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News Item11/21/18 8:19 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Best news I've seen on SA! An encouragement. God gets the glory.

News Item11/18/18 3:58 PM
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Frank wrote:
Just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean they are unable to think. Just because someone doesn’t understand an issue the same way you do, does not make him unreasonable or undiscerning.
Frank, that is true but does not apply in this instance. I did not give an opinion, but quoted scripture as it applied to the article. If a person read the article in light of the plain teaching of scripture there would be no confusion. You either accept it or reject it and then he makes assumptions about me based on some website he mentioned and takes a jab at Baptists. He has no idea if I am Presbyterian, Baptist, or otherwise as I do not know about him. He makes goofy statements all the time. I hope you take your own advice when it comes to the issue of feminism. Maybe you have cause I haven't seen you on the soap box lately.

News Item11/18/18 3:39 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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John UK wrote:
Well there you are, Christopher, in black and white. It is exactly the same technique as is used on It's a form of oppression, telling others that they can't think (therefore you must listen to me!).
That those in the West cannot think critically any more. That maybe there are a few people on these threads who can actually reason (like me, Allie, of course!). In fact I know there are (which proves my Allie holier-than-thou attitude). Those who can reason, keep your discernment. Once again, a double whammy (there are many who cannot reason, and these will not have any discernment, but we who are the great ones need to remain Allie vigilant). Oh and SA has plenty of good Presby sermons but loads of bad Baptist comments.
Never heard of I did not direct your thoughts to me but scripture. Jesus publicly disciplined cause they made His Father's house a place of merchandise. That is scripture and you can't make the connection so then you go personal. Maybe you need to stop visiting or whatever website You surf for bible teaching and Freudian assesment of people you don't know. You can say what you want after this post if you wish, but I am done.

News Item11/16/18 4:34 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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John UK wrote:
Did u read my post 11/16/18 2.49pm?
I did. No point in talking to someone who is unable to think. This is the problem with the West. We can't think critically anymore. I trust their are people on this thread who still have the capacity to reason. In fact, I know there are. Those of you who can reason keep your discernment. The days are getting darker. When you have a website like SA with a library of sound teaching and posters who aren't it is troubling.

News Item11/16/18 3:16 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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John UK wrote:
Allie, the moneychangers in the Temple were circumcised Jews (hypocrites). The gentleman in sexual sin in Corinth was a professing believer (hypocrite). And I do not believe we (the church) should put to death any sinner by using OT commands or laws.
The Bible teaches we are to judge and discipline those within and members of the professed church, not those outside.
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, not condemn them. And they will always act like sinners until God's Spirit gets a hold of them. Read some of George Whitefield's experiences in seeing mighty conversions of SINNERS.
He was a member of the church. Did u read the article? He was a member just like the man at Corinth and the Jews of the synagogue. The point of the old testament was not to say the guy was to be executed, but to demonstrate the sin is not to be tolerated in the body of the church. Sir you need to read the article. If you did and this is your understanding then you need better bible teaching and discernment.

News Item11/16/18 2:22 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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John UK wrote:

Well you know what it is like, Christopher. To get the people in every Sunday, the leaders give a pep talk every now and again, usually from the text, "FORSAKE NOT the assembling of yourselves together."
So the frightened people make every effort to get "to church" even if they've got a cold or mild flu symptoms. And then right in the middle of the sermon, there is a ginormous sneeze, and one million germs become airborn and are breathed in by over half the congregation, who promptly become very ill three days later, infecting their children who are kept off school.
All in all it cost the economy $50k, all down to hypocrisy.
What are you talking about? I guess Jesus was wrong to get a whip of cords and drive out the money changers? They brought their sin into the house of God openly. Their sin was public and He addressed it publically. Paul told the Corinthians to put put the gentleman in sexual sin with his step mother. What you and Christine is saying is not in line with scripture. In the old testament the man who gathered with Israel with his prostitute was executed openly. Y'all need to follow scripture and not our foolish society and our own thoughs.

News Item11/16/18 7:57 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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The man was a member and expressed interest in being helped and was being privately counseled by church. He came in service iin drag. His actions were public and the pastor dealt with it publically. He also said for the women not to come in service with leggings. It's about time a man acts like a man and confronts sin head on. Pastor should have mentioned that you live a holy life inside and outside the church too, but he showed more manliness than I have seen in a long time. So many pastors allow women to dress immodestly and probably let men in drag come in. The excuse is that they need to hear The gospel. Well it's the professing Christians dressing this way. The church is for the worship of God not self. If someone wants to hear the gospel let them come inside the church dressed reverently. Women without tight and revealing clothing distracting them men from worship and this giving place to the devil. Likewise let the men clearly look like men and the women look like women. This pastor was right and needs support and prayers. The angry sodomite ranting about it on social media needs prayer. Pray for his salvation.

News Item11/13/18 12:12 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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My Own 2 cents wrote:
What does Infowars have to do with this article? Please elaborate.
Absolutely nothing.

News Item11/13/18 12:07 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Yes, and Christian Yoga is a blending of Christianity with the pagan practice of Hinduism. Syncretism.

News Item10/23/18 10:12 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Youth in Asia wrote:
Those are good points, and apply to many churches around the world.
Maybe you can make this clear Amish... But the stereotype of your group is that
1. You are secluded and do zero mission work
2. You live on farms with no electricity and no cars, and no washing machines.
3. You believe you can lose your salvation
Any of that true?
Yes and they are biblically illiterate themselves. It is a works base system where there is an inordinate attachment to parents. People who leave are shunned. There is hypocrisy and compromise within it. They do not trust in Christ alone for salvation, but like the rest of the unbelieving world hope their good deeds outweigh the bad for entrance into glory. Every true believer using cars and electricity will enter glory while someone living like it is still the 18th and 19th century will go to help if not trusting in Christ alone for salvation. Works are in keeping with scripture not living the lifestyle of 200yrs ago.

News Item10/17/18 1:29 AM
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Youth in Asia wrote:
I don't think Orthodox people ever cared. Unlike Catholics who have a system of government in the vatican, the orthodox church was always casual. Though with many Catholics moving to orthodoxy, and guys like Hank Hanagraff, their apologetics department is getting better.
Hank Hanegraff left the faith when he took on Orthodox religion. If you think I am wrong check out what the Orthodox believe.

News Item10/3/18 10:52 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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This is a he said she said case. Dr. Ford made an accusation and it is up to her and her attorney to prove it. They have NO evidence. None. You can't prove he did anything. No police report, no witnesses, no medical evidence. Nothing. All you have is an accusation. Unless there is some EVIDENCE Dr Blasey Ford needs to go away. There is no evidence that is why none is presented. All the Democrats and any other politcal group who are giving her a platform is not fit to hold office. They need to end this and vote. Only a vile scoundrel would publically lie like this. Makes me think of King Ahaz's wife Jezebel finding some scoundrels to lie publically about Naboth so that he could be put aside so Ahaz could take his vineyard. Dr. Ford is just showing she has the morals of a jackal and any man that would be within 10ft of her is crazy. That goes for the other disgusting women accusers of Judge Roy Moore. Men had better stay away from those wretched women.

News Item9/28/18 11:55 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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sc wrote:
Kavanaugh was inconsistent when he said that he never forgot anything after drinking alcohol. Alcohol has that effect.
He lost credibility on that count alone.
That alone should disqualify him from being a judge.
I as unbeliever got drunk a couple of times and retained my memory. Alcohol doesn't necessarily impair your memory. It depends on the person and how much alcohol they had and have on a regular basis.

Sermon9/27/18 4:16 PM
Allie | Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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“ Well now ”
Google gives a definition of social justice and it is coined by the Jesuit priest you guys mentioned. The bible does not teach social justice. TGC is once again trying to make the bible agree with worldly principles. Kevin DeYoung is smart and he knows the definition. Tim Keller has been mixing social justice and scripture. He was influenced by the Frankfort school and admits it. TGC has been challenged by several people publicly and now they want to back track and act like there is no definition when there is one by the Jesuit priest. TGC has way too much influence on local churches. They bring up a topic as if there is an issue or crisis and the churches start picking it up and discussing it and questioning themselves. In this podcast there was the comment that America is a rogue nation founded on rebellion. Well if so then we are all Brita and not Americans. Jesus said the poor is with us always and we can help them when we want. Done no need for discussion. All you guys have to do is go to their Twitter page to see what TGC is about as far as SJ. They are wrong and out of line with scripture. Might wanna read Saul Alinsky, Communist Manifesto, and study The Frankfort School to really understand what is going on.

News Item9/27/18 4:59 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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I don't like them. Rode one in NY years ago. Happy we don't use them where I live. I happily drive my vehicle.

News Item9/23/18 9:18 AM
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Chris G P wrote:
As I commented to Mr Lincoln on a related thread, these Marxist activists are zealous, determined and dedicated to one aim. They wish to destroy your US Constitution, your Bill of Rights, and to hand the USA over to a globalist U.N. sponsored vision, a Communistic, Marxist and irreligious (with a clear exception for Islam, of course), state that will completely subvert all individual freedoms to the collective.
These people are traitors and spies, openly working within the government at all federal, state and local levels, and they make no secret of it. These are not just “Democrats”, the party they masquerade behind, they have actually taken it over, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their aims.
You have more sense than many Americans and some regular posters on SA board. Their tenacity is demon driven. Most Americans are goats led by hirelings and so worried abou5 getting their praise on, church baristas, inter-faith dialogues, etc to care. Unbelievers are too busy with life thinking things will always be the same. Pray for China, America, and Europe. Hungary and Poland seem to be the only courageous countries in the EU.

News Item9/21/18 8:30 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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If the American Revolution was upon us today the Christians and non-Christians wouldn't stand a chance. We don't know tyranny when we see it and lack the ability to reason. If you guys think she is crazy because she is born a sinner than so we're all of you before you got saved myself included. I guarantee you I was not crazy. Lost and a hater of God, but not crazy. David feigned crazy before a pagan ruler. David and the pagans knew the difference between sane and insane.

News Item9/21/18 10:03 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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The bible doesn't teach that we are severely damaged in the mind. It does teach we are at enmity with God and that are minds are darkened through truth suppression and we do what is not fitting. That does not apply to Marine LePen in this story and you are giving cover to what France is doing by mistake. She is speaking against ISIS and letting people see who they are. Like Wilberforce showing Brits the reality of slave life and folks showing pics of aborted babies and the undercover videos by David Dalaiden. Man is sinful, but not mentally ill just because he hates God. We all can be irrational in certain situations, but not crazy. She should not be forced to this evaluation. This is Communism. If you speak against Government you need evaluation and re-education. If that doesn't work dispose of the person or keep them locked up. BTW, if someone needs evaluating it is their Prez and first lady. She was his school teacher and she was carrying on with him while he was in his teens at high school. She desired him and eventually left her husband and married him.

News Item9/18/18 6:33 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Next we are going to hear that Judge Kavanaugh socked and stole candy from a classmate when he was 10yrs old and therefore unfit to serve. I am tired of immoral women claiming they were sexually assaulted by a conservative or someone against the Communists known by their alias name of Democrats. They publicly speak of sexual acts with no shame or prudence. Once the candidate is suffiently smeared they go back into obscurity and press no charges. This is the same old schtick. Find a low class, shameless, and imprudent woman who will tell made up and disgusting sex stories to get a check and 5 min of fame. All at the expense of her dignity and to accuse a man of something of unspeakable. The Democrats are Neo-Marxists who have no problem with Clinton sex scandals or sexual deviance in their fellow Democrats. Peole keep falling for this over and over and over again.

News Item9/18/18 6:11 AM
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I have said it and will say it again. Get your kids out of public school or don't put them in. They are going after kids either for them to grow up saying nothing of their lifestyle and they are looking for recruits. They can't procreate to make more folks like them so they need to brainwash impressionable kids into accepting it. The easiest way to access kids is through the school system and the government gives them access.
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