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News Item12/30/16 4:58 PM
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Before I knew Christ,I used to like to listen to Leo Buscaglia. He had a "love" message and was drawn to the idea of compassion for all...of course,I didn't really understand love until I met the Savior...Who is the only way to the Father.
Let's pray that this guy can figure out that there cannot be many ways to Heaven and that the difference between Christianity and all of the other religions is the difference between man making his way versus the only sinless One Who could or did make a way for all of mankind. One sin disqualifies the rest of us.

News Item12/29/16 1:00 PM
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...sounds all the way around quite discouraging
Very ecumenical though...
birds of a feather :v

News Item12/28/16 8:03 PM
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No question mark needed,Carl.
Nothing new for this "season" of "love".
This is par for the course.
...glad it's not "christmas" the whole year long.
...and we have New Year's knocking at the door.

News Item12/28/16 7:58 PM
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U S,I'm guessing that you would have no problem with the end of naivete scenes since you are really observing Christ's Incarnation on the RC's phony date?
Maybe Christians will,at least,stop going along with "christmas" and the rest of the lies that go along with it.
It's just very odd to me that,while the Scriptures say to proclaim all of His works, anyone finds it necessary to focus on one aspect of it which would be mute if not for the finished work.
Considering,that if not for the RCC,those who are so zealous in its defense,wouldn't be celebrating it at all.
Then again,there is so much Christian "liberty"... and family traditions which to uphold that there is less a distinction between the world and the church.
If there is a distinction, then one is labeled as a prude.
May we be so like Christ.
Adding to Scripture is something that the RCs do,not Christians.

News Item12/28/16 4:56 PM
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It is no more fitting to place Jesus back in the manger any more than it is to keep Him on the cross. Of course,those who are not bothered by the latter wouldn't have a problem with the former.

J Y,I didn't say that His Incarnation is not in the Bible. I said that "christmas",neither the word nor the concept is. Saying that it is by making it analogous with the His birth is adding to Scripture. of those "say it enough times" and it's readily accepted without a lot of thought.
If this "christmas" concept could possibly be both Christian and pagan at the same time,on what grounds may anyone defend that which isn't in Scripture or is but has changed according to secular proclivity? This is relative reality.
Let the pagans and the false church have their decadent revelry.
We'll adore Christ daily without taking their cues.

News Item12/28/16 1:13 PM
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John UK, good question.

As for the other million viruses,I guess ignorance is "bliss". There are other more important things by which to be occupied.

News Item12/28/16 1:10 PM
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Best stated by B. Mc.
Sadly,people seem to have a hard time turning from their traditions and the beggarly things.
This time of the year many Christians become like RCs...who are so steeped in theirs (traditions).
People can't see the forest for their christmas trees.

I still can't get over how people are so naive as to let Rome place Christ back in a manger every year on an inaccurate date. God must not have wanted us to know the date. If one is familiar with Scripture,God is very,very specific when it comes to dates...yet,He refrained from including this one.
If one insists on Sola Scriptura then why would one also support adding to Scripture?

News Item12/27/16 1:29 PM
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@ Buckeyes-
...such kind words,still in the "spirit"? I wouldn't know how to identify you in a crowd either. I guess that you might be garbed in Ohio State stuff...
Since this is not a personal forum,my gender is immaterial. I try to just comment as a Christian.
As far as the weather in Ohio-had consistently higher temperatures for well over a year with the exception of a very few days. It is winter,after all.
Perhaps it's the breakdown of the ozone that accounts for it.
If the temps want to hang close to 90 every day this coming one,be time to move...

As far as..."(TMC)
The Puritan’s also rejected the Gregorian Calendar as part of Rome. Do you? Or has the context in which we are living out our Christian walk changed? etc...

These things have nothing to do with
"christmas" not being in the Bible.
"christmas" was not ever observed in the Bible and,of course,to attach a particular date to it is a lie and,curiously,quite convenient for social circles/commercialism.

As far as the "sabbath"- Christ is our Sabbath but many want to follow after the shadows or try to insist that our sabbath day changed. ...another topic

News Item12/26/16 5:52 PM
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So...what were those Puritans thinking?
...sounds like this was always the Christian way.
...and yet,the disciples and no one else in the Bible ever followed suit.

I guess the pagans who hate Jesus just followed after the Christian example?

There seem to be different versions of this. Maybe the RCs are really reformed during this time of the year...and what was the faux pa in Rome doing on the eve of the 25th? A mass which sacrifices Christ anew in His Incarnation..,perhaps.

This is the most subjective time of the year...a nice demonstration of ecumenism when the church and the world all rejoice together.

News Item12/26/16 5:45 PM
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Maybe I missed it...but I didn't see anything that was rude or objectionable from John 4. Now,he's a swine?
Why are the ones who disagree with some others always "divisive" when they happen to disagree while some of the others are always deemed well rooted in Scripture as they hurl and assume to know the intent of those with whom they disagree?
A lost person reading some of these comments can see through this which is fine so they can see the differences but labeling others is really not necessary.
Oddly enough,if some of those who are deemed "divisive" would use the same approach,they would be deleted or not allowed to come on a thread.

News Item12/26/16 5:38 PM
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We don't need any public displays of religiosity any way. We're surprised or upset that others want to participate as well?
This is the time of the year when we need to be less like the rest of the world.
Suicides are most high during this time.
No wonder. Those who really need a loving touch from God can only observe Christians joining in the frivolity,perhaps making some nominal,observable,contribution to just take pride in their families and churches.
...want to love God? Don't let your left hand know what your right one is doing when giving and stop looking like the world. There are breaking hearts.

News Item12/26/16 5:22 PM
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U S, "...which is about both His birth and His atoning death."

That's my cannot/should not try to celebrate the one without the other.
If you had not been so steeped in family/church/worldly traditions,you wouldn't have picked a day (as the disciples did not)to "christianize" a day.
Esteeming one day above another hardly would qualify pagan days as (they are,yes?)...can't deny that...
as acceptable and God honoring.Otherwise,anything and everything is fair game.
Of course,many Christians consider most pagan things as viable instruments for worship. This is why we have heavy metal,rap,movies,zumba, church.
If we can use pagan holidays then we will have all sorts of junk that doesn't belong in the church and that's what we have- our "quail",in a manner of speaking.

News Item12/26/16 5:10 PM
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History revision.
"mass" is used and was always used as a re-sacrifice of Christ.They (RCC) have a way of twisting "to send".
Celebrating "christmas" because it was celebrated 200 years ago is a mute point if no one can come up with it in Scripture.
"christmas" is not found in the Bible.
"easter" is,but Christians who like to pervert the KJV like to pretend that it means the passover there in reference to the Jews when it was/is actually a pagan observance.
bottom line-it's not in the Bible and no one ever celebrated it in Scripture;the actual day of His Incarnation,obviously,is not the same as an ongoing,annual day as such.
So,"christmas" pagan or Christian?
I guess pagans who love it and say it thousands of time this time of the year are Christian? If not,there's your answer. If they do,it's not in Scripture,why do you?
Finally,how foolish to celebrate one of the RCC's highest "holy days"...and double minded-we object to them always keeping Him on the cross,as we so should be, but we encourage them to put Him in the manger every year as if He were merely a man being honored by others so observing Him.
Why not just observe all of the Jewish holidays too? They're still caught up with the shadows and fail to embrace the Substance.
Sad commentary to the lost.

News Item12/26/16 1:46 PM
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U S,...I read a Facebook post from a missionary in Pau Pau New Guinea that had 3 saved at his service, Praise the Lord!!

You know their hearts? I've seen many step forward at a Graham crusade too and everywhere else who "receive" Christ but many of them are not saved.

To be consistent,since you are so convinced that it is the "christmas" sermon which has power,perhaps your church should hold it every service.

Yes,U S,preachers may actually preach the gospel anytime of the year.
What my Bible doesn't have in it is the cross at the manger. Preachers do have to add that now,don't they? Otherwise the manger alone doesn't make sense.
God was with the Israelites who rebelled too but it didn't have a good end for them.

News Item12/26/16 1:37 PM
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One may have freedom to esteem one day over another but they do not have the liberty to blaspheme God's name by using it in connection with that which is antithetical to Him. "mass" means "mass" and is the RC term. If you don't have a problem with using "christmas" for your "holiday" then you must be silent when it comes to preaching against "mass".
Very hypocritical otherwise...if you know better.
This kind of double standard is why "gay",the rainbow,etc. is acceptable.
It is the most subjective time of the year! ..."wonderful"-no.
...and Christ was NOT begotten at the manger. It's in the Bible. Really.

News Item12/25/16 4:50 PM
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...don't know about his connections,maybe you do and there are many high profile leaders and the like who travel in the same circles. It seems as though there is always a trail. Ecumenists are pretty indiscreet but many Christians are so fooled by them. This is no surprise. God knows and we can be encouraged that He does.
I hope that you would feel God hug your soul today. You seem quite zealous in defending that which is wrong...wanting to be an advocate. I don't know about your accusation against Ham. We need to be very careful in such and wouldn't want to be wrong. Dangerous territory.
I do know that while many are engaging in their traditions and revelry today that there are many people who have fallen through the cracks and are at the "mercy" of those in authority...people who are in "care centers" who have no family and are forgotten who need God's love. May we remember them and not pat ourselves on the back for our annual "generosity" and charity.
Thankfully,the gift of God is not a seasonal item.

News Item12/25/16 4:39 PM
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U S,..."Sadly some her will let the world and false religion rob them of this rejoicing today and try to dishonor those who do."

I said that I was glad that you were rejoicing yet you still insist that somehow I don't rejoice today because I don't take my cues from the world or the established church du jour.

SteveR,no one celebrates their birthday 9 months prior to the actual date never mind that we naturally have a natural date which is documented. I don't think that God missed adding the Incarnation date. Sadly,if it were significant,the date,nobody celebrated it annually or in remembrance in the Bible and Christians don't hold tradition over it...shouldn't any way.
It would make more sense that He came during the Feast of Tabernacles but, again,it's not in Scripture and Christ was not begotten in His Incarnation.
Celebrating this particular aspect of Christ is somewhat like celebrating that a medic came on the scene where someone needed rescued but just showed up to dwell among the people.
Not good news for the person dying.

News Item12/25/16 1:24 PM
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"just sayin"...kinga like when a RC might happen to hear something akin to the gospel at their church? They do use the same terms.
Just because God is sovereign doesn't mean that anything goes as a chosen instrument/vessel.God will use anything but we shouldn't mock Him by going along with vain traditions/secular trends,otherwise,why not just call this day "gay day"?
I often wonder how many preachers would have been better led by the Spirit to preach on something other than the same Scriptures which are used in order to follow a liturgical calendar?
I would think that in season or out would also mean that we are not influenced by the world in sermon selections.

News Item12/25/16 1:10 PM
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I would have thought that something like John 3:16 might do one better than this.
The only begotten Son was not begotten at His Incarnation and we aren't reconciled to Him apart from His cleansing blood.
How soon we forget? We need a tradition to remind us?
May we remember and proclaim DAILY the wonderful works of our Lord.

News Item12/25/16 12:53 PM
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Wayfarer..." Listening to my grandchildren sing hymns and carols today made me give thanks for my salvation and heritage."

...glad that you were blessed. May you be thankful daily for salvation.

John U K,well stated.

Jeremy,it is better to be faithful to God's word than to traditions which tweak the truth even just a little especially when ones platform is founded on truth and confronting deception such as the Creation Museum.
It is good to defend truth.It is better to do it consistently. A little error is detrimental.Ken Ham used to call it Incarnation Observation. I know this because I had thought to call it such before I had seen that he was using the same expression.
The truth is,as expressed by John,that Scripture is sufficient and there are no actual days when we benefit ourselves or others by merely observing part of the whole picture.
May we be thankful and faithful everyday!

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