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News Item12/24/16 1:38 PM
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The meaning of the rainbow has never truly changed.
Likewise,"christmas" was and is an RC makeover of an existing pagan day. The word never changed. The RCC uses it to put Jesus back in the manger under Mary just like they try to put Him back on the cross and they understand THEIR word to include "mass".
Preachers,U S,should always be preaching the gospel and are not dependent upon man made traditions to help them reach the lost 2 times a year.
Scripture suffices. There is no power in vain traditions which appeal to the flesh and keep Christians bound to defending unholy days for the sake of Christ.

News Item12/24/16 1:26 PM
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...encouraging to hear how he uses the rainbow colors...would be as encouraging if he would go back to the Incarnation observation rather than "christmas".
He didn't use "christmas" initially.
Reaching the world is always more effective God's way. Compromise really doesn't help. Faithful preachers are always in season and don't need to look like the world 2 times a year. Not looking like the world on those 2 times a year would make the world more curious actually and,of course,then we could drop the lies as well. Science is sound,we should be too.
Truth is told at this venue. Lies have no place there even for a season.

News Item12/23/16 1:00 PM
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Very sound and sobering words,BRF and Igno.
Christopher,I think that the media is used to get Christians worked up over "defending" God by keeping us focused on things that really are not important like nativity (naivete) scenes,plays,"christmas" trees,"christmas",etc, Many Christians think that they are doing a service to christianity in so doing. The reality ,as BRF and Igno pointed out,is that what really matters is falling by the wayside while we are fighting for the "god" of this world.
"christmas" and the "god" of Charles Dickens aren't worth defending but they can sure make us feel good about doing it...all the while what really matters goes up in smoke.

News Item12/22/16 10:59 PM
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SteverR,and they think that the "guidelines" of the "pharisees" put people under bondage as they do all that they need do for this "holiday" all to "proclaim" the liberty they have in the One who sets people free.
-anybody see the irony?
Any way,be safe and try to stay out of the way of all those who are so filled with "brotherly love".'Tis the season,after all.

News Item12/21/16 5:15 PM
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Thanks,fellow "troll". A true statement. No wonder there is an escalation of reality relativism.
Whatever suits ones purposes.
U S,it is because I rejoice over what Christ did completely that I condemn the "holiday" and,of course,no answer...
Pagan or Christian? I guess everyone loves Christ this time of the year?
Ladybug,I am familiar with Scripture enough to know that we shouldn't be sticking Christ back in a cradle and if this is so pertinent in our worship,then why not stick Him back there every day? Perhaps it is those who only celebrate "Christ" 2 days a year who are truly ungrateful. The rest of us celebrate Him daily without the pomp and circumstance.

News Item12/21/16 1:51 PM
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True,SteveR. Maybe except,little difference. If one is going to be dishonorable,why not just be totally dishonorable?
Ladybug- why bother speaking against the RCC? At least,the "mass"? You sound hypocritical when you have no qualms about using the word in conjunction with Christ this time of the year. The word "mass" still means what it always has for the RCC. Do we become as the pagans who say that everything is relative now?
If we do,we won't help them to see the truth if they see us compromise to cater to our whims either.
and...truth is truth all the year round.
Celebrating Christ through paganism/unholy days is wrong.Period.
Pagan or Christian? answer.

News Item12/21/16 1:29 PM
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If this is true "...Just because the Pope wants to play nice and bend words and say both worship the GOD of Abraham, doesn't mean Graham, my friend or myself believe it.

It would be more convincing if Graham and others didn't speak otherwise.
Unless they lie,while they do speak out of both sides of their mouths,one cannot believe something to be and also speak against it.

JY,many are not convinced that RCs are Christian (unless perhaps they are ignorant of the RC catechism) because of all of the numerous facts of the RCC which clearly shows them to be antichrist.
You and others choose to stay mum after the evidence is presented each time on this forum.
You cannot defend that which screams of deception. Even your blasphemous misrepresentations (crucifix/false images) scream "fake".

News Item12/21/16 1:14 PM
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"christmas" is celebrated by pagans. Are they honoring Christ?
Observer is...back to unpacking the shopping from the Mall, and then to watching some football with a glass of wine once I've done decorating the Christmas tree.
...just like the pagans.
God is not mocked nor is He honored by such.
Bottom line-
Is "christmas" pagan or is it of Christ?
Unless things are all subjective(these things would include gender identification),"christmas" is one or the other and does not qualify as "what it means to me".
Pagan or Christian?

Thank you, B. Mc. for your input as well I would just disagree that it is permissible in that mass and Christ are diametrically opposed. If the word "mass" still means the same for RCs now,then it is ,most definitely, not to be in regards to our Lord and Savior.
Ignorance for Christians is not bliss,not referring to you,just a sound "observation".

News Item12/19/16 10:50 PM
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Interesting mention of Galatians 4:4...
followed by:

9 But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?

10 Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.

11 I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

...not to mention a little liberty with following annual celebrations...there is no mention of them.
Observing something at the time of the actual event is a far cry from observing it annually. There are only a couple verses in Scripture which deal with those celebrating their birthdays and they're not good.
What we do know is that no one ever observed His Incarnation on a certain date in Scripture years after the event.
Pagans and Rcs,however,do celebrate "christmas". Is it all subjective? No wonder we have gender confusion.It's all in the eye of the beholder,seemingly.
Reality relativism where truth is subjective.

News Item12/19/16 5:51 PM
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Y in A,
Bishop,just because Hillary lost,doesn't mean that the nation won.
...just a different kind of judgment.
Further,if Trump wants to fool someone into thinking that he supports evangelicals,he would benefit by not catering to the ecumenists,like Graham.
Of course,the true evangelicals don't have much to offer him according to worldly wisdom.We do,however,have all that matters ultimately to so direct him to Christ...Who offers benefits out of this world.

News Item12/19/16 5:40 PM
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B. Mc,thank you for your comments.
SteveR-the wicked don't hate this time of the year at all. They,most definitely,are very exuberant and eager to party/"celebrate"...
so,if the pagans and the RCs embrace it,it must have as the object of it debauchery/hedonism and/or another "Christ".
Obviously,"christmas" isn't about Jesus if the world and the harlot church celebrates it.

News Item12/19/16 1:49 PM
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Sorry to hear of the news,Christopher and MS...
U S,the word "christmas" is RC. They do celebrate the mass of Christ now.
We do know this much...anyone celebrating this is either celebrating it because of pagan traditions or RC ones.
I'm sure that the Apostles and others in the Bible didn't follow suit. Neither should we unless we're pagan or RC.
The Bible is very clear as to what constitutes immodesty and what we should abstain from which is...clearly seen all over the malls in this nation.
....a new spin on "christmas" that it wasn't about reality relativism. Have fun convincing the faux pa of that.

News Item12/18/16 12:32 PM
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U S, I did not say "... (I) have little regard for those...
I said that I don't have little regard as in thinking upon them as less.
For those who say that "christmas" is not pagan...the spin on it doesn't negate that the RCC coined the word ...and basically the "holiday" (which is from saturnalia). It's their word (mass of christ) and they still hold it as such. It hasn't changed for them. Are we RC? If not, drop their word and tradition.
This kind of reasoning would allow for any pagan "holiday" to be "christianized"...why not try it with mardis gras too?
The depiction of what is,essentially,nude bodies,"stick",is porn. You must have a low opinion of God's word on it. It would only follow that you should have no problem with any image of people baring their bodies,including,sodomites based on your "observations" and I never said that what this guy did had anything to do with the RC. If he still uses their word,however,he is sounding RC no matter how he feels about it.
If we are against relative reality,then we need to quit embracing it without exception.

News Item12/17/16 4:27 PM
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@ "stick",
God's definition of "porn" is the one which matters.
I don't have little regard for those who still celebrate this unholy day out of naivete. I used to be a staunch supporter of it myself until I came to know the truth. In answer to your question,however,I would say that those of us who know better and continue in it have a higher accountability to God for so doing. Whatever the motive,mixing lies with truth always does a disservice to the lost. I know that Christ was incarnated but it's immaterial without the cross and to go along with the RC name for it is really taking God's name in vain and the Word never had a beginning. He did not come into existence at His incarnation. Never mind the rest of the lies surrounding it.
I'm not a RC nor do I play one 2 times a year either,in deed or word (using the same mass expression).
Truth is preferred all the time and santa is a lie.

News Item12/16/16 5:07 PM
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John Y,he's got that going for him anyway.

News Item12/16/16 5:03 PM
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Y in A,"christmas" is an idol. You do know that it means the mass of Christ whether people admit it or not? Truth is the truth.
Again,one may argue that the people are not there for gender confusion but no one can deny that there is not porn hanging all over the malls for little eyes,never mind big eyes,to see. Since this is the case,anyone who doesn't object to it really can't object to gender confusion when it comes to a mall near them.
People can't see the forest for the big fat christmas tree or the big fat fake.
It's funny people want to leave Christ in it,but even the pronunciation of the word leaves out the "t" sound. Sounds like "chris" without the cross (t)...just what it is.

News Item12/14/16 7:43 PM
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Unprofitable,I just read the beginning of the article about him saying that there is no santa.Obviously,I wouldn't agree with him about what "christmas" is about.
I also think that it's quite fair for one to speak against lies...not only to their own children but to anyone else as well.
No one would complain about him speaking against gender confusion.
Lies are lies and all should be addressed.

News Item12/13/16 7:20 PM
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Kev,the fire which I speak of in said passage is judgment. Saying that He will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire is redundant and doesn't make sense.
I think we could agree that being immersed and washed by the word which is in the Bible is preferable over water baptism which existed long before John came on the scene.
While it may be joyful in most situations,it is terribly sad that many depend upon the actual water to cleanse or renew them. I know of many people who rededicate themselves after they have fallen away over and over in hopes of being regenerated by water.
We should be baptized in the One baptism.

News Item12/13/16 7:07 PM
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Many Christians wouldn't be celebrating it if not for the RCs. No brainer...
and lies never persuade lost people.They will get the lost into a church once or twice a year though...oops! This year...not so sure. It is on the first day of the week.
How inconvenient!

News Item12/13/16 7:02 PM
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Will do,English Rose and thank you,fc.
Unprofitable-you are correct about one thing-I do hate this "holiday". Of course,I'm not RC either.
Please remember that the Lord did say that He is the Truth as well. Satan is the father of lies.
It would be interesting to see how many lost people would appreciate the integrity of some to uphold it.
As I said,I would have and I know of a few lost people who respect that not all Christians just go along. Integrity goes a long way and truth always stands.
The irony-trying to reach the lost for Christ by going along with a lie.
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