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News Item5/28/13 4:24 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Phal Osee wrote:
I do not exist where I previously existed. Now I exist elswhere. Who I was in my previous existence is no longer the me that now exists in a different form in another location writing this post. In my new existence I come to a new conclusion, that is, that which previously was is now no longer, since time has evolved. Therefore the new reality is that I can now prove I exist in the form of mortal on the same planet as you who read this revelation.
You sound like you've been studying Zeno.

News Item5/28/13 4:10 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
Captain Obvious.
My thoughts too, until I began to wonder how incredibly wisdom-deficient the audience for whom this statement was crafted must be.

News Item5/24/13 6:52 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Me would think that the inconvenience is for grandma, that would actually be a help to mom.
Yeah. More trouble for the grandma too who, thankfully, is crazy about the grand kids; but mom still has to plan it and complicates her day more than usual.

News Item5/24/13 6:32 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mr b wrote:
You can't even food shop. With out passing a magazine with a scantily clad women on the cover...
Exactly the reason my pastor's wife was unable to take her young boys shopping with her, causing the major inconvenience of having to have grandma come over and watch the kids while mommy shopped.

News Item5/24/13 6:10 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The BSA has been a good organization, perhaps a little to ecumenical...
Interesting observation, with clear ramifications in the long run as God is the kind of God that eventually "spits out" that which continues to be "luke warm". Perhaps this is what's happening (among other things) to the BSA.

One nice thing about the BSA back in the 1970s when I was a member was that it was one of the few remaining environments truly free of any sort of sexual tension or distraction since there were no girls (and certainly no homosexuals, at least not "openly" so) in its ranks.

Not any more thanks to this most recent and foolish ruling by BSA leaders. Most schools have long since gone co-ed AND now openly teach and accept homosexuality as well.

Oh well, there are always GANGS to fill the need for male bonding and freedom of association of sorts--if that's what we want to propagate more of while we sit back and watch our culture decline.

News Item5/21/13 2:33 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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If I wanted to learn about Heaven I'd start with the Bible and not the works promoted here.

I've not read anything by him but have been told that Dr. Richard Sibbes, the famous Puritan author, wrote extensively about Heaven and its glories. So much so that Dr. Martin Lloyde-Jones and others have referred to him as "the Heavenly Dr. Sibbes", and so he would be likely the next place I would go to learn about Heaven.

News Item5/21/13 2:17 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mr b wrote:
I don't know what the Belgium confession is either. I thought the reason why things happen us because its a fallen world. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. God only knows
We're studying this in the Bible study I presently attend. Our teacher gave each of us a small paperback copy of a book that contains the Heidleberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort.

So far it's been pretty enlightening. Even though these works are NOT the Bible and therefore not authoritative in themselves, they do a very fine job of explaining the Bible's doctrines and include many scripture proofs for each one.

Regarding the tornado, Psalm 90 provides ample perspective regarding the present fallen nature of our flesh and the world, and God's general reaction to these (earthquakes, etc.)

News Item5/21/13 1:58 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mr b wrote:
The bible is the best gift you can give anyone at any time.

I got my first Bible not long after I learned how to read.

Why wait for "graduation"?

News Item5/21/13 1:56 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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We have to hide or lock up our laptops in the evening whenever my nephews and nieces visit. Otherwise they'll go on-line looking for porn after we go to bed.

Six years old sounds about right.

I myself couldn't have been more than 5 years old when I "discovered" that I like women. My parents and older siblings were watching some variety show back in the late 60s which featured scantily clad women, which I also saw.

It's never too early to protect your kids from all the "skin" that's out there in print and on video.

News Item5/20/13 6:34 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Lady_Virtue wrote:
I went to college largely under pressure from my mom, who was influenced by the feminists and was convinced it was necessary to succeed in a career. However, it has done absolutely nothing for me. I honestly wish I'd never even gone. I have a job as opposed to a "career" and it doesn't even require a college degree. I can hardly think of anything that wastes both time and money (a lot of it!) more than college. If I had a chance at a do over, I would not go. I actually regret that I did.
That's interesting to hear. A manager in another group asked me if I had kids. I told her no but if I could do life over again I'd have "done better" and had kids when I could, even as she did. I then congratulated her for having two kids of her own even while working full-time. To my astonishment her face fell, then she looked at me and said, "I wish that I had MORE (kids)."

Feminism and post WWII/depression college/career expectations have screwed-up a lot of people, opportunity-wise.

My sister fulfilled the feminist narrative in spades, becoming a doctor--but almost forfeited her chance to have a kid of her own (were it not for IVF and adoption) by the time she was 40. School and work chewed-up her prime child-bearing years.

News Item5/20/13 2:23 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Christopher000 wrote:
Especially if the "bugs" in question happen to be lobster, crab, or shrimp. Yum!

News Item5/20/13 2:17 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Christopher000 wrote:
I might learn that I take some things too literally. ..time will tell. I believe that there really were giants as well; the Nephelim, who were the offspring of the Angels that sinned, not the sons of Seth because their intermingling wouldn't produce giants.
I tend to think that the Nephelim were nothing more than human celebrities of their day since the Bible calls them "heroes of old" and "MEN (not angels or hybrids) of renown". Not unlike so many of our current celebrities raised in "Christian" homes and churches but are now all but completely secular in their mindsets. Many of whom are also the result of intermarriage between "sons of God" (believers) and "daughters of men" (unbelievers) whose end tends more toward the latter than the former. Just like in Genesis leading up to the great flood.

News Item5/20/13 2:03 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I'm so tired of homosexuals trying to ride the coattails of the blacks' rights movement of the 60s which sought to convict those abusing their right to refuse service to anyone as a pretext for their racism. Racism=bad. Opposing evil/homosexuality=good. Unfortunately the political machinations surrounding the two movements are difficult for the morally ambivalent in our society (and there sure seem to be a whole lot of them now) to distinguish.

News Item5/20/13 1:52 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Marty wrote:
More dominant than secular humanism?
My thoughts as well.


Compared to what?

News Item5/16/13 2:46 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Murder Inc. wrote:
But what drives this pent-up demand where American ladies, by the tens of millions, beat a path to the front door of these clinics?
Why was the demand nearly zero in the 50s but by 1973, that rate went through the roof?
Being self-centered (I'm told the abortion industry can be fairly lucrative) and short-sighted. If the money involved isn't enough then the abortion providers can always "pat themselves on the back" for "helping women"--at least those women who were not INSIDE the womb at the time!

News Item5/15/13 2:02 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"All's well that ends well," if I remember my Billy S., correctly, in this case, the converse is true, All's bad that ends badly!
By "Billy S" do you mean Billy Sunday, the famous preacher?

San Jose John wrote:
...Jeroboam and Israel for erecting the bulls at Bashan and Dan
My bad. The "bulls" were actually golden calves at Bethel--not Bashan--and Dan.

Thank God for computerized Bible word/phrase search programs that are so helpful to the modern Bible student to verify passages and their details.

News Item5/15/13 1:08 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
If only they had come into the country illegally, in the night, perhaps across the Rio Grande, THEN they would be welcomed. But these independent minded folks from Germany can't be depended on to vote leftist, can they?
Sad but true, Mike.

News Item5/15/13 12:56 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Brian wrote:
Camping did get it right... sort of. You see, it was Camping's judgement day that came, not the world's
Don't forget that God is the ultimate "multitasker".

In Job God proactively dealt with Job's latent spiritual pride even before it was manifest later in that book, convicted Job's 3 friends of prejudicial assumptions on how God disciplines/punishes people, and promoted/established the position/integrity of the young Elihu as a credible elder/witness. Oh, and He also put Satan in his place once again.

In Camping's case I think God was not only punishing/disciplining Camping's stubbornness but also the flippancy of many of his "followers" as well as "hardening" the hearts of many secularists eager to justify their condemning the whole (all Christianity) by justly condemning the part (Camping's faulty ministry). Hardening their own hearts as so many are wont to do.

Camping reminds me of that prophet who after successfully judging Jeroboam and Israel for erecting the bulls at Bashan and Dan still ended up getting killed by a lion for listening to what he thought was Godly prophecy and took food when he was initially told not to.

Camping also reminds me of David and his census, where Israel bore the brunt of his sin.

News Item5/15/13 12:23 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Wow! (looking at the picture)

I'm not used to seeing or even hearing about a white modern European family with more than one or two kids. These people have SIX. God bless them!

News Item5/14/13 3:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Barry from KY. wrote:
I had a wise man tell me once, 'if everyone went to college, who would clean the fish'?
I'm not exactly sure what that means, but i do feel colleges do not prepare most for work. And you usually leave with a big bill.
That's a great saying. I'll have to remember that one.

Assuming the job isn't farmed out to immigrants willing to work for low wages, whoever is left to "clean the fish" is going to see their income go way up. Plumbers, HVAC, and similar highly skilled trades are in more demand than ever as more kids pursue the "professional" route (which usually requires college) instead of working right after HS

In hindsight I wish I'd put off college for work but when I first came of age "everyone" was "going to college" and I didn't want to be left out or left behind, as it were.

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