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News Item8/19/08 11:40 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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That's the best post on this whole thread!

News Item8/18/08 12:31 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I didn't make an 'evil pronouncement' against John MacArthur. For all I know he's a fine man. I listen to him on the radio many days and he's an excellent preacher. I'm sure he's spent a lifetime studying the Bible and he doubtless knows it very well.

That does, not, however, make it appropriate for him to peddle God's Word with his name on it. When I see his Bible in the bookstore or hear an advertisement for it on the radio, it's not being presented as God's Word. It's being presented as John MacArthur's version of God's Word. I think that's wrong. Writing commentaries or handbooks about the Bible is great but I just don't think men's opinions or insights ought to be included in God's Word (and no doubt sold for substantial profit).

I feel the same way about Ryrie & Scofield. Look at the outright error that has found it's way into the church due to Scofield's radical dispensationalism. Other so-called 'study Bibles' have caused the same kinds of problems.

When I want some man's opinion of God's Word, I'll pick up a commentary. When I read God's Word, I prefer to let the Holy Spirit lead me to understand it since He's the one who originally wrote it.

News Item8/18/08 6:20 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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John MacArthur is a good preacher and a fine man for all I know, but I wouldn't put any credence in the thoughts of someone who peddles a Bible with his name all over it. He's in the bu$ine$$ of peddling God's Word (with his name all over it).

News Item8/16/08 3:16 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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What do you honestly think the AV translators would have said and done if they had been handed the works of Wescott, Hort, Nestle, Aland & the other so-called scholars to translate from? What would they have thought about the many, many omissions in the NT text which question or eleminate Christ's deity?

Have you read the backgrounds and writings of Wescott or Aland or Bruce Metzger? These men are heretics by anyone's definition. I have no doubt that the AV translators would have thought the same thing. They should not have been and should not now be trusted with God's Word. The 'meanest translations' in 1611 didn't in any way compare to the perversions passed off as Bibles today.

With all due respect (and I mean that), just because Gil Rugh says it doesn't make it so. He's an excellent preacher and Bible teacher but I believe he's wrong about this.

News Item8/16/08 3:08 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Will Kinney's discussion (which ml referenced below) is excellent. Read some of his other articles while you are there.

I would have no problem using the Geneva Bible or Tyndale's translation today if the AV were not available. God's preservation of His Word is clear & obvious if you trace it. He didn't hide it away in hard to get to places. He intended for us to have it and to read it.

News Item8/16/08 2:29 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Let me encourage anyone who is interested in the topic of Bible translations to listen to this sermon on SA by Graham Chewter. It's really good:

He discusses an important area that the modern version proponents gloss over or choose to ignore: God's preservation of His Word. It's an important doctrine.

News Item8/14/08 11:56 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Comparing the translation of 'thing' in Luke 1.35 (if one can even prove it's a mis-translation) to the ENORMOUS number of alterations in the modern versions' texts which obscure or obliterate Christ's deity is like comparing a puddle in the street to the Atlantic Ocean. That's just silly.

News Item8/12/08 9:55 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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One of the frustrating things about discussing the topic of Bible translations is the way that many folks tend to paint with such a broad brush.

Because I use the AV exclusively and believe that all of the newer versions are seriously-and I do mean seriously- flawed to one degree or another doesn't mean that I condemn anyone who uses one. I have a lot of friends who use modern translations. If they ask me or if I feel it's appropriate I will gladly tell them why I don't use one but I certainly don't condemn them for it.

I would love to see everyone using the AV because I believe it's the best by far. I believe churches in general and believers in particular suffer due to it's neglect. I don't, however, condemn anyone who used an NKJV or ESV because that's their business, not mine. If the topic comes up, and it does often here on SA, I will always side with the AV and defend it to the end.

I personally believe that the reason so many modern version defenders get angry and defensive is because in their heart of hearts they believe they might be wrong. They hear what their seminary trained pastor or professor tells them yet when the facts are all out on table it's hard to defend something as (I believe) corrupted at it's core as the NIV or the ESV.

News Item8/12/08 9:10 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Amen, Ruth!


Why would the fact that our 'forefathers' brought the Geneva Bible here with them make it the only true Bible? I don't understand that reasoning.

News Item8/11/08 6:54 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Jim (whose posts I always enjoy) wrote:

"The KJV almost amounts to speaking in tongues. It is worse, however. Because there are parts that are in error that people can understand, but are bad translations when read in current English, Webster's Revision of the KJV (1833) As you can see they weren't good even back at the beginning of the 19th century."

If that's the case, why has the AV been so popular and been such a blessing to so many believers for so many years? Why has the level of folk's Biblical literacy dwindled proportionately as the number of 'easy to understand' versions has increased 100 fold? Why do I have no trouble understanding the AV even today? Why do most of the people I know who know their Bibles best use the AV almost exclusively? Ask another Christian to quote you a verse from the NASB. I'll bet they can't.

I know a lot of younger people say they don't care for the AV but I believe there are two primary reasons for that: 1) you have to think about what you are reading when you read the AV and it's very difficult to do that with CCM blaring when you read (plus I believe CCM grieves the Holy Spirit), and 2) they want what their friends have and Christian bookstores push the new ver$ions because the publi$hers instruct them to.

Survey8/10/08 10:27 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I'd like to see a box with an option to display a picture of the folks who regularly post on the threads next to their comments. It would be nice to see what the regulars look like. Other sites have it and it's great.

News Item8/10/08 6:56 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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convictedavuser makes an excellent point:

"The Trin Bible Society is reformed and evangelical and DJC49 would possibly find an infinite difference in their defence of Textus receptus. Have a look at
for some excellent articles from a sovereign grace ministry. My opinion is that the best evangelical preachers in the UK happen to be convinced KJV men BUT would have little in common with the neo-KJO's."

I was telling my wife this very thing earlier today. Some of the best sermons on SermonAudio are by men in the UK associated with these two organizations (J. Thackway, D. Silversides, M. Watts).

I would encourage anyone who is really interested in the subject of Bible translations to look at both the Trinitarian Bible Society and Bible League Trust websites. These folks know what they are talking about and they both offer some excellent, well researched information. In particular, check out the 'Articles' on the TBS website.

I have always believed that one of the biggest problems with the pro-KJV side is that some of the people who most ardently defend it are too bombastic and silly in their arguments. Gail Riplinger and Peter Ruckman both make some good points but they put people off by coming across as mean & childish.

News Item8/10/08 12:54 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Check this site for a much more comprehensive list:

When you combine the textual changes/omissions with the history of the various manuscripts and the plain heretical beliefs of the men who put together the texts used to produced the modern versions, I just don't see how it's possible to trust them.

News Item8/10/08 11:18 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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1. Believe me when I say I am in no need of any encouragement from you, somewhat or otherwise. What in the world feeds this opinion you have of yourself?

2. I do not make anything re: Bible translations 'a law' for others. As I have explained here to you previously, I do not care what translation MurrayA reads or uses. It's none of my business. I will, however, happily tell anyone why I believe the AV is best and why I believe your NASB to be flawed.

3. I believe the AV and the texts it was translated from are the ones miraculously preserved by God for use by His people. I believe the texts the new translations are based upon are corrupted. Is that heresy? Fine. You keep on thinking that.

4. "It is a Johnny-come-lately doctrine which finds no support e.g. in Miles Smith's "Translators to the Reader".

Talk about a tired old argument. If Wescott & Hort or Nestle & Aland (a pure heretic if there ever was one) or Bruce Metzger had handed the AV translators an Alexandrian (or modern 'eclectic') text base to work from with it's omissions and obvious errors, they would have gotten up and left immediately. All of these KJV discussions wouldn't exist because there wouldn't be one to discuss.

I am eternally grateful & blessed that God had other plans!

News Item8/9/08 7:20 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I've never read the Luther Bible other than a snippet here and there.

I have, however, read Webster's revision. I bought one about 15 years ago when I bought the 1828 dictionary. I thought the changes he made were unnecessary at best and sometimes just plain wrong. Not nearly as radical as Jay Green's Modern KJV but still unnecessary.

News Item8/9/08 2:30 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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During this past week I have read the book of Ezekiel, much of Psalms, and John's Gospel from the New American Standard Bible, the English Standard Version and the AV. (I will not touch the NIV). My reason for doing this was to try and better grasp the perspective of one particularly contentious man on SermonAudio who is just enamoured with the new versions, particularly the NASB.

There is simply no comparison. If you can get past the plethora of glaring omissions (I can't) and the marginal notes questioning the validity of some very imprtant texts in the NASB & ESV, the translations themselves are just not good at all. In places they read like someone is writing for no other reason than to be different from the AV. The AV was easier to understand, showed SO much more reverence and respect for the text while at the same time seemed cheerful and reader friendly. The 'happy turns of expression' it's famous for make it a joy to read.

I have tried many new versions thru the years beginning with the NEB and Living Bible in the 70's, the NKJV & NIV in the 80's and I've read bits and pieces from others just to see what they are all about. None of them can hold a candle to the AV. It really is by far the best, most trustworthy translation of God's Holy Word in English.

News Item8/9/08 1:08 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"Must there not have been 'majesty,' 'dignity,' or 'beauty' in the language of the day? Why is the KJ held as the source of these qualities, rather than the most well known book that incorporated them?"

I believe it's because the AV is the most widely read book, both publically and privately, in the history of the Western world (probably the whole world).

It's simple beauty and elegance are how most people who have lived during the past 400 years have become familiar with the language of the era. The AV is a culmination of all that is best of the English language.

Also, it features a clear and pronounced reverence for God that endears it to all those who seek Him. For all of it's perceived "accuracy" you will not find that in the New American Standard Bible.

I also personally believe that the modern church's disrespect for and treatment of God as a 'buddy' can be charged directly to books like The Living Bible and The Message.

God has used the AV mightily all over the world for 400 years now. I think He knew exactly what He was doing when he used the most simple yet elegantly direct language in history to translate it (not that He needs my approval, of course).

News Item8/7/08 12:08 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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These people are not ministers and these organizations are not ministries.

This is SHOW BUSINESS. Pride-filled, covetous, lying, self-focused-look-at me-show business.

It's just like most all of the other "Christian" TV preachers, CCM'ers, singers, rockers, comedians, magicians, etc. They are putting on a religious show for money, fame and to glorify THEMSELVES while they line their pockets.

It's a tragedy (and causing many to scoff at Christ) that something as pride-filled and me-centered as show business has become synonymous (even amongst believers!) with our humble Saviour.

Imagine what the lost world must think when they are flipping around TV channels only to find hucksters and charlatans like Osteen, the Roberts, the TBN crowd and all of the others exploiting and selling Christ.

Survey8/3/08 10:13 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I have not received my weekly newsletter in many months.

News Item7/31/08 6:25 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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But the topic isn't Calvinism (for once) or dispensationalism. It's Bible texts and modern corrupted versions and the lack of true revival since their inception.

Not just lack of revival but the alarming outright apostasy that has overtaken the churches (at least here in the U.S.) since they have become so widely used and accepted.

Calvinism and dispensation are not the topic at hand.

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