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News Item4/7/09 5:43 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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like i say michael, i dont know why Gods judgement and wrath take the form they do thats why im asking the questions, i know that they do tho.

ok so you dont want to answer the question so ill tell you - God sent the flood and lots of seven year olds and babes and infants and old people and young died

why ? because violence and wickedness covered the earth

so you can get all indignant about that if you want but God still did it.
wether you like it or not wether you agree or not means nothing, nada, zero, zilch, your judgement and mine are less than nothing in the sovreign Gods masterful purposes and divine genius. You could save your indignation for the temporal authorities who allow these filth to walk the streets.

ok try this question, who ordained that all the kids under two in israel had to be slain under Herod ? If God neglected to restrain Herod ( a form of satan) according to you that would be an omision on Gods part according to me that would be ordained, if you are setting yourself up to make a judgement which one is better (or worse ) ?

News Item4/7/09 4:43 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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yup, i would say that Jesus does know quite a bit more about this subject than i do, your on safe ground there

looking around me i would say God was well angry including your repeated (and emotive) reference to the raped yougster -i think its a tactic called 'elephant hurling'

tell me this then - who sent the flood ?

News Item4/7/09 4:17 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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look forward to that john, i notice some providential things over the years some small things like once i went fishing and a man was fishing at my usual place which is best for casting but he wasnt catching anything and gave up tho he had been there all day and as soon as i cast i was catching straightaway and he hadnt even packed up, also every year when i sail of the beach i have dolphins come right up to the boat and swim underneath it but this doesnt happen to anyone else i know (cos they are evolutionists or dont have a boat) i have had many narrow escapes over the years which i thought was normal but later i realised they werent, the life of the elect will always be preserved until they come to saving faith.

im looking out more for Gods providence to try and discern what He is doing and praying about issues rather than doing it all myself - there have been some great answers to prayer

News Item4/7/09 4:05 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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In a statement, Dungy said he “respectively declined” the invitation because of the time commitment needed but looks forward to working with the president in “furthering responsible fatherhood and other issues we both hold dear.”

Hah ! the obamanation already said that he would kill his grandchildren if his daughters 'made a mistake' ie got knocked up, would this be what dungy is referring to ?

News Item4/7/09 3:56 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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what i am commenting on is, in the light of the teaching of absolute sovreignty, the inconsistency amongst many believers whereby they ascribe beneficial events to this sovreignty but not catastrophic or unhappy events

this assesment by the creature does not factor in the big picture since we know nothing of it yet they confidently classify events from the 'worms eye view'

being a sinner and dying a sinner is not the purpose of the whole of mankind but it is for most the exception being the elect. It does not alter the fact that sin is still sin

atonement and sanctification are necessary for the elect but not for the reprobate

niether the sin of the elect or the reprobate are acceptable before God but for the elect he promises for the sake of the son not to see it

because God chooses to bring some to saving faith does not make unbelief acceptable in the reprobate, its still a sin

interesting quote from calvin i wouldnt want to try it but i would agree with the notion that a bold sinner saved has a clearer notion of his degeneracy and good fourtune than otherwise

hope this helps brother, it helps me work things through

News Item4/7/09 3:39 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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No candleit ! I mean it - id never be flippant on this forum that would be very bad.

David had a lot of struggle in his life and big ups and downs and if he had avoided them by say drugs or alchohol then we may not have had the psalms but being a brave man he soldiers on thru the storms and cleaved to his God, did you know that david will be king of Israel in the millenia when Jesus rules the world from Jerusalem ? So we will almost certainly meet him unless our duties keep us elsewhere but there will be 1000 yrs so i think we can be sure to see him at some point

ditto yourself john, its a genuine question have you never wondered if in the original creation we could speak to the animals ? I have
after all there is balems ass and the serpent in the garden

God does speak to us through the creation its the 67 th book of the bible - he speaks to men in language they can understand, sometimes in fear - battle, earthquakes, storm, most often thru the order and design in nature, in our daily observation 'god may be known by the things that are made ' and of course the word

thankyou for being gracious about my hasty post which gave the impresion that i was being facetious i should be more careful

News Item4/7/09 1:40 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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John UK wrote:
Quite, God spoke to me through a moth once.
he he ! do you think that adam and eve could talk to the animals before the fall ?

News Item4/7/09 1:36 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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He's never had the truth KK or didnt want it

News Item4/7/09 1:06 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Candle Lit wrote:
We wouldn't have the Psalms if David had been on anti-depressants! I'm being absurd, to make a point.
But, your point is well taken!
God communicates with us in terms which we understand for our good.
i dont think that is absurd at all its a useful insight Its very interesting how God chooses to speak to individuals in ways that they will understand

News Item4/7/09 12:57 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Yes indeed ashlar and ml the wrath of God is being revealed from heavan against all mankind

i see where you are coming from mike but my thinking is not postmodernist - heavan forbid that i would use those foolish worldly systems of thought.

I am not dismissing their argument on the grounds of semantics but describing how they are reframing mine or forging it if you like in order to claim it as false

The bible teaches that in God there is no bad thing and it also teaches that he is totaly sovreign - some of the brethren have difficulty in reconciling the outworkings of Gods judgement (the shooter - global flood killing millions - forthcoming apocalypse likewise to kill millions ) with their idea of a good God as they tell me that these things are bad so their answer to the conundrum is that God did not do it. However this denies Gods sovreignty and is therefore unbiblical

my proposition is that since scripturs cannot contradict itself there must be some fault in their understanding.

for myself i am at times encouraged by the signs of Gods judgement and they cause me to meditate on Gods purposes and His dealings with men, other times i am downcast when he chastises me

where is DJC49 when you need him ?

News Item4/7/09 10:51 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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hey john sorry but i think that otway chap is right ! a few years ago something did happen and i remeber people talking about it and my workshop stud wall boomed !

News Item4/7/09 10:06 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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John UK wrote:
Alas, it is not being worked out.
john could it be that you should start a church ? after all you have a model you like in the met tab - perhaps you are to be the misionary ? im lucky i have a good church but if i didnt i would start one
you could rent a room somewhere once a week ?

News Item4/7/09 8:48 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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i checked the link lenny - those who disagree with my proposition are using a straw man -
by attributing all 'bad ' things to Gods providential judgement i am somehow impugning Gods divine attributes

first they describe these things as bad - their argument not mine, i say they are good. then having framed my argument in their terms they say that to attribute these 'bad ' things to God is to impugn Gods 'goodness' as defined by themselves. a false and circular argument

we dont have any problem ascribing to Gods providence to the 'good ' things' so why exempt the 'bad ' things ?

Nothing God does is bad only faulty understanding considers such a proposition

is God to be sovreign only when it suits us ?

isaiah 53
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.

10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.

The work of the cross was Gods will

If God did not spare the Son who had not transgressed why do some on here imagine that He would spare the transgresors ?

News Item4/7/09 6:40 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Michael Hranek wrote:
charles m
As to tolerance I believe it is safe to say that God who desires none to perish tolerates a lot of self-righteous religious hypocrits who even attribute sending evil, I am not saying sending judgment such as in Noah's day, but attributing SENDING evil to Him.
wrong God michael, in order to accomodate your humanist gospel you have to misrepresent God and slander another believer

that is itself a convincing line in self righteousness and hypocrisy.

you misrepresent God by falsely claiming a distinction between the jusgement of the flood and the judgement of the shooter without even attempting to ask yourself why this mode of judgment might be appropriate.

you slander another believer by infering he is a callous false prophet. If you attempt to explain this incident as anything other than a judgement then it is You who are a false teacher

It always makes self righteous people feel good when they think they have found someone worse than themselves, i dont have any problem there michael, i dont Have any righteousness.

John it doesnt make any difference what is available to hand, when god wanted to judge the swedes in 2006 for locking up a preacher he drowned them on christmas holiday in phuket !

News Item4/7/09 5:43 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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You know well that if we applied biblical law to our society there wouldnt be shooters and child rapists they would all be dead !

Our lawless society tolerates their existence and moreover encourages all manner of wickedness - the people who died at the hands of the shooter reaped what they sowed -

want to make a moral judgement on God michael ?

God is angry every day with your filthy degenerate society and mine - it is just that he send punishment

What you gonna say he didnt send the flood or that he shouldnt have ? You dont think He should have - are you saying God does bad things ?

what about killing all the first born of egypt - naughty God is that what you mean ? just cos you dont think its nice ?

who are you or i to question what God does ?

News Item4/7/09 5:34 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Michael Hranek wrote:
charles m
Don't you think it is a wee bit self-righteous to post such a thing as if Calvinists are so above and better than ever sinning against God themselves.
And as if no Calvinist would ever abandon Christ for the woman who rides the beast would they.
no i dont - what is your explanation ?

would any one who is in the truth go to the RC from the baptists ? unless of course they didnt have the truth in the first place

newt may yet be one of the elect but at the moment i think its fair to say that he has some doctrinal issues to whit not seeing a saving difference between the two churches - you know what ? thats maybe because there isnt in which case he is being consistent,

i dont blame any man for being misled - if you arent one of the elect then thats what is going to happen for sure, nothing you can do about it

would a calvinist ride the beast ? never thought about it well anything is possible i suppose hard to imagine - ill try - nope !

News Item4/7/09 4:57 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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I can see how it happened, newt gingrich and the baptist preacher at his 'conversion' arminist preacher : newt wont you receive (good ol' ) Jesus as your personal saviour ? he loves you so much wont you 'make a decision ?'
newt is now 'good to go' after a few years in the baptist church he decides he would like a different flavour so he is of to the RC, point is he cant really tell the difference thanks to his heretical 'decision'

News Item4/7/09 4:28 AM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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DJC49 wrote:
Nothing happens in God's creation without His either ordaining or permitting. NOTHING happens -- from the subatomic to the astronomical; neither visible nor invisible -- which is independent and outside of God's purview and decree. NOTHING happens or exists without God first declaring: "Let there be ..."
yup, thats it DJC god is totaly sovreign or he is not at all. god sent the shooter same as he sent judas, vespasian, the flood, the plagues on egypt, droughts, tsunamis, the recent earthquake in italy etc etc. people need to be told that gods wrath is being revealed from heavan against mankind or they cannot understand these things

i used to have a humanist view of the gospel but ive changed sides, the unsaved person is the enemy of my master (not my enemy) and they need to know that so that they can take the neccesary measures so that gods wrath does not abide upon them.

as for those guys that say they are doing gods will by killing sinners, we all know that they are not christians so they are just another expresion of gods wrath, there is nothing biblical in what they do it doesnt matter what their delusion is - god chooses it for them !

News Item4/6/09 3:11 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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Candle Lit wrote:
Hi, Charles m.,
You sound like a real Jeremiah Johnson
i dont think im in that league ! but i like to get outside in the summer as there is lots to do here

JM has been very helpfull providentialy i hooked into it the very week that he made the sermons free

he has a tremendous desire for learning

keep posting they are interesting !

News Item4/6/09 3:00 PM
charles m | wales  Find all comments by charles m
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so did god send the shooter or not ?
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