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News Item3/10/08 11:58 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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My English compposition teacher in my freshman year of college
often condemned institutionalized education, calling it "assembly-
line" education, because it tended to produce cookie-cutter kids
with similar imaginations, expectations, and dreams...which trends
he could see from their writings. One wonders if he had more home-
schooled kids in his classes that he'd have gotten more originality
and creativity from their assignments, given the many backgrounds
from which they come.

News Item3/10/08 11:37 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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They're puffing themselves up, twice:

1. They're patting themselves on the back
for setting yet another precident
(First Woman Leader of their church).

2. By this precident they no doubt regard
themselves as being much more enlightened
(and culturally up-to-date) than their
predecessors when most likely the exact
opposite is true.

I've seen this devolopment so many times in
modern Christianity it's dizzying.

News Item3/7/08 1:36 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Yeah. This was all over our local news last night.

Trying to enforce this is going to further strain
California's already strained resources--especially
when one considers the colossal number of kids that
are now home-schooled.

I know were supposed to pray for our government but
it's getting harder to do so as they become increasingly

News Item3/7/08 12:50 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Hard to believe something like that (Ark of the Covenant)
would still be intact after all these years.

No doubt Babylonian conquerers were highly motivated to
preserve the Ark as a trophy of conquest, but subsequent
"owners" of this relic would probably be more interested
in melting off the gold and throwing the wood and it's
contents away.

Just look at the havok wrought on Egyptian tombs and
temples by grave-robbers over the centuries.

After the inner temple curtain was ripped top-to-bottom
during Christ's crucifixion, any/all elements in the
Holy of Holies would surely have lost their "Old Testament"
power--which makes movies like "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
that much less compelling. Oh well, it's still a fun movie!

News Item3/7/08 12:36 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Amos 3:3 always comes to mind whenever
I read articles like this.

News Item3/7/08 12:20 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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20 years ago, or so, I remember the Catholic Church
doing, or trying to do the same thing to Galileo.

Perhaps the attempt to forgive such colossal "heretics"
as Galileo and Luther makes the RCC feel more empowered
by their perceived capacity to absolve people.

And/or maybe it's all just the same old liberal plea of
"Can't we all get along?" (St. Rodney King!)

News Item3/7/08 12:06 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Having and using a psalter would be interesting,
especially singing Psalm 58 and others like it.

The Baptist church I used to attend used a Gadsby
book of hymns which was VERY good and easy to sing
to, as I remember.

Many of the newer hymns and songs in the Trinity
hymnal and many of the supplimental songs my church
uses are so complex that I find I'm so busy trying
to sing them right that I can't concentrate on the
lyrics and their meaning.

At least our church now uploads the Sunday bulletin
on Saturday, giving us a little time to PRACTICE
the hymns the night before.

News Item3/6/08 11:47 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Jhawk44 wrote:
But in Soviet California, anything's possible.
Yeah. That (phrase) pretty much defines
the direction our state is heading.

Another one is "People's Republic of California".

Dr. Phil wrote:
It looks like McCarthy was right after all about the communist loons like Martin Sheen in California.
I've heard that Ann Coulter has written
material defending McCarthy, who I've
always been taught was a REALY bad guy.

Later in life I was told McCarthy might
have gotten more traction had he gone
after the universities instead of picking
on the armed forces.

Survey3/5/08 5:10 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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(This survey is no longer available)
So much was beyond his control and not really his fault.

1) Dot-com bust
2) 9-11 attacks
3) Morgage crisis

And perhaps others.

Signing as many money bills as he did may not have been
so good for our economy but it sure kept the Dems from
attacking him like they did when Gerald Ford vetoed so
many bills back in the 70's (an action which actually
ended up helping the economy a bit).

I heard that a recent Nobel-prize winner for economics
claimed that if Bush's tax cuts had been greater and more
frequent, our economy might be significantly better than
it is now. He was criticized by many (probably Kensians)
for his remarks.

News Item3/5/08 11:36 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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fuzzy logic wrote:
Dearborn Michigan?
Isn't that the city where Hawkeye Pierce wanted ribs--specifically Adam's Ribs?
I remember watching that episode, but it's
been over 20 years. I thought Adam's
Ribs was someplace in Maine, where
Hawkeye Pierce was from.

News Item3/4/08 2:16 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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'Moses was probably also on drugs when he saw the "burning bush,"
suggested Shanon, who said he himself has dabbled with such substances.'

This guy is trying to project his own experiences onto a historical figure!

Problem I have with his argument is that I've been told that those who
indulge in psychedelics often feel extremely empowered (able to perform
super-human tasks like flying, etc.); but Moses was VERY TIMID regarding
God's commision for him to confront Pharoah while seeing the burning bush.

Baalam may have used drugs to achieve his "trance state" while prophesying,
and apostate israel may very well have used drugs while worshipping on
"every high hill" and "under every green tree", but to automatically impune
the more faithful Israelites of what the Bible calls "sorcery" is just plain unfair.

Anything and everything that burned in the temple/tabernacle (sacrifices,
incense, oil-burning lamps, etc.) was made of standard substances, not drugs, according to Biblical accounts.

News Item3/3/08 2:10 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I suppose this version is a good counter to whichever one(s)
the prosperity-gospel types are reading and using.

I'll just stick to my old KJV and NASB, since they deal with
ALL issues of human misery...not just poverty and injustice!

News Item3/3/08 11:05 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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How'd they come up with 2 seconds?

Is that how long it takes Eastern
European people to kiss each other
on each cheek during a greeting?

News Item3/3/08 2:49 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Dr Roger Clark wrote:
"Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment." (Ecclesiastes 11;9)
VERY sobering passage, as is a similar
one in Isaiah 50:11, geared toward those
who would justify themselves rather than
trust in the Lord.

News Item3/1/08 2:00 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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“I would think it would be a mistake to conclude the word
‘eternity’ is proposing a commercial transaction,” Mr. Kmiec
said, “even if one hopes for salvation.”

Calvin Klein may beg to differ!

News Item3/1/08 1:49 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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John Yurich wrote:
...and that Black college professor from California because Cosby and that Black professor are against affirmative action and tell Blacks to get off their rear ends....
Black professor = Ward Connerly?

Yeah, I'd probably vote for him, too.

I thought you were going to mention
Colin Powell, but he's aparrently still
not interested in running.

News Item3/1/08 1:41 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
...but nothing is done except call for more school regulation...
...and ask for more money/taxes to
throw at the problem.

News Item2/29/08 4:41 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I just noticed that SA has more articles about homosexuality
than anything else, meaning either SA is obsessed with this
issue or that homosexuals really have managed to dominate the
mainstream media with their agenda. Or maybe both are true.

If the latter, then this is a VERY wise position for Obama to
take if he wants to be elected president.

News Item2/29/08 12:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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This article seems to focus on the perceived vulnerability of kids
(gay, straight, or whatever).

With so much emphasis these days on "the VULNERABLILTY of kids",
One would think that contemporary society is actually trying
to reinforce this condition rather than trying to "toughen-up"
our kids so they will be able to deal with life's major

I REALLY feel sorry for the generations of youth that followed
mine, which were "allowed" to do so many more challenging activies,
like climbing way up into trees, riding bicycles without having to
wear any stupid helmet, etc.

Our company has a 20-something admin assistant who's so petite that
she actually meets some of the requirements to sit in a CHILD seat
while riding in a CAR!!

News Item2/28/08 12:25 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Neil wrote:
John, the Soviets diagnosed Christianity as "psychotic" several decades ago.
Thanks for pointing that out.
It's historical and expected.

Eccles. 1:9-11

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