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News Item9/20/12 12:03 PM
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Thank God that Florida laws are "adoption friendly" and make adoption a very viable choice for women in crisis pregnancy. There really is a chance to make a good choice in Florida. Thank God for those birthmothers that choose LIFE!

News Item8/2/12 2:46 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Of course this is not evangelism!!! But we can support a Christian brother's right to free speech and show that we love him, right? Or are we just against everything now... Why don't we positively encourage a Christian brother, his excellent business model and service, and his great chicken!? Are we just mad about everything all the time?

And Chik-fil-a is very welcoming, nice to everyone that walks in the door, and treats EVERYONE who comes in with the same courtesy. Dan Cathy has not been accused of doing anything illegal, immoral, or unethical; he's been accused of stating his opinion and his values, plain and simple.

Lighten up, Mike, and grab a chicken sandwich. Not just Christians eat there; there are unbelievers there you could evangelize; you won't be kicked out of Chik-fil-a for sharing Jesus!

News Item6/15/12 9:36 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I'm southern baptist and all I can say is: Thank God for Al Mohler!

News Item3/30/12 10:13 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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humorific wrote:
What is an Evangelical? A nice Fundamentalist.
How do you tell the difference between an Evangelical and a Fundamentalist? Ask them if they like Billy Graham. If they do, they are Evangelical. If they don’t, they are Fundamentalist (Fundamentalists believe he has compromised).
Finally . . . How do you tell the difference between an Evangelical and a Fundamentalist? Ask if Roman Catholics are going to heaven. If they say “no,” they are Fundamentalists. If they say “maybe,” they are Evangelical.
[URL=]]]Are Roman Catholics Saved?[/URL]
Okay, that is just downright funny...and true...

News Item3/18/12 9:13 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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It's sad that this guy has turned away from Jesus Christ and His grace because he thinks God is like his own father...legalistic and without grace. It makes me think of the verse...

"You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law? For 'the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you,' as it is written." (Romans 2:23-24)

...quoting from Isaiah 52:5...

"'Now therefore, what have I here,' says the Lord,
'That My people are taken away for nothing?
Those who rule over them
Make them wail,' says the Lord,
'And My name is blasphemed continually every day.'"

News Item3/12/12 4:18 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Wow, it amazes me at how out of step the Republicans are with actual Conservatives in this country. Well, I guess we've got more Obama coming... I'm tired of voting for sub-standard candidates who aren't in the least Conservative just to keep out the Democrats/Socialists. Somebody was saying our choice was Socialist Left or Socialist Right...I believe it!

News Item3/12/12 4:11 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Very sad...pray for these believers to be strengthened and for the hardness of lost hearts to be broken and turned to Him. Give those believers, Lord, strength, conviction, boldness, and opportunity to share your gospel in such a time.

The church grows exponentially in times such as this. And thank God for Voice of the Martyrs...

News Item3/1/12 8:25 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Will wrote:
If ethnicity is not an issue for you as a Christian than why did you identify yourself as a black man? Race and ethnicity are still a problem in American churches.
I think he was just trying to prove a point. President Obama, his supporters, the media, etc., etc., think all people who have dark skin will vote for President Obama; if they don't, they are somehow betraying something and someone. No one is allowed to think for themselves anymore. Just ask Justice Clarence Thomas. Read some of his stuff. If you oppose or are critical of President Obama, you are a racist. Just ask Franklin Graham. I think that's why he mentioned the fact that he is black. That's what this article and discussion were about...

News Item3/1/12 8:14 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Racism?! Where did they get that from?

News Item3/1/12 8:11 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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"...the scientists believe that the "Jesus Family Tomb" is located on the land once belonging to Joseph of Arimathea, who, according to Scriptures, had Christ's body placed in his own tomb."

Really?! So when did the wealthy, influential Joseph of Arimathea have Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth, placed in his tomb? Now that's a find!

"...the scientists believe they might have discovered Jesus' bones in one of the ossuaries."

Really?! And did said bones have the name Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, stamped on them? This can NEVER be proven.

This whole thing is mere speculation. Plus, no one but themselves have even seen the supposed ossuaries, with their robotic arm camera. Aren't they jumping the gun a little...scientifically and otherwise? Of course, it has always been in vogue to question the resurrection, at all times in history, except, of course, immediately following it when the tomb was very obviously empty and 12+ men gave their lives willingly for belief in it.

News Item2/28/12 10:56 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Wow, you could have seen this coming from a mile away.

News Item2/27/12 4:07 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Firstblk wrote:
This is amazin I've never heard a president reach out to their ethnicity. This is totally inappropriate. Alienating other people groups. I'm a black man that happen to be inopossition to everything tha Obama stands for. I hate when we categorize churches the black church the Korean Hispanic the half Hispanic the I don't what our ethnicity Church. It's the Church of God different ethnicitys not races . It's only one race the human race.
Amen to that! I can't stand the term "race." It makes it sounds like people are some kind of cyborgs or something out of Star Trek. It's designed to divide people from one another. There is one race...the human race.

Here is what the Lord says.

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth..."(Acts 17:26)

"And they sang a new song, saying: 'You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation...'" (Revelation 5:9)


News Item2/23/12 8:33 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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John Yurich USA wrote:
If those blacks do not accept the doctrine of the Holy Trinity then that means they also deny the Deity Of Jesus. Then how in the name of all that is holy can those blacks be Christians? Christians accept the Deity Of Jesus and thus the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is not "white theology". It is Biblical theology.
That's right. The denial of the Trinity, thus the denial of the deity of Christ, is NOT a black and white issue. The Trinity and, therefore, the deity of Christ are concrete Biblical concepts foundational to salvation. The Mormons accept Jesus as the son of God, but not God the Son; they deny His deity and, therefore, deny Him as their Savior, regardless of what their rhetoric is. There are people of all colors, classes, ethnicities, levels of education, etc., etc., that deny the deity of Christ, some on this very forum. I'm still a little concerned about Dan.

News Item2/23/12 8:20 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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James wrote:
Sometimes the hesitancy on the part of Christian leaders to answer direct Is the gotcha nature of the media. They were trying to pin him down with a quote that they could attack him with. I think he handled it masterfully.
James, I totally agree. I mean, did you get a load of that headline?! "Rev. Graham: Obama seen as 'son of Islam" Did they listen to their own interview? That is not exactly what was said. Leave it to the media. Now everyone will say Franklin Graham called the president a son of Islam. Wow!

News Item2/22/12 8:38 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Think about it wrote:
Don't African Americans distrust "white" theology regardless of its Christian stripe? There continue to be serious consequences for the Founding Fathers allowing slavery. Many black Christians don't even find the concept of the Trinity worth contemplating.
What? Did you "think about" what you wrote? How dare you lump all people in one category because of the shade of their skin tone! Unbelievable! Who are you even talking about?

Dan wrote:
The trinity isn't white theology and it's not bible theology either.
Dan, are you seriously denying the deity of Christ...and on this forum? Surely you're not serious!

News Item1/31/12 1:56 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I'm sorry gentleman. I think you're talking in circles around each other. Or maybe I don't know what you're trying to say. "Correcting Rome's very depraved morals" and "care[ing] for those who have no voice" don't necessarily go hand in hand. "Care[ing] for those who have no voice," those who are weaker, oppressed, alien, orphan, widow, etc., is a very explicit Biblical mandate found throughout both testaments. I think that that is undisputed. Right? But that doesn't necessarily lead to "correcting Rome's very depraved morals," which I agree is NOT a mandate, possibly not even a concern of the church. Lost men don't change their morals nor can others make them change, by legislative mandate or otherwise. Jesus Christ changes the hearts of men, through His gospel, one person at a time. I'm not sure what you two are disagreeing about, or if you're disagreeing at all.

What were Christians doing in Rome way back when? Rescuing those abandoned babies...

News Item1/30/12 8:49 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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“But it’s instead a recognition that, for society as a whole, that the nation presumably will – would be better off if – if children are raised in a setting where there’s a male and a female."

...and a female and a female and a female...

I'm sorry; I couldn't resist.

News Item1/30/12 8:40 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I'm from Louisiana, south of New Orleans. Nobody lives on Bourbon Street, they party on Bourbon Street. If someone is harassing people or disturbing the peace, isn't that already breaking the law? Why ban people from spreading a religious message? Frankly, it would be extremely difficult to disturb the peace there; it is a noisy, boisterous place with absolutely nothing but confusion and extreme decadence...seriously...I'm not exaggerrating...

News Item1/30/12 8:28 AM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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I agree that this type of "church" totally breeds confusion. There are, after all, many spirits out there besides the Holy Spirit, and many cannot distinguish between them. The really sad thing is that now this lady has brought in the civil authorities to judge in spiritual matters. She knew exactly what she was getting into when she continued to attend this "church." It is very disingenuous of her to now be offended by the oddball teaching and its consequences going on there. The name of God will be dragged through the courts, and mud, because of this heretical teaching and the consequences it breeds.

News Item1/25/12 2:01 PM
TT | TN  Find all comments by TT
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Shameful...may God have mercy on us, the Christians of this land, for letting this go on...and on those who are celebrating it.

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