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News Item8/26/13 10:24 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
You have YET to give a verse
You have yet to provide one jot or tittle which commands or even suggests the Christian is to discard the Book of Psalms which God wrote for a purpose - THE PURPOSE WAS THE PRAISE OF GOD.

Why do you discard the Praise of God to replace it for the words of sinners?

Why do you insist that the believers should ditch the Word of God in favour of the words of sinners?

Why do you cast away God's Psalms of praise to sing from other books when there is no command or authority to do so?

Why do you reject the work of God to replace it with the work of man. Are you a devout Arminian? A DIY salvationist?

Why do you insist that believers are to use Uninspired hymns in replacement of the inspired and ordained praise of God.

Why do you attack Scriptures like this.
Why do you attack God?

What is your true purpose in rejecting God and His Bible in this way?

Why must you add to Scripture in contradiction to the command of God?

Why do you take away the psalms from Scripture in contradiction to the command of God?

Why do you disobey the Bible?
Why do you disobey Christ?

Rev 22:19 if any man shall take away ...
God shall take away his part out of the book of life

News Item8/25/13 5:34 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
"Therefore whether you eat or drink or WHATSOEVER you do, do all to the glory of God."(I Corinthians 10:31)
Your turn
God only wrote ONE praise book.

It seems very simple to me that God wrote the Book I as a believer obey God.

God wrote other books in the Bible.
But there is NO command of God to sing them.

Psalm 95:2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

Psalm 105:2 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.


Psalm 143:7 HEAR ME speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.
8 CAUSE ME to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
9 DELIVER ME, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me.
10 Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.
11 QUICKEN ME, O LORD, for thy name's sake: for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble.
12 And of thy mercy CUT OFF mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

News Item8/23/13 3:00 PM
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John UK wrote:
1. it's just blah blah time
2. whatever tune?
3. you consider God's word insufficient or ill-measured, that you have to wholesale metricate it
1. More insults again John. Christians don't do that. May the Lord forgive you.

2. Precentor.

3. The psalms, hymns and spiritual songs which are the book of Psalms, were first written by versification in Hebrew. The change in versification came about by translation into other languages such as English. The metrical psalms we read in English today are making use of our language so that we can read them.

Unprofitable Servant wrote:
You are saying that the only acceptable book for songs in an Old Testament book. But when it comes to instruments
I could give you the whole theological discussion for that point Ups. But I am only allowed 1300 characters. So if you are really serious about this side of the debate then please see

Excuse the written version - Hyperlink not working again.

BTW I am serious about this. I'm not just being awkward. NOT using the psalms for the purpose God wrote them is a genuine quandary to me.

News Item8/22/13 5:20 PM
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John UK wrote:
"The conclusion to which we are driven is this: God has not commanded us to use musical instruments in New Testament worship. We have seen that God did not authorize (command) the use of musical instruments until the time of Moses (even if we consider the trumpets used in the tabernacle to be instruments of music). When they were authorized (commanded), they were clearly a part of the shadowy ceremonial system. And even in the Old Testament period, worship (except that which was performed by the priests and Levites at the temple in Jerusalem) was commonly offered without musical instruments. Worship in the ancient synagogue was always devoid of such. So was the worship of the early church. Never in the New Testament do we find mention of their use. What we do find is an abundance of teaching to the effect that the whole system of tabernacle and temple worship (shadowy and typical in nature) has been abolished. It follows, therefore, that the use of musical instruments is not authorized in the worship of the church today." (G.I.Williamson)

News Item8/22/13 3:29 PM
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John UK wrote:
Or don't folks believe that God blesses
Replacing Psalms with Hymns says:
1. Church prefers uninspired works.
2. Church rejects the inspired Psalms.
3. Church states need for human entertainment.
4. Church directs worship to creature rather than creator. Idolatry.
5. Church removes part of Scripture.
6. Church replaces God ordained praise for human works.
7. Church diminishes place of Bible by removing Word of God.
8. Church rejects the Work of God in worship. Blasphemy.
9. Church (a) takes away from Scripture, and (b) Adds to Scripture. (Rev 22:18.19)
10. Church dismisses "inspiration" as inconsequential. Blasphemy.
11. Church perceives sinners compositions as superior to God's. Blasphemy.
12. Church removes inspired Scripture intended for doctrine and supplants entertainment. Idolatry.
13. Church dishonors and disgraces ordained worship with human arrogance to provide human entertainment instead. Blasphemy.
14. Church does not praise God as HE ordains.
15. Church diminishes respect for God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.
16. Church provides society with excuse for disobedience of Scripture.
17. Church teaches parts of Bible may be ditched.
18. Church teaches Roman Catholic premise of "Traditions" acceptable.

News Item8/21/13 3:04 PM
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Anne wrote:
Psalms Only Folk, do you advocate Psalms only, always, ever? Or just during corporate worship? Just curios, not stirring the pot today!
Psalms sung in worship at Church on Sunday without any music. Only the human voice which God provided. We also use this method in private eg house Bible study.

To use something else viz hymn books you have to literally 'remove' the Scripture, the inspired Word of praise which God ordained. Hymns produced by sinners however pretty the lyrics or melody, are still the uninspired works of sinners 'replacing' God's inspired Bible praise Book. What authority does the hymn user have for doing this?

News Item8/21/13 2:52 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
1. Have you offered to the Father a blood sacrifice
2. you have no right to "demand" others in what
3. since there is no musical script no notes accompanying the Psalms
1. The (atoning) "sacrifice" for the true Christian is Jesus. Is Jesus your sacrifice?
2. I am not demanding anything of you hymn singers. I'm just showing you how you have ditched the Bible to establish your Sunday morning entertainment in lieu of worship to God.
3. God did not provide music. We don't use or need musical instruments - never have in the true Reformed Church.


John UK wrote:
1. For one thing, they have to metricate God's word
2. lo and behold, they make use of hymn tunes
3. genuine lack of true worship
1. Putting the psalms into metric was done in the 17th century (1650). In point of fact this was done as exegesis (for faithfulness to the original Hebrew texts) as well as versification and the resultant exegesis is considered to be a better interpretation than the KJV.
2. No music required in true Reformed Psalm singing. Just human voice as God provided.
3. That's what concerns me "true worship" - When you hymn users are ditching part of the Bible during worship???

News Item8/21/13 8:28 AM
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"The twenty-six Puritan signatories of the Preface to the 1673 London edition of the Scottish Metrical Psalter: “… to us David's Psalms seem plainly intended by those terms of ‘psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,’ which the apostle useth (Eph. 5.19; Col. 3.16)” (the signatories include John Owen, Thomas Manton, Matthew Poole, Thomas Watson, Thomas Vincent and William Jenkyn)."

"Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758): "Another thing God did towards this work at that time was His inspiring David to show forth Christ and His redemption in Divine songs, which should be for the use of the Church in public worship throughout all ages. This was also a glorious advancement of the office of redemption, as God hereby gave His Church a book of divine songs for their use in that part of their public worship–viz., singing His praises throughout all ages to the end of the world. It is manifest the Book of Psalms was given of God for this end. David is called the “sweet Psalmist of Israel” (II Sam. 23:1), because he penned Psalms for the use of the Church of Israel; and we find the same are appointed in the New Testament to be made use of in their worship: 'Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs' (Eph. 5:19)." (

And many many more.

News Item8/20/13 4:00 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
AND you don't?
You clearly don't know your history Michael.
"Anselm. In particular, his doctrine of the Atonement as stated in the classic book Cur Deus Homo. You may be surprised that, with the exception of some faint echoes from certain church fathers, e.g. Clement, "Barnabas," "Epistle to Diognetus," Cyril of Jerusalem, Athanasius, and Augustine, there was no fully developed substitutionary theory of the Atonement until Anselm" (


"Dr. John Gill (1697-1771) Baptist, commenting on Eph 5:19: “By psalms are meant the Psalms of David, and others that compose the book that goes with that name; and by hymns we are to understand, not such as are made by good men, without the inspiration of the Spirit of God; since they are placed between psalms and spiritual songs, made by men inspired by the Holy Ghost … but these are only another name for the book of Psalms, the running title of which may as well be the book of Hymns, as it is rendered by Ainsworth and by spiritual songs are meant the same Psalms of David, Asaph etc. and the titles of many of them are songs … These three words answer to Mizmorim, Tehillim, and Shirim, the several titles of David’s Psalms” = Thinking Baptist?

News Item8/20/13 2:44 PM
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Lurker wrote:
He was referring
Nope wrong again Lurker.
Where do you get them from?

But the essential point in this debate is that you hymn singers are rejecting and replacing part of Scripture with human effort and output namely hymns.

By doing this they are 'replacing' inspired praise the Psalms which God has ordained for His praise; - with human uninspired productions ie hymns.

As for Paul's "Psalms Hymns and Songs" :-
The study of the Hebrew descriptions in ancient copies includes in the list:-
Hymns of Praise of God.
Didactic Psalms.
Liturgical Songs.
Pilgrim songs.
These would have all had special times and circumstances during the Temple worship. Obviously the Book of Psalms has a history of worship relating to Temple liturgy and other events which would require study.


DJC49 wrote:
"Amazing Grace" and "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
Yes human hymns like these are very entertaining for human consumption. Aren't they?

Human entertainment has replaced God's praise/Psalms/Bible with human lyrics and melodies which are more appealing to humans.

I guess the boring old Psalms God ordained for praise are inadequate to your taste and amusement DJC49?

News Item8/20/13 12:05 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
let me ask our "Psalms Only" friend again ... Anselm
The question has already been answered below. However to repeat the answer for you. The reason Anselm was referred to was because he is part of the debate in the article. In fact he is central to it.

You seem to have a problem with Anselm?
But in point of fact he was more orthodox than an Arminian like you.
Calling him a quote RC bishop is inaccurate.

"Anselm came on the scene when “a ransom to Satan” was still being taught and assumed to be correct. His landmark work Cur Deus Homo? (Why God became man?) set dogmatics on a new direction, much more biblically grounded.
Anselm anticipates the Reformers in their doctrine of the atonement and our appropriation of it.
Sin an insult to God...a breaking of God’s Law
Anselm described sin as an affront and insult to God's majesty. While it is true as far as it goes, Anselm's concepts are taken from a king or feudal landlord whose dignity has been besmirched.
The Reformers went further than that; in a more biblical sense, sin is the breaking of God's law, which demands death to the offender."
"Secondly, Anselm saw the need for satisfaction" ( = = This relates to this article.

News Item8/20/13 9:41 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
1. Ephesians 5:19 (KJV) Speaking to

2. I also, concur with Paul from Northern Ireland on why the hymn was dropped excellent post.

1. Paul writing this 2000 years ago clearly was not referring to the uninspired hymns which are used today written in the last couple of hundred years.
Paul was in fact referring to the Book of Psalms contained in the Word of God which contains Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs.

2. Why don't you people read the article???
Quote from article:-
""People think that we've taken the wrath of God out of the hymnal," Bringle said. "That's not the case. It's all over the hymnal. The issue was the word 'satisfied.'""

So NO it isn't about "WRATH" -

Remember all you "hymn singers" - Sing man's invented uninspired hymns and you are rejecting and replacing what God has ordained and included in the Bible for HIS praise.

If you attend these Liberal and Arminian churches of today you will NOT hear the psalms used. They have been rejected like the rest of the Bible for mans religious inventions. It is the thin end of the wedge for eventual apostasy.

Hymns and other forms of human entertainments are supplanted to replace genuine Biblical worship of the Lord.

News Item8/19/13 2:49 PM
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"Critics say the proposed change was sparked by liberals wanting to take God's wrath out of the hymnal"

Essentially this is an argument about theology. I thought Liberals had banished theology from their churches? But no they are arguing over the word "satisfied" an ancient conclusion of the just as ancient theologian Anselm. So in the midst of all this pretext of worship which has been changed into entertainment by the hymn singers, we have a variety of theological terms which form the basis for a literal war of words between the myriad of hermeneutics.

The great thing about using the Word of God to praise God is that there is no disagreements. Psalms Only is the way to go and even God agrees with the theology established in them.

What a pity you hymn singers have such a polemical life when the Lord has already established His praise and recorded it in the Bible for His Church.

Blog2/17/13 5:10 PM
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You are right on there BWS!! Psalm singing here in Scotland has declined alongside doctrine and subsequently the church. The simple fact is that hymn singing is to replace Scripture with human effort and human entertainment, - works based worship?

Correspondingly we have watched the society decline into liberalism, during this same period, in so many other ways. For example justice and punishment has declined in the UK to "Justice and appease criminality." Which also relates to the negative and conciliatory style of todays preaching on sin. UnBiblical decline into worldliness.

Many of todays churches are entertainment venues using human style singing of human song - all to the rejection of the Word of God. Thus does the Lord not bless modern churches.

News Item2/25/12 3:48 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I never got to ask those folks who believe in using the Psalms only for church music--how do they praise, Jesus? While there are a few psalms that make a reference to Jesus, at least I think there is a good argument for that, there is none that mention Yeshua directly, if my memory serves?
I would hope that you do the psalms in Hebrew, because no doubt they would sound much better than in Elizabethan English.
God wrote the Book, Jim.
Well at least the KJV.
In the Book called the Bible is recorded by God Himself the praise Book of Psalms, He ordained for worship.
If you use mans myriad versions then invariably you will reject the Book of Psalms written by God.
Mans sing songs are entertainment for sinners and have grown worse in the Liberal churches today. Thus the seed planted ended up bringing the worship/praise of God into pop groups and other daft ideas.
Thus why not use what God recorded and ordained.
BTW Christ Jesus is what the whole OT/NT Bible, Counsel of God is all about.

News Item2/18/12 4:09 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The psalms were not made for mindless repetition, and in truth, that is what almost all repetition turns into, just ask John Y about the Mass.
To suggest that using the Scriptures which GOD wrote is quote "mindless repetition" - is unChristian, faithless and ignorant.

God recorded HIS Psalms for HIS worship and Praise.

You have blasphemed against God by implying that obeying the Word of God, indeed obeying God Himself, can be mindless for His followers.

Obviously you also hold the works, words and music of man - to be above that of God's written and recorded worship Psalms.

If you are truly Christian then you will repent before God.

News Item2/18/12 3:00 PM
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Mike wrote:
Disconnected response. You missed the whole point of the song.
"Thy mercy"
"Thy free grace"
"thy free goodness"
"thy goodness"
"thy crucified son"
"all praise to.."
You oppose this, eh?
Did you notice the Psalm did not have this "me me me" line of thinking in it's verses. The only statement of self the Psalmist identified is iniquitous unworthy obedient sinner.

The free willing arminians will love the hymn.

News Item2/18/12 1:53 PM
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Mike wrote:
Thy mercy, my God is the theme of my song The joy of my heart and the boast of my tongue Thy free grace alone from the first to the last Hath won my affection
"my song"
"My heart"
"boast of my tongue"
"grace....hath won" ~ the Lord had to put effort in there eh?
"my affection"

Alternatively; A mercy Psalm:-
Psalm 25:7 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, O LORD.
= Humble request of sinner.
8 Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.
= Praising God.
9 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
= Only God can guide/teach such things to the meek.
10 All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
= Mercy and truth - Only in 'HIS' paths.
11 For thy name's sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great.
= Humility and recognising dominion of sin.
12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose."
= Only those who fear the Lord will God teach in the way. God's choice only.

Mans Hymn humility = zero.
God's Psalm humility = top marks.

News Item2/18/12 12:45 PM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What hymns do you consider to have false doctrines in the lyrics?
Those which are not ordained and authorised by God himself for His praise and worship.

Those ordained and authorised By God Himself are of course the Psalms recorded by God in Scripture, for His worship.

The modern practice of music and lyrics which are used to REPLACE the Psalms, Praise Book of God, are directed at human entertainment and emotional reaction.

Which other Books of the Bible are rejected and excluded from the churches as the Book of Psalms are?

More importantly which other Books of the 'Word of God' are excluded and REPLACED by the works of man, in said churches? If none then what is the reason behind ditching the Book of Psalms?

If not for human purposes such as entertaining the congregations - Whether God likes it or not!!

It is interesting that both Liberal churches and churches who consider themselves evangelical - even orthodox, both commit this same act of.....???

News Item2/17/12 3:58 PM
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Neil wrote:
False: YOU are talking your hobby-horse of Exclusive Psalmody. I & John were not.
Poor Neil; Whether you like it or not God DID record Praise.
You modernist hymn singers are "removing" God's Word to entertain yourselves with the works of sinners.
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