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News Item2/4/19 11:19 AM
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June A. Nadolny wrote:
You haven't answered my questions.
So then . . what is the "great deal more that you believe?"
Does your definition of a brother in Christ include any and all who profess to be Christians, including Arminians and Pentecostals / Charismatics?
What about those who profess to be Christians and belong to so-called "mega churches?"
Are they your brothers in Christ?
I have answered your questions. Sadly you're having problems understanding my posts.

Read them again and very slowly.

Permit me to ask you a question - Do you view all genuine believers who may nevertheless err in doctrine as unbelievers? Are they not your brothers in Christ?

News Item2/4/19 11:14 AM
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June A. Nadolny wrote:
What is the "great deal more that you believe?"
Does your definition of a brother in Christ include any and all who profess to be Christians, including Arminians and Pentecostals / Charismatics?
What about those who profess to be Christians and belong to so-called "mega churches?"
Are they your brothers in Christ?
Again, in brief, what are the doctrines of grace?
Is English not your main language?

News Item2/4/19 11:08 AM
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June A. Nadolny wrote:
Does your definition of a brother in Christ include any and all who profess to be Christians, including Arminians and Pentecostals?
What don't you belief in the 1689 BCF?
What are the doctrines of grace?
Lol. "believe a great deal more" was meant to signify the degree of adherence or attachment to its teachings and not limiting the scope of what is believed. In JUK's case, it certainly included the scope, but that's not the case with me.

If you don't know what the doctrines of grace are, there is plenty of material on SA which will help you.

If you think that God is at work in every person who professes the faith then I can understand why you'd ask whether I see them as a brother in Christ. However if that is not the case, then I don't see the need for your "gotcha" question.

News Item2/4/19 10:46 AM
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June A. Nadolny wrote:
take heed,
in brief, could you set forth the doctrines, as you understand are set forth / revealed in God's Word and that which you believe?
How would you define a brother in Christ?
I am a believer in the doctrines of grace and probably believe a great deal more of the 1689BCF than JUK ever did.

A brother in Christ is any person who has no other trust but Jesus Christ for their salvation and who out of love seeks to please the Lord by heartily obeying his commandments. Or put another way, someone in whose life the Lord has, is and will continue to work.

News Item2/4/19 10:25 AM
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June A. Nadolny wrote:
take heed
Are you Cecil Andrews of Take Heed Ministries?

JUK may be a brother in Christ, but sadly too often he spoke out of both sides of his mouth and created confusion, discord and division where there need have been none.

News Item2/3/19 9:35 PM
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This sycophantic swooning over the departure of JUK is quite sickening. The man said he believed in a gracious salvation and justification by faith alone but then went on to recommend Billy Graham despite his ecumenism and also Guyon a RC mystic and had lovely fellowship with Dopey who was outted as a Romanist. Such great demonstration of discernment, not.

He claimed to adhere to the BCF1689 and yet believes in the continuation of the miraculous gifts, and even encouraged a woman preacher from a Pentecostal church!

Some women on here commend him for being a good teacher but the irony is that he doesn’t believe in the pastor/teacher role and believes churches should be run more like the Shaker model where someone is given some ‘revelation’ to share and they just stand up and share.

Even in evangelism, despite professing to believe in divine sovereignty and being against Arminian theology, he believed that even the elect could be lost for lack of gospel preaching and so believed that even Arminian gospel preaching was to be preferred to either none or the high Calvinist variety.

The most worrying part of all was his ability to deflect all criticism of himself and his inability for critical self introspection as well as his being unable to settle in ANY church.

News Item2/2/19 8:58 AM
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B. McCausland wrote:
Regretfully, and unfairly, what he got in the end seems a 'merciless' dismissal at the hands of some of his "brethren" who fell on him in his exasperation.
"Love covers multitude of faults"
Who are these “brethren” you accuse of mercilessly dismissing John UK?

Lurker and James, who were the targets of his unrelenting attacks have not responded in the manner you described and in fact he didn’t view them as brethren but as heretics!!

UPS and Christopher have been gracious and a few others pointed out his apparent inability to apologize sincerely, which accusation is borne out in his last post.

News Item2/1/19 9:06 AM
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John UK wrote:
... I'm not very good at dealing with heretics, so I really will have to study the life of Christ even more to see how he dealt with heresies. ....farewell.
1. John UK really believes that the SA forum is a church otherwise he would not have accused ladybug of causing division in the body of Christ. Even if he were right in his accusation, what about his causing division? Somehow that is excusable!

2. As James points out his apology is hollow and in fact is used by him to turn matters against James and Lurker, accusing them of being heretics.

3. Forgetting the display of his own terrible behavior he accuses MS of not possessing a sweet nature, and in the process praises Graham who is a known errorist and ecumenist.

4. He is now doing what he does with the churches he briefly attends. Finding them imperfect and forgetting his own imperfections he leaves pointing the finger at everyone except himself.

5. Finally he points to 2 apparently ungracious posts calling him out for not apologizing and then posts a mostly graceless post. That is quite the art.

News Item8/15/15 6:46 PM
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TrueHolyBibleChristianBeliever wrote:
As I've Said In Several Other News Article Threads On This Website:
That J.V., The Spiritual Messenger/Warrior Of The LORD JESUS CHRIST & Our Beloved Brother In THE FAITH Of THE TRUE HOLY BIBLE:
Has Said That THE ANTICHRIST, ***DEMETRIUS***, Has Already Been Here On Planet Earth Since 1777 (1779 IF You Compute Leap-Yrs.) !
In 2008 you told us that according to JV the ANTICHRIST was in his 30's and his name ended in 'ov' and that JV had visited aliens who quote: "Walked diagonally", "spoke/communicated with one-another with a high schrilling sound" and had an "object-throwing" contest with these "Creatures" in their "Far Distant Planet".

You know you are a RC deceiver pretending to be a CAPS LOCK manic KJO'ist fundie futurist.

Read your posts again and REPENT especially using the moniker A BIBLE CHRISTIAN WHO BELIEVES which is shameful.

'A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish' Proverbs 19.9

You'd better believe it applies to you...

News Item6/22/15 5:25 AM
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Pope says, blah blah blah.
Jesus Christ says: "Repent and believe the gospel"

News Item6/18/15 12:39 PM
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Many have entrusted their little ones into the hands of paedophile priests and 'Sunday School' teachers....and have cursed the day....
Better to keep your little ones by your side and raise them up in the admonition of the Lord.
We live in a reprobated wise as serpents, harmless as doves...

News Item6/7/15 2:37 PM
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When the Josh Duggar molestation charges were made public, everyone and his brother took to social media to voice their opinion either in support or condemnation.
But this ongoing rape, sodomy, molestation of women, boys and young children is almost daily in the news in some part of the world that this religious institution clergy has committed and there is hardly so much as a peep.....and many Christians and leaders stay quite, pretend it's not happening and embrace this farce as Christian....what an abomination!
Wake-up house of God!!!
You have no right to voice your indignation against one who commits these sins, then remain silent on an entire system that is riddled with perverts and sodomites

News Item5/5/15 8:50 PM
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The civil magistrate is a ministry of justice, obeying and enforcing God's law in the punishment of the lawbreaker for the protection of the lawkeeper.
The church is a ministry of grace, obeying and enforcing the law of God in the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thus, Gods law is to be supreme in the state as well as the church.
Any attempt to base a theory of the civil magistrate on secular axioms rather on Scripture results in anarchy.

News Item1/24/15 11:06 PM
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Spiritual terrorists and saboteurs within the church pose a far more serious threat than manifestly hostile forces on the outside.
From the very start of the church age, all the most spiritually deadly onslaughts against the gospel have come from people who pretended to be Christians- not from atheists and agnostics on the outside.
John MacArthur

News Item3/3/14 3:42 PM
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Son of God movie
The movie is Anti-Christ
Sermon ID32142217402
Preached 3/2/14. Found on SA

News Item2/23/13 7:16 PM
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Jim on "Tony Cisneros"

[URL=]]]Sam Gipp sends James White a gift[/URL]

[URL=]]]Texe Marrs frog in throat conspiracy[/URL]
I think your comparison with Ruckman may be spot on! Yet the continuous 'CAPS'; continuous personal insults; continuous smearing of posters as 'jesuit(ic)'; the attacks on SA moderator; various untruths; the bombshells of 'friends who have visited hell and wrestled with aliens- further suggests he is deliberately out to discredit evangelicals by giving appearance he is one! His posts are often venomous and lack any Christian charity; nor does he attempt 'fellowship' with any other poster!! Alarm bells?

Btw I have little affinity with US KJO'ism and James White has exposed such foolishness. Examples such as the first link we have Gipp sending a colouring book and crayons and the second we have Texe Marrs and that silly frog in the throat conspiracy. If Satan wanted to discredit the KJV would it not be be through such unwise and erroneous extremism. We know Satan does work exactly by such means!

Personally I am Textus Receptus and the KJV is well established as a proven and accurate translation, so that remains my own preference. I too have no time for a debate!

News Item2/22/13 5:37 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Ah, thanks for pointing Tony Cisneros comments!
You are welcome, Jim!

Keep warning others, though I very much doubt any discerning believer will be taken in.

His best one was when he said he had been to Ralph Ovadal's church, but Ralph came on SA and warned that he hadn't!

TLC is one strange individual. He is either a complete fraud who uses SA to stir the pot...maybe even a clever RC? Just read those posts by TLC under 'A BIBLE CHRISTIAN WHO BELIEVES' and tell me that is the work of a sane evangelical? Just makes Bible believers look very odd and maybe that is his purpose with his irate CAPS

News Item2/19/13 7:14 PM
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Observer wrote:
He is your politically aware candidate, narrowly defeated by only half a million votes in his last campaign.
The rest we know because he is indiscreet.
[URL=]]]Vatican: Space Aliens Might Actually exist[/URL]


Tony posted under A Bible Christian Who Believes

Please look at the above link and read all his posts under that name and ask yourself: Would a Christian write such garbage and why?

Then would you pay attention to anything Tony posts. TLC was banned by SA and now posts with much CAPS often the same silly comments under his various split personalities.

Make your own mind up

I think we should all 'takeheed'!

News Item2/19/13 10:50 AM
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Cranium wrote:
Text in Bold! Clever!
Yes ÂŁ100 or $500 and I'll let you know the secret that I have absolutely no idea how that happened!

TONY CAPS will see some SA jesuitic conspiracy, though

News Item2/19/13 9:15 AM
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Observing Biblical Literalist
**I Personally Have Spoken To An Individual Who Claims To Have Seen &-Or Had An Encounter With One Of These HOLY BIBLE Prophesied/Predicted FUTURE COMING "LOCUST" DEVIL-DEMON "CREATURES", "HYBRIDS" OR WHATEVER THEY BE; WHO NOW PRESENTLY ABIDE--OR ARE "CHAINED"--IN THE "ABYSS" &-OR "BOTTOMLESS PIT" !**

Cough! Splutter!

Tony Lopez Cisneros...we still recall your posts under 'A Christian Who (makes) Believe(s)...' when YOU claimed to have a friend who wrestled with aliens etc. NOW YOU CLAIM THE ABOVE as a 'BIBLICAL LITERALIST'



If the literal locust or whatever is literally chained.. was your pal one of the PRISON GUARDS in the "ABYSS"? OR AN INMATE ON A PSCHIATRIC WARD?

What comics are you reading...not the Alberto series still?

Take heed that no individual deceive you

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