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News Item5/14/13 2:58 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Won't be any good unless/until supporting infrastructure is up and running. I'm told here in California it hasn't been so easy to provide coverage (i.e. acquire permits to build the many needed relay towers) to support 4G thus far. We'll see.

News Item5/14/13 2:44 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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There's always Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17 where our LITERAL 7-day week is defined by God himself, using his own timetable (time he took to create the universe) as a reference.

All other major time periods that I can think of are referenced to the rotation of heavenly bodies (day, month, year).

Only other possible way I'm aware of that one can use to define a week is to divide the time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun by 52, but this is a very oblique way to do so if one denies the literal 6-day creation account.

As for Barry's question, my own denomination (OPC) is rife with old-earthers (in fact I'm told that even our FOUNDER, Dr. J.G.Mechan had similar beliefs). Still, I haven't found it to be a significantly divisive doctrine. Baptism, Sabbath, and communion issues tend to be more troublesome than differing views of creation and eschatology. At least in our church this appears to be the case.

News Item5/14/13 2:28 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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FR used to be a very fine ministry before Camping outlived his fellow founders and board members, after which one could not help but notice that the ministry increasingly became more about him and his plans/projects (including--sadly--his obsession with predicting Christ's 2nd coming) than the helpful Christian outreach and service it was previously known for.

News Item5/13/13 1:24 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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MiChris wrote:
I agree there is a problem in this country, a simple flat tax or national sales tax would be much fairer and easier. Fortunately we have a future to look forward to, where we won't worry about money or belongings.
Me too.

Another example of the many maddening unforeseen consequences of our needlessly and massively complex tax system is having to work with senior co-workers who insist on living in tax-free Nevada while I'm stuck here in Northern California. In a much more "perfect" (tax equitable) world, I would only have to walk down the hall or make a local call instead of waiting until their weekly visit to the plant (most often to coordinate with our system administrator regarding their remote access equipment).

News Item5/13/13 1:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Nixon could be pretty loopy at times (90-day price freeze, setting clocks 2-hours ahead in and attempt to "save energy"?). A decent president overall but he was all over the place policy-wise (tough on N. Vietnam but soft on so-called "endangered species").

News Item5/13/13 12:42 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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John UK wrote:
...Now what is this "fruit" that the seed bears? And what is this "hundredfold, sixty, and thirty"?
I am taking it that the seed is the word of God, and that the good ground is a prepared heart of a sinner, willing and able to receive the seed, and to understand and believe it.
I had always assumed that the 100, 60, and 30-fold had to do with CONVERTS won over during this new believer's lifetime, but have since been informed that the "fruit" spoken of here is the so-called fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.) which can and often does (and probably should) result in th expansion of God's kingdom.

Perhaps someone else on here can give you an even better answer than this.

Lisa wrote:
John- ask them what sodom and Gomorrah was all about !
Thanks, Lisa.

Most common "deflection" of both Genesis 19 and Judges 19 I've heard is that "lack of hospitality" and not homosexuality was the sin that was punished. I know it's a lame defense on their part but it allows me to explain Sodom's progress through the Bible being initially worldly (root sin) and eventually degenerating to homosexuality (flower sin) just prior to their judgment (harvest). Not unlike our own present culture and others throu

News Item5/13/13 12:12 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Blame divorce and its causes.

This is nothing new, but then again, I'm from California!

Back in 1983 I applied for admission to the state university system. The form I filled out then did not ask me for the names of my parents, but instead asked me for the name (singular) of the "parent or guardian" with whom I was presently residing.

News Item5/13/13 11:58 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Not to worry. I'm sure our oh-so enlightened government will be able to find something else to throw money at, and ruin it in the process.

News Item5/13/13 11:54 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Angela's point about parents is vital. Mine went to public school when overall morality was good so they sent their kids (me and my sibs) also, not realizing the declining moral state of these schools by then (late 1960s-early 1970s). It's far worse now with government filling the "vacuum" left by broken homes and/or parents who are just not "there" for their kids.

I personally would LOVE to have been home-schooled. Not just because both my parents were teachers and more than up to the task, but the LACK of so-called "socialization" (so highly touted by mass educators both public and private) would've saved me much corruption I experienced and obtained from falling in with the "wrong crowd".

News Item5/10/13 12:36 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
Just one example: The NASA atmosphere model. It is an horrible hash of interpolated measured data & improvised equations, running on computers which do not even comply with fundamental rules of analytic arithmetic.
Which is no doubt why so many global warming (and global cooling) enthusiasts have had such difficulty validating their claims.

News Item5/10/13 12:23 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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"During his speeches, people raise their hands to challenge his assertions that the Bible condemns homosexuality, but no Christians speak out to defend him."

Pearls before swine.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard or been told that "homosexuality is not prohibited in the Gospels". Each time I point to Matthew 19, which CLEARLY defines Biblical marriage and the Biblical family, they say "That's talking about 'marriage' and not 'homosexuality' (!!!). Are you kidding me? All these people want (most of them) is what they want (in this case, homosexuality recognized as being legit) and will accept or deny whatever advances their agenda. Biblical or otherwise.

News Item5/8/13 2:46 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Well, we do need a comic relief break on SA once-in-awhile, and this was it!
I never saw Bill Clinton (facing impeachment for right reasons) or [URL=http://]]]Banana War[/URL] Bush who got thousands of nominal Christians and American soldiers killed off in his war in Iraq.
No, Mr Huckabee who never seem to be able to separate church and state in his own mind, had better stick to his radio program. As our last local election in Lincoln, there are really are plenty of people who will believe anything. (Oh, and that can be applied to both Republicans and Democrats.)
So far it looks like you're the only one laughing, Jim.

Still, this article is from WND, and they (like Fox News prior to last election) seem a bit too optimistic for me here. We'll see as more info streams out regarding this issue. Nixon "had" to resign because Democrats had such commanding majorities in both houses of Congress that he would almost certainly have been impeached. Obama still has control of the Senate (at least for another year) so he might survive.

News Item5/6/13 7:17 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
huh? There would be no death penalty if we did not view life as sacred. Roe v Wade says life is not sacred. Euthanasia follows next (courtesy of Obamacare--remember he said the elderly should just take pain pill) The president only thinks some lives are sacred. The point of the previous posts are that it is hypocritical to support abortion and killing of babies born from botched abortions and talk about the sacredness of life. Regardless of political affiliation, do you agree that the president is speaking with forked tongue? You would be the first to say that Bush was hypocritical, so where is your "independent" status by also agreeing that the president's belief in the sacredness of life is shaky at best?
You'll have to wait until 2016. Jim claims he has not and will not criticize a sitting POTUS because he believes that it is not right to do so.

News Item5/6/13 7:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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SteveR wrote:
Ive heard it argued that Samsons last act was 'suicidal' yet blessed. However the Biblical narrative of those who took their own lives isnt encouraging
Sadly it does happen occasionally even to the most faithful of men. I'm told that the late Baptist minister, Dr. Ferrell Griswold (who's sermons are available here on SA) committed suicide as a result of side effects, including severe depression, from prescription medication he was taking later in life for (I think it was) a heart condition.

Everything I've heard from him and about him thoroughly convinces me that he is even now in the presence of our Lord. Even though he killed himself.

News Item5/6/13 6:25 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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MiChris wrote:
In Michigan - there is a spot on your State Tax return to pay tax for any online or catalog purchases you make that were not taxed.
I would prefer not to pay it, but I calculate the total and pay it every year. Not doing so would be dishonest, and Christ said to rend unto Caesar.
I know a guy who purchased his RV out of state so as to avoid high taxes. I suppose if MI thought there were a significant number of people doing this they would have a place on their tax forms to cover the tax difference.

News Item5/3/13 1:15 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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confusing wrote:
Yesterday Obama is quote "OK with the morning after pill."
Today Obama is asking his fellow Americans to reflect on the sacredness of life.
Mr. Obama is quite the chameleon.
Any way the wind blows!
He winces at gnats while swallowing camels.

News Item5/3/13 1:07 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Lisa wrote:
Revelation 12 vs 11
And they overcame him with the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.
Daniel 7:21-28 works for me too, explaining both the present distress and promise of final victory.

News Item5/3/13 12:58 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Of course he's ok with it. It's more of the same, this time govt getting between parents and children, one many unrevealed intentions he seems to have brought with him into office.

"It takes a village to raise a child" (20-year-old quote), or so some think and say. To them it's up to "the village" to ultimately decide things like this rather than the parents.

News Item5/2/13 2:07 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
I wonder how this measures up to the jury of your peers concept? It being a Democrat written bill is no surprise.
Exactly what I was thinking, Mike.

How exactly are these people my "peers" unless the ones behind this bill have a less than national (i.e. more international) mindset.

News Item5/2/13 2:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I'm happy to see that he recognizes that [URL=]]]The Bible Says Homosexuality is Sin[/URL], but why is he having a [URL=]]]Prayer[/URL] meeting with non-Christians?
Good point, Jim.

My sister is a doctor and has offered to pray for and with many of her patients without first checking to see if they are true Christians or not. This appears to be a considerate action on her part as well as an effective evangelical tool. As long as the prayer is clearly verbalized as a proper Biblical appeal by the one praying to God and his will, then it's probably OK to do what Greg Laurie is doing.

I always like to listen to the audible prayers of our congregation's most faithful members just to hear how a true Christian should pray. Hopefully those in Greg Laurie's audience will do likewise.

Oh, and when praying with a known non-believer, ALWAYS make sure you have the last word (close the prayer) so you can "clean-up" any less-than-Biblical utterances by the other person.

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