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News Item8/21/08 5:25 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Yep, that's me; real cute!

News Item8/21/08 5:04 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Hey Sherry, Lyn: just to sidetrack for a moment RE your quoted scripture of 'answer not a fool according to his folly'; the very next verse says 'ANSWER a fool according to his folly'. I was confused about this until my father explained it to me, that there are two different words for two different kinds of fool. The first, which we are told NOT to answer, is a scorning fool; the second, which we are told to answer, is a simple fool, one who can learn. Just thought I'd add my two bobs' worth on that one

News Item8/21/08 4:07 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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There should be no tolerance in a Christian for homosexuality. It transmits disease, eg. HIV; and there should also be no tolrance in a Christian for sexual immorality between a man and a woman, which spread disease also. More importantly, God speaks out unflinchingly against both, and it's time we stood up for the glory of God. We should be shouting it out on the streets and preaching it in the public squares: God will not tolerate sexual immorality, hetersexual or homosexual. It's time we stood up unflichingly for what is right according to God. We do not have to pander to homosexuald. If we love them in Christ we should be telling them that they are lost and in sin and condemned before God unless they repent, as we should be telling every sinner. It's time the Church of God said Enough! and stopped preaching acceptence to homosexuals, because they will never be accepted before God unless they repent.
Rick Warren should be preaching the gospel of God from his pulpit instead of using it for a political agenda

News Item8/20/08 10:10 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Unfortunately, the churches in Australia have just the same kind of dead religiousity as the ones in America. It's either very important to be seen to be doing the right thing, or in the other extreme, very important not to be judgemental of those things tha God clearly denounces in His word. They can quite often talk the right talk, but they don't walk the right walk. I find I can't be too critical here, though, since it's much easier to talk than to do for me as well. BTW, I think Christ has already won But I'm really looking forward to the time when He comes again. The world is a pretty nasty place sometimes.

News Item8/20/08 9:32 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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BTW Sherry, putting aside the fact that none of the presidential candidates seem to be any better than the others, who do you think is most likely to win in the end? Actually, we don't really have much better choices in Australia. It's enough to make me want to go into politics myself

News Item8/20/08 8:34 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Wayne, you ought to be ashamed of yourself before God for saying such a thing to a repentant believer as Lyn has shown herself to be. I'll wish you a good night and will not post anything more to you as it only encourages you.
Lyn, please ignore wayne, as I think he only throws personal attacks at you because he can't answer you doctrinally. You've blessed me very greatly with your sincere repentence and sound doctrine since I've been on sermonaudio again.

News Item8/20/08 12:06 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Wayne, RE your advice to Sherry to start loving herself, I'm sure she would be the first to tell you, as I do about myself, that there is absolutely nothing lovely about any one of us. God did not save us because we are loely, He saved us because He is lovely. I don't want to love myself, I want to love God: 'I know that in myself nothing good dwells' as per Paul. I used to love myself, and it prevented me loving God. When He showed me what I really am, and how little worth loving I am, I fell on my knees in understanding of the full grace and salvation of God. I don't ever want to live in such deception again. I want to love God, because He loves me, and that's enough.

News Item8/19/08 10:55 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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That's okay, Wayne; I've got my security blanket and a cup of hot chocolate with me for the insecurity
Seriously, though; I would not vote for Obama if he were an Australian candidate. As it is, as American president he would have far too much say over Australia for my liking, since Australia seems to follow America's political lead in most things. As for Rick Warren, I think him a very dangerous man, and one who has done as much damage to the name 'christian' as the Pope. Both decieve and are decieved, offering salvation that can never save, one through easy-believism and the other through the comfort of personal works.

News Item8/19/08 4:28 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Sorry Wayne, but Sherry isn't the only one to notice it. I notice that whenever someone disagrees with you, you immediately trot out your theological training and seem to imply that everyone else is less able to understand the Bible than you because of it. My theological training is by the Spirit of God, who exhorts, rebukes, and chastens. I don't mean to put you down in any way, but I would like to point out that Sherry isn't alone in noticing, and certainly hasn't been the only one to comment upon it.
If you are a brother, I'm happy to greet you in Christ

News Item8/18/08 10:57 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Nup, it's goose bumps here as well Funny, I always thought in America that it was referred to as goose pimples or goose flesh I guess that's enough off the subject for me, so I'll pipe down now! BTW, I'm trying to study both Hebrew and Greek at home, but I've found in the mean time that you can do an incredibly in depth Bible study just with a Hebrew/Greek/English interlinear Bible and a concordance. It's taken me weeks just to do the first two verses o Rmans 1. The nuances in the greek seem to be many and more subtle than in the English. I can reccommend this to anyone, it's great fun, and very enlightening.

News Item8/18/08 10:34 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Michael, I don't think I'll ever have faith enough to measure up with what I should have because of God's graciousness to me. With all He's done for me and all His kindness towards me I should be out moving mountains by this time Unfortunately, I still have yet to conquer the mole-hills. I trst God will still make me to grow in faith since it was He who gave me the faith to trust in His Son

News Item8/18/08 10:10 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Amen Sherry C and Lyn.

I was glad to read Lyn's conversion story; so many Christians think that they had to do something to 'let' Christ in, and it is refreshing to see someone acknowledging the supreme will and authority of God in the choosing and electing His cildren. I was chosen, not because I chose Him, but because He chose me, and decided to make something out of a diry, depraved, and vile human being, for His own honour and glory, and for His own reasons. He did not choose me because I sought Him; but I began to seek Him after He chose me, and I will be eternally grateful for His grace when He didn't have to do anything for me and would have been perfectly justified in sending me straight to hell.

God's will is a very wonderful and aweful thing

Survey8/17/08 12:42 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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I am none of these. Up until I was seventeen my family most regularly attended a Baptist church, and we called ourselves baptists; but we moved a lot, and the Baptist churches in some areas we moved to were not scripturally sound. I have attended Brethren and presbyterian churches over the years, and now currently attend a presbyterian church. My doctrine doesn't really hold in all points to either of the denominations, either; because I hold to the TULIP doctrine, as many baptists do not, and I believe adult baptism is the correct form, as most prebyterians do not. I have tried to learn my doctrine from studying the bible and not from my church's creed. Obviously I haven't got the monopoly on wisdom, but I hope God has allowed me a share of light.

Survey8/14/08 1:47 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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There is Hope, I could echo your name right back at you! It's nice to hear a man other than my father say that. My father is one of the few men who not only profess that viewpoint, but actually live it as well, so I've been very blessed to grow up in that environment.

I'm glad to meet you

Survey8/13/08 3:53 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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I agree with women wearing hats and/or covering in church, but I don't agree that it's to show their 'subjection to men'. It is to show they are under the authority AND protetion of either their father or thier husband, and certainly not ALL MEN as is implied here. Women may be subject to A man, but not ALL men, otherwise we would end up like the catholics, who teach their women that whatever the priest says for you to do must be right, and you cannot do wrong in doing it. This opens a very dangerous door, to my mind.

Survey5/15/07 8:23 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Thanks for posting back, Michael. God is very good in the way He loves- He's actaully terrifying in the way He loves, I think; since He always does what is best for us even if it's painful at the time. It amazes me and humbles me when I look back on my past life, even the last couple of years, and see the vastness of the change He's made in my life. It's literally 'from death to life'.

Have you had much to do with the creationist/evolutionist debate? God was good enough to allow me to witness to a great friend of mine through this area, and he's been a Christian now for about five months; we'll be getting married in a few more months. But the creation area was what God used to open his eyes, and I think it's an area that's extrememly important in witnessing, in today's world especially.

Survey5/15/07 8:11 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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BTW Will, you might find this interesting:

It's by Werner Gitt, and even if you don't agree with him, it will at least make you think

Survey5/15/07 7:43 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Will, those links I followed showed a basic lack of knowledge of science. Yes complex molecules can be formed under the influence of energy, but the building blocks must BE THERE TO START WITH. I do know the meaning of information- do you? Read Werner Gitt's book 'In the Beginning was Information' And I also know that from nothing comes- nothing.

The notes erroneously says that "If a new arrangement occurs, whether spontaneously or from the outside, new information is assembled in the process." That is not true, simply because the pieces used to make a new arrangement ARE the information, not the new arrangement of the information. The new arrangement of the information is just a new way of expressing the information.

Those notes also claim that "Nothing needs to assemble itself" and I'm sorry, but that's exactly what evolutionists do claim. In YOUR beginning, with nothing but the simplest of cells, things definitely needed to arrange themselves. If you're thinking energy from the sun, don't. Ask the scientists- raw enery destroys, it doesn't arrange. And with all the possible arrangements you can get of that one cell, you will still need NEW INFORMATION(ie, little bits)to form anything else! You can't stretch a drop of jam to cover a whole loaf of bread.

Survey5/15/07 7:01 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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For Michael
Hello brother, I've been reading your posts on other questioins and news articles and have been very much blessed as I haven't been since the likes of BA and UK John went away. You aregue reasonedly without insulting and I find that very refreshing. I think you and I perhaps don't agree on the predestination issue though, going from one of your posts on lazarus! Never mind, I won't start that on this thread

Survey5/15/07 6:49 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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For Gerard and Will,

1. Information is not generated from nothing; ie, if you have your primordial ooze with no information for arms, legs, etc. you can't form arms or legs. And it's no good saying that mutations are responsible for that, since

2. Mutations do not produce MORE INFORMATION. They always delete information. Even if the mutation is so-called 'beneficial' it has still resulted in a loss of information, and evolution requires constant input of more information for evolving better and higher.

I think perhaps a lot of evolutionists don't know their own doctrine. Anyone wanting a prime example, however, or evolutionist's vituperance, would be well advised to read Richard Dawkin's book 'the God delusion'. And evolutionists say that we rant and rave without reason and without thought!

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