subsist between one man and one woman.

(2) That at the time when God instituted marriage, he declared "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave unto his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh."

(3) That that is the reason why two married persons are no more twain, but one flesh.

To be continued...

News Item4/13/08 3:56 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Christian Zionism is deadly and dangerous, both in this life and the next, beware!

Survey4/13/08 3:29 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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OP, your family and brother-in-law will be in my prayers!

In regard to "For this cause", another opinion, is:

"1. The words---"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave unto his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh"---were not, as some have supposed the words of Adam, but were uttered by God. The language of Christ is, "He who made them at the beginning, said, 'For this cause,'" &c. The Maker of Adam, therefore, and not Adam, said this; and the thing uttered was not a prediction of Adam, but a command of God.

2. This is the Great Original Law of Marriage binding on the whole family. It was not a part of any Ceremonial Law, or of the National Law of Israel; but was promulgated at the original institution of marriage, to the first parents of mankind, as the representatives of the whole race. Men and women about to contract marriage were the only beings, and the very beings on whom it was binding.

By the terms of it, Adam and Eve were personally exempted from its operation; since they were married, and Adam had no father or mother, whom he could leave.

To be continued...

Survey4/13/08 3:03 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Observation Post,

I started to read 'The Hebrew Wife' again today to refresh my knowledge of this it is old as dirt and the same verses are used over and over again on this site trying to prove polygamy.

OP, if you have not read the book, I would encourage you to read it. It can be downloaded on google books in a PDF file for free, and is very easy and fast reading as the pages have been reduced into smaller margins. If you don't have time to read all 200 pages, try to get through the first 50, then next 50, etc. and in 4-5 days you will finish it. It is very easy the way google downloads it as a PDF.

The comments these guys below are making demonstrate how truly ignorant they are of God's Word, and one can see how fleshy and worldly they are using verses totally blindly and out of context.

"The Hebrew Wife" is one of the best biblical expositions on this topic ever written, and exposes these lustful men for who they are in the Christian church. Even those in the legislature are lusting after one another, man with man, or man with married women, claiming there is no sin. When churches start teaching this sinful behavior is ok with Scripture, and others promote polygamy after young girls, BEWARE of the evil of this world.

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