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News Item5/13/2020 3:33 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Thank you, John.
Of late, our witnessing has been curtailed publically in the streets and privately at the work place with subtil discrimination and non-proselating regulations, our freedoms of trading have been violated, e.g.the cake baking, the educating our children is under constant surveillance against the state agenda, dictating and regulating what we can teach and what we should not teach.
The state can legislate the discipline in our homes, and the rights of parenthood, our works of charity have been hijacked by the welfare system with its amoral and none-accountable taxation, and the charity status of our giving, and our right to proper information is constantly censored eliminating from platforms items of disagreement to avoid 'harmful influences', while violent, indecent and promiscuous literature and film production are untouched as individuals' rights.

Now a step further, our worship is banned in the name of the public good. It should not have surprised us!

Because we have assimilated a miriad of subtil intrusions, the church has had no difficulty to take this later one, to the point that it seems there are no alternatives.

The worship of the state is paramount, obviously displayed by the posters thanking the NHS as the great saviour.


News Item5/13/2020 3:01 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John, this world is not our home, but we live in it and what happens in it as tyranny, invasions, distortion or injustice will affect the child of God.

That we are in HIS hands and that we should be ready to seal our ownership with death if circumstances called for as with the Hebrew children, the early martyrs or the reformation martyrs, it is a given.

But also if we are to pray that we may live peacefully, this is a call to think along what contributes to that.
"... supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks ...
for kings, and for all that are in authority;
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour"

The shape of a state determines the quality of Christian living which will include witnessing, worship, trading, educating our children, works of charity and so on.

The church is been part of the problem because she has for long embraced statism, which means to believe that the state with our best interest in mind is responsible for all our wellbeing in order to provide solutions, at the expense of individual accountability.

In passively accepting that creed we have contributed to the erosion of critical thinking which feeds state control.


News Item5/13/2020 1:55 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
Hello sister, no, not at all. All I would like to see is, an alternative. There is plenty of grumbling, which armchair generals are good at, but nothing concrete to go on, what to do, etc.
Again, this is manipulation, getting people all wound up against the guv, yet never giving the plan for the Christian to follow. Chris asks where are the pastors who will give guidance and actually lead. Well, there are very few, if any at all.
People have been watching Mulder and Scully for too long, and have been rewarded with paranoia, seeing every guv in a plot to rule the world by stealth.
Statism is the prevailing tune, and this leaves a society without alternatives.

News Item5/13/2020 1:44 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
1. I do not completely agree with that the Apsotle John's record is quite so figurative, although there is clearly some. But I didn't see what he saw either. We cannot be sure how things appear from the other side of the Veil ...
2. Concur that saints do not have that mark, but you raise an important distinction in loyality to one's sovereign, I believe, in your point to ponder.
1.The language is figurative and the figures are self-explained by others parts of scripture.
For instance, it is obvious how the beasts can be considered as ongoing socio-political entities, the horses are ongoing divine purposes in action and direction, the vials comprise the content of God's will in store, the thunders speak of God's positive pervasive presence and determination, and so on.
It all depends on the lenses of your escathological take.

2. Many instances of tyranny have brought to mind the mark of the beast to different generations.
Presently, if identifying forceful ID vaccination with the mark of the beast, believers would be left with not chance.
But the mark of the beast includes the worshipping of the system and ultimate perdition.

News Item5/13/2020 11:37 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
Chris, I appreciate your post, but it seems to me that although you responded to mine, you carefully avoided answering the question.
As for Bill Gates' vaccine program, don't worry about me bro, I shall be avoiding it just as skilfully as you avoided answering my question.
All that does not proceed of faith is sin, and certainly you show faith in your approach to the topic, yet Scriptures also tell us that the simple (naive) believes everything.

"The simple believes every word:
but the prudent man looks well to his going."

The proverbs of Solomon ... were meant to give "subtilty to the simple", Prov. 1:4

You seem to treat lightly brother Chris' information, but on bringing it into consideration, the gaps, censoring, covertness and bias the media displays come evident.

News Item5/12/2020 2:34 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
... a compulsory marking vaccine with digital marking tattoo.
Besides ... these media giants have a nasty habit of peremptorily censoring and cutting off those things they don’t like, so churches that get too close to uncomfortable subjects for the globalists can get cut off, censored, blacked out or their app removed.
... a mandatory vaccine for all, combined with a permanent microchip or quantum tattoo which can be scanned for id, and to permit travel, access to goods and services, etc. This has been their desire all along
Brother, it looks disturbing, yet divine intervention should be sought and not ruled out,

"The LORD brings the counsel of the heathen to nought:
he makes the devices of the people of none effect"

The Lord took oof the wheels of the Egyptian chariots, so that the evil intended was not ultimetly performed.

"... they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are *not able to perform* "

Still we know that the Lord was intended to spare Sodom for the sake of a handful of his own.
Either or,
"... except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened"

News Item5/12/2020 2:06 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Carl in Asheville wrote:
... Makes you wonder if the Media has become that talking image of the beast in Revelation 13:15 --- Rev 13:15 SOMB It was permitted to give breath to the beast’s image so that the image would even speak and cause all who refused to worship the image of the beast to be killed.
Thanks for linking your thoughts to this particular chapter. Thought provoking.
Many broad guidelines and principles of thought can be gleaned when meditating on the narratives of figurative speech in the book of Revelation.


Just as a point of curiosity for all to ponder about.
Those receiving the mark of the beast on his hand or forehead worship the beast and are destined to the eternal torment. Compare Rev.13:16-17 with Rev. 14:9-11
So saints do not have the mark.

News Item5/11/2020 11:25 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Adriel wrote:
""According to the data, roughly 66 percent of hospitalized coronavirus patients within the state were admitted from the safety of their own homes""
So self isolating did not work?
How then does the virus work?
If it can pass to those who are staying away from contact with other people then it must be floating around anywhere and everywhere.
You make a point here

Sermon5/10/2020 7:21 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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In Lockdown but In the Spirit
Rev. John Greer
“ A very enriching sermon! ”
So much to think about and ponder. Many thanks

Sermon5/9/2020 4:08 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Sensible considerations ”
"The LORD brings the counsel of the heathen to nought: he makes the devices of the people of none effect". May this be the believer's trust and rest.

Sermon5/9/2020 2:34 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Useful series ”
Very thankful for men as Mr Ridle who painstickingly bring apart the fallacies of those that "speak great swelling words" of vanity and deceit to the subverting of their hearers, whose months may God stop.

Sermon5/8/2020 1:16 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ A literal millennium refutated as error ”
Very interesting to read about Dionysius of Antioch's refutation of a literal millenium as an error in the early church. This interpretation had been taught by Nepos, an Egyptian bishop, causing great division of the churches near Alexandria. As it often happens with other modern trends of interpretation, some errors are not new.

Sermon5/8/2020 12:21 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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The House of Prayer for All People
Rev. Armen Thomassian
“ A little gem ”
Edifying thoughts about the mountain of the Lord, the holy hill of Sion, the house of God, and the gathering of his own.

News Item5/6/2020 4:13 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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I see you christian wrote:
... All under the banner of ‘safety’ ? Safety from what?
The governments are subservient to the governments and afraid to go against the scientists etc for fear how it will make them look...
Now think about this, there has been no
Consideration of the impact of all this shut down? The harm that it has and is causing , no commons sense and on top of all that they have basically brought in marshal law and criminalized gatherings of human beings?
For a very very small percentage of deaths and that’s a fact..I’ll say it again...your trading all of that for a very small percentage of deaths...
Some mind daring to think biblically here:

'When the State Seizes Your Millstone'


Not sure that the government is subservient to scientists, perhaps is the other way round, or perhaps they are intrinsically one.

News Item5/5/2020 8:54 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Mike wrote:
No singing allowed over fears that covid19 could be spread more easily that way. How about no breathing? Then the whole congregation would be real safe. And their government could say "we saved them all from the crisis"
Mike, you might like to listen to this,

'When the State Seizes Your Millstone'

Sermon5/5/2020 8:50 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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When the State Seizes Your Millstone
Rev. Armen Thomassian
“ Commendable exposition of truth ”
The West has turned to her idols: statism, socialism and the welfare state, and the church has bowed to the same without a blink, thought or discernment. Thank you very much. May we be delivered from this evil tide that has come upon us and may many preachers open their eyes to an uncompromised biblical outlook instead of perpetuating blind platitudes with their sermons.

News Item5/4/2020 4:01 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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John UK wrote:
Thanks .... It reminded me of a country in Asia where they will often say "the God" whereas we would just say God
Well, John, this opens into the realm of the theology of the Spirit in Scriptures, a very profitable study indeed.

Divine wisdom and essential knowledge of Greek is needed to decide renderings for the word spirit, say if it should have articles or capitalization, etc...

E.g. in Jh 4:24 the AV translators provided the verb is and used the article "a" not as deriding the deity status but to indicate the type of the divine essence, say not flesh and blood as it were.

Translation is never easy indeed, but this can be discerned when closely studying the text in Greek.

It has been my personal conviction for a long while that the church should make the knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, apologetics and doctrine or theology an essential part of the training of their young instead of a diet of bible 'stories', which can be read at home, but arrive nowhere regarding convincing faith in adult years.

After all, the Christian has only one culture that matters and defines our identity, this is our biblical heritage

News Item5/4/2020 2:15 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Mike wrote:
Here's the reasoning- he is not "a" spirit, as though he were one of many, since there are many spirits. He is spirit in its purest essence. "A spirit" suggests limitations, boundaries. Being one is of anything reduces him. This is just my thought, though. Not going to lose sleep over contrary thoughts.
Just an adition to the ongoing discussion.

The first words of John 4:24 in the Greek Textus Receptus actually run as:

* πνεuμα ό θεός *

πνεuμα = spirit
á½¹ = the (definite article)
θεός = God

Which if literally transliterated would be,
'Spirit the God'

Without the definite article - á½¹ - then God should be rendered as 'god' without the capitalization.

It seems the words come as a statement rather than as a constructed sentence as the verb 'to be' is assumed.

Sermon4/29/2020 10:20 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Informative section ”
However one ponders why the early church had to 'celebrate' a passover in the first place? It is obvious that as early as the first and second century Christians were seduced into the observance of not commanded special events, which perpetuated for many centuries after. This demostrate how early error gripped the church from its very beginnings.

Sermon4/28/2020 10:20 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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“ Helpful clues to understand Origen's deviations ”
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