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News Item6/15/09 10:18 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Hi Maxwell,

Thanks for the information and link.

However, I believe the Muslims are a very moral people and hold many of the same Christian beliefs we do...yet, at one time I did not believe this to be true...due to my media bias.

I'm glad to see you worked in other countries as you too have a broad view beyond what the TV and news feed the typical American viewer.

My confidence in the American press has been slowly deteriorating with this sort of "reporting" hogwash:

"Today the vast majority of domestic terrorist attacks are in fact lone wolf or so-called leaderless resistance attacks," said the center's Mark Potok. "There are very few ways to prevent them ... short of assigning a police officer to every person in America."

The number of angry white men in America is getting larger, said Chip Berlet, senior analyst with Political Research Associates in Somerville, Mass., a think tank that studies right-wing extremists.

In particular, the heterosexual, white, Christian men in America feel they've been pushed out of the way, Berlet said. Attacking the Holocaust Museum is a no-brainer, he said, because white supremacists blame Jews for the advancement of black people."

News Item6/14/09 7:54 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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I have little trust in what Fox News or any of the other major media reports about Islam and muslims. Over the past 10 years I have seen so much propaganda reported it makes me very concerned.

I've been working with some Islamic businesses and especially can assure you that their moral standards often exceed that of the Christians I've worked with in the past.

Certainly there are extremists in every religion, but what I read below is beyond what I have seen out of those who claim to be Muslims. I'm going to look for any independent verification of that event below in the coming weeks, and make sure there is not some sort of "political" event meant to rile up the Christians.

Don't get me wrong, I've studied (and more importantly continue to study) the various ages of extreme persecution and killing against Christians, but in this generation I take no major news station at face value ever! Read about Alexander Peden in Scotland during the ***killing times*** and know it was "Christians" slaughtering Christians.

News Item6/14/09 4:42 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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I did not hear from you this week as I was offline. When I came last week to search for some Alexander Peden sermons, which would be a good example for you to study in the distinctions I mention below, I could not help but think perhaps you don't want to deal with these issues.

Most of the Catholics I know, including my own father and mother, demonstrate a total unwillingness to exercise any sort of desire to study doctrine...especially the doctrine of amazing, saving grace. Indeed I too was indoctrinated with the Roman Catholic traditions growing up, but once I began to question this false gospel many things fit nicely with Scripture.

Can you tell me why so many Catholics and Evangelical Christians are so opposed to the true gospel of Christ?

News Item6/7/09 11:13 PM
Walt  Find all comments by Walt
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I think the change will come at the student level like at so many other times in history!

News Item6/7/09 10:21 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Hi John,

You wrote:

"Here you Evangelical Protestants go again stating that one can not be Born Again and be Catholic. If a Catholic becomes Born Again by receiving Jesus as their Personal Savior..."

Are you familiar with the difference between a saving knowledge of Christ and what you mentioned above in stating "becomes born again by receiveing Jesus as their personal savior"?

This distinction may help you define whether you can obtain salvation in a Roman Catholic church or not.

Survey4/27/08 8:52 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Faith, it sounds like your definition of God would be different than what the Ministers agreed at Westminster. Can you tell me if you would agree with any of these points below in this definition?

"I. There is but one only living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will, for his own glory, most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; the rewarder of them that diligently seek him; and withal most just and terrible in his judgments; hating all sin; and who will by no means clear the guilty."

News Item4/27/08 8:38 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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I must admit I am extremely disappointed in what I have been reading over the past twelve months. My first comments on the 9-11 conspiracy crowd was like, "Wake up man, Bush is a professed Christian and Cheney is even more conservative. These guys could never have even remotely been aware of these events." Wow, what an absolute blind fool I was about the powers behind the Zionist and Neoconservative movements.

It was just 10 years ago that I thought my knowledge of early American history, international law and world religions was pretty solid...but unfortunately, the recent advancements in the internet have definitely changed all those common book titles on the subject.

I want to think these guys are all operating with one oar in the water, but once you start looking at there religious presuppositions, and their elite mindset, these guys really believe executing people for the cause is their calling. These guys are like the Popes during the dark & middle ages.

Yes, we are all in serious trouble.

Survey4/27/08 8:17 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Dear faith,

Have you ever picked up and read the bible to get an understanding who God is from His revealed will?

You seem to be applying a lot of human dimensions to God...are you aware of what the Scripture teaches about God? It almost sounds like you think God is human?

News Item4/27/08 4:31 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Keep an eye on the dual citizens in the administration and moving their ranks up the chain of command in the department of defense and homeland security. This is not going to be a pretty picture in the months ahead with Iran vs. Israel/USA.

"The overall exercise scenario unfolds as a Category 4 hurricane threatens the National Capitol Region (NCR) while events in the Pacific Northwest include terrorist attacks involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the state of Washington and an accidental release of a chemical agent at chemical stockpile facility in Umatilla, Oregon. The scenario culminates with the hurricane's imminent landfall combined with a credible terror threat to the NCR which causes the federal government to invoke continuity plans and capabilities."

Read the article by this specialist and stay safe!:

News Item4/27/08 4:21 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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There is likely a lot more behind the press article. When someone manages other people's money, it is worth keeping an eye on where it goes and why.

News Item4/20/08 9:28 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Why do they love him so???? Is he God?

"And now we have George W. Bush adding to the prophecied Antichrist agenda. This so called, born again Christian president, lends his voice to the many who boldly place the pope in the position prophecied so long ago he would be stationed.

Finally, Arroyo asked him, "...When you look into Benedict XVI's eyes what do you see?" Bush answered immediately, "God."

"we readily understand the devotion of Saint Francis of Assisi for 'the Lord Pope', the daughterly outspokenness of Saint Catherine of Siena towards the one whom she called 'SWEET CHRIST ON EARTH', "The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God. and the vicar of God." -Ferraris Ecclesiastical dictionary

Father A. Pereira says: "It is quite certain that Popes have never approved or rejected this title 'Lord God the Pope,' for the passage in the gloss referred to appears in the edition of the Canon Law published in Rome in 1580 by Gregory XIII."

"The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth." Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, "Cities Petrus Bertanous".

Survey4/20/08 9:19 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"... and I will go as far as Martin Luther, in that strong assertion of his, where he says, 'If any man doth ascribe of salvation, even the very least, to the free will of man, he knoweth nothing of grace, and he hath not learnt Jesus Christ aright.' It may seem a harsh sentiment; but he who in his soul believes that man does of his own free will turn to God, cannot have been taught of God, for that is one of the first principles taught us when God begins with us, that we have neither will nor power, but that He gives both; that He is 'Alpha and Omega' in the salvation of men." (Charles H. Spurgeon from the sermon 'Free Will A Slave' (1855) referring to Luther's book The Bondage of the Will).

News Item4/20/08 9:07 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Making Shipwreck of the Faith: Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Together, by Kevin Reed

"This is the best book, critiquing this unholy alliance, to appear yet. It is the only book that has gone to the heart of the issues, at the most basic level, and not merely dealt with the obvious external differences with Rome.

It convincingly shows that, concerning "critical aspects of doctrine and practice," many "modern evangelicals have become very much like Rome." The two major areas dealt with are the doctrines of salvation (especially regarding justification, predestination, evangelism and the bondage of the will) and worship.

Arminianism, in both these areas, has already made such inroads into "evangelicalism," that most Protestant churches would not even be recognized by their own Protestant forefathers.

******For example, Reed writes, "[i]f you are resting your assurance of salvation upon your "decision;" if you think that your "free will" or "accepting Christ" produced the new birth within you; then you are deceived, you are no better off than a Judaizer or a Romanist. You have made your "decision" into a work, and subverted the doctrine of salvation by grace."******

Survey4/20/08 8:56 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"As Kevin Reed notes, in refuting this Anabaptist, Knox unequivocally states,

"For with the Pelagians and papists, you (Anabaptists-ed) have become teachers of free will, and defenders of your own justice," clearly recognizing that, "the defence of man's free will, to do good and avoid evil," is "the damned heresy of Pelagius."

Moreover, regarding this work, Reed continues,

"A perceptive reading of this dispute will reveal the parallels between the Anabaptists and modern proponents of free will. Advocates for free will are commonly found among Baptists, "evangelicals," Charismatics, and cultists. Their line of argumentation is virtually identical to that of Knox's opponent" (John Knox the Forgotten Reformer, only available on the new PHP CD [], pp. 219-20).

“The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will” (Prov.21:1).

“Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John1:13).

“Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures” (Jam.1:18).

News Item4/20/08 8:31 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"The belief in the Bible as the sole source of faith is unhistorical, illogical, fatal to the virtue of faith, and destructive of unity." -The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIII, "Protestantism", Section III A - Sola Scriptura ("Bible Alone"), Nihil Obstat, February 1, 1912 by Remy Lafort, D.D., Censor, Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. (online source:

"Do you allow your flock to read the Bible at all?" said a writer in the Contemporary Review to a friend of his, a parish priest. "No, sir, I do not; you forget that I am a physician, not a poisoner of souls." -Contemporary Review April, 1894, p. 576.

"The doctrines of the Catholic Church are entirely independent of Holy Scripture." Familiar Explanation of Catholic Doctrine, Rev. M. Muller, p.151.

"Socialism, Communism, clandestine societies, Bible societies... pests of this sort must be destroyed by all means." The encyclical Quanta Cura Issued by Pope Pius IX, December 6, 1866

"The Bible was not intended to be a textbook of Christian religion." -Catholic Facts, p. 50

Survey4/20/08 8:26 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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(This survey is no longer available)
Titles of Pope that confirm he stands as Antichrist.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 says, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

You just read some quotes where the Pope declares himself "another God on earth." Now read the official titles for the office of Pope.

* "Most Divine of all Heads."
* "Holy Father of Fathers."
* "Pontiff Supreme Over Prelates."
* "Overseer of the Christian Religion."
* "Pastor of Pastors."
* "Christ by Unction."
* "Abraham by Patriachate."
* "Melchisedec in Order."
* "Moses in Authority."
* "Samuel in the Judicial Office."
* "High Priest, Supreme Bishop."
* "Heir to the Apostles; Peter in Power."
* "Key-bearer of the Kingdom of Heaven."
* "Pontiff Appointed with Plenitude of Power."
* "Vicar of Christ."
* "Vicar of the Son of God."
* "Sovereign Priest."
* "Head of all the Holy Churches."
* "Chief of the Universal Church."
* "Bishop of Bishops."


Survey4/20/08 7:58 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Arminianism teaches: '... and as many as believed were ordained to eternal life.'

Arminianism teaches: "For many are called, but few choose."

Arminianism teaches: "Make your decision for Christ.”
THE BIBLE TEACHES: 'All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.' (Matt. 11:27)

Arminianism teaches: "I accepted Jesus as my personal saviour."
THE BIBLE TEACHES: 'Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you (John 15:16). Also: But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, to reveal his Son in me.' (Paul's testimony in Galatians 1:15,16)

Arminianism teaches: "God can't save you unless you let him, it is your choice."
THE BIBLE TEACHES: 'So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy...Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.' (Romans 9:16, 18).

News Item4/20/08 5:07 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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I just saw this sermon on line and have not listened to it, but at least the topic suggests some history in the sermon.

You might want to start here to get some information about the second reformation. More than 11,000 Covenanters were hunted down and slaughtered by the Erastians and Independents...both back by Romish doctrine (e.g., have you heard of the inquisition?).

News Item4/20/08 4:59 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Lisa, that is the typical baptist mumbo jumbo line. If you don't know your history of the first and second reformation, as it appears, you should learn to study it. Calvinism itself only was generally linked to the doctrine of salvation and TULIP (as they call it). If you want to complain about a reformer in the first reformation, then you can complain about Hamilton and Knox. If you want to complain about a reformer in the second reformation, then you can complain about Gillespie and Rutherford.

Calling the reformation a rehash of the Roman Catholic church only demonstrates the typical ignorance Europe, and especially England, and its "Christians", have demonstrated over the last 350 years.

If I were you I would blame it on the Independents and Erastians who brought you closer to Rome than any groups in the past 400 years. But that would take some study of history, and who in England has time for that with all the Independents, Anglicans, Mormons and Islamic Fundamentalists on the rise.

The history is out there if you really want to learn it before spreading the typical Baptist rally cry to reject all things reformation. It would do you good especially living in England.

News Item4/20/08 4:25 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Listen to these sermons on the Solemn League and Covenant. It would be wise to see what biblical grounds exist for severe and further judgment to England for breaking and ignoring her SLC obligations.

If one does not believe in judgment for covenant breaking, then don't worry as it should not be a problem. For those who believe covenant breaking is a sin and deserves punishment without repentance, there is some good biblical exegetical discussion in these sermons.

In summary, there is real meat here for those who have not yet turned vegetarian!

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