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News Item1/2/18 12:38 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I have seen many ministers in church wear black robes that look a lot like Darth Varder's

News Item12/21/17 3:25 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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This is not nuts--it's just like locking the gates to parking lots and doors of the church buildings before everyone leaves for the night. Gone are the days when you may have seen a church open all night for prayers and hurting people to come to.
And I think you will see more of this already in effect, not due to the Texas case only, but the other one a year or so ago, where an off-duty security guard happened to be in the church.
A friend told me of a TV show where a woman living in Alaska was given target practice with a handgun--the target being a grizzly bear. I'm not sure how much good a hand gun would do, but she turned out to be a very good shot; not sure how it will work out when the bear is heading her way. Would that upset people who are anti-gun or anti-violence? I guess so, but they only guarantee bears will always have humans to feed on.

News Item12/19/17 3:58 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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It doesn't make sense--a divorce means a splitting up of a family, thus creating 2 smaller units. Generally, the court decides on who gets the kids, usually they end up with the mother.

The husband is off on his own, a smaller family unit, though he may marry someone else.

I doubt he would seek another woman with children of her own.

Do statistics back this up? I don't know, but I've heard that divorced women with children have a harder time getting married again as compared to those without children.
In dating, I've heard the kids referred to as 'kid bombs' because they destroy the guy's interest in the woman. He wasn't buying into all that! And sometimes the mother is very suspicious of men in general, and in these days of "Harvey R" going around, she would be justified to not marry again.

News Item12/19/17 3:47 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Now this is an article we can really get into--since many here do not even want to hear the word Christmas at all!
In today's newspaper I saw a letter to the editor about how the writer could see the religious connection, but that Christmas had a secular meaning for him, a time for giving gifts, decorating your house (note the ABC program on competing house decorations), going to parties, meeting up with family and friends you hadn't seen in a long time. When someone said "Merry Christmas" to him, he did not take it to mean they were trying to evangelize him.
And, on the last poster's comment about Baptists attending Catholic churches, I have a friend who went to the Christmas concert at a local Catholic church, gave me the program, and none of the 18 songs had anything to do with Santa Claus, reindeer, wassailing, misteltoe, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, snow men, penguins (none at the North Pole anyway).
But I didn't see listed the "Mary Did You Know" song that many use to persuade Catholics to quit their religion.

News Item12/19/17 3:39 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Interesting to know what the Italians are unearthing when digging tunnels for their subway, but how does this relate to the Bible or even Christianity?
Of course, you could say that Mormons got their start from Joseph Smith in upstate New York, trying to find buried treasures.
And Rome persecuted the early Christian church, but I doubt these 2 facts were introduced in the story about the subway.

News Item12/18/17 3:59 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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This will scramble their brains more than what normal smartphone use is already doing! And it is good news for immigrants--there will be lots of decent jobs available, since these teens cannot fulfill the normal requirements of a job. Even seasoned citizens who need a few extra bucks can get the jobs these teens used to fill.
What will happen to these teens? I guess they will live at home, in their parents basements or out-buildings, waiting for them to kick the bucket to take over the house entirely.

News Item12/18/17 3:55 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I guess there will be a new way to visit the Land Where Paul Walked--via scuba gear! Wait for advertisements to appear in your local Christian website.

News Item12/16/17 11:07 AM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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we certainly hope these verses don't apply:

Matthew 7: 21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

News Item12/15/17 1:41 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Sorry, Jimbo, but all the computer advice I've read tells me to not click on any links, even if you were my BFF sitting acros the table from me in this homeless shelter!

News Item12/13/17 4:11 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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NHS=National Health Service, I presume for England. I've heard that is an oxymoron, that it does not provide national health service at all.

News Item12/13/17 4:07 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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This is true not only for these universities, but for state and local governments as well.
Maybe someone could start an online campaign to show any religious symbols of the season paid for by local or state government funds.
Of course, I'm not sure everyone here is unhappy, since many do not want to see the word Christmas appear anywhere.

News Item12/13/17 4:04 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Hmmm...this makes me wonder about all those people doing yoga...will they be rising up in violence?

News Item12/13/17 4:03 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Amazing news...but I wonder if those fine judges at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will overturn the decision..that's the American way, you know!

News Item12/12/17 3:48 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Well, the Lutheran World Services gets millions of dollars from the U.S. government for resettling refugees, which is how Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota became a stronghold of Somali Muslims who are not assimilating into society there. Same thing with Deerborn, Michigan (I heard that many Muslim countries are going to recognize Deerborn as the capital of the US and relocated their embassies there)

News Item12/11/17 3:02 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Sorry to interrupt what looks like another one of those fine-toothed comb discussion over theological points, but to get back to the subject of the article--belief in God, it reminds me of a couple other facts: that a large majority of US prison inmates do believe in God, and a third of Jews in the US do not believe in God. These 2 facts make you think maybe there is a religious persecution going on in the US that makes all these God-believing folk get into jail. I don't think so. As to the Jews, many have said they cannot believe in God because of the Holocaust. I guess they would be represented in the Bible by those in the wilderness who doubted Moses leadership.

News Item12/11/17 2:58 PM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Jim Nabors of those old TV shows, "Gomer Pyle" and "Andy Griffith Show" would be very happy with this news, as well as George Takei, the Japanese actor on the original Star Trek series, who has taken up the campaign for "LGBT rights." Both men were married to their "husbands" or long term companions, when California legalized same-sex marriage.

News Item12/9/17 11:52 AM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I wonder how many Christian parents are saving up money to send their kids to these universities, and how many are paying right now for their kids to attend them.

News Item12/9/17 11:51 AM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Another reason for the mainstream media to hate him, and newspaper columnists to write again on why President Trump is 'bad for nation.'
Some may have hoped that the media would have 'wised up' when the voting totals turned against their favorite. But that never happened, and instead, we had open protests by their 'brown-shirts' in DC during the Presidential Inauguration, and then later the creation of their own fascist brigades--anti-fa. Anyone who studies the history of Germany in the 1930s must be scratching their head, saying, 'haven't we been here before?'

News Item12/9/17 11:46 AM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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I guess this means that George Takei, the sodomite Japanese actor in the first Star Trek series, can divorce his current husband (who he married in Los Angeles a while back, after California legalized same-sex marriage) if he moves to Australia.
And it also means that, if Jim Nabors had lived, he could have married his long-term companion in Australia.

News Item12/9/17 11:40 AM
Lawrence Fine | Elysium Fields  Find all comments by Lawrence Fine
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Just to keep us on track, Star Trek actor George Takei is a sodomite who married his long-term companion in L.A. after same-sex marriage became legal a while back.
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