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News Item2/6/14 8:42 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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CAB wrote:
America has sunk to the abyss. Daniel 8 describes the USA
The USA is nowhere to be found in Daniel 8. To do so is a misapplication of Biblical prophesy.

CAB wrote:
America's day is coming, and believers are warned repeatedly to flee the country.
Again, you misapply Mt 24:16; Mk 13:14; and Lk 21:21. They are obviously speaking of Judea, not the USA.

News Item2/3/14 2:20 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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TeenChristian wrote:
If it wasn't for Lewis' books "Mere Christianity" & "The Great Divorce" I would be stuck right now with a pregnant girlfriend & a wasted life!
I concur, TC.

C.S. Lewis's works tilled the soil of my mind and heart ... yet it was later on that The Gospel (and its power) worked within me unto salvation.

God uses "means" ... sometimes strange to us ... to make us receptive to His Word.

I, for one, am not going to throw C.S. Lewis or Ravi Zacharias under the bus for the sake of doctrinal purity. For who among us has a PERFECT "systematic theology?" Not Calvin. Not Arminius. Not Augustine. Certainly NOT some preacher down the street.

We Christains have a NASTY habit of "circling the wagons" and firing our shots inward toward the center killing off each other while crying out "HERETIC!"

Meanwhile, the unsaved world LAUGHS at us!

We ALL need a whole lot more humility and take Romans 14 to heart!

News Item2/3/14 1:38 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
... respond to brother DJC49 about the matter of prayer. 2/2/14 1:04PM DJC49

First, must agree the Scriptures teach known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world and that prayer is one of the sanctifying works of the Spirit of God (I Timothy 4:5) Also, prayer is far more than mere petitions and we should desire His will be done.


Why would James say we have not because we ask not if asking makes no difference? Why would Paul request that believers pray for him if God had already predetermined the outcome? Why did James say pray for the sick to be healed?
Our heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask Him, yet we exhorted to pray for our daily bread. Why would Ezra bother to pray and fast for God's protection if didn't matter in God's good hand upon him? Why the admonition that in everything we are to make our requests known unto God in prayer?
[snip] Thanks

We pray because we are commanded to!

We are NEVER to presume upon the Lord.

Prayer matters!
Jesus prayed ... frequently!

Truly, there is a mystery involved concering prayer: how our prayers and God's sovereign, eternal will are somehow married together!

News Item2/3/14 12:12 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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GsTexas wrote:
As you can see, he [C.S. Lewis] is a heretic.

You just don't know what he's driving at! C.S. Lewis was illustrating the PRE-conversion state of those he mentioned in your quotation which follows:

“There are people who do not accept the full Christian doctrine about Christ but who are so strongly attracted by Him that they are His in a much deeper sense than they themselves understand. There are people in other religions who are being led by God’s secret influence to concentrate on those parts of their religion which are in agreement with Christianity, and who thus belong to Christ without knowing it. For example, a Buddhist of good will may be led to concentrate more and more on the Buddhist teaching about mercy and to leave in the background (though he might still say he believed) the Buddhist teaching on certain other points. Many of the good Pagans long before Christ’s birth may have been in this position.”

SOURCE: C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


Just like YOU, before YOUR conversion, the aforementioned Buddhist and pagan were somehow mysteriously drawn to Jesus ... because they were already HIS! The elect.

News Item2/3/14 11:53 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Lurker wrote:
... I am unable to find a likeminded congregation. Most in my area are more like clicky social gatherings. My wife is Catholic and none of my friends share my interest in the things of God. About the only Christian fellowship I have is here on SermonAudio.
I, too, was in your condition, i.e., not being able to find a sound, biblical church. HOWEVER, I did indeed find one through SermonAudio! I went to the "local church finder," typed in my zip code, typed in the maximum mile radius, and up popped several churches whose sermons I first listened to over the internet. Then, I visited those which, I believed, were sound -- based on those many sermons they offered online at
I now have a local church to which I attend regularly.
Without, I would probably still be searching.

I hope this helps.

News Item2/3/14 11:27 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John Beechy wrote:
John Yurich, show me where in the scriptures it states that ... show me in the scriptures WHERE JESUS IS GOD.
I'm confused by this remark, John Beechy.
Is it that you do NOT believe that Jesus is God, i.e., the second Person of the Trinity? Or are you playing "devil's advocate" with John Yurich?
Please clarify.

News Item2/2/14 1:04 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
ok, here is food for thought that more or less is part of this discussion. We believe that God inhabits eternity. That would be eternity past, present, and future as time is not a factor to Him.
Can we then say, that in answer to importunate prayer of a saint today, which He says He hears and answers, decree before the foundation of the world (remember He is not limited by time) another soul to His chosen race?
There is a great mystery involving prayer and I think that your question goes to the very heart of that mystery. IMHO, pray does not change God's will or plan one iota for those He has foreknown before the foundation of the world. Rather, prayer ALIGNS our wills with His! I reckon that ALL our prayers of petition should end with the phrase: "not mine, but Thy will be done!"

News Item2/2/14 12:37 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John for JESUS wrote:
1) The Bible teaches that Jesus spoke in parables and His disciples understood He spoke that way. He did that so in hearing, unbelievers wouldn't understand and be saved.
What's this???
Jesus actually said stuff (parables) so that some wouldn't understand AND BE SAVED?

How extraordinarily MEAN of Him!

[So much for His wanting ALL men to be saved and dying as a propitiation for the WHOLE WORLD, huh.]

News Item2/2/14 11:50 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Barry from KY. wrote:
If we want to kill all social welfare programs, even ones that take care of the elderly and disabled, than how about ending 'corporate welfare' that cost $40 billion dollars a year more than the social programs everyone hates?
Unfortunately, Barry, "government" is a very poor (inefficient) vehicle for helping the poor and needy. Only 30% of the tax money earmarked for aid to the poor actually reaches them. The other 70% gets gobbled up by administrative costs -- and corruption. The very governmental agencies that are put into place eat up MOST of the tax dollars. Sad.

Hey, but THAT'S our "compassionate" BIG government for ya. THAT is how it "works."

BTW, ALL the Biblical commands to aid the poor and needy are directed to INDIVIDUALS! There is NO Biblical mandate that the state or nation has that responsibility.

Jesus Himself never reprimanded Caesar, Rome, or the nation Israel for not setting up some sort of redistribution of wealth system to take care of the needy. ALL His derectives were to individuals.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

News Item2/2/14 10:15 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Who cares about Buddhism? Buddhism is the most stupidest religion around because it believes that cows and rodents are sacred. And because of that stupid belief that cows and rodents are sacred there is hunger and sickness in India. If they were to simply kill the cows and the rodents then there would not any hunger and sickness in India. Or at least there would not be as much hunger and sickness.
YIKES! ... John Y shows his ignorance on yet ANOTHER religious-related topic! It's not Buddhism, but rather Hinduism which elevates cows to the sacred.

News Item1/31/14 5:32 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
Calvin said Christ died for the faithless and unthankful, therefore Limited Atonement for the few cannot be called Calvinist. Hold to LA if you want, just don't say Calvin did.
Do you, yourself, honestly belief that Christ died for the faithless and unthankful?
Just curious.

News Item1/31/14 1:07 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Yes, J4J you're in trouble God doesb't speak with a double-tongue "World" means just that "World."
Just a few (there are many) verses in which the word "world" does NOT mean the whole world as we know it. I.e., there are variations in meaning for "world." Context is supremely important:

Luk 2:1
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.

Jhn 12:19
The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone after him.

Act 17:6
And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

Rom 1:8
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.

Gal 6:14
But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

News Item1/30/14 3:54 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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@ social comment

Why should we help the poor out of their economic condition? For if we do, perhaps we would be aiding and abetting their spiritual demise? I.e., making it more difficult for them (no longer being poor) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

News Item1/30/14 3:18 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John for JESUS wrote:
Lol, I'm already a step ahead of you.
"LOL" (?)
Perhaps you are indeed "a step ahead of" me, J4J, even though you are a lap (or two) behind!

But that's okay, my brother. I won't hold it against you.

News Item1/30/14 3:04 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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deeper wrote:
"Time does not exist in eternity/heaven"???
If "No Time"
IE The distance between point A and point B is non existent.
Then conversation could not exist since that implies (to us) the use of thoughts, words and ideas. Thoughts would then become instantaneous. - Communicated by ESP??
And time/life itself, if non-existent because instantaneous, since it happens between point A and B would become a nonentity. Thus a fiction? Life after death is instantaneous - woosh and its gone. Where?
John 11:25 I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?"
What does Jesus mean by this description of 'life' - An instantaneous woosh??
Jesus said to the thief "Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise." Luke 23. If so what happened in paradise did it all happen instantaneously?? A blink and its gone? Where IF Eternal?
Knowledge and understanding becomes a flash whilst life zooms past in an instant. And how long does the 'zoom' last? Instantly???
My post, evidently, "blew your circuits." Good! It was designed to do so!
We creatures are captives of time; God is not. NO beginning NOR end.

News Item1/30/14 2:43 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John for JESUS wrote:
1) The verse most certainly is referring to the gospel for Paul just ask:
But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “ Lord, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:16, 17 NKJV)
So he is talking about the gospel and how people won't obey unless they hear it and it has gone out into all the world. If you believe it is just general revelation, are you now saying that the world would mean the whole world?!
For the moment, J4J, let's just say that you are correct: that Paul is saying that the Gospel has ALREADY gone out to the whole world. Okay?

My question is: "Then why was Paul concerned with missions?" and "Why did Paul want to go to Spain?" (For a vacation perhaps?)

Your: "he is talking about the gospel and how people won't obey UNLESS they hear it and it has gone out into all the world" has an internal contradiction. I know that you won't see it.

News Item1/30/14 1:36 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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John for JESUS wrote:
Two things about that. I don't believe we know as much as we think about these ancient cultures. How they received information or even when they settled. Another thing, Paul asked the same question as you have and responds to it under inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed: “Their sound has gone out to all the earth, And their words to the ends of the world.” (Romans 10:18 NKJV)

The verse you cited (Rom 10:18) does NOT refer to the Gospel nor to the faith of the Roman Christians!

Rom 10:18 is Paul referencing Psalm 19:4a ["Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world."] which speaks of the GENERAL revelation of God to man by creation! (The same is spoken of in Rom 1:20 by Paul)

J4J, you butcher Scripture, misapply it, and have an overall sophomoric approach to interpretation. I pray that you GROW in faith and add to your faith virtue and to virtue KNOWLEDGE.

You verily need MUCH more diligent study before you attempt to teach anyone concerning Scripture.

News Item1/30/14 12:23 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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deeper wrote:
The terms “supralapsarianism,” and “infralapsarianism” have to do with the logical order of God's eternal decrees of salvation. The question, basically, is this: did God's decree to save a certain people come before (supra) or after (infra) his decree to permit the fall (laps).
ALL the lapsarian positions beg the question: "Did God have a logical, CHRONOLOGICAL order of decrees?" They ALL presuppose that God, even before TIME existed, made degrees within the constraints of TIME ... TIME which did NOT exist for the eternal, eternally present "I AM."

Prior to the creation of ANYTHING outside of the Trinity, there was NO TIME! Therefore, the chronological order of decrees is a hypothetical construct IMPOSED by man upon the eternal, TIMELESS God! To argue ANY lapsarian view is to argue something beyond our understanding.
Unlike MAN, the eternal God has no clock nor calendar. Lapsarianism -- in all its forms -- fails because it attempts to shackle God in a chronology. It is anthropomorphism of the highest order. It is an attempt (done by theologians seeking to give credence and validation to their specific points of view) to explore and rationalize the secret things of our God to which we have no business nor ability to understand.

News Item1/30/14 10:33 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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Christopher000 wrote:
Yes, very interesting, Lurker. Some things I just can't help but to remain curious about. We know what we know but there is oh so much that we don't know that we may think we know and I believe we are in for many very eye opening, unexpected surprises.
Now, I am not into reading into things that are not there, but neither do I believe that things are so black and white at times, even though many claim to "know" better.
God told us all we need to know but I believe all we don't know will be so fantastic that we will be left speechless.

News Item1/30/14 10:07 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Find all comments by DJC49
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I left my church because "John Yurich" was also in attendance there. It just HAD to be the WRONG place to worship and gather with the saints!
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