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News Item5/8/09 4:50 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Hooray!! True Biblical Christianity is raising it's head again! I don't neccessarily like the term 'calvinist', since I simply came to believe what I believe by reading the Bible (think I've read about three or four pages of Calvin in my life). Anything that magnifies God and shows man what he really is can only help to breing men and women to Christ. I'd love to think this was a revival

News Item5/6/09 4:41 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Thats okay. I like listening to Ken Ham also I've watched quite a few of his Answers in Genesis tapes over the years.

As you say, we need a lot of help here in Australia. We still send out missionaries, but what we really need is for the missionaries to stay here. There's more need here for God than in darkest Africa, mostly because we're so smug and sure that we're all good. That goes for the church and myself as much as for the world, unfortunately.

News Item5/5/09 4:22 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Saved By Grace
Glad to hear we're on the same page However, I'm not quite sure what you mean about posting a site, as I don't know how to do that and haven't so far posted any sites on sermonaudio
The reason I was posting on this thread about other sins being so much worthy of attention also, was that the bill proposed does not say anything about not being able to speak out against homosexuality; it talks about 'acts of violence' and incitation to violence. While I realise this can and most likely will be used in the way you suggest, I think it's important to read the bill itself (I believe Neil posted the link)and see that it is not criminalizing free speech, but acts of violence against the protected class of homosexuals, etc. I do think this is bad news, but I think there is a lot of hype about this that could still come to nothing. Homosexuality is wrong and always has been; it shouldn't change our point of view or our way of dealing with this issue; we should be teaching and preaching against it just as usual.
God bless

News Item5/5/09 2:54 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Saved By Grace,
Yes, I agree with your point (it's one my father made to me). My point was simply that in all the hype of homosexuality we forget that other sins are eating away at society and concentrate on just the one. I find homosexuality extremely disgusting, and very much a sign of the times that we are in. But meanwhile, pedophiles, who took a great step forward when Bill Henson was given legal immunity from the police, notwithstanding his pornographic photos; are slavering for the time when they will be able to claim that their disgusting pictures are simply art. I don't think it will be a great step forward from that to an open if not legalised form of child prostitution. I've seen this creeping up in the same way the homosexuality crept up on society; by small degrees, yet certainly. In the same way, lying made itself acceptable and is now not looked upon as a sin, similar to adultery.
I agree that homsexuality is a great, society-destructive, God-abhorrent sin. I just think that we need to realize that there is more than one sin bringing about the wrath of God.

News Item5/3/09 5:57 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Thanks for your prayers, they are much appreciated God bless you and yours

News Item5/3/09 2:19 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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I spoke of lying, because in my opinion, lying is a particularly pernicious form of sin. It is so easy to lie without really thinking about it; today in society there is not any absolute truth, just 'your' truth, or 'thier' truth. I find that truth is very much abused.
It bothers me that lying is such an integral part of society that we no longer think about it. Once the regard for truth is gone, it is a small step to believing in 'my' truth, which may be completely opposed to the Word of God, and ususally is.
Mothers telling children about 'santa claus' and the 'easter bunny', telling their children 'small, unimportant' lies to control them; husbands and wives lying to keep each other happy . . . it's grown in our society like a cancer; below the skin and to all intents and purposes, invisible until it kills you.
To the poster "the ruin of you and me": Thanks, I couldn't have put it better

News Item5/2/09 5:46 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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It seems to me that every Christian is looking into this affair and making a lot out of it; whether homosexuality ought to be preached against, or not; but it seems to me that our society has already fallen to at least two other sins that are just as heinous in the sight of God and just as destructive to society. Namely, adultery, and lying. Nowadays it is considered perfectly normal for two people to live together outside of matrimony (same sex or otherwise) and when was the last time you or anyone else thought about that 'little' white lie told to keep someone happy? Lying has the same destructive power as homosexuality, only not so outward, and adultery has long been accepted. It's time we started preaching the whole Word of God, and not just the bit that's on the forefront of the public eye.
I don't care how many people it offends out there in the world; whether homosexuality, adultery, or lying; it is ALL against God's law and needs to be preached against. I think we need to take our heads out of the sand and expect to be seen and labelled as the bad guys while we tell society that they need to change. It seems to me that the church itself needs to change; and begin practising what we preach.

News Item4/30/09 5:00 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Thanks for posting the link, Neil; I found it very helpful to be able to read the bill for myself. I find that the bill seems only to be in regard to actual ACTS of violence and such, ad which should be punished under law, anyway, without reference to any race, disability or gender issues. This is perhaps the only thing that makes me think that the bill is a handcart to push their own agenda, by specifically mentioning gender orientation, race, etc. I think it has the potential to be abused and misused, but the bill itself doesn't seem to prohibit speaking of homosexuality as wrong.
Just my point of view . . .

News Item4/16/09 4:19 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Love it

News Item2/20/09 9:37 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Ha, and this is the guy that's all for abortion, even late term abortion. This is also murder, murder of innocents, as he puts it; and these innocents are much less able to plead for themselves. I wonder how much longer people are gonna be able to cheer and applaud as Obama talks in circles, approving and condemming the same thing in the same breath.

News Item1/17/09 10:00 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Onya mate! BTW, I believe that the evolutionists and humanists are actually fighting themselves. 'Probably' doesn't sound like good odds, and mentioning God might just have the opposite effect to what they think it will. God can and will work through everything for His own honour and glory. Having said that, I fully agree with this busdriver who refuses as a Christian to drive one of these buses. I like to hope that I would do the same thing.

Survey12/10/08 4:25 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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It's open to all Christians, of course. The benefits and body of Christ are open and available to all Christians, not just ones of a particular church. The picture of this particular truth is the Lord's supper, and it is in this rememberance that we as Christians take the Lord's supper.

Survey12/10/08 1:16 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Tulipwasspurgeon- Amen!! It does my heart good to read your post

News Item11/21/08 4:44 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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I think there is a lot that needs to change about the farming industry; animals are God's creatures and He entrusted them to us. This means we are to use them kindly. HOwever, I am far from saying we should not eat meat. Just that if we are to breed animals for eating, they should be treated humanely, with room enough to move and graze/feed freely, and not be stuffed to the eyeballs with steroids and food that isn't natural to them. As far as I'm concerned, battery farming, etc. is wrong; but I'm far from saying that animals be given the same rights as humans created in God's image. Just that we should look after them well.

News Item11/17/08 1:46 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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I have a very close Christian friend who has struggled with depression since the age of fourteen. She is quite often in great pain, and sometimes feels that God has taken everything away that meant anything to her; but every time I talk to her it is evident that she is not only living, but growing, as a Christian. There are still a lot of things that God has to show and teach her, and this seems to be the way He has chosen.
I myself often struggle with depression; though mainly mine is when I'm discouraged because of failing God again, and feeling like Paul, who said: 'O wretched man that I am,etc.'
Also my husband is as yet unsaved, and so I don't have that help and support from him. Thankfully God has been with me very wonderfully, and I know that this is still His will for me, and that He's bringing me through this in accordance with Psalm 66:10,12 "For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined . . . We went through fire and through water; but You brought us out to rich fulfillment."
So I don't think I've really got any excuse to be depressed, not when this in my life is because God is determined to do a work in me.SHerry is right, most depression is hopelesness and despair. We don't really have any excuse for despair, not when we have God.

News Item10/19/08 12:28 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Did this sentence strike anyone else?
"paedophile websites are being exploited as a secure way of passing information between terrorists"

If paedophile websites are secure, what is wrong with us? And the only 'exploitation' is that of the children forced into this disgusting trade.

News Item10/7/08 12:35 AM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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It's a pity one of those faith-based universities don't open up and invite the 'gay equality' group in for a seminar. It would be a great way to witness to them. The only problem is, the university would probably have many of it's faculty and student body arrested for 'hate crimes' because they would have to explain to these people that God does not tolerate homosexuality, never has and never will. Still, it would be great to see the gay equalilty group beat at it's own game. And you never know whether God is going to move some of them to repentance or not. I say go for it and try and bring these people to Christ. I am a no better person than they are, even if my sin is not always so openly visible, and God had mercy on me. Why shouldn't he on any of them?

News Item8/22/08 5:41 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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I think it's more a case of being between the devil and the deep blue sea. Each is fully as bad as the other. Heads they win, tails you lose.

News Item8/22/08 4:48 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Hey, did anyone else read Obama the savior?

I found this link on another thread, it's an interesting read.

News Item8/22/08 3:03 PM
Girl | Australia  Find all comments by Girl
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Wayne said:
"I sincerely ask for FORGIVENESS for having insulted you, saying unkind and un-Christian remarks to you, and for having the wrong and sinful attitude towards all of you."

It's all cool, Wayne; debates get heated and things are said by both sides that we wish could be unsaid later. I think you didn't really need to apologise to me, though I'm glad you did to SHerry C and Lyn. Glad to have you back on board, brother.
BTW,on a more personal level, forgiveness is something I've been praying about lately as there's someone in my life that I find myself constantly being got at by. It helps to remember how much God has forgiven me, and to remember the Lord's prayer -forgve us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, etc. I'm so glad God forgives me much more readily and fully than I ever do anyone else, though! Usually I'm concentrating too much on wallowing in my hurt feelings

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