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News Item2/14/08 12:46 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Tony Borrelli wrote:
The influence of the lobby in network broadcasting, print media, entertainment, politics (due to money) etc. is so great that it's tentacles reach everywhere.... Alas, Luther (God rest his wild boar soul) may have been right all along.
Hello Tony, thank you for your comment. I am curious as to the meaning of your last sentence. If you could clarify it further, I would appreciate it.

Last night, I read a very good article, "America's Greatest Threat," by Rev. Ted Pike.

"Mainstream media gives the impression that the anti-Christian ideas they promote have risen on their own merit. Nothing could be further from the truth. We evolved from slime? A woman has every right to kill her unborn child? Sodomy is "gay" (a happy alternative to marriage)? These powerfully destructive premises are artificially and constantly inserted into national discussion. Traditional Christian values are excluded or belittled."


News Item2/14/08 12:23 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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William wrote:
..... Ron Paul ..... his voting record is a testimony to his abiding by his oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution, something none of the other candidates have done. Every other candidate for President has supported and promoted legislation and policies at odds with our form of government, a limited constitutional republic. Every other candidate is promoting more of the same anti-christian socialism that we've been getting with each administration regardless of which party is in control....

..... "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" and Ron Paul is the only candidate promoting a constitutional republic designed to protect our God-given liberties. Yes, God will have His way in raising up the next President, but He will hold each of us accountable for who and what we endorse with our vote. Will you endorse evil or good?

Amen - Thank you William.

News Item2/13/08 7:26 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Mike wrote:
Are we doomed?
Hello Mike, I have been posting these messages because with the help of Almighty God, Christians can make a difference.

Psa 37:39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble.

Psa 37:40 And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.

Psa 37:4 Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Psa 37:5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Jer 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil,

Phillipians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

News Item2/13/08 6:02 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Zbignew Brezinski has endorsed Barak Obama and has been reported to be his chief foreign policy advisor. "The Grand Chessboard," a 215 page book, was written by Brezinski and published in 1997.

In his summary, Brezinski says the economic and human sacrifices required for the pursuit of world domination are not congenial to democratic instincts. Brezinski suggests that Americans will only support such sacrifices if they are provided with a direct external challenge comparable to the Pearl Harbor attack...

The Nazi-like plan for world domination must have fallen on sympathetic eyes when our president read it.

In 1942, during World War II, Prescott S. Bush (grandfather to our current president) was either a director or a top executive in four corporations that were seized by the U.S. Government under the "Trading With the Enemy" act. The four corporations were: The Union Banking Corporation, the Holland-America Trading Corporation, the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation and the Silesian-American Corp. A financial Godfather to all these businesses was Brown Brothers-Harriman. Prescott Bush was managing director. Learn more click:


News Item2/13/08 1:46 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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David St. Paul, MN wrote -- "Rendering to Caesar, A Biblical Perspective on Government. The author has forgotten where rights come from. Governments do not give rights, they can only limit or remove personal rights. Christian Germany voted for Hitler and did not protest his murder of millions of people. It is the inaction of the professed "Christians" in America that will lead to its downfall. In the real world, it is this inaction by "Christians" that has led to redicule and disrespect. Beware the false god when you go to government for your daily needs - remember the lilies of the field. You incorporate your churches and worship the federal reserve note, while you allow government agents to be free to disobey the very document meant to limit their power and secure your rights. False teacher."

Amen - Thank you David.

"Let us remember, that 'if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom. It is a very serious consideration, which should deeply impress our minds, that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers in the event." --Samuel Adams.

News Item2/13/08 1:33 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Michael Chertoff, our head of Homeland Security has a name that literally means "of the devil" in Russian. He also has a cousin who wrote the infamous "Popular Mechanics" 9/11 cover story that attempted to debunk all the 9/11 theories that run counter to the official consensus.

Very interestingly, this cousin pretended not to know if Michael Chertoff was his uncle, but the author's mother, contacted on the phone, said, "Why, of course Michael is his uncle!"

AFP's Christopher Bollyn, who dug up the information, also alleges that Ben Chertoff's mother was a Mossad agent.

While there is, as yet, no evidence of any working relationship between the two, it is certainly noteworthy that the cousin of the current Homeland Security Chief, who, in his previous incarnation as head of the Justice Department's criminal division was instrumental in the release of obvious Israeli spies before and after 9/11, happens to be behind a high-profile attempt to debunk 9/11 conspiracy theories."

Michael Chertoff also reportedly holds dual U.S. / Isreaeli citizenship:


News Item2/13/08 1:06 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Why was the cashing out of billions of dollars just before 9/11 never investigated?

Had an investigation been done into the crime of failing to file the "currency transaction reports" in August 2001, then we would know who made the cash withdrawals in $100 bills amounting to the $5 billion surge.

When reviewing the record of July and August of 2001, Bill Bergman noticed a $5 billion surge in the currency component of the M1 money supply—the third largest such increase since 1947. Bergman asked about this anomaly—and was removed from his investigative duties.

Warning bells about anomalies in the fiscal sector were sounded in the summer of 2001, but not heeded.


It's been over six years since 9/11, but U.S. regulatory entities have been slow to follow through with reports about the complex financial transactions that occurred just prior to and following the attacks. Such research could shed light on such questions as who was behind them—and who benefited—and could help lay to rest the rumors that have been festering.

News Item2/12/08 6:41 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Military prosecutors announced yesterday that they have filed death penalty charges "against a former senior leader of Al Qaeda and five other Guantánamo detainees on Monday for their roles" in the 9/11 attacks.

One of these detainees, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the so-called 9/11 "mastermind," has been confirmed to have been waterboarded. Yesterday evening, Attorney General Mike Mukasey refused to rule out using this evidence in court, saying, "What evidence gets presented at this trial is up to the prosecutors."

On CNN last night, Charles Swift, the "hero of Guantanamo" who represented Salim Hamdan in the case Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, slammed the government's refusal to rule out waterboarding-based evidence in the military commission:

SWIFT: And if we use — we move beyond the torture discussion to the question of using this in a trial where life and death is at stake. If we use waterboarded testimony in that trial, to my knowledge…the last precedent for using that kind of testimony was the Spanish Inquisition.


News Item2/12/08 6:22 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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The Council on Foreign Relaions has published a plan to end American sovereignty and overthrow the American Constitution and government. "Building a North American Community" was authored by three elite members of the New York-based organization. By the year 2010, the following is to be achieved:

(1) A new currency, called the Amero, replace the dollar.

(2) All borders between Mexico, the U.S.A., and Canada be erased and the Border Patrol retired.

(3) A North American Parliament Group, composed of Mexican politicians and U.S. quislings, take over legislative authority, superseding our own Senate and House.

(4) A North American Judicial Council, or Tribunal, take over the judicial function and demote the U.S. Supreme Court to an advisory only role.

(5) A joint Executive Authority be set up, possibly with its capitol in Mexico City or Toronto, to dictate to U.S. citizens the terms of surrender.



News Item2/12/08 5:42 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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"The use of electronic voting machines, designed to alter vote counts on command, and without any paper trail to confirm their accuracy, is merely the final step in controlling the masses while, at the same time, keeping them content with the illusion that they are determining their own political destiny." - G Edward Griffin

Why, then, would anyone want to vote? Why, then, would anyone want to join in a campaign?

"Winning an election is part of a larger strategy to recapture our freedom and restore national sovereignty. This cannot be done by putting one man into office, even the White House. A man like Ron Paul, if elected, would be surrounded by collectivist enemies in Congress, in the bureaucracy, in the Pentagon, in the CIA, in the Judiciary, and in the corporate media (to name just a few power centers) who would throw every conceivable roadblock in his way."

"Ultimate victory will come only after inroads have been made into all of these sectors...." - G Edward Griffin


Google search G. Edward Griffin to find the many notable books which he has written, also videos which you can watch for free.

News Item2/12/08 12:17 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Hi Chandrus,

a few other good verses in reference to the article....

2 Cr 5:6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:

2Cr 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight:

2Cr 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

News Item2/11/08 11:14 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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The real progress that has been made by the "RON PAUL REVOLUTION," over the last 12 months, has been highlighted by an unlikely source. Newsmax, which is largely a Neo-Con news publication, admits in its new issue that Ron Paul may have "changed the GOP forever."

Newsmax writes that Paul's message of small government, limited taxation, and reduced intervention abroad "resonates with millions of Americans" and compares the Congressman's impact to that of conservative icon Barry Goldwater, who fundamentally shifted the course of the GOP 50 years ago.


America was not demolished overnight and it won't be restored overnight. This is part of a long process that transcends the issue of Ron Paul's presidential campaign. People who are so naive as to lose hope and abandon the cause at such an early stage need to realize that the struggle to revive liberty is a long and arduous battle which really has no end.

We really need to continually remind ourselves to take stock of what we as a movement have achieved in just the last 12 months alone.

News Item2/3/08 5:45 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Fading into obscurity???? Hardly !!! Los Angeles Times: Ron Paul was biggest GOP fundraiser last quarter.


Ron Paul received more donations from soldiers than his opponents combined.

4th quarter -

Paul: $286,764; 1349 donors

McCain: $79,597; 413 donors

Romney: $29,250; 140 donors

Huckabee: $24,562; 94 donors

Obama: $81,037; 466 donors

Clinton: $49,523; 181


This from the Washington Post: "The latest estimate of the growing costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the worldwide battle against terrorism -- nearly $15 billion a month -- came last week from one of the Senate's leading proponents of a continued U.S. military presence in Iraq."


News Item2/2/08 11:02 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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An interesting article about the Jesuits, the sinking of the Titanic, and the establishment of the Federal Reserve System can be found at this link:


The Captain of the Titanic was Edward Smith. He was a Jesuit and worked for J.P. Morgan. From National Geographic 'The Secrets of the Titanic,' (1986)

When the ship departed southern England, on board was Francis Browne. He was the most powerful Jesuit in all of Ireland and the 'Jesuit Master of Edward Smith.' 'Here is Jesuit treachery at its finest. The provincial Father Francis Browne boards the Titanic, photographs the victims, most assuredly briefs the Captain concerning his oath as a Jesuit, and the following morning bids him farewell...' Eric J. Phelps, Vatican Assassins Halcon Unified Services. P. 247.

Captain Smith had been traveling the North Atlantic for 26 years. He was the 'world's most experienced master' in these cold waters. The Captain knew all along that his ship was built for the enemies of the Jesuits....

News Item2/2/08 7:40 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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1Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

1Tim 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

News Item2/2/08 7:10 AM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Really Jim, how many times have you posted the same link to the same sloppy article written by an obscure journalist? - It is nothing more than half truths and ineuendo. Expand your mind....

John McLaughlin, Host and Producer of PBS’s "The McLaughlin Group" stated: "Person of the Year: Ron Paul, the physician-politician. He injected the Presidential campaign with a dose of truth serum. Paul’s straight talk on Iraq, and his straight talk on the Constitution, as Buchanan pointed out, and the limits of government have made him an Internet phemonema. In fact, Paul has become an independent force in the nation’s life."


You might try reading "The Revolution: a Manifesto," by Ron Paul - due out April 30th. The book, published by Grand Central, stormed into the Amazon top five yesterday. The as yet unreleased book is selling in the thousands, an indication of how popular the Congressman's message has become.

Read Ron Paul's preface to the book click or copy/paste this link:


News Item1/30/08 11:12 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Rather than complain about omissions, why not post yourself? One can only write of that which one has knowledge. Why rant against the only candidate who seeks to end the Federal Reserve System? Perhaps, not every one is aware as you stated: "The Blame For All This Financial Fiasco Belongs: At The Gates of Satan's Seat on Planet Earth...... The Gates & Doors of THE SATANIC VATICAN !"

This is a link to a very interesting video about JFK. It had me on the edge of my seat. (Ignore the "members only" notice at the beginning - it will play).


News Item1/28/08 6:53 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Hi Terry, thank you for the nice post. I am at work just now and will be getting up tomorrow morning at 4AM because I am a volunteer in an EXIT POLL here. I will get back to you on it later.

enough already, thank you for your question. I am a Christian as I have called upon Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. I came to a personal relationship as a child, maybe at 5 years of age. The experience is quite clear to me but I did not note my age at the time.

Since I am in my 50's I have had a long time to know the love and provisions of my Heavenly Father. I came to understand the Gospel during family worship which was led by my Father as he taught from a childrens book by Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse.

I will have to pick this up again later.

Anti Vaticanist American - I hope there are no hard feelings. It is true I do not know very much about the Catholic Church.

News Item1/28/08 4:37 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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as ususal all AVA can offer is more ad hominem

News Item1/28/08 3:15 PM
Susan Miller | West Palm Beach, FL  Find all comments by Susan Miller
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Susan, the people who run the Federal Reserve are picked by our elected representatives
Please, DO tell us more. Which of our elected representatives pick which people who run the Fed. Also, where is this authorized in the the United States Constitution???
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