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News Item11/10/16 1:41 PM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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There is something VIP that I must make mention of!

Through the election of elect President Donald Trump, God clearly displayed that He is absolutely "Sovereign".

In other words, Hillary Clinton, Tim Cain, and many that she used to campaign against Mr. Trump such as: President Obama, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth nasty feet, Jay-Z, Beyonce, LeBron James, Lady Gaga, and so many more were used to go against God's Will of electing Donald Trump into office.

However, God displayed His handiwork through His Sovereign Grace by having the entire world scratch their heads trying to figure out how could all of these people and all of the things that Hillary Clinton used to go against Donald Trump "all come to nought".

It is plain and simple, it's because God is Sovereign and He allowed all of the things that they had to use to come against His good and perfect Will, and he put them all to nought.

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision (Psalm 2:1-4)!

This is why He is God all by Himself, He's on the throne, and there is none that can ever compare to Him.

It is God who raises up a (president) King and it is God who sits them down (Daniel 2:21).

To God be the glory great things He has done.....AMEN and the Church say AMEN...

News Item11/10/16 1:03 PM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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News Item11/10/16 12:58 PM
Bro. Big C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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that He (God) might place his hedge of protection around President elect Donald Trump and his family and former secretary Hillary Clinton and her family...

God would have him to take care of this nation as God would have him to do. To God be the glory, great things he has done...

News Item11/10/16 12:49 PM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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What we should do as Christians is not sit around criticizing President elect Trump and former Secretary Hillary, but we really should be doing is dropping to our knees and crying out to God on a consistent basis, that He might replace his head your protection around about President Trump and his family and Hillary Clinton and her family and that we would have Unity here in the United States of America. We also need to pray that God would give president elect Trump much wisdom and guidance and through the power of the Holy Spirit lead him to take care of this nation as God would have them to do. God says that the affection for her prayer of a righteous man availeth much...

News Item10/23/16 3:22 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Why wasn't Hillary Clinton breach of our national security on the front page of every newspaper the very next day after that debate?

Why is the news media so silent concerniing Hillary freely giving out out nuclear secrets on national TV?

Why isn't it mentioned that this was a direct violation of our national security?

News Item10/23/16 3:08 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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It is amazing how Hillary Clinton is anti God, anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti Jews, anti Israel, anti Catholic and anti evangelical!!!

And you have some people that call themselves Christians that will vote for her knowing that shs supports Partial birth abortion, the homosexual/ lesbian/transgender agendas!

She is for many of other things that is totally contrary to the Word of God. It is beyond my comprehension how any Christian could ever vote for anyone that has these type of beliefs.

Let's not forget her "unprotected server" that Isis, Russia, China, North Korea and anyone else could have tapped into while she was Secretary of State.

Most significant, at the last debate, she clearly gave out our nuclear top secret information, concerning how after the president orders a nuclear strike, there is a 4 minute time space prior to the US firing our nuclear weapons!!! that alone must disqualify her from being president of the USA! that was clearly a breach of national security and she wants to be our president? Hillary Clinton should not get within 10 feet of the White House ever.

News Item6/18/16 4:47 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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I am still upset with Pastor Robert Jeffries for supporting Donald Trump over Ted Cruz; who is a constitutional conservative Christian. However, he has a good point!!!

This undercover muslim president is nothing but an opportunist!!!!

Also,Hillary (rotten) Clinton is nothing but an extension of the deceptive, and decisive Obama administration! ministration

News Item4/15/16 4:24 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Ms. Lynch should immediately.

Where is Ms.. Loretta Lynch when Jews and Christians are being persecuted and attacked throughout the USA all the time? I have never heard her speak out against that yet?

There's genocide going on throughout the entire Middle East against Christians and Jews etc... and neither her nor the Obama administration has ever spoke out against it until the other day; when John Kerry finally open his mouth.

She needs to stop lecturing Americans and be more concerned about Hillary Clinton's indictment/prosecution and that Sharia law that she allowed to be implemented in Dearborn Michigan and soon to come; Alabama...

The nerve she has! Hummm

News Item4/15/16 3:48 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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I have a serious problem with so many so-call Christians who say that they support (Mr. Pride himself) Donald Trump, Hillary (lying) Clinton and the potential destroyer of this great nation, Bernie (Socialist/Marxist) Sanders.

Especially Hillary and Sanders and lets not forget Obama, these people hate the United States Constitution, they are anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-Bible and anti-Israel etc...

It is inconceivable and beyond my comprehension how in the world anyone that calls themselves a Christian would vote in support of these people when they hate God and our US Constitution so much.

We need to research morally what these people stand for, then we will know who are the real hypocrites!!!

And we will find it is not the only God fearing Constitutionlist Presidential candidate Mr. Ted Cruz

News Item4/15/16 2:58 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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AMEN ChristopherOOO:

These people like Bruce Springsteen are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites..

News Item4/15/16 2:49 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Mr. Lincoln you made 2 statements that I would like for you to explain.

1) You said that Ted Cruz is a hypocrite! What makes Ted Cruz a hypocrite?

2) you mentioned Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are beginning to look petty good. What makes either one of them look good, the crowds that they draw when there's no substance in either one of their messages?

News Item2/17/16 2:48 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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This is why all of the Christians throughout the United States of America need to research on whom they are casting their votes on?

This man is a deceiver and a liar and thinks he's going to insult his way to the Presidency with all of his filthy lucre.

Wake up Christians stop running behind Mr Trump!!!

News Item2/17/16 2:37 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Why are we concerned about is it sinful to watch football? We should be speaking to the fact of how the Muslims are brainwashing and desensitizing our children's children's here in the high schools of America.

Let's not lose focus on the reality of how these radical Muslim invaders are invading our country with their false ideology.

This is what their Quran and Heidi's speaks about, implementing the Sharia law here in the United States of America. it's time for us as Christians to wake up and not worry about such foolish.

We should be Speaking out against this at every PTA meeting and school meeting every chance we get, yet we're sitting here talking about football!!!


News Item2/11/16 9:05 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Food for thought:

News Item2/11/16 9:03 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Food for though:

Mr. Donald Trump is always saying that he wants to make this nation great!

How can Mr. Trump possibly make this nation great again if he's not standing on the Word of God?

What's Mr. Trump's foundation?
Is it Jesus the chief cornerstone?

God's Word is what originally made this nation great many of years ago....

News Item2/11/16 8:08 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Thank God for sermon audio news, because if not for this news to be broadcasted I may not have ever known that these Isis commanders was amongst the refugees population and caught.

Isis has repeatedly said that they would infiltrate America and many other countries through the refugees population, but this is direct proof that they are doing it.
This is a very serious matter because Barack Insane Obama is pushing very hard to allow these same type of refugees to come into America, and the only thing on these Isis refugees minds are to kill Americans.

I hope that this same information somehow is broadcasted on world news and all local news stations so that everyone will see what Isis is actually got caught doing. Maybe then there will be a temporary hault on allowing refugees to come into this country from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan and any other countries that are affiliated with Isis, al Qaeda, Boko Haram the Taliban, al-shabaab, the Muslim Brotherhood and any other terrorist demonic organizations.

News Item2/11/16 7:31 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Amen Bishop Baker from Texas:

Your comments speak volume! hopefully others are reading and listening to what God is saying through us.

News Item2/11/16 7:26 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Amen bro. Christopher000

very good comments!

News Item2/11/16 4:54 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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issues in this nation.

And then we need to open our Bibles to see what God says about the immorality that's running rampant throughout this nation. Maybe then we would have a better biblical perspective concerning who we would be voting for to help get this nation back on track

News Item2/11/16 4:46 AM
Bro. Big C  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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I am quite aware that we are not voting in a pastor to be the President of the United States. However, I cannot understand how born again Christians would even (27 prercent) vote for a person like Donald Trump!

I always thought when we as Christians go to the voting polls, we should always first research what all of the candidates believe spiritually and morally' and how do their life and biblical prospective line up with the Word of God? then we will make a responsible decision.

Maybe it's me, but I cannot comprehend how we as Christians would make a horrific decision in voting for Mr. Donald Trump who just finish using the F... bomb, the P.... word, he mocks the Bible, he degrades women, he belittles people on national TV repeatedly, he's arrogant and full of pride and in every two sentences that he speaks, he always use the word "I": which is the same letter that got Satan in a lot of trouble in the beginning "Isaiah 14:12"

I am extremely disappointed in pastor Robert Jeffress and Jerry Falwell Jr. for even giving this man their endorsements.

I am very much surprised that they did not give their endorsement to the most conservative candidate; which is Mr. Ted Cruz.

Many of us Christians need to research what does Mr. Donald Trump think about the moral i

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