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News Item1/30/14 9:38 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Lurker wrote:
Here's something else to think about...
Jer 4:23-26
I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.
Sound similar to Gen 1:2?
The timeline of Jeremiah's prophecy was circa 586 BCE when God finally booted Judah from their inheritance into Babylonian captivity.
Very interesting, Lurker.

The prophet Jeremiah was drawing a parallelism between the (then) condition of Judah and Gen 1:2, i.e., there was no LIFE and no LIGHT in either. IMHO, no other inference should be drawn from the passage you just cited.

News Item1/30/14 8:44 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Even if I were to attend an Evangelical Protestant Church I would not engage in verbal communication with the minister or anybody else, I would not pay attention to the sermon and I would not be involved in any church activities.
You would not pay attention to the sermon? You mean like you presently do in your RC church? WHY are you even bothering to attend then??? And don't you realize that the MAIN purpose and focus of worship is indeed hearing THE WORD? What do you do during the RC mass ... stare at the pretty stained glass windows with cotton in your ears oblivious to all that's going on there?

News Item1/29/14 5:08 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Observer wrote:
1) No need to get upset DJC49.
2) Often asking a question is a good way of finding out what is being aimed at. No?

John 17:24
Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

3) This would indicate that it was in eternity. Agreed?

To your #1 I reply: I'm not in the least upset.
To your #2 I reply: Yes, certainly.
To your #3 I reply: Agreed.

The phrase: "before the foundation of the world" is found in 3 places in Scripture: John 17:24; Eph 1:4; and 1Pet 1:20

These verses all point to an eternal state prior to the existence of space, matter, and TIME. It is the eternal state in which God, the "I AM" has His being. The eternal NOW. No clock. No calendar.

This eternal state is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to talk about since it is so foreign to our human experience and thinking. We are creatures captured in TIME and as such, our language concerning it is weak and insufficient. IMHO, this is why you had such a time of it with "deeper" who was trying to communicate something concerning this "eternal state."

Now you kiss and make up with "deeper!"

News Item1/29/14 3:38 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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DJC49 wrote:
What does the phrase: "before the foundation of the world" mean?
In reply ...
Observer wrote:
What do you make of it?
I'm not about to answer my own question, sir ... I seek YOUR honest, candid answer.

News Item1/29/14 2:49 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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What does the phrase: "before the foundation of the world" mean?

News Item1/29/14 10:37 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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social comment wrote:
That is why we are identifying them as two ethnic types ie rich and poor.
Rich and poor are two ethnic types?

Who knew!

News Item1/29/14 10:06 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Where do you get that nonsense from that my attendance at Mass is a silent and tacit assent and agreement of the unscriptural parts to the Mass? If I refrain from stating the few unscriptural sentences, don't believe that the Mass is a sacrifice, don't pay attention to when the priest mentions the intercession of the Virgin Mary and the Saints, don't state "Amen" when I am handed the bread and the cup of wine then I am not participating in the unscriptural parts to the Mass pure and simple. That is logic.
It's illogical and psychotic that you should continue to attend a weekly ceremony (the Roman Catholic "mass") in which MAJOR portions conflict with your inner beliefs and convictions. Not only do you attend such a debauchery, but you also support it through your financial contributions when they pass the basket!

BTW, John Y, have you heard THE GOSPEL lately at the mass? You know, I sat under the preaching of Roman Catholism for all of my early life and not ONCE did I hear the true Gospel! Instead, I heard about all the RC hoops I had to jump through in order to EARN salvation. THAT'S what you hear at mass, and THAT'S what you support!

News Item1/29/14 9:46 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John for JESUS wrote:
Seeing that I wasn't alive back then, I will take Paul's word on it. Yes, their faith was spoken of throughout the WHOLE WORLD. They must have obviously heard about Jesus by then, right? Or are you going to tell me that can't possibly be true because a secular historian says so?
J4J, I applaud your zeal for the truth as found in Scripture and for your steadfast belief in its veracity!

However, I implore you (as did Peter in 2Pet 1:5) to "add to your faith virtue; and to virtue KNOWLEDGE;"

You obviously believe that Paul's meaning of the term: "WHOLE WORLD" (when he wrote in Romans 1:8) is the same meaning as you and I understand it today. For if it carries the same mean then -- in 58 A.D. when Paul wrote Romans -- as it does today for you and I, we would have to believe the absurdity of people in Outer Mongolia speaking about the faith of the Roman Christians when we KNOW that the Gospel had NO chance of yet reaching that part (and other remote parts) of the world.

It's obvious then ... Paul's term: "the WHOLE WORLD" means something other than every part of the world including the then undiscovered Americas, vast parts of Asia, Australia et al.

Our faith is a reasonable and rational faith so let's not be silly

News Item1/29/14 8:51 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What kind of nonsense is this that my very presence at Mass is tacit participation in the unscriptural parts to the Mass? That is totally illogical. Nobody who is normal believes that?
Your very presense at the RC mass IS INDEED silent, tacit assent and agreement to everything that goes on during your attendance. To not realize this is blindness and denial of the truth of what you are doing.

News Item1/28/14 12:47 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I don't state unscriptural statements during the Mass like "and I ask the blessed Mary ever virgin and all the angels and Saints", "May the Lord accept this sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his church". I don't pay attention when the priest mentions the intercession of the Virgin Mary and the Saints during the Eucharistic Prayer. And when I am handed the bread and the cup of wine I don't state "Amen" because that would be acknowledging the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation. When I am handed the bread and the cup of wine I believe instead that it is the way the Lutheran Church teaches about Holy Communion.
Sorry, John Y, but your very PRESENCE admits to your tacit participation in these unscriptural parts of the mass!

News Item1/28/14 12:04 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Well since I refrain from participating in the unscriptural parts to the Mass ...
How exactly to you do this? (refrain from participating in the unscriptural parts of the Mass)

Do you run out of the church building when the priest says his magical prayers which supposedly have the power to change the host into the ACTUAL body and blood of Christ? Or do you merely fall asleep for a while?

News Item1/28/14 10:39 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John UK wrote:
“Christ Jesus whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood”
Romans 3:25.
If there are any who would like to have their heart warmed by a short study, and gain a better understanding of propitiation, and increase their love for Christ, and have more confidence in the power of the gospel to save souls, and feel more secure in their faith in Christ; or if there are any who are not resting in Christ alone for their propitiation and are therefore not yet saved, I commend this short sermon on the subject, preached by CH Spurgeon, which is in pdf format. I doubt that anyone hearing or reading this sermon would estimate that the propitiation was of a limited kind. Christ is a dear Saviour for all who will come to HIM, not to a mathematical formula or creed. Christ alone saves, and if he does not save you, you will perish.
[URL=]]]Christ Set Forth As A Propitiation[/URL]
I read Spurgeon's sermon.
In summation: "Look to Christ ALONE!" Spurgeon does NOT address Limited/Unlimited Atonement in this sermon; rather, whosoever will look to Christ ALONE will be saved.
Thanks for posting.

News Item1/27/14 4:45 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Jim Lincoln
If Jesus practised the economics of liberals the parable of the talents would be more like:
the master entrusted
5 to one very hard worker
2 to another a hard worker of lesser ability
1 to a third an out and out lazy dead beat
one with 5 worked hard and earned 5 more
the otherr with 2 likewise earned 2 more
the third still had just the one
and the liberal master (code word for tyrannt in this story) was enraged at the economic inequality of the pitiful 3rd steward so he demanded
from the first 5 be taken away by force
1 redistributed to the second with 4
and 4 redistributed to the third with 1
and the liberal master (self-righteous tyrannt) congradulated himself on how wonderful he was to ensure all his subjects now had the same.

News Item1/27/14 4:22 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John for JESUS wrote:
1) Good point. I usually try to pay attention to whom the scripture is being written too. I was looking at it with more of an individual meaning.
2) John included both Jew and Gentile, believers and unbelievers, the whole world.
3) Jesus is the propitiation for the whole world.
4) They will be condemned if they haven't trusted in Jesus, who is the propitiation for their sins.
Your problem, J4J, is that you do NOT understand the meaning of "whole world" as found in 1 John 2:2.

Do you have the same problem with "whole world" that is found in Rom 1:8?

"First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the WHOLE WORLD."

Did Paul ever think that people in 1st century China, North and South America, Scandinavia (and elsewhere) were speaking of the faith of the Roman Christians? How did they know about it to speak of it?

News Item1/27/14 10:00 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Skylight wrote:
The whole elect deal, Christ did die for the whole world. He wants the whole world to be saved, that is the Fathers will right? The blood of Christ is mighty enough to save everyone in the whole world BUT THE WORLD MUST ACCEPT WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE FOR THEM FIRST. [!]
And IF, I say IF, not one single person -- utilizing their "free" will -- had accepted what Christ had done for him, then Christ's death and sacrifice would have been TOTALLY for naught and God's plan from redeeming the world unto Christ would have been thwarted!

BTW, did Saul of Tarsus exercise HIS "free" will on the road to Damascus at his conversion? Just asking.

News Item1/27/14 9:44 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John for JESUS wrote:
Yes, all unsaved.

Jesus is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, not just believers. Why will some be sentenced to Hell? As a result of them not believing in Jesus, who is the propitiation for their sins.

You have a major misunderstanding of 1 John 2:2 which distorts the meaning: You do NOT consider the audience to whom John was addressing this verse!
Who was he addressing? Fellow JEWISH believers! And John was driving home the point that Jesus's sacrifice was a propitiation not only for Jews, but for gentiles also, i.e., "the whole world." In other words, this salvation was NOT exclusively for Jews, but was to extended to all who would believe among the gentile world. John did NOT write this verse to include the entire world even if they did not believe.

Now I ask you, did this propitiation apply to those who never ever even heard the Gospel? The American indians, the Incans of South America, those in China, etc., of the 1st century (and beyond) who would never hear the Gospel and therefore have absolutely NO opportunity to believe the Gospel? How can they be condemned then if they TOO were propitiated for?

See? You have a BIG problem explaining this IF your interpretation is correct.

News Item1/25/14 4:18 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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CAB wrote:
When Paul lived there wasn't a Jewish nation.
The Bible says otherwise!

Acts 10:22
"And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the NATION OF THE JEWS, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee."

Said Paul in Acts 26:4
"My manner of life from my youth, which was at the first among MINE OWN NATION AT JERUSALEM, know all the Jews;

Paul, again in Gal 1:14
"And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals IN MINE OWN NATION, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers."

No Jewish nation when Paul lived?
Then what's Paul blabbering about? Is he LYING about the exitence of a Jewish NATION in his own day? I think not!

You err AGAIN, CAB!

News Item1/25/14 2:19 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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penny wrote:
if you want to outwit others, you must be informed first.
its about resources and currency. its not just US-Saudi-Israel looking at these resources. its much bigger than that. those who have the resources will have the markets. business is dirty.
Thank you, penny, for posting that link!

I will have you know that I read that very same Wikipedia page BEFORE I ever posting ANYTHING about an Iraqi-Israeli oil pipeline!

CAB's tacit assertion was that the Mosul/Haifa pipeline was a going concern, i.e., still operational.

However, from that Wiki article it reads:
"In 1948, with the outbreak of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the official operation of the pipeline ended when the Iraqi Government refused to pump any more oil through it."

Sorry, CAB, but presently there IS NO and hasn't been an oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel since 1948! The superstructure is, more than likely, still there, but no oil flows through it!

News Item1/25/14 1:30 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Michael B wrote:
Ahhh, more anti-Semitism on SermonAudio. No wonder an unbelieving world excuses us Christians as buck-tooth, redneck morons…
Sad. Isn't it.
Then again, "CAB" herself could very well be an unbeliever posing as a Christian.

News Item1/25/14 1:18 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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CAB wrote:
You called me names for saying Stephen was cannibalized, so I produced the scripture. Not one word back of apology.
Cite the post, CAB, where I called you a name for saying Stephen was cannibalized -- give date and time of it -- and an apology from me WILL be forthcoming.
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