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News Item6/16/16 4:41 PM
JJ | exodus  Find all comments by JJ
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News Item6/11/16 10:08 AM
JJ | exodus  Find all comments by JJ
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War is the only way to save Babylon, but only for a time, the west has been taken over by Marxists and their globalist UN, oecd, imf powers, only war can stop them, but since these globalists have the media they have the propaganda machine to puppet the masses against any such opponents to them, and they have their UN military so there is no way any small forces could over power them. The only way is to kill them one by one and make it look like an accident, or make them disappear, but with the computer controlled drone attack capabilities of the Marxist globalists it is basically impossible to win a righteous war in todays world, one would have to infiltrate military powers and destroy their weapons.

News Item6/4/16 2:13 PM
JJ | never  Find all comments by JJ
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mark my word, all similar companies SHOULD close down now before the demon controlled legal system of Babylon come for them and take ALL they have and force them into bankruptcy. If they get out now and move their money out of Babyon, they can at least have some money to fund war against babylon or charities and companies which are out of the direct reach of Babylon. Those who stay in babylon WILL become its victims mark my word, God will NOT intervene either. The sexual mutilation and fecal sex death cult enforcement laws and similar demonic laws mark the end of Christian civilization in the west and the rise of Babylon.

News Item5/28/16 2:20 PM
Jj | unreal  Find all comments by Jj
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News Item5/19/16 4:29 PM
JJ | unreal  Find all comments by JJ
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John Yurich, you never learn do you.
Everything shocks you, it is just unbelievable how naive you are about evil men and their agendas.

News Item4/29/16 5:38 PM
Jj | out  Find all comments by Jj
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News Item4/27/16 8:46 PM
jj | out  Find all comments by jj
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News Item4/27/16 8:44 PM
Jj | out  Find all comments by Jj
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Kill them all, they are unworthy of existence itself. Only war will stop the wicked.

News Item4/27/16 8:41 PM
JJ | out  Find all comments by JJ
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Only war has changed ANYTHING like this in the history of the world. Small groups of men banding together and using violence to overthrow the cancerous destruction of the wicked and cleanse the earth of the evil doers. The destruction of all christian civilization in the west is because Christians in the last 60 years have been deceived against war, prior to that Christians protected ALL their lands by war since after the days the apostles died, from the Muslims to the Mongols to the Roman Catholics to the Marxists to the Nazis. Now Christianity has been so disgustingly pacified Christians cannot even SPEAK against the wicked lest they be punished because the wicked know these pathetic christians will do NOTHING to stop them anymore as they used to.

News Item11/2/15 9:46 PM
JJ | no  Find all comments by JJ
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I have ulcerative colitis and I got it about 7 years ago while in Mexico. I believe it is based in parasites/amoebas/bacteria not gluten intolerance or all sorts of other stuff that is claimed. The problem is bacteria in humans is barely 20% understood even minimally, the bacteria in my body is so messed up I couldn't tell anyone where to start to fix it except to get off sugar and anything else that common sense tells you feeds bacteria, fermentation or fungus. Other problem is it is almost impossible to follow this kind of diet if you were raised on a western diet and once you try and change to a non sugar diet you almost literally go insane with food and juice lust and anything else that is one of these kinds of foods. It can be very dangerous but I think the future will be found in screened fecal transplants given from healthy people, your spouse or someone with very clean colon who can give you a fecal transplant to transfer his good bacterial balance into your colon. Sounds nasty and it is but it works if you get a clean donor.

News Item5/28/15 10:39 AM
JJ | Scotland  Find all comments by JJ
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Very true the division is being caused by the father of lies but see how subtly he (the pope) puts himself inside the house of faith ? this is the same father of lies who has anathematized the true Gospel and killed more Bible believing Christians than all other religions and the pope is the head of this religion. May the living God have mercy on people like myself who were born into this toxic religion and may they find true redemption in Christ Alone by faith alone.

News Item11/8/14 5:46 AM
jj | Glasgow  Find all comments by jj
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Nobody should pay attention to anything that Jim Lincoln has to state as he needs psychological evaluation.
I was starting to forget what an ad hominiem attack was...Thank you for giving me a dictionary definition of it.

News Item9/30/14 10:18 PM
Jj | j  Find all comments by Jj
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Women are dishonorable indifferent souls on the earth who act out of instinct and fear just like animals. They will betray you and defile you if you are lured by their evil.

"And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not DEFILED with women; FOR they are virgins.

News Item9/2/14 11:13 PM
JJ | never  Find all comments by JJ
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" four Muslim men raped a 7-year-old Christian girl"

As horrible it is to think about this, this is proof that God is letting this world be run by man and satan until the end and is not intervening to answer our prayers until after Jesus returns. Our prayers are only really for spiritual comfort in this life after the Bible was finished. Until Jesus returns make sure your guns hit as many heads of these vermin of hades as possible before they kill you then rape and murder your wife and daughters as well.

News Item8/29/14 8:31 AM
J.J.  Find all comments by J.J.
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Agree Christopherooo. Hey! If they insist on seeing the wrath of The Almighty, let em. I'm not sure if that's right or not for me to say that but it's too obvious people want wrath.

News Item6/8/14 6:59 PM
jj  Find all comments by jj
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Chad727 wrote:
I just loved this article! I have no ability in and of myself to please God! God is not at all impressed with me apart from what Christ is in me! We are not given ability, we are given Christ Jesus, He is our ability! We must deny our SELF, pick up our cross, follow Him. Our independence, self sufficiency, our default -auto pilot setting is to be abhorred. We must be dependent upon Him! He is the only one capable of living the Christian life, and we must present our bodies a living sacrifice, surrendered to Him, that He, by His indwelling Spirit might make manifest the Christian life in us! We must abide in Him("for apart from Me ye can do nothing), He is my Rock, my Strong Tower, my everything! ( i can go on and on, but u guys get the picture - Praise the Lord!!). Psalm 40:16 let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified.
Amen and Amen !

News Item12/26/13 9:12 AM
JJ | Scotland  Find all comments by JJ
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GsTexas wrote:
"In China, Chairman Mao still bigger than Jesus"
In reality, Jesus is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.
Chairman Mao is one of many occupants in a very fiery place of eternal punishment.
Well said Brother, maybe you should write these headlines from now on :-)

You have my vote. all the best !

News Item12/2/13 1:17 PM
jj  Find all comments by jj
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Hi Bosun

Yes thats axiomatic, but they need practical help from the body of Christ also. It's not either or my friend.

News Item12/2/13 8:58 AM
JJ | Scotland  Find all comments by JJ
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I have spent about half an hour looking for a reputable easy online donation for Nigerian Christians, I had no luck can somebody tell me how to give these brothers and sisters a donation ?????

News Item11/5/13 8:56 AM
JJ  Find all comments by JJ
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Christopher000 wrote:
Hi JJ, I see things a bit different in that I feel like the followers of Christ need to know what we are up against at all times...people, places, and things. I feel like I always need to be ready to give an answer either to why something is good, or why it isn't, why someone should be listened to, why they shouldn't, etc. In this case, now I know who this woman is, so if someone should ever tell me that I should listen to her; that I should check her out, or that their curiosity is peaked in any way, I can now tell them to run, and why, as opposed to simply saying, "who's that"?
You know what phrase always makes me cringe? Progressive Christianity.
Hi Christopher

If we didn't give them free publicity you would not be asked about her unless you are directly in her circle. You dont need to know about every false teacher all you have to do is study Church history, there is nothing new the same heresies are repeated over and over, So i respectfully disagree with your view that we need to know every name of every false teacher, there is no such thing as bad publicity, All publicity is good publicity. Giving them attention only bolsters their cause.

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