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News Item12/2/2020 2:20 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Or, from what a Republican says---
"Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud"
He should know he's the US Attorney General.

Barr's exact words: "the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election."

Any idea why he said that, Jim?

Because the constitution makes the fraud allegations a matter for the courts. He hasn't seen or uncovered any evidence because it's not being presented to him nor is the DOJ investigating it.

But you prefer the spin of the liberal media.

News Item11/26/2020 2:48 PM
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Mike wrote:
Lurker, most seem to think "powers that be" MUST mean a single or group of overlords, hovering over the people. But they don't want to accept the form that God gave this country. And to put it bluntly, the powers that be that are ordained of God are the people, as put forth in the founding documents. And those employees of the people who would take that authority from them are resisting the ordinance of God. This is hard to even grasp for those whose history is that of subjects. Sadly, they fight to keep their mental servitude intact, even as they no longer have physical servitude.
Well bro Mike, let me say this about that.

Your interpretation makes entirely too much sense so it can't possible be right.

God bless you, brother, and I hope the rest of your Thanksgiving Day is pleasant.

News Item11/26/2020 11:21 AM
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HerbalMama wrote:
Here we go 'round the bad theology bush, the bad theology bush.....
God ordained Hitler and those who rebelled by hiding Jews were in a sin. Those who helped Paul escape by being lowered in a basket down a window were in sin. The midwives thst refused to murder babies as commanded by the pharoh God had ordained were in so much sin that God in a spectacular contradiction blessed their disobedience with a family of their own. Me thinks someone needs to read their bible and loosen their muzzle.
Now HW, you know God forgot to institute civil magistrates until He finally remembered it and had Paul write it up in Romans 13. So you can't bring up the midwives in Egypt as an example.

Insanity. So many examples of the lunacy of the prevailing interpretation of Romans 13 yet no one is willing to say that can't be right and search for a better answer that doesn't constantly encounter absurd contradictions. Easier to just say we will obey unless it is contrary to God then we won't. Doesn't say much about God's ability to institute a new ordinance leaving the decision to comply or not up to the subjective reasoning of fallible man.

News Item11/26/2020 11:01 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
When leftist radicals burn buildings and the American flag, we are at war with each other. When communist infiltrators pull down monuments and try to obliterate our history, we are at war with each other. When riots erupt because criminals are shot during the commission of crimes, but celebrations break out when police officers are murdered while enforcing the law, we are at war with each other. When sodomites are glorified and Christians are vilified, when it’s illegal to kill one owl but legal to murder countless babies, we are at war with each other. When our most basic institution of liberty, a free and fair election, is overthrown by a wicked cabal composed of crooked politicians, crooked election officials, and crooked journalists, we are at war with each other. When hellbound, ne’er-do-well progressive skunks plot day and night to utterly destroy the country I love and vowed to defend, don’t tell me we aren’t at war. As God is in heaven, we ARE at war, Mr. Biden, may you and your freedom-hating allies fall never to rise again.

News Item11/26/2020 1:05 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Biden Thanksgiving speech: We're at war with the virus, not each other" đź‘Ť
Good grief, Jim. That's the best contribution you can come up with? You need help.

News Item11/24/2020 2:21 PM
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Watcher wrote:
Thank you for understanding my comment. At least someone has enough sense to read with understanding.
I understood perfectly what you wrote:

"But like I said, it is a test, sent by God to draw a line in the sand. Who will be submissive to the governing powers HE put into place and who will resist?"

What is your authority to say Covid-19 is a "test" from God? You have none and your theory doesn't hold up to scrutiny as I've already demonstrated. If you are going to presume to speak for God you had better get it right. Failure to do so makes you a false prophet.

As for me, I comply with all the mandates set forth by the governor of my state in her effort to contain and reduce the spread of the virus. So your assumption that I called you out because I am being rebellious to my governor is flat wrong. I called you out because you are taking liberties to speak for God when He has not spoken.

News Item11/24/2020 12:20 PM
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Watcher wrote:
I said that, didn't I? You certainly know how to read into someone's writing, don't you? You must get awfully tired from jumping to conclusions. Talk about bait...
It was implied but maybe you meant..........

So God allowed China to unleash their virus on the world so the cowering in abject fear, liberal heathen who wears a mask while driving down the highway alone, in the shower and between every bite of food will live while the Christian who simply wants to go to church and worship God and fellowship with other Christians loses his life to the virus because he didn't obey heathen rulers.

If your "test of God" doesn't stand up to the scrutiny of every possible situation then maybe your reasoning is flawed.

News Item11/24/2020 11:45 AM
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Watcher wrote:
But like I said, it is a test, sent by God to draw a line in the sand. Who will be submissive to the governing powers HE put into place and who will resist? It's very telling to see the rebellion coming out of the hearts of so-called Christians. The more society rebels against the rules, the more COVID will flourish. We can keep our heads in the sand and hope it all goes away, or we can act maturely and submissively and be examples to the world.
So God allowed China to unleash their chimera virus on the world because the world wasn't submissive to the rules of the governing powers intended to flatten the curve of a virus that didn't even exist yet?


News Item11/23/2020 7:31 PM
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CV wrote:
And you say the liers didn't cheat. No, they used illegal votes to cancel people's votes.
The cheating was well planned.
You gotta lighten up on Jim. He's got less than three weeks to relish in his fantasy of a Biden/Harris administration.

Pop up the popcorn and keep an eye on Sidney Powell. She's filing criminal charges which will put lots of crooked democratic operatives in prison. Maybe even a couple republicans like Georgia governor Kemp.

News Item11/21/2020 7:51 PM
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Nick wrote:
Check this out Jim, and everyone else.
It's all wasted on Jim. He has his head buried in the liberal sandbox so let him enjoy his fantasy while it lasts for in a couple weeks it will all be over.

News Item11/20/2020 1:57 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, Joe Biden wins Georgia ahead of Donald Trump after recount, flipping the state for Democrats at the US election"
It's time for Trump to end this nonsense about challenging the election. I see for the moment Biden has the same electorial votes that Trump did had against Hillary Clinton.
According to Trump that was a major victory!
While the rest of the country is stocking up on TP again, you and your liberal friends should be stocking up on Kleenex.

It ain't over till it's over.

News Item11/17/2020 10:03 PM
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Answered Prayers wrote:
Praise the Lord for answered prayers. I have been praying for years that God would destroy the demonic Freedom of Religion laws. God does not give the government authority to protect false religions and heretics. I have been praying against the Popish days such as Xmas and Easter. I have been praying against Pagan state worship such as Thanksgiving. I pray all Baptist repent of their false religion and heresies. May Jesus grant you eyes to see how your God hating "Freedom of Religion" false doctrine gave the devil freedom to tell his lies and deceive the nations. He seems to be in the mood to answer prayers, so i have much hope for you.
Isa 1:3 KJV - The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.
If you don't like the First Amendment of the Constitution, would you prefer a state church that every citizen must be a member and attend with failure to do so resulting in pain of ____________ (name your penalty)?

Which denomination would you prefer?

And who would insure that the teachings of this state church were biblical?

Didn't a free from the dictates of church and state vernacular bible liberate God's people of this very thing 500 years ago?

News Item11/13/2020 3:27 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Watcher wrote:
I think you do not have the ability to see my comments for what they are.
What are they? What are you trying to accomplish in God's name? It seems to me (and others I suspect) that you're arguing out of frustration that not everyone agrees with you.

News Item11/13/2020 2:46 PM
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Watcher wrote:
I post out of concern and love, then I get attacked. Then I get frustrated and lash back with sarcasm, then I repent. I just wish that those here would examine themselves more often instead of thinking they have arrived, and have no need for growth and humility. It's a sign of the times I suppose, and this forum reflects the world in the worst of ways.
Here's a biblical principle that may be of help:

1Co 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

To the best of your ability, whatever your point may be; make your case from a biblical perspective. Defend your case from a biblical perspective if called to do so.

But...... leave the results to God.

You always get yourself into trouble because you are trying to do God's work....... convince.

Just saying.

News Item11/13/2020 2:13 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Money raised to pay for recounts goes to covering campaign debts, funding future political activities and boosting like-minded figures."
"The [NY]Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud"

News Item11/13/2020 12:32 AM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Watcher wrote:
Thank you for answering. So if I understand correctly, you are inviting me to go to God and ask Him? Believe it or not, I spend many hours in prayer asking God to open my eyes to my own pride and error. I suppose one good thing that has come from this forum is it has compelled me to go to God in prayer and ask for wisdom. If this isn't what you meant, then please explain.
Seeing your post here I sense a little honest contrition. That's a good thing as it leads me to apologize for my previous remark which was mean spirited.

But, I hope you realize you incite retaliation and bring all this grief on yourself. Believe it or not you have not been called by God to straighten out all us prideful, patriotic, arrogant and ungrateful Americans. We are what we are, good and bad, by the will of God..... same for Canadians. So you may want to avail yourself to the letter from James and what he taught about a man's tongue.

News Item11/12/2020 7:54 PM
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Watcher wrote:
Thirdly, my only beef on this thread is this ridiculous mentality I see in Americans (mostly) where we as Canadians see a haughty and arrogant people who think they're better than anyone else.
Do you speak for all Canadians? I happen to know a few Canadians who don't have the same view.

But I will say this..... you never cease to disappoint us with your ability to speak so fluently with both feet in your mouth.

News Item11/10/2020 11:35 PM
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Watcher wrote:
Well that raised my blood pressure some. Thanks for the informative article Jim. It'll fall on deaf ears here, but there are some of us who can see with eyes wide open.
Your humility is overwhelming.

News Item11/1/2020 3:39 PM
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MS wrote:
@US,one verse in Revelation to consider.
Revelation 18:7.
“I sit a queen, and am no **widow**”
denotes being a wife.
Might I add the wife of a king.

News Item11/1/2020 2:13 PM
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John Lee wrote:
Here is the verse, and I am looking for:
1. When does (or did) this judgment happen?
2. To whom does (or did) it happen (and please be very specific as to who the 'great whore' is picturing)?
3. How did (or does) the 'great whore' corrupt the earth with her fornication?
4. When did (or will) the 'great whore' shed the blood of God's servants?
I do not have any answer for all four, so please believe me that I am not being deceptive, but rather looking to learn.
Revelation 19:2 KJV
(2)  For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
I've studied the Revelation extensively and am convinced we will not understand it aright until the last day. For example:

Rev 10:10-11 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

How is the apostle John going to "prophesy again" if he died shortly after he penned the Revelation? And when did he prophesy prior to the Revelation?

Just saying.

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