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News Item5/12/07 9:18 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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I'm surprised that Ron Paul Presidential bid doesn't get more support from Christians:

Sermon4/6/07 2:40 AM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Morecraft is one of my favorite preachers. This message laid my heart bare before the LORD. ... Exceptional!

News Item3/22/07 7:31 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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There is only one solution to this usurpation of Parental Powers -


Be man enough to fulfill your parental mandate to homeschool your children ...

Deut.6:7-8..."and thou shalt teach them* diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

& Deut. 11:19..."And ye shall teach them* your children, talking of them, when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

It's difficult to "teach and talk" to your children when they are not IN your house, WALKING WITH you, etc... but are in "school" all day!

*God commanded us as His covenant people to teach our children the LAW of God; HISTORY; the SCIENCES; LANGUAGE; READING; WRITING: MATH; SOCIOLOGY;- - - that is a complete curriculum!

(America was doing this until the late 1860's - 1920's when the Unitarian "Public School" movement took over...and it's been downhill ever since!)

News Item3/21/07 3:39 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Your dispensationalism is showing... Matt. 28:18 Jesus said clearly and plainly " ...ALL authority has been given to heaven AND on EARTH..."

Which part of ALL do ye not understand?

The doctrine of Ascension and the doctrine of Session tell us clearly that "...He NOW reigns until He has put all His enemies under His feet..." (I Cor. 15:24-26). There is no need - nor are we to expect a "physical reigning" from a physical Jerusalem (the city and temple Christ destroyed in AD 70).

As for "separation of church from state", our best model is Moses and Aaron. The Judicial and the priesthood were both to govern under the same law and if the judges ever had a question as to how to apply God's Law to a case, they were to consult the Levites. AND as many examples in the prophets show, when the civil went astray the prophets rebuked the kings or judges as needed. (Elijah beheaded 400 priests of Baal...etc.)

The requirements for judges as well as kings was the same as for elders in the NT church.(You'll have to do a look up on those chapters as I have not the time right now)

Sermon2/4/07 5:17 PM
Rob | White Bear Lake, Minnesota  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
WOW!! I was literally weeping as I was listening to this sermon by Paul. I am a youth worker and my heart began to ache for them as he was preaching. Why don't enough churches and ministry preach this?!

Survey2/3/07 5:14 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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In other words, The Kingdom and the so-called Millennium are the same thing and it began at the FIRST ADVENT as demonstrated by the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem, Thus manifesting the fact that Christ had indeed ascended to the right hand of God, and is ruling the nations with an iron rod.(Ps.110)

Bottom Line: Christ NOW reigns (for 1,974 years since His Ascension) from heaven until the end, when He shall return to conquer the last enemy - death - at the final resurrection, on Judgment Day.

This is what the “Post millennial Hope” is, in simplest terms.

Highly recommend:
"The Millennium" by Loraine Beottner
"He Shall Have Dominion" by Kenneth Gentry

Survey2/3/07 5:12 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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It is obvious that the Bible teaches a Post millennial Hope. Christ is to return at the END of history -not 7 + 1000 years before the end.

See: 1Cor. 15:24-26 "Then the end...when He shall have put all his enemies under His feet..."

Also, pay attention to the time texts:
Matt. 24:34 ..."this generation (to whom He was speaking) will not pass til ALL of these things be FULFILLED."

John gill wrote: "this is a full and clear proof, that not anything that is said before, relates to the second coming of Christ, the day of judgment, and end of the world; but that all belong to the coming of the son of man, in the destruction of Jerusalem, and to the end of the Jewish state.

See also:
Matt.16:28 "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."

News Item1/30/07 3:35 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Okay, Cbcpreacher you did mention that, and I stand corrected.

I am amazed that the church has become so entertainment-driven that Osteen is now the "most influential Christian in America"! This falls right in with Super Bowl Sunday!

News Item1/30/07 1:34 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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In addition, when the Church repents of all the nonsensical "outreach" tactics and returns to faithfulness, and faith fully declares the whole counsel of God, then we will see many coverted.
As in Acts 2:41 -
"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls."

...a pretty good first day!

News Item1/30/07 1:24 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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So far no-one is addressing the first priority of the ministry of the Church, which is 3 functions:

1. To teach the Word of God
2. To administer the Sacraments
3. To exercise Discipline when necessary

Where do sports qualify or fit in with any of these?


The Lord's Day is for REST and ENJOYING God - Not Sports or our own pleasures.

One blogger below has reminded us of the anti-Sabbatarian and pervert King James I and his offensive "Book of Sports". By Law all pastors were required to read it on Sundays. Many refused and lost their pulpits and were homeless. Others reluctantly read it; and then told their congregations, "Now, hear what the Lord saith, 'Thou shalt remember the Sabbath Day - to keep it HOLY!!...'."

Survey1/8/07 1:38 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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As someone has already pointed out, it is difficult for Christians to run and keep an office because of the corruption that presently reigns. However difficulty has never stopped Christians from obeying God in the past.

It is a Ministry of God (see Romans 13)and civil government is a God-ordained authority in the kingdom of Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks more of it than any other single subject. The judges and kings of Israel were elected by the people just as we do now.

There are after all, 4 main jurisdictions of government in the Kingdom of Christ; Individual Self-government; Family; Church; and State. Christ is head over each one.

"King of kings", and "Ruler of the nations" (Rev. 1:5) MEANS something - not figuratively but really.

Survey1/8/07 1:05 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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I maintain that the Bible does not teach of a "rapture" but one final resurrection at the end - the last day - the final Judgment.

The Rapturist teaching is a "new wind of doctrine" invented in the mid-1800's by J.N. Darby. At the time it was known as Darby-ism and was considered a fringe theory, not to be taken seriously until the Fundamentalist Movement, when J.N. Darby joined in their campaign against Liberal theology.

Even then it never gained popularity until 1940's when the atrocities of WW2 came to public attention, and sound doctrine had all but disappeared among Christians.

Survey1/8/07 12:46 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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I listen on a Sansa SanDisk 1 GB - great unit! I listen to at least 3-4 sermons or bible study classes daily while I work.

I am so grateful for SermonAudio and other sites for providing free downloads. My faith and knowledge has grown by leaps and bounds.

(I have a challenge now keeping my mouth shut when other Christians speak "christianeze" - not fully understanding the scriptures as they ought to.Instead I pray that God will open their minds to truth as He is doing with me...)

News Item12/3/06 4:50 PM
Rob | Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Michael, you wrote:
"Professing you believe in Jesus, and even being religious and doing miraculous things will prove quite an insufficient faith for those who continue unrepentant in their sins proving they were never born again of the Holy Spirit who would have utterly changed their lives if He had come to live in them."

First of all I believe the final authority in this matter rests with the Lord Himself

Joh 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Salvation come by believing, and not by works, or we make the cross of Christ inffectual.

Secondly, faith which does not impel to action and result in a changed life is not biblical faith.

Thirdly, the thief on the cross had not time to "Prove" his faith was real, yet Jesus said this day shall you be with me in paradise.

I oppose the dilution of Gods word and repeat my earlier thought, What think ye of Christ? This is the ultimate question all men must answer, and by which all men will be judged."

Remember it is the Lord who will Judge, this responsibilty is not given to us. Matt 7:1 Judge not lest ye be judged. He will judge righteously for He is Lord

News Item12/2/06 4:55 PM
Rob | Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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The test of any mans faith is the word of the Lord Jesus whe He asked....

...What think ye of Christ? This is the ultimate question all men must answer, and by which all men will be judged.

Phi 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
Phi 2:11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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