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News Item9/24/08 3:40 AM
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Well, this religious slant on Wall Street is all very well, and the item about those cruel Europeans ridiculing the US Money Meltdown all provide a nice 'alternative' view on current affairs.

But where are all the real news stories on the core issue?
And where are all the shrieking hysterical anti-SOCIALIST and anti-LIBERAL (sic) commenters when America and Sermonaudio really needs them?

How nice of the US government to requisition another $700 billion and add to the US taxpayers debt.

Buying junk loans at full book value ! !
And now the US government's FBI is investigating the simply incompetent and negligent free-riding optimists for fraud. Quite astonishing hypocrisy.

Bush's grand Mussolini style bale out simply proves how shot the relatively unregulated system really is and the markets will continue to slide.

"The difference between fascism and communism is that in communism, the state owns everything outright; in fascism, a thin veneer of private ownership is maintained while the state exercises absolute control over industry."

Also, reminds me of the 1990's Tory bale out of the Lloyds insurance market. All of the millionaire investor Lloyds Names who signed up to "unlimited liability" and then pretended they "didn't understand what it meant". Disgusting.

News Item9/16/08 2:55 PM
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Blighty local wrote:
Political leadership ended in UK four decades ago.
Please expand.

News Item9/16/08 2:09 PM
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Neil wrote:
"I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
With all my strength
With all I am
I will seek to honor His commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb."
So with tedious regularity, yet another prominent "Christian" turns out to be an oath-breaking flake.
I pledge
my strength
all I am
I will seek
I pledge

Sounds like too much of himself in his lyrics, also teaching unbalanced theology to whichever congregations sing this stuff.

Christians need to be resolute and rooted and centred in Christ.
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

News Item9/12/08 12:07 AM
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I wonder if their lawsuit gets filed or tagged with a reference number?

Turns out there was an electronic link to the case document in the article.
"Case 1:08-cv-01546-RMC"

So, why is it that
"Use of a numbering system for their [lawsuits] for their [rights] constitutes [NOT] some form of a 'mark of the beast' and/or represents [NOT] an infringement of their 'dominion over cattle and all living things' in violation of their fundamental religious beliefs"?

News Item9/11/08 10:00 PM
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But, as you have also documented, independent churches are also no strangers to fatally flawed leadership.

This in turn leads to abuses of their membership such as bullying members out and trumped up attempted excommunications. When church members leave in disgust, this in turn lays open the way for the fatally flawed leadership to sell off the property for a fat profit and start up all over again somewhere else where they believe they are not yet publicly marked out by their own notorious sins. Practical atheism in action.

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

News Item9/10/08 12:03 AM
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Neil wrote:
WND is getting all worked up again.... And in the spirit of reformation, why must a church officer preside over a wedding?
Indeed. Marriage certificates by nonconformist ministers date back only to 1898 in the UK.

In order to grind their political axes some would happily imply that our faithful forebearers were fornicators and illegitimate. Very sad to see.

News Item7/21/08 3:12 PM
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Agreed - that is a third option and indeed God our Father never cuts off those that the Son has purchased.
We need to beware of some of the spin words that are often used as a cover for sin. Wisdom is needed and each case needs to be examined on the underlying facts.

"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy"

"Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good."

News Item7/18/08 9:06 PM
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lyn wrote:
I was commenting on the content of the article, which the bbc is about to bring to light.
fyi - this is a 2006 news story

News Item7/18/08 6:07 PM
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It was an fyi - take it or leave it.

Lyn - However since you think the timing is irrelevant and since this 2001 document was distributed to bishops all over the world, let me ask you have you seen a copy come to light in the last 2 years?

I oppose Rome because of the manifest evidence I have seen, not because anybody just happens to make any claim.

"Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth ; ) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light."

News Item7/18/08 5:34 PM
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fyi - this is a 2006 news story.

News Item7/18/08 4:38 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
An interesting comment,"... ...If the congregation walks away from its property but four or five people remain behind, TEC will maintain that they still have a congregation there, even though it may be four walls and a janitor. So they won't admit to the hundreds of churches that have departed...."
Yes, and in Reformed churches too.
How many times do we hear the familiar refrain of churches being "pruned"?
Is the Lord truly pruning and cutting off his own blood-bought redeemed people?
Or, are there wicked vinedressers at work in the vineyard Christ planted?

News Item7/8/08 12:42 AM
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Jhawk44 wrote:
I guess they never heard of IPv6.
and I guess you didn't read the article ....

"The solution to the IP address shortage is an upgrade to new addresses that can accommodate our hunger for online connectivity. Such a system, called IPv6, was agreed more than a decade ago, providing enough addresses for billions upon billions of devices as well as improving Internet phone and video calls, and possibly even helping to end e-mail spam."

News Item6/28/08 3:51 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Not enough time to dialog as I am off to work OT
But if you want to consider some words that have been so abused that they no longer hold their rightful meaning how about:
No - you can count me in with the scrupulosity of the Puritans on that one. I'll take Bible words over ecclesiastical words any day, thank you (but in moments of weakness I do slip into the use of the word "church" on occasion).

"Lastly, we have on the one side avoided the scrupulosity of the Puritans, who leave the old Ecclesiastical words, and betake them to other, as when they put WASHING for BAPTISM, and CONGREGATION instead of CHURCH"

Thank you for raising that pertinent question concerning the need for precise use of words by real Christians in history. It's an excellent illustration.

News Item6/28/08 3:25 AM
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Hint: Those aren't liberals, they are socialists.

News Item6/28/08 3:03 AM
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I'm not sure that I would agree that the perversion of liberalism that you refer to has a "long history", not even in the US. I came upon this quote in Wikipedia some time ago from somebody called Leonard Liggio:-
"Classical liberalism is liberalism, but the current collectivists have captured that designation in the United States. Happily they did not capture it in Europe, and were glad enough to call themselves socialists. But no one in America wants to be called socialist and admit what they are."

I agree with Liggio. Give no truck to those who wish to make stuff up - "wicked" for "good", "gay" for "sodomite" etc etc, it's plainly condemned in the Bible. To "Let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay" we need to use right words with right meanings. Let us beware that we do not stand before Christ saying "What is truth?" that has proven to be a very perilous state to be in.

Perhaps, one day real liberals may one day wish to reclaim their noble name in America? There are lots of real liberals in America and indeed no shortage of them posting on sermonaudio. Perhaps they need to be a little less afraid of the face of man or Ann Coulter's political illiteracy ....

News Item6/26/08 1:56 PM
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Mike wrote:
Well, Minnow, her customers should be happy, don't you think?

News Item6/26/08 1:54 PM
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Mike wrote:
If Obama were pro-US Constitution, he wouldn't be a liberal.

News Item6/26/08 1:52 PM
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Minnow wrote:
On your favourite hobbyhorse again to support the Liberal church.
Gene Robinson and his homosexual ilk in the CofE/Anglican communion are described and identified as "Liberal" in the media and in the ecclesiastical jungle - - - Do you advocate that THEY (and their lifestyle) are USING "LIBERAL" as the BIBLE DOES??????????
Whose hobbyhorse?

By your "logic" Minnow you alone are the theological liberal and supporter of all things gay and contemporary Anglican.

Mike - a brief review of your own posts will I think demonstrate your own regular usage and evident preference for the erroneous use of the word "liberal" in a political context, and your penchant to interchange "happy" for "gay" regardless of context.

Good day.

News Item6/26/08 2:16 AM
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Mike wrote:
Same word, different meaning.
Mike - is that what you say about the use of the word "gay" for homosexuals? Or do you seek to reject their theft and molestation of the word and instead continue to advocate only the right use of the word "gay"?

So, let us indeed be consistent in our use of words, defend the right use of words in the right context and oppose the deliberate, systematic perversion and twisting of words of this evil age.

Tony - Thank you for demonstrating the right use of the word liberal from Scripture.

Right words with right meanings.

News Item6/10/08 2:11 AM
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Vigilante wrote:
This may be interesting:
[URL=]]]The United States is Still a British Colony[/URL]

Don't call us, we'll call you.

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