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News Item2/6/07 5:33 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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honestly, it gets so boring explaining things to you. It was a personal attack on the integrity, character, and salvation of pope ratidict 666, as well as the ROMAN catholic cult being one of the, if not the, most anti-Christ organization on the face of the earth. Hitler and the Jews were polar opposites... do you get the picture I was drawing for you?

News Item2/6/07 5:29 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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"First, the God given ability"

.... Where would I find that ability written and stated?

"Second, one would hope a respect for the body of Christ."

...That I do, that I do.

"Why not try, let see if God can change you into toast!"

... Your sounding an awful lot like an inquisitionist at the moment... surely that was not your intent.

"PS - I don't believe in giving drugs to horses", Im proud of you. That was a good try at humor. Bravo.

Survey2/6/07 5:11 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Don't be so dense. Who is Paul writing to, and in reagrds to who should these people then act? Again, it amazes me how so few look at the context in the Bible, and how even less believe it.

I believe much in charity. I don't shoot people that believe different, I don't blow myself up or promote my children to do such to those that believe different. I don't murder others from different denominations or even those that are cult members.

Was Christ wrong in calling the religious fakers of his day what he did in Matt. 23? What about Paul giving over brethren to the devil? Or calling men fools in Romans 1 or I Cor. 15?

And why are you not showing charity and long suffering to my behavior? Don't be so hypoctritical commando.

Just because it is your opinion that one should tiptoe around the tulips and never cause a stir, doesn't mean that it is mine, and vice versa. Buck up, get over it, or go take a hike.

Speaking the Truth in Love, LMW

News Item2/6/07 1:21 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Hush up, and dry it up, your mascara is running.

One more time for the Bible haters:

Isa 3:10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

Isa 3:11 Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him.

Isa 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

And lest we forget, which you probably have:

1 Timothy 2:11-12 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

You will have to believe the Bible to believe this post though...

News Item2/6/07 10:36 AM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Who could believe the pope concerning the life of Christ? That would be like Hitler writing about a Holocuast survivor.

I do think the pope should have kept that "Rat" part in his name though, pope benidict the rat 666. Nice ring to it.

News Item2/6/07 10:22 AM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Get off your high horse. I wasn't joking, it was satire. A serious question, placed in such a way that it seems silly.

The question still remains, what would keep me from turning my toast (since biscuits seem to offend you) into Christ and having my own little mass at home?

Was it Johnathan Swift that commented, "irony is wasted on the..." You can fill in that last word if you like...

News Item2/6/07 10:14 AM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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GG: Symbolic... I see. I have had trouble recently teaching my 9th grade SE students the difference between a city, state, nation, country, and continent... It is amazing how work can carry over into the rest of your life.

It is interesting how you see ancient Rome as a city and a Nation, but didn't make mention of the New ROME-an city/nation. Wouldn't current religious Rome be a better example thatn DC or NY?

News Item2/6/07 9:49 AM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Real Presence:

You still didn't answer my question, other than with your opinion, which doesn't matter.

I asked, "Where does the priest get ability to transform the bread and wine?"

If your answer is sufficient, what would keep me from turning by biscuits into Christ this morning?

Survey2/6/07 9:46 AM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Who ever said I wasn't showing love? May I quote Paul in saying, "Am I therefore your (his) enemy, because I tell you the truth?"

Furthermore, and much more importantly. TO be a disciple would also mean that you have to be disciplined, as in, disciplined in reading your Bible and understanding context. Who is Jesus speaking to in the given passage? His followers. Specifically his twelve. He is not talking about those of the world there, he is talking to his twelve. Clear as mud?

If you are going to give advice when someone hasn't addressed you, at least give sound advice. Otherwise, waste someone else's time.

Speaking the Truth in Love, LMW

News Item2/5/07 11:21 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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It is that "required" part that runs so contrary to common sense...

It is just one more thing tha tunderlines how socialistic we have become...

Oh well... I need to go to sleep now. The gov't suggest 7-8 hours nightly...

News Item2/5/07 11:01 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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One would almost fear that she has made a pact with herself then! (just a joke)

News Item2/5/07 10:05 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Far from it, I fall under the theme of a later verse when asked if I too would leave...

John 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

Where does the priest get ability to transform the bread and wine?

News Item2/5/07 10:01 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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No prob for the info.

And on that number.... I should be shocked, but the Bible does speak of the falling away in the latter times, I shock less and less it seems.

News Item2/5/07 9:58 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I acknowledge my mistakes in interpreting your reasoning. My sincerest apologies. This is why I do sometime wait to post, for sometimes it is hard to tell exactly what angle a person is coming from, or even exactly what they mean. I have noticed the same thing about emailing for years.

I guess my greatest cause of wonderment is the fact that even though you know that parts of the mass are unscriptural, you still wish to take part.

I am certain that a rebuttal could be spoken on various other unscriptural parts of practice that others partake in, and that is welcome.

If you would though, could you list the parts of the mass that you sconider unscriptural?

Thanks for the patience and cooperation you have granted me thus far.

News Item2/5/07 9:46 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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One more thing I ran across, concerning a past post.

You stated on 1/29/07

"Bro William...for all you know the Great Whore is the USA...or your great-great-aunt Matilda from Boise"

While reading through Revelation again, I remembered that the great Whore is a city. So, no, it certainly can't be the US or my apparent long lost aunt. Of course, you will have to believe the Bible to believe this post.

Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

News Item2/5/07 7:58 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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LE "But if the RCC is right about transubstantiation, imagine what you're missing out on."

....I'm imagining cannibalism...

News Item2/5/07 7:29 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Where does the Rcc get transubstantiation from the Bible?

News Item2/4/07 11:40 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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At the moment I don't have a dog in this fight. This is just a link, I know not of the accuracy of it. I am not taking a side for yea or nea, just providing a couple references...

.... that one was for Kerry supposedly being excommunicated in 04, who knows though.

Then there is:

Under this link there are 6 or 7 who have been excommunciated since 2000, it also lists 13 others from 1900 to 2000.

Note: I don't typically recommend wiki-facts as they are hard to trace at times. One could look up the near 20 names individually to find out if the statements about them being excommunicated is true, but I don't have the time now.

I do believe that they got their info from this site:

But I have no way of checking the credibility.

News Item2/4/07 5:03 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Continued to JYurich:

Lastly you stated that, "The only time that I attend Mass on Sunday is on Easter Sunday and when I am busy sometimes on Saturday."

... If I am not mistaken, which is a possibility, you have posted before saying you believe parts of the mass are unscriptural, correct?

My question is, at what point does it become so unscriptural that you have to turn from it?

May I rehash? Once again I emphasize my intentions are forwardness, not cruelty. (It is hard to come acroos as being truthful while at the same time not to come across as being outright cruel). Correct me if I am wrong... the three main reasons you don't leave the Rcc is because:

1) you don't want to intermingle during fellowship
2) laziness
3) The mass is somewhat unscriptural, but not entirely, and you only practice it a few times a year so it isn't that big a deal.

I will post further (Lord Willing), when you reply. I don't want to be insinuating or assuming at this point. Sometimes points are skewed or mistaken.

News Item2/4/07 4:57 PM
Bro. Williams  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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JYurich: Continued

To continue that last statement....

...Or at least to say that you don't like being around people in a religious situation... correct me I am wrong.

I am sure you know that I cannot keep from thinking of:

Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the
day approaching.

The point is, I understand what you are saying, but that doesn't always make it right.

As for the next point you stated: "And also in Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestant Churches nobody can sit in the back of the church away from everybody and worship Christ by themselves"

Have you ever been to a Baptist church? They line the back walls... That is sarcasm, sad but true sarcasm in reagrds to Baptist churches.

Next point: "Another reason that I am choosing to remain in the RCC after having become Born Again is that I like to attend the Saturday Vigil instead of on Sunday Morning in order to lay around until going out to lunch and shopping"

... If I wanted to give this a blunt one word description, I could call it laziness, right? Not being cruel, just forward, okay?

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