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News Item6/21/15 6:53 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Mr. Moore just simply doesn't get it. He is not presenting his arguments from a biblical worldview.

To begin with,the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is the same God of today. He does not change, nor has He changed His laws. If God destroyed nations for the sin of sodomy in Genesis, and He states In 2 Peter 2:6 that this was for an example for them who would live ungodly; how does one sugar coat this message? Is that true love?

The problem with professing Christian households is that we have forgot to blush. We need a good dose of shame. How can true repentance come for anyone, if they first don't see their guilt?

The message Mr. Moore is spreading, is detrimental to the body of Christ. It's also detrimental to the other siblings who may be living in the same household with a brother or sister who is practicing perversion.

I would much rather have the unrepentant leave the home, then allowing them to stay and corrupt the rest of my kids. Perhaps, later when they hit rock bottom, the wayward child will declare as the prodigal son: "Father I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son... Luke 15:18.

Then the door would be wide open for restoration.

Mr. Moore, that is biblical thinking....

Sermon1/25/15 1:03 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Weaver's sermon hits at the heart of the current state of the professing church. Such a timely message to awaken and convict the hearts of God's people! May those who have ears to hear; hear!

News Item3/23/14 12:35 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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The vast majority of women who have their babies murdered, do it willingly.

Yes, there are some who are coerced, or feel there are no other options. There have been a few cases where a woman is given an abortifacient without her consent.( Ironically, millions do this on a daily basis by taking b/c pills) I have failed to see one woman being physically dragged into a clinic for an abortion. ( although, I have seen a few parent's strongly coerce their daughters)

The true "war on women" began when Satan deceived Eve in the garden..."hast God really said?" From this original sin, this act of disobedience has brought forth death.

The lie continues...

News Item3/22/14 7:46 PM
Overcomer | usa  Find all comments by Overcomer
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The ministry of Vision Forum was of great benefit to many home educator's across this nation. They were a tremendous resource. For this they will be missed.

Having said that...during my Christian walk, I have seen many a leader fall from grace ( or perhaps they never received it to start with?) And I hold both those in leadership and in the pew equally accountable. Leaders won't lead, and some church attendees hold the leader in higher esteem than Christ. Most of this comes from lack of biblical discernment; or failing to be grounded in the Word of God.

Secondly, I believe the Lord exposes those who are living in habitual sin, publically; in order to humble them. Perhaps this will lead to a full repentance, and possibly spare His true sheep from being led off a cliff.

We are seeing the sheep and the goats, and the wheat and tares principles clearly at work. No doubt, there will be more famous faces in the days ahead who will be exposed.

We just need to make sure we aren't in the number of the blind leading the blind.

News Item11/14/13 8:51 AM
Overcomer | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Overcomer
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The question needs to be asked: "Why would a Christian want to read the Qur'an?

If you know the diabolical history of the author of the Qur'an, and his propensity towards perversion, it should make the majority of Christian's run from it like the plague.

The greater need for professing Christian's is spending more time in the Word of God. That is our greatest weapon against falsehood.

News Item6/27/13 1:03 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Why should we be shocked at the world's attitude regarding children?

How many professing Christian's have the same attitude? Especially if you have more than two. But of course, we just don't come right out and say it, we clothe our self righteous attitudes in religiosity, calling it good "stewardship".

News Item11/11/12 5:50 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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As I suspected, there would be flame throwers,after the election. The blame game has begun. This is apparent by some of the comments aimed at Angela Wittman(whom I do not know).

I'm not sure which news sources Christian's and "conservatives" are deriving their information, but some are sadly misinformed about who the real Mitt Romney is. GOOGLE:The Mitt Romney Report.

Mitt has not been nor been pro-life. He was the "father" of sodomite "marriage" in Massachusetts. He is a globalist. And above all, he is a Christ hating Mormon.

Christian's had two choices this year ( or do a write-in). We could vote for a Christ hating, Muslim, or a Christ hating Mormon. To vote for either was in direct violation of God's Word. According to Galatians 1, if anyone brings another gospel, let him be accursed.

Why in heaven's name would a Christian who revere's God's Word, want an accursed man, to lead their country?

Maybe we will now run to the throne, fall at the feet of Christ, and proclaim: There is no King but Jesus!

News Item9/10/12 10:26 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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John Yurich USA wrote:
The key operative word is past meaning that Romney was for in the past abortion and homosexuality. Now in the present Romney is against abortion and homosexuality. Would you rather see Obama get re elected? Well that is what you will be making sure of if you don't vote for Romney because not voting or voting for an Independent presidential candidate is just making sure that Obama gets re elected.

Can a leopard change it's spots?

If Romney had indeed repented from his sins, left the Mormon cult, and done a 180, then I would reconsider voting for him. But that's not the case.

Christians should think and vote biblically. Voting for a Mormon who denies Jesus Christ as Lord, is just as reprehensible as voting for a Muslim who denies Jesus Christ as Lord.

Another consideration....does America deserve a Godly King?

Or do we deserve a Nebuchadnezzer?

News Item9/9/12 6:15 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Overcomer:Romney stated that he supports the Republican platform that states that abortion is wrong under all circumstances including rape and incest. And if there are only two choices for president then it is better to vote for the lesser of two evils as the old saying goes. Choosing not to vote or voting for a Third party candidate is just helping Obama gets re elected. Just because Obama's Islamic/Communist leanings have influenced his decision making does not mean that Romney will allow the Mormon false teachings to influence his decision making. When Romney was Governor of Massachusettes he did not allow the Mormon false teachings to influence his decision making. So what makes you think that if elected president that Romney would allow the Mormon false teachings to influence his decision making? Stating that Romney would allow the Mormon false teachings to influence his decision making is just as insane as 52 years ago when some Evangelical Protestants stated that Kennedy would allow the Vatican to influence his decision making.

Please spend a couple of hours looking at The Romney Report, a well documented report of his past. Hopefully, you will change your stance.

News Item9/9/12 12:46 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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As a long time advocate of the preborn child, I can attest that we are no closer to ending the slaughter than when Rov V Wade was enacted( a "decision," not a law by the way). It was a Republican majority court that made that decision. We have had how many Republican presidents since then? The only thing they have ever done is "regulate" the mass slaughter. They have no intentions of putting an end to the bloodshed. Romney has already stated that he supports killing babies conceived by rape and incest. But naive Christians continue to cast their lot (vote) for them.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

In regards to Romney's religion. It really does matter what he believes. Obama's islamic/communist leanings have greatly influenced his decision making; so it will be with Romney.

Galatians 1:8 is very clear, "if anyone brings another gospel, let him be accursed"

Clearly, Romney ( a former bishop in the Mormon cult) is bringing another gospel. Not according to Christ. I surely don't want to share in his curse!

News Item9/9/12 12:30 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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I often prayed for Pastor Nadarkhani and his family. To find out he was released was a big praise.

To find out his anti-trinitarian views, was very disheartening. If he did in fact "evangelize" while in prison he then made false converts; twice the sons of hell as himself.

May God have mercy on his soul...and draw him to His Son.

News Item9/7/12 2:43 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Mitt Romney is a charlatan. He has a political past for anyone who cares to investigate. He is not, I repeat, NOT pro-life. He is not opposed to sodomy. Mitt Romney has blood on his hands.

Please brethren to do not be deceived.

News Item9/7/12 2:36 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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This is why the majority of professing Christians are weak and sickly.

If you fail to eat bread daily, your body will fail.

If you fail to feast on the Word of God, you will be weak and feeble.

If you don't "eat", you cannot stay strong in the Lord.

News Item9/6/12 9:15 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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This was all a matter of semantics. Obama knew he would be toast if the platform didn't add those two articles back in.

But what does it really matter at this point? The Democratic positions are still revolting to God.

Christian's shouldn't get too excited about Mitt Romney either. He himself, ( as a Mormon) believes he is a god.

Maybe it's time we stop putting our faith in a political party, and fall on our knees before a Holy God?

This is where our hope and trust should lie.

News Item9/2/12 9:57 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Actually, Psalm 109 in it's entirety, should be read from the pulpits every Sunday, up to election day. There are many other Psalms that could easily apply to the current situation.

Let us pray as David did...

News Item8/26/12 5:48 PM
Overcomer | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Overcomer
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I'm really astounded by some of these comments. Angela appears to be one of few commentator's who has a rational and biblical argument.

Now some food for thought....

Scenario: The local sheriff's office receives a distressing call. A man has has just slaughtered his wife. This knife wielding man, now intends to kill his three kids. When the sheriff arives, he yells: "Put down the knife". The man slits the throat of his youngest child. Again, the sheriff yells: "put down the knife". The man proceeds to take the life of his second child. Finally, the sheriff yells: "I'm telling you, put down your knife!". Again, the man ignores the order, and the third child is killed. Finally, the sheriff says: "Oh well, God will take care of him one day". "Who am I to judge?" "These kids lived a life of poverty; it was hell on earth, they are now in a better place". "Now maybe this guy will get into treatment and get the help he needs?

This is ludicrous you say? He should've shot him dead, after he put the knife to the first child's throat. All three children would be alive if the sheriff had acted with deadly force.

The REAL issue at hand: "Countless professing Christian's in America, still don't believe unborn children in the womb deserve the same protection of those born.

News Item1/24/11 7:58 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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The Fat Guy wrote:
Yes, all these abortion doctors are butchers! But so are the Christian men and women who sit in their church pews who use birth control pills. They are engaging in the same crime as the abortionist,just using a chemical alternate.
You are absolutely correct. And it's hypocritical of Christians to condemn a practice in which they participate. Abortion is abhorrent in the sight of Almighty God. It doesn't matter if the child is newly conceived, and dies due to abortifacient "birth control" or the in the third trimester of pregnancy.

As a long time anti-abortion advocate, I would also state that abortion continues in this nation with the permission of the church. Our silence, indifference, and our own anti-child attitudes are contributing factors to this holocaust. Much like the German Church in Nazi Germany.

Perhaps one day we will be forced to march by these death camps, to our own rebuke and shame, like the folks at Buchenwald Concentration camp?

News Item12/5/10 7:42 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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As a fairly new Christian back in 1988, I Almost fell for "88 Reasons Jesus will Return in 1988". Since then, I have matured in the faith, read my Bible more diligently, and have rejected dispensationalist teaching.

Yes, I believe Jesus will most definitely return again. But if the Son of God doesn't know the hour of His return, how could we?

The best possibly remedy for Believer's is to remember the words of our Lord; "Occupy until I come". If we are busy about His kingdom work, we won't get bogged down and paralyzed with prognisticators.

News Item11/1/10 11:31 AM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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As a long time advocate for the pre-born, I can attest that the images of murdered babies does save lives. Yes, they are shocking, but this is the reality of abortion. And what about the living children who ask honest questions regarding these pictures? They will usually ask a question that goes along these lines: "Mommy (or Daddy) why did they do that to that baby?" At this point parents can tell the truth or lie. Many of them choose the later. Many of these parents have participated in an abortion themselves but children cannot be duped.

On another front, the media has spent the last 37 years in the cover-up. These ads, and pictures, serve as a bypass to air the truth. As Christians we have a duty to expose sin, and proclaim truth.

Hopefully in time, this generation will stop the slaughter of the unborn. If not, our nation will surely exact the wrath of the Lamb for the shedding of innocent blood.

News Item8/12/10 9:39 PM
Overcomer | usa  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Ms. Coulter has made it abundantly clear over the last few years, that her true devotion is to the Republican party, rather than biblical principles.

"Conservatism" is make pretend salt.

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