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Survey4/9/08 9:57 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Walt, Walt...

Your theological presuppostions blind you to alot of truth. I laugh hard about the statement concerning "sex slavery".

Here is something for thinkiing Christians to read:

The bottom line is quite simple! The Word of God never condemns polygyny. It regulates it!

God condones it in at least seven ways ways:

1. He includes it in His Law
2. He uses it to represent His relationship to His people
3. He commands Hagar to back to the family.
4. He gives David Saul's wives.
5. He informs David that He could have asked for more wives and God would have granted David's request
6. He never calls any person to repent of polygyny.
7. Most of the people he used for Kingdom purposes were practicing polygynists.


Survey4/9/08 9:30 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Scripture speaks of bearing false witness. Do you think that all those who practice polygyny prey on young girls?

If you would do some deeper research, you will find that there are...

1. Calvinist Polygynists
2. Arminian Polygynists
3. Evangelical Polygynists
4. Pentecostal Polygynists

None of these practice the FLDS form of arranged teen age marriages. You paint with a broad brush, and do not judge with righteous judgment.

You should also know that there are many groups of Orthodox Jews who practice polygyny today as well!


Survey4/9/08 8:47 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Walt wrote:
For those interested to examine each of these texts, in context, the author below has written what is considered one of the classic studies on the topic.
The Hebrew Wife
by S.E. Dwight
You can find it on google books. I'm trying to get an electronic PDF copy so I can have a typist retype the entire book into e-text. If anyone can get me an e-text copy of the book in PDF, I will give you my email so I can get started on retyping it.
There are other works I believe that deal with specific texts these Polygamy promoters use out of context, especially on this forum, claiming their biblical scholarship. Remember, they are giving you "their biased opinion" with a modern presupposition based upon lust of the flesh that plagues them at every turn in our society.
I would encourage those of you to look closer at the book above, and other opinion of Scripture, before taking these guys opinion on Scripture. It is a shame what these guys are doing to young girls twisting scripture to promote their lusts and if it is not stopped, your own daughters (and even wives in some opinions) will be prey to these guys. Beware!
Here is a better book on the subject:


Survey4/9/08 3:29 PM
Adelphos | Adelphs  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Dr. Phil wrote:
It is not contradiction to say that NT believers enjoy a clearer revelation of the will of God than OT saints. The Apostle Paul by the Spirit of God tells us that an elder of the church should be "the husband of ONE WIFE". (1 Tim. 3:2) Yet, the cultic Mormons falsely teach their followers polygamy as a qualification for elders. Now, lets talk about contradiction.
Let's talk about shameless power lustful fornicators. adulterers, and pedophiles selectively using OT scripture to brainwash their followers.
However, it is a contradiction the words of Jesus, and Jesus would not teach something that contradicts Himself.

Go look up the wored "one" in 1 Timothy. It may be translated "first" or even as "a". This would agree with the Words of Jesus concerning not taking away from the Law and agree with the entire Old Testament - this is a consistant hermeneutic.

Progressive revelation will never contradict previous revelation unless it also supplies reasons.

Survey4/9/08 7:46 AM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Observation Post wrote:
Now John, if you would do me the courtesy of reviewing my posts on this thread you would see that I stated that I find no where in scripture where polygamy is condemned.
What I do see clearly is what God had ordained in Gen 2 and Matt 19. I choose to believe that is what God had ordained even though He tolerated polygamy in the OT and it is reflected in the history of mankind being born into this world equally male and female. You, on the other hand, choose to take those verses as a mere suggestions while ignoring the evidence He gave in His providence over procreation.
If everyone believed polygamy was biblical where would the women come from so every man could have three wives? Think!
Perhaps it is time to agree to disagree and go our ways.
1. If Genesis two contained a fullness of truth, then to be consistant, you would be forced to say that man is not allowed to eat meat, and can only work in agriculture - these were also in the original story.

2. Matthew 19 cannot contradict Jesus own statement: "Whosoever... shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:19)", and the entire Law. This means that Matthew 19 needs reevaluation!

Survey4/8/08 9:52 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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John_for_Christ wrote:
Well, isn't that nice. You can't prove your point, so you just leave.
The Scriptures you provided don't tell God's ideal for marriage. They just say what happens, matter-of-factly. They don't set any kind of limit.
Genesis 2:24 simply tells us what happens when a man gets married. Paul tells us in the NT that a man can be "one flesh" with any number of women. The same thing applies to Matthew 19:5-6, since it is quoting Genesis 2:24.
God obviously ordained both polygamy and monogamy, since the Moses who wrote Genesis was a polygamist, and wouldn't have married two if he knew it was wrong according to Genesis 2:24, now would he?
OP uses two out of context verses to prove a point that the tenor of the entire Bible disagrees with, yet, calls those who believe in Biblical consistancy false. The hermeneutical rules are as follows regarding the two Scriptures he uses:

1. Scripture must interpret Scripture.
2. Scripture cannot contradict Scripture.

His view violates both!

Survey4/8/08 9:28 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Observation Post wrote:
YES HE IS in His immortal spirit reality, not our mortal carnal reality. God is spirit. And that is the point I made in my previous post. You cannot take an allegory which God intended to be interpreted and understood spiritually and use it to justify mortal carnality. It doesn't work and all attempts to do so perverts His testimony.
Question for you: At the time of this allegory do you believe there were no men alive in Samaria and Judah... only women and only one in each kingdom? After all the allegory does state two women.... right? Do you believe God? Do you want to understand what He is explaining in the allegory?

Sorry but I trust you understand the error.

You have missed the hermeneutically correct point: God does not violate His principles whether in allegory or in practice! When God uses metaphors concerning Himself, they are intended to illustrate the lawfulness or unlawfulness of that which they represent - this is hermeneutics 101!

Survey4/8/08 8:15 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Dr. Phil,

Shame! Shame!

1. The Scripture does not tell us that all the practicing polygamists were living in sin. This is speculation!

2. You contradict yourself by saying that all polygamists should be shot, yet, proclaim that Abraham, Mose and David (polygamists) are great men.

3. I understand if you cannot handle more than one wife. Some men cannot handle too much.

4. I suppose that you think Solomon was an illegitmate son too? Afterall, David was married to many women when he took Bathsheba as a wife!

Survey4/8/08 7:43 AM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Observation Post wrote:
These several promoters of polygamy the past couple days have proven one thing to me...
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find [it]. (Amos 8:11-12)
It's here.
Too funny! If anything this verse would go against what you are saying - this verse is written under the Old Covenant, where the Law (the Word of the LORD) allowed polygyny.

Moreover, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils...Forbidding to marry... (1 Timothy 4:1-3)" may actually have some application to those who forbid people to marry second or third wives.

Survey4/7/08 5:40 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Like these two commentaries you mention are the litmus test of all true theology. The first one gives no proof for the statements made - great scholarship!. Therefore, I chose the clear words of Scripture over that non-sense. It also states something he cannot prove too! History does not give conclusive evidence concerning David taking or not taking Saul's wives. Moreover, even if he didn't, it does not matter, God told him that all David had to do is ask for more wives. Read the text! Why would a Holy God encourage sin? He doesn't!!

The second commentary proves absolutely nothing. It was a waste of typing.

God allowed polygyny, made it so that in some cases is required (Levirate Law), gave David wives, used Himself as a polygyny example, and never condemned anyone for practicing it. Even those who disagree with polygyny acknowledge that polygny was practiced by many in the early church and they were never called immoral (see Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible, by Jay Adams, pg 83).

Survey4/7/08 9:48 AM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Mike wrote:
David wrote:
"I don't want to hear anyone's opinions or philosophies- just Bible from people who care about what it actually says and not those who commit the sin (Yes, it's a sin) of adding their personal beliefs to the Bible."
Here's my independent observation, David, based on "just Bible." I guess you would require a polygamist man who would be an elder in your church, to first divorce all but one wife.
Actually, the Greek word "mia" in that verse may translated and is translated in the Bible as "first", so an Elder may have a second or third wife too!

Survey4/7/08 7:27 AM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Thank you for your balance. If people cannot see that God GAVE David more wives and was willing to ADD more, then they are certainly not seeing how the entire Bible agrees with itself. God's Word has not contradictions!!

Survey4/6/08 10:26 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Yes, they did use Scripture to interpret Scripture, thus, Martin Luther, Bucer, Melanthon, and other reformers, consented to the marriage of Phillip of Hesse's polygamous marriage to his second wife. So, I guess from your own testimony, Martin Luther, Bucer, Melanthon, and some other Protestant Reformers are to be considered "a liar".

...and this is based on what Greek and Hebrew defintions?

Survey4/6/08 9:49 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Observation Post wrote:
Very clever but since you are in the extreme minority, not to mention promoting violation of the law of the land, the onus is on you, friend. Responding with "is being misunderstood", "is taken totally out of context", "is easy to explain in the Greek", "nor are they every used as synonyms", blah, blah, blah doesn't cut it. But since we know your view on polygamy is biblically indefensible..... we understand completely.
Being in the minority did not stop people like Martin Luther, John Calvin, the Puritans, and many others who believed that God's Word is the final authority.

Majority Rule theology is absurd!

Survey4/6/08 9:03 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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I do not mind if you rebuke me. Orthodoxy is in the mind of the beholder. I am sure there are many Christians on this site that would consider some of your beliefs unorthodox. However, if you are looking for someone you may consider Orthodox, research Martin Luther. He believed that polygyny was a viable option for Christians. So did Melanthon, Bucer and other leaders of the Protestant Reformation.

Judging someone without proof is called "bearing false witness". I should let you know that I do not agree with forced marriages of young girls.

Furthermore, if you really feel like you have a case, I do not mind your proving me wrong with a public written debate somewhere. It is up to you.


Survey4/6/08 8:14 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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It is too bad we didn't have time to do a real debate on this... It would be fun. However, summary:
1. Genesis 2:24 does not apply, because you do not apply the text consistantly.
2. Matthew 19 is being misunderstood.
3. Malachi 2:15 is taken totally out of context.
4. 1 Cor 7:2 is easy to explain in the Greek.
5. Greek and Hebrew Lexicons do not include polygyny as adultery or fornication, nor are they every used as synonyms.

Survey4/6/08 5:54 PM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Too funny!

There isn't any "pre-fall" doctrine concerning marriage. The logic that says that the creation story equals the fullness of any doctrine is absurd. Intellectual honesty and consistency would demand that one also teach that it is a sin for a man to wear clothes; for a woman to wear clothes; for men to work outside of agriculture; for a man or a woman to be single; and for humans to eat meat. One Scripture never proves a doctrine.

Survey4/6/08 9:22 AM
Adelphos  Find all comments by Adelphos
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Observation Post:

You obviously missed the point about the allegory. The allegory informs us that since God is 100% Holy, why would He portray Himself as practing immorality. Think a little!

Malachi should be read contextually. Israel was marrying unbelieving heathen. Just like in Nehemiah, God is against these kind of marriages.

The fact of the matter is that polygyny is never condemned - period!

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