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News Item10/14/08 7:28 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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This is heartbreaking, people are in a panic because America's 'god' {money and what it can buy}, is not lasting, and in danger of becoming extinct. Those who belong to Christ must proclaim the gospel, and pray for this desperate nation. They need to hear of the lasting hope, the eternal hope found only in Christ. May we all fervently pray for America, and for all nations.

News Item10/12/08 4:42 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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I pray God will send persecution to this nation, then we can get beyond our 'backbiting' each other over differences in the timing of the catching away, the version of the bible we should all adhere to, the free will of man vs. the total depravity of man, etc.; and get back to proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to lost souls on their way to hell. How shameful and despicable we must be in the Lord's sight as we fight amongst ourselves over who is right, who has it all down, and those around us who are lost remain so because we haven't time to proclaim Christ crucified to them, we are too busy to tell them they must repent and cry out for mercy and forgiveness, we are consumed with arguing with our brothers and sisters. May God have mercy on the so-called 'body of Christ'!
Why isn't the church in America growing? The church in China is, and it isn't hard to figure out why.

News Item10/8/08 7:20 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Love and Mercy, The bible is very clear, crystal clear, women are NOT to preach the gospel in an assembly of believers {1 Timothy 2:12}. This has nothing to do with judging, this has to do with what God's word teaches;OBEDIENCE!! Is there an expiration date somewhere in the holy scriptures? Is scripture dated? Certainly not!! "For I am the Lord, I do NOT change" Malachi 3:6
When you start listening to man's version of what he/she says is the 'gospel' you will be led astray; be a good Berean and search the scriptures to see if it is so.

News Item10/6/08 4:12 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Excellent post Mark. This perversion is advancing and marching forward forcing society to accept their sodomite ways in the name of 'tolerance'. David Kupelian's 'The Marketing of Evil' book devotes an entire chapter to how this was 'set up' by a couple of intelligent {by earthly standards} sodomites, they wrote a book on how to 'change America's view' towards sodomy, 'after the ball, how America will conquer it's fear and hatred of gays in the 90's'. This has been well thought out and strategically planned by influential sodomites for a couple of decades.
However, we who belong to Christ must stand firm in God's word, calling this what the bible calls abomination.

News Item10/4/08 5:15 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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When the world understands that lust drives sexual behavior, then we can drop the 'genetic' lie. Is a murderer born that way? In a sense, we are all born sinners, but that doesn't excuse our sin. Church discipline must be enforced against all unrepentant sin, following biblical guidelines as given by God in His word. If the sodomite refuses to turn from their sexual perversion, then they must be removed from the church. The same goes with anyone caught in sin.
Tom- the power to 'control yourself' is not within yourself. God empowers us through His word and His Spirit, this is where the power over sin lies. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Sexual sin is more damaging because you are sinning physically with your body; all sin brings forth death if continued in. Those who truly belong to Christ cannot go on sinning, because of the power of God within the born again believer. "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin, for His seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God" 1 John 3:9 A follower of Christ does not willfully sin against the God that saved them.

News Item10/3/08 11:02 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Fred, sodomy is an abomination to the Lord, to call this 'gay' is to make light of the seriousness of this horrific sin. All sexual sin is borne out of lust. We lust because we are wicked, vile sinners...and cannot overcome the powerful grip of sin in our lives. You must cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness, and you must not make light of your perverted lust. Submit to the authority of Christ as Lord and Savior of your mind, heart, soul; your entire being.
I understand the grip of this perversion, for God has saved me from this. He will save you too, completely and fully, but don't in any way defend this or any sin, confess it to the Lord, and turn from it. Flee from sexual immorality, and throw yourself at the mercy of Almighty God.
By His power and might, I have been freed from the hold of this abomination, and I fear and revere the Lord of heaven and earth greatly.

News Item10/3/08 3:46 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG- Again, you think you are saved, based on what? God must open the understanding of a lost rebellious sinner to the truth of His word and the condition of their lost souls, He does this one on one. You base your salvation and interpret the bible according to what the RCC says, but that is not how God reveals His truth. This is why many will be on the broad road that leads to destruction, because they refuse to 'search the scriptures daily whether those things were so'. It would be unheard of for you to step outside the realm of RCC teaching. You take a church teaching as 'gospel truth' and esteem it highly, even though the bible says, 'trust NO MAN'. Many people here have given you truth, but because your understanding has not been opened by God, you reject all goes against your man-made teachings. How sad for you, if you continue on the road you are presently traveling, you will die and come to the horrible realization that your 'prot' enemies were right after all, only because we believe solely in the word of God; His power and grace is what transforms lost sinners into new creations in Christ, not a magic act or a sprinkle of 'holy' water.

News Item10/3/08 6:04 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG- first of all, you cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws you, salvation is a gift of God, by His grace, so that no man may boast...yet you boast. It is NOT based on church membership, or one particular denomination...least of all, one riddled with idolatry, apostasy, and sexual immorality. If your 'church' would of handled the perversion that it reeks of internally and according to the scriptures, it never would have gotten drug into the secular courts.
Your 'eucharist' is nothing more than a man-made ritual. You are lost in sin sir, and great deception. you have been duped by Satan and the lies of the great harlot. You need to desperately cry out to God as the publican did, "God have mercy on me, a sinner". This post makes more sense than all of yours put together.

News Item10/2/08 4:33 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG- your Jesus is not the same Christ found in scripture, for if He were, you would leave the apostate church to which you cleave to. Your RCC church condones sodomy and pedophilia; your church does not take the scripture's way of dealing with these abominations. Instead, you sweep them under a rug. To continue in a church that is guilty of such horrendous sin makes YOU just as guilty. You and your 'church doctrine' excuse and cover up this filth, and you think God is okay with that? You are sadly mistaken; you and all who follow the great whore need to repent, and believe in the Christ of the bible, standing on God's word alone.

News Item9/27/08 11:36 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Brian: I commend you on an excellent point. Your insight is a big 'amen'. The root of the problem with any and all sinners is their need to be saved. Fasting and praying to stop sin is not going to make a whole lot of difference, unless we first proclaim the gospel of salvation to all sinners, and pray for their salvation. This would result in change. Thank you for your post, God bless.

News Item9/26/08 11:30 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Christiana, Lurker is absolutely correct, I had a bad experience with JD, but I have come to the realization that intimidation isn't of the Lord, and I shouldn't cave in to it. Thank you Lurker for your kind words, you were kind to me when JD wasn't, and I sincerely do praise God for true, born again men of God like you who are mature in their faith and respectful of other brothers and sisters in Christ. To God be the glory!

News Item9/26/08 5:59 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Micheal, AMEN! Instead of fighting over bible translations and such, we should be proclaiming the gospel, and warning people what is about to happen, the swift and deserving judgment on a nation so wicked and vile, filled with sodomites, whoremongers, greedy, selfish, murderous, slanderous beings...and that is just within the church!

News Item9/25/08 5:56 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Jarrell, what you fail to understand is that God does NOT change {For I am the Lord, I change NOT-Malachi 3:6}, His word calls sodomy an abomination, and He will judge all sodomites for their sin. God has not changed His mind as far as what He ordained from the beginning, the covenant of marriage is between one man and one woman {Gen. 2:24} This perversion destroys the very core of family as ordained by a Holy God, who wants us to reproduce, and raise godly children. How do two men reproduce? Or two women? Don't you think if God thought this was 'okay', He would not have created two sexes? There is NO expiration date in the bible! God's word is eternal, and He will judge mankind by it. As a former sodomite, I praise His Holy Name for saving me from eternal damnation, and from an earthly life filled with grief, which is all homosexual relationships produce, been there, done that.

News Item9/21/08 9:55 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...self-righteousness seems to be invading Christians everywhere. Mrs. Palin's spiritual condition will be manifested in time; meanwhile let's pray for her and her family. Pray for America, for this is truly a godless nation filled with apostates, those who claim 'many roads lead to Christ'. Sexual immorality and perversion have become acceptable, sacrificing unborn children to the god of convenience is an everyday event, pornography is growing by leaps and bounds, and loving this world and the material things of it is widespread...and this is just within the 'Christian' community!!

News Item9/20/08 8:28 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Phoenixbrew-For starters, there is nothing 'gay' about homosexuality. This way of life is filled with drug and alcohol abuse, jealousy, sexually transmitted diseases, mental anguish, multiple sex partners, the list goes on and on. The shock isn't over the sodomites themselves, it is over someone who claims Christ and then turns around and rejects the precious Lamb of God for a perverted lust. For all who do so, this is your 'best life'. This is as good as it gets for someone who rejects Christ, and His atoning work on the cross. I have no hatred in my heart for homosexuals, nor do many who post here. Their perversion is what is an abomination to a Holy God. Because God hates sin, we who belong to the Lamb hate sin as well. I praise God He saved me from this horrific perversion, by His grace and the precious blood of the Lamb, I am forgiven and cleansed of my filth. There is a price to pay for all who refuse to repent of their sins and submit to Christ's authority, and the day of judgment is fast approaching. May God have mercy on all lost souls.

News Item9/16/08 9:27 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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I must speak out against this man's accusation against God. "Let no man say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted of God': for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man. But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his OWN LUST, and enticed" James 1:13,14 {verse 15 is equally good}
Lust is what drives this perversion; lust is what drives all sexual immorality. "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies" Matthew 15:19. Sin is an INSIDE JOB! It isn't God who is at fault, it is 'self'. No one wants to be held accountable for their actions, so the finger pointing and the blame game are easier on the conscience. May God humble and save this man, lest he be turned over to a reprobate mind, and to the abomination which he has chosen.

News Item9/14/08 12:10 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John Y.- Let me ask you this, how does a 'church' change a homosexual to a heterosexual? If it were that 'easy', then why is the RCC filled with perverted priests?
Only GOD can change a human heart, the desires of the wicked sinner, and the thoughts of vile mankind. It is only when someone cries out "GOD be merciful to me, a sinner" that the Lord hears, and grants the new birth. The inward change is reflected by the outward way of living and speaking. Unless there is fear of the Lord, nothing changes in sinners. No 'church' has the power to change a life, only the word of God has this power, and only if it is given as it is written. We proclaim the good news, but God is the one who grants the new birth.

News Item9/8/08 9:08 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John Yurich, Your comment concerning Mrs. Palin,'she is one hot and sexy doll', is very disturbing. Please read the words of Christ, from Matthew 5:28, "But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh{perceive, regard, look upon} on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart". May the Holy Spirit work as the Father wills in this matter.

News Item8/27/08 5:03 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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So the Democrats profess a 'religion', that's a broad spectrum. Religious people die and go to outer darkness daily. Sadly, most Americans will 'buy' this brand of religion from both parties, it's a wide road religion, it isn't exclusive or offensive, it's an 'all aboard' and ride the train to eternal bliss religiosity. The American church has tossed the true gospel out, and the power that goes with it. No need to preach repentance, or sin, hell, judgment. These things no longer apply, or so say many preachers, pastors, bishops, etc. "An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power, and my people love to have it so, but what will you do in the end?" Jeremiah 5:30,31

News Item8/26/08 7:20 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Neil, You are correct in pointing out my sarcasm, I ask for your forgiveness. I agree with your statement somewhat, everything happens according to God's purpose and plan, whether we call that 'allow' or 'ordain', we know God is sovereign in all and through all. I must say this, and you can respond accordingly, I'm not quite clear if God 'ordains' a teenage girl to become pregnant. She makes a poor choice by being sexually active, and the result is predictable, she becomes pregnant. God has ordained her to bring an illegitimate child into the world? Or has He allowed it because of her immoral act?
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