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Survey11/2/08 8:13 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Michael Hranek wrote:
There is Hope
So! Would you have people believe when Jesus says, "Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden...." that He was disingenuous as this promise was only for the elite few and not also for the weary heavy laden sinners who would hear His word? Are you trying to make Jesus out to be some kind of a double speaking hypocritical liar?
You know the non-elect lost whom Calvinist would call the non-elect those the Calvinsits would claim God hated before the foundation of the world to live only so God could display His glory in them by damning them to the eternal hell?
Some hope you've gotten yourself into.
Well put it this way Michael, the non-elect will not come to Christ for salvation anyhow. They come to him by their own power bringing their good works with them. (Matt. 7:22) Those who come to him in repentance and true saving faith will be those who are given to him by the Father. (John 6:37)

Baptist generally leave off the first half of that verse.

It will be those whom the Father drew by His power (John 6:44).

The raising of Lazarus is a good illustration. He could not come forth unless God gave him life and raised him from the dead. Only then could he come forth.

Survey11/2/08 7:50 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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DJC49 wrote:
Eph 1:4,5 "According as HE HATH CHOSEN US in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having PREDESTINATED us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,"

Lorainne Boettner gave a good illustration. A couple goes to an adoption agency to adopt a child to give their love to.They want to give this child their name and all of the provileges that goes with that name. Financially they had the means to adopt the entire orphanage, but chose only one. Were they unjust in choosing only one chuld while passing over all of the others? It was their name and their wealth to distribute as they wished.

Matt 20:15 "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?"

It is unfortunate that we have some here that think that ALL men are entitled to God's grace. They think he is mean and hateful by giving to some what they do not deserve and others what they justly deserve.

Survey11/2/08 1:03 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Miguel wrote:
There is Hope,
Sorry, but I'm not going to continue repeating what I have already posted every time someone wants to misconstrue it. I've already stated what I believe about all of this. If you want to continue argueing against something that I don't even believe you are welcome to, but don't expect me to continue responding.

I don't know why you are getting so defensive. I answered your two questions with scripture, now you are telling me that you don't believe what the scriptures say. I asked you a question since this is the first time I engage in this discussion with you which you refuse to answer.

If carnal sinful man can come to Christ under his own power as the Pelagian, Arminians claim, then it is up to you to provide scripture to support your stand.

You have told us what you don't believe, but you have yet to tell us what you do believe. Biblical fundamentalism has a broad brush, not just limited to the independent fundamental baptist. There are may fine fundamental bible Presbyterians as well.

Survey11/1/08 4:09 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Miguel wrote:
The issue is:
1) Does that mean that man is UNABLE to come to God.
John 6:44 "NO MAN can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."

Are you an exception here? From the words of the Lord Jesus Himself. Did he say that no man except Miguel.

If you did not come to the saving knowledge of Christ by the power of God, then by whose power did you come?

Miguel wrote:
2) Does spiritually dead mean he is unable to choose to come to Christ.
Same as above. John 3:3 "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, (regeneration) he cannot see the kingdom of God."

1 Cor. 2:14-15 "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man."

You also claim that God looked down and saw who would be saved and elected those. Then it is no longer election of grace but by works.

Rom 11:5 "Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace."

Survey10/31/08 10:53 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Thank you Miguel and Rogerant. Good night from northern Europe.
Northern Eurpoe???

My stars son, what are you doing out there, I thought you were back in the midwest somewhere. Take care Matt.

Survey10/26/08 4:41 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Mercy wrote:
Faith is not in its strength, but in the object - namely the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, the one with little faith, or the one with strong faith can be assured of salvation.
Good points Mercy. I fear too many here are relying on the strngth of THEIR faith and struggle with the assurance of their salvation. When God brings you to saving faith, it is faith on the one who went to the cross and paid the sin debt that we all owe. You are so correct, it is in the object of faith, not is if we really, really, really meant it when we prayed some "sinner's prayer."

Survey10/26/08 6:36 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Michael Hranek wrote:
There is Hope
Perhaps you should carefully reread the last two verses. Who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD? Why! The people of the prince who is to come.
Daniel 9
26 “And after the sixty-two weeks
Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;
And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”
Did it ever occur to you that in the original KJV the word prince is capitilized meaning that this is the Messiah the Prince. The people are the armies of God that he used through Titus to destroy the temple in 70AD.

Even if this was Titus, he never made any kind of peace treaty with Israel.

At least you made an honest attempt to answer the question.

Survey10/25/08 8:25 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Perhaps it might be good to point out one doesn't have to be a "dispensationalist" to believe God Himself brings about a very real fulfullment (not symbolic) of the prophecies in the Bible but one does need to believe God knows what He is talking about and is faithful to fulfill His word.
And I have to think since you mentioned context, it is context that is the first and foremost way we should come to a honest true interpretation and application of what God Himself has said to us in the Bible.
Michael, we actually agree on something.

With that in mind, let's look at the context of the prophecy of Daniel 9:27. Where in the immediate context is the antichrist even mentioned by name or even eluded to. Is he mentioned at all in the 9th chapter? Keep in mind for the personal pronoun "he" to be used it needs to be linked back to a specific individual named previously.

Just because one takes a literal interpretation of scripture, that doesn't make him a dispensationalist. I am premil, but not dispensational. I just so happen to take the literal, historical and grammatical interpretation rather that allegorical.

Survey10/24/08 4:54 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Doctor WOMI wrote:
I gave you two. And I have been waiting for days for your rebuttal.
Try again.
WOMI, here is the passage.
Dan 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Dan 12:12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

Where is there any mention of the antichrist establishing the covenant to start with in this passage?

There is no mention of any antichrist or any covenant in these two passages.

In the context of Dan. 9:27, there are two persons mentioned, the Messiah the Prince and the people of the Prince. In the original KJV 1611, the word prince is capitalized meaning the Messiah the Prince and the Prince in verse 26 are the same person. The personal pronoun in verse 27 "he" must be traced back to its nearest antecedent which is in this case, the Messiah the Prince.

By attributing the pronoun as meaning the antichrist, you are calling Jesus the Antichrist and the mediator of the New Covenant the Antichrist.

Confirming the covenant is the ministry of Jesus Christ himself.

Survey10/24/08 9:44 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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If OT prophecies are so clear, then why is it so hard for the dispensationalist to find one verse that clearly states that the antichrist makes a peace treaty with Israel and then breaks it half way through the tribulation period.

Survey10/22/08 11:07 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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DJC49 wrote:
There is Hope,
Even good Calvinists such as John MacArthur have been seduced by this aberrant, non-historical interpretation of Daniel 9:27.
This futurist interpretation is one which the Church NEVER subscribed to prior to the early 1800's since which time Dispensationalism has foisted many follies upon the Church.
And how the Dispensationalists try to buttress their Great Tribulational beliefs by superimposing Daniel 12:11-12 upon Daniel 9:27 is yet more of their Scriptural legerdemain.
DJC, All I am asking from them is to show me exactly where this peace treaty is found in scripture and where it says it will be broken. If they hold so strongly to this interpretation, then the evidence must be contained in scripture. They do hold to the literal interpretation and fulfimment of prophecy and reject any extra-biblical revelation and so do I. Because the book of Revelation is clear that if any man adds to the book of Revelation, God will add to him the plagues written in this book. If they can prove to me chapter and verse, I will gladly concede. I just want a good, clear concise answer to a simple question.

Survey10/22/08 9:30 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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DJC49 wrote:
Daniel 9:24-27 is exclusively concerned with the 1st Advent of Christ and has nothing whatsoever to do with the totally artificial construct the Dispensationalists fabricate about some future "peace treaty" made between the Antichrist and Israel during the 7 years of the Great Tribulation.
For a proper treatment of this passage in Daniel (specifically Dan 9:27), listen to this sermon entitled: [URL=]]]Who Confirmed the Covenant, Christ or Antichrist?[/URL]
Cross-reference Hebrews 9 with Daniel 9:27 as to Who makes the sacrifice and the oblation to cease.
HE shall confirm THE Covenant ... not some rinky-dink "peace treaty."
That was the same sermon that explained in more detail where I am coming from and started me asking questions of those who hold to the covenant as being some sort of peace treaty. Most of the covenants given in scripture are not ambiguous. Six events are to take place in this 70 week time span. If the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus on the cross didn't fulfill these things, then we are still dead in our sins. I will work and try to outline Bro. Campbell biblical proofs as he is spot on. BTW, he is not a Calvinist.

Survey10/21/08 11:57 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Mike wrote:
Indeed, There is Hope. And yet was it not required that the Israelites believe/obey what Moses relayed to the elders, to paint the doorposts with the blood, that the destroyer would pass over them? Israel was chosen, but they still had to do something, obey. They had to "come under" the blood to be saved.
Mike, the point of the argument is that God extended His grace to a particular group of people. It was not extended to all of mankind. Jesus said "All that the Father giveth me SHALL COME to me, and he that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." Who shall come to him, those that the Father intended him to save. It is God who worketh in you to WILL and to DO of His good pleasure. So the coming to Christ is a work of divine grace extended to those whom the covenant of grace is intended.

Survey10/21/08 10:46 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Do you remember when God told Moses to tell the children of Israel to sprinkle the blood on the door post of their houses and then the death angel came, he would pass over them when he saw the blood. Who was this intended for, everybody in general or the children of Israel?

God in His sovereignty chose to withhold His saving grace from the Egyptians. Did that make Him a mean God, in no wise. His covenant was intended and extended to whom He pleased and for His good pleasure.

I think these Arminian types miss that point. The blood of Christ accomplished what it was intended for and extended to whom it was intended. If as the Arminians contend that it only made salvation available and possible, it in essence didn't save anyone because the blood wasn't the atoning agent, man's actions was.

When the death angel came over Egypt, he wasn't looking for the actions of Israel, he was looking for the blood.

Survey10/21/08 7:29 AM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Doctor WOMI wrote:
We can only know what has been revealed to us in Scripture. What has been revealed to us is that a
peace treaty between Israel and the Antichrist will exist .
That point can be easily proven.
That is what I am searching for. Where is it in scripture?

The whole crux of dispensationalist eschatology is based on Dan. 9:27 as being the 70th week of Daniel and solidly maintain that the "he" is the antichrist and the "covenant" is this so called peace treaty." The problem is proving it from scripture. Whereas I maintain that the "he is "Jesus Christ" and the "covenant" is the "new Covenant" and was confirmed by His death on the cross 3.5 years after the commencement of his public ministry. This can be proven from scripture, whereas I maintain that the dispensationalst scheme cannot. They argue from silence.

Survey10/20/08 10:43 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Doctor WOMI wrote:
I would be interested to know of what exactly he stated that created a fire for evangelism.
You'll have to listen to them. If they don't give you a passion for the lost...

They are both true soul-winning sermons.

Survey10/20/08 10:37 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Doctor WOMI wrote:
The Fundamental question is not the nature of the contract, but if the Bible states that the contract will exist between the Antichrist and Israel. To the latter, I say a yes.
That is the extent of my question. I have yet one to show me in scripture where that is found. Two of them are veteran preachers, well versed in scripture and they told me that they don't know. Even the verses you provided in Dan. 12:11-12 give no referene to any peace treaty. If God has chosen not to reveal it to us then where does it come from. That is my point.

BTW, you can call me "Hope" or you can call me "There" for that matter.

Survey10/20/08 10:28 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Michael Hranek wrote:
There is Hope
I am quite aware of and oppossed to easy believism and false professions of faith and so are others.
But don't let the errors and abuses of some leave you wide open to an entire different set of error
God's promise stands
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!"

If you get a chance, look up William McCrea's message on

[URL=]]]When God Says, "That's Enough"[/URL]

and Ian Paisley's message on [URL=]]]Repentance[/URL]

You'll be pleasantly suprpised and refreshed by these two sermons. You may rethink some of your views on the Calvinistic/Reformed preachers.

These two sermons have fired me up for evangelism the way God intended it.

Survey10/20/08 10:05 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Michael Hranek wrote:
...and some holding to Calvinistic/Reformed Theology show too well the only change they have is their religion and not actually the new birth which radically changes a wretched lost hell deserving sinner into a new creature.
I was not referring to the Reformed churches but the disease that has infected the fundamental baptist as well. They make a profession of faith, but their is no heart changed because their is no repentance of sin preached. They have no more love for God than a fire hydrant. They still walk and live the life as one who is unregenerate. A heart that seeks after the affection of God is one that has been changed by God. These churches with their easy believism programs chalk up hundreds of professions each year, but can't find one of them for church. What is wrong with this picture Michael? The Holy Spirit is fully capable of producing the results He was sent to accomplish. Christ death on the cross fully accomplished its intended purpose and that was to save His people from their sin. It didn't make salvation possible, but secured it or else he would have been the biggest failure of all time.

Survey10/20/08 9:22 PM
There is Hope | United States  Find all comments by There is Hope
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Michael Hranek wrote:
There is Hope
I would think you already know the correct answer.
I want to know your answer. Does God have the right to withhold His saving grace from any one?

I agree that their are Calvinistic / Reformed churches that do preach the gospel and invite sinners to flee to Christ. Those are the scriptural ones. They hold to the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man to repent and believe the gospel. They also hold that only those who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit will savingly respond to the gospel. They hold that salvation is of the Lord plus nothing, whereas Arminians hold that God can only attempt to save sinners but man is the ultimate completer of his own salvation, thus being his own savior. God cannot save them unless He gets their cooperation and permission. Arminians deny that God enables them to savingly come to Christ but that they are fully capable in and of themselves to do so.

Where do you stand on these issues?

Let me just add

Mat 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

Could it be that there are professing believers who have never been born of the Spirit?

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