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News Item1/4/09 10:34 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
true born again believers use discernment {which the Lord gives} when watching tv to separate truth from hysteria. {there are trusted Christian sites that are very informative}
Hysteria, like thinking al Qaeda was going to get you because somebody was posting back to back? Hysteria, like harassing people and demanding they produce quotes to prove you said this or said that? Do you work as a police officer, for Homeland Security, or just what is your problem. Your treatment of AAC is purely hateful.

And your Christian websites you push are far from Christian:, slandering Texe Marrs who has more godly character in a day than most of us could match in a lifetime, a website which advocates the Jews as a literal collective god on earth, the "root" theory, that the Jews and not Jesus hold up the whole tree, are the origin of that tree, and not just broken off branches.

Ignorance is not a virtue, and neither is close-mindedness. Truth stands on its own, especially when measured against Scripture, and neither your opinions nor your recommended websites stand for truth that I can see at all.

Christians do not wish harm to mothers and children, nor do they seek to further the work of antichrist.

News Item1/4/09 12:59 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Anti-antichrist wrote:
This act of terrorism happened last month and I'm surprised Alph didn't post it.
[URL=]]]SWAT Team conducts food raid in rural Ohio[/URL]
[URL=]]]The Stowers tell their story[/URL]
[URL=]]]Manna Storehouse[/URL]
That's right. Instead of quaking in our boots at the Muslim boogeyman, we should be paying attention to the real terrorists who are not only terrorizing people over the ocean, but right here at home as well.

The feds are making it a regular habit to raid the small organic farms, stealing all their food and killing all their animals, hauling them into court, walking off with their guns, computers, and anything else they choose to take for "evidence."

Govt thugs acting on behalf of corporate America. They are not going to let us grow vegetables in our own yard.

They're coming for all of us. Better to face that fact now, not be shocked when it happens to you, and speak up NOW.

News Item1/4/09 12:37 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
It is hard to separate facts, especially with the rash of recent postings here.
The only place to find truth is in the Holy Bible.
Right, it's all in the Bible. First commandment, Thou shalt have no other gods beside me. This means worshipping the Jews as supergods, teaching that they, not Jesus, are collectively the root of the tree is blasphemy.

We are told to avoid geneologies, but here we are killing little kids and families because we prefer the Jews' genes to the Muslims.

Also not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For those who love Jesus to yoke hip and thigh with Christ haters to help them wage war against other Christians and Muslims is an abomination.

The marriage w/ Israel also violates the first amendment of our constitution.

The Bible says the Synagogue of Satan will haul us into prison and kill us and compares Jerusalem to "Sodom and Egypt" in the last days.

Obama is a flaming Marxist Communist Zionist, Rahm Emmanuel is Communist Zionist Mossad. They both hate Christians, hate America. The Bible says when we turn our backs on the innocent led to the slaughter that our day will come and when we call on God he will not hear.

News Item1/3/09 8:55 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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DJC49 wrote:
2 flights were somehow diverted and their whereabouts were never revealed and the passengers..(they never died, or they were killed elsewhere by the CIA), .. and on and on...
That's my opinion, controlled from Bldg 7, w/ CIA offices. I'll bet I'm right.

But in any case, whether the planes were full of passengers and super-pilot hijackers w/ box cutters or whether they weren't, the fires weren't sufficient to bring down the towers splat. Period, end of story.

And Bldg 7 was hit by no plane at all and it too went splat. The owner admitted he had it "pulled."

BTW, why don't you watch 9/11 Mysteries online, about 1.5 hours long, very excellent film. Or are you scared like John and only listen to what the govt tells you, like John, so you can keep your delusions that feel so safe and comfy to know it's all about the bad Muslims and we've got plenty of bombs and we'll just nuke 'em away?

Any little excuse to cling to the lie that that the govt is good and 9/11 happened the way the govt perps said and we're fighting the Muslims for a just cause. Better than thinking the govt might someday turn their bombs on US -- so pretend it just ain't so.

Read please?

News Item1/3/09 8:42 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
But we Brits are not so daft. We have had investigative journalists and documentary makers out to New York,
You Brits are dupes. Your M16 works hand in glove with the CIA and Mossad and your BBC television is total controlled propaganda. Now that you have the Internet you need to go doing your own research, not let a government hit piece form your thinking.

I had a post all set for you but because I listed Alex Jones website it bleeped off into cyberspace. I think that's what did it.

I'm sorry you've taken up with the Zionists against the poor Palestinians. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Try this site, John. Please keep an open mind. This is so heartbreaking to see what's being done to those dear people. I can't believe you are siding with the Christ-haters against the Muslims.

The TV is so powerful the way it brainwashes people to violate their own principles and beliefs. Scary, very scary.

Check out this site, look at Dees pics.

This article is how five (Jewish)people own all the American media

You said earlier you knew the TV was pure brainwashing lies and mind control. You do change like the wind.

News Item1/3/09 7:46 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
Well that's a pretty good definition of radical Islamic fundamentalist militants. And it is sad that New York has already experienced 'the treatment'.
p.s. I apologise in advance.
Excuse me, John, but New York City was attacked by Mossad and CIA, a huge scam, that had our entire miliary stood down by Cheney, while the thermite bombs were set off after the global hawk planes were run into two of the towers. A third tower, the owner Larry Silverstein admitted, was "pulled," --

I'm sure you know what controlled demolition looks like. Don't you? You do know that concrete doesn't turn to powder and huge steel pillers don't strategically snap in all the right places to allow a freefall of 110 story buildings.

You keep hopping back and forth so fast I can't keep up with which side you're on. Remember what the Bible says about doublemindedness and being lukewarm.

News Item1/3/09 7:07 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
I've just heard a live interview with someone in the Israeli Defense Force. When asked what the plan is in Gaza, he said the orders are to deal with the infrastructure of rocket launching sites, in order to set back the Hamas militants' ability to continue sending rockets into Israel, of which they have suffered several thousands since pulling out in 2005. He said they have no intention of re-occupying Gaza, but merely want to protect their own citizens from the militants in Gaza.
Wonder when, if ever, a Palestinian will be interviewed. They lie so much. Like saying Rachel Corrie ran out in front of a tank and slipped before the soldier could stop in time, or that he just didn't see her. Or that Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire, pointblank, but it wasn't murder, just an accident, and he had, what, about 50 bullets in him.

We are being scammed, and a lot of people are being hurt and killed, and we here in America are next in line for the "treatment." They want us dead as much as the next guy, the Palestinians. They are eugenicists and racists and they serve Satan with enthusiasm and power.

Jesus said he'd rather we be hot or cold -- well the Zionists are definitely hot for Satan, not on the fence whatsoever.

News Item1/3/09 6:59 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Mike wrote:
No one has lied me into hating Muslims. All-encompassing generalizations about Americans hating Muslims are the stuff of propaganda.
I can't compete w/ your TV set in these short postings, only blurt what I know, "all-encompassing," and hope people will look into it.

The controlled Zionist media is not covering for Muslims, however clever they make it appear so. The atrocities going on against Palestinans aren't allowed to be shown, even on the Internet. There have been 100s of films of Israeli atrocities yanked off You Tube alone since this latest travesty.

Just as Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973, the controlled media has never allowed one picture of an aborted baby or ever laid out the truth about abortion. So, yes, of course the media is controlled, Satan's mind control tool.

The TV is scientific mind control using paid liars and clever programmers to convince us to think the way a few powerful people want us to. Because it's their jobs and they are handsomly rewarded, they lie with a straight face and with much sincerity.

I began to really wake up when I noticed Fox's two 'conservatives' Doosy and Kilmead trading double entendres on the morning show about their homo exploits.

News Item1/3/09 6:19 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
Well folks, it has begun. The Israeli tanks are on their way into Gaza for a land assault, while the air force still fly to and fro. I don't know what they are planning to do, but I guess we'll soon find out.
They are going in to have their way with those people, as though they hadn't already done enough evil to them. Just like they blasted Beirut last year, killed a bunch of Christians also, flew missiles with goodbye notes taped to them from Jewish children, and aerial pictures showed the city flattened.

This is how we can expect to be treated by our governments when they come to "pacify" us -- as they did in Katrina, and as we see how the Palestinians are treated. The soldiers WILL be sent in to us the same way as they are being sent in to these poor people in Gaza. Their plight is ours too. We are all in trouble from the Zionists who in our own case, Obama and Rahm Emmanuel both, have been likened to psychopaths, such as Ted Bundy -- good looking, wears a nice suit, smooth talkers, and cruel and anxious for death.

All who hate God love death. Prov. 8:36

News Item1/3/09 6:14 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Mike wrote:
"Protestants, who account for more than half of the upcoming 111th Congress at 54 percent, are losing ground quickly to other religious affiliations that make up today's diverse American population, according to a recently published study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Using data for Congress from Congressional Quarterly, the Pew study shows Catholics to be the single largest religious group, accounting for 30 percent of lawmakers who will take office on Jan. 6.
Hmmm. 54% Protestant, 30% Catholic. Wonder how the "Catholics Rule Congress" heading came about?
Excellent point.

News Item1/3/09 5:54 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Alan H wrote:
what are your real thoughts concerning those radical extremists, whose guilt cannot be denied except by those who would justify their evil conduct..
Have you seen the video online Terrorstorm? It explains in great detail the history of govt sponsored terror.We are being lied into hating the Muslims.

You do know JFK was killed by our own govt, that Oswald was a patsy?

Same with MLK, RFK. Sirhan Sirhan was in a trance, remembers nothing, to this day, of the RFK assassination. Witnesses say there's no way he did it, that RFK was shot from behind at pointblank range.

We're at war with the Muslims, and I wouldn't feel safe going to Iran, Afghanistan or Iraq. If Christians weren't so hateful to Muslims, I believe we could win them to Christ.

I watched The Arrivals online, a 3 hour brilliant series by a very talented young Muslim man named Noreagaa. In the film he says he understands it's not Americans' fault they hate Muslims, that we've been lied into it by the media. It broke my heart. Would we be so gracious if the shoe were on the other foot?

Please look into the mind control thing. These posts are so short I can only blurt out surface stuff.

News Item1/3/09 5:29 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Banned in Boston if you what you said about the Freemasons running the country was only true! They are much more tolerant than many Catholics or Protestants.
The Freemasons are so "tolerant" that they have pagan gods engraved in govt bldgs all over the country and painted as murals, and their buildings built as phallic or pyramid shapes or pentagrams, all crafted with "sacred geometry" to please Satan.

They make sure Christians cannot pray in school or use the word Christ at Christmas or acknowledge Jesus on Resurrection Day.

They run the govt top to bottom and work as one to bring on the NWO. They cover for each other's evil and stick together to squeeze out the rewards of their corruption. They condemn the innocent to prison and send the noble and brave to wars they know are contrived and staged for mercenary purposes.

The lower level ones are said to not know what's going on but their blood still bring them a spiritual power from their sell-out which, along w/ the favor of their corrupt brotherhood, helps them climb the "ladder of success."

Watch this excellent video.

THE LIGHTBRINGERS: The Emissaries of Jahbulon (History of Freemasonry)

News Item1/3/09 4:59 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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DJC49 wrote:
They [the Scribes & Pharisees] were "satan worshippers, occultists?"
[Is it any wonder you are drawn to men like Texe Marrs and Alex Jones? Afterall, birds of a feather flock together!]
Jesus said that the Scribes and Pharisees' father was the devil because they didn't believe that He was the Messiah, NOT because they were satan worshippers and occultists.
The scribes and pharisees and sadducees were cabalists, practicing their devil worship they brought with them out of Babylon. The only messiah they were interested in greeting was one named Lucifer. They well knew who Jesus was, knew he rose from the dead, knew he was the son of God, and the enemy of their god Lucifer. They paid off the soldier to tell people that the disciples had stolen Jesus' body. They were in active allegiance to Lucifer.

Satan is literally the god of this world, and Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world. Jesus said when the antichrist came they would believe in him (ie trust and obey).

Survey1/3/09 4:45 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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And could we please have just a tiny bit more room to write our posts, lengthen the posts by maybe another 50 words?

News Item1/3/09 4:40 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Alan H wrote:
In your efforts to defend Islam you also include radical extremists who murder the innocent..
The wars between Muslims and Christians are provacateured, as are all wars. Brezenski brags in his books that people like himself and Kissenger are able to start wars.

Muslims are under seige everywhere because they won't knuckle under to the antichrist NWO. Meantime, intelligence agencies of U.S., England and Israel, one big happy Zionist family, go everywhere working mischief. They especially like to blow up people at weddings, schoolbuses full of kids, anything to stir the pot. Most terror attacks (9/11, 7/7/, Bali) are the work of CIA, MI5, MI6 and Mossad. They use the media to show us fake videos of bin Laden and hooded 6'2" guys with fake Arab accents staging a beheading.

We never used to see so many Muslims around. They're peaceful and don't bother anybody. Louis Farakhan, the most radical Muslim in U.S., is a pussycat. Go listen to him on You Tube.

Google up school shootings/psychotropic. Staged terror using drugged kids as patsies,"under treatment" by govt psychiatrists to bring public support for gun grabbing. Google up some You Tube videos on hypnosis and find out what a powerful mind control tool this is.

News Item1/3/09 3:42 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Quite obviously the better question wuold be:

Are U.S. Mosques or Mosques anywhere in the world safe from Americans?

Judging from the post ahead of mine, I would say obviously, NO.

The one located in Israel called the Dome of the Rock is definitely on the danger list, because Solomon's Temple, which Jesus cursed, and which was torn down in 70 AD needs to be rebuilt so the Jews can install their phony antichrist messiah in it and rule the world, or what's left of it after England and the U.S. get through thinning out the herd.

News Item1/3/09 1:38 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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I would be more inclined to say the largest religion of the government is Freemasonry and cryptojews.

For example, John Kerry is Jewish, his name is Cohn, and he is anything but an Irish Catholic. Same with Hillary whose grandmother spoke Yiddish in her home.

They all go to Israel, put on skullcaps and pray at the wailing wall, cater to AIPAC, and are all paid off by the Jewish lobby.

George Bush is said to be a student of the Talmud and his genealogy says he is a cryptoJew also.

Most of the politicians are Freemasons, which comes from the Jewish Babylonian Cabala.

Their real religion is that of worship of Baphomet -- the bisexual creature with a goat's head and legs, male genitals, and a female torso w/ breasts.

They also worship Jahbulon, a grotesque creature that would give anybody nightmares and which blasphemes God -- a three headed monster with a red spider's body and hairy spider legs, one head a frog, another a cat, and the middle head who they call Jehova, a silly king with a missing tooth.

They are all Freemasons, all flash the signs, the handshakes. They are all into it. We are ruled by devil worshippers.

News Item1/3/09 1:18 PM
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Publican wrote:
No sir, you did not, Banned
I understand. As a matter of fact, at a meeting of sorts that I went to long ago (that happened to fall on 911), I tried to get all of the participants to sweep aside personal involvement (this is my country they did this in, someone I know was hurt, etc.), and look at it objectively. If this was an act of war, as they all titled it, and we know people get killed in war; what made this act 'absolutely' wrong?
No one could answer that question (in a room full of ubelievers), but I sure got 'both' subjective 'barrel's.
Uh-uh, I think we infected another thread.

It's amazing how many 9/11 Truthers there are out there -- but we all think we are the only ones. If everybody who is a secret 9/11 Truther were to find out everybody else who was a secret Truther, we might ALL be shocked. Polls show like 80 percent don't believe the govt's story.

News Item1/3/09 12:46 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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DJC49 wrote:
I've scanned them all, but I wouldn't waste too much time on most of them.
Even a quick "[URL=]]]Google search[/URL]" would prove to anyone that the Talmud was not written until about 200 A.D.!
I will give you that Wiki says the Talmud wasn't written until 200 AD. But the Talmud was just a compilation Jewish literature. The Bible refers to Corban, traditions of men, Jesus condemns them, called the Scribes and Pharisees a den of vipers. They were into their own rabbinical traditions, manmade laws and occultic stuff they brought out of Babylon. Jesus said their father was the devil, because they were satan worshippers, occultics.

From wikipedia: "Halakha has been developed and pored over throughout the generations since before 500 BCE, in a constantly expanding collection of religious literature consolidated in the Talmud. First and foremost it forms a body of intricate judicial opinions, legislation, customs, and recommendations, many of them passed down over the centuries, and an assortment of ingrained behaviors, relayed to successive generations from the moment a child begins to speak. It is also the subject of intense study in yeshivas;

News Item1/3/09 12:34 PM
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John UK wrote:
In other words, "Turn on your TV and be programmed by the media, and lose your Christian character in the process."
I was listening to Alex this morning, and he was talking about gun control here and how much Obama wants to achieve total removal of everybody's guns. He was playing some clips of Obama when he was being questioned while a Congressman about his gun grabbing.

Then Alex remarked how Obama speaks like the NPR (National Public Radio) announcer whenever he tells his biggest whoppers. That soothing, hypnotic voice on NPR is used by TV newscasters too, not as extreme -- to make us think, 'it's okay, everything's all right, killing and war and murder and rape are just normal, and don't worry, and it will be okay, and go to sleep, and don't worry, it's okay...'

And they do stare at you, get you to focus on their eyes, while about 10 other different things are going on behind them -- so you can't keep up with it all, switch to subconscious mode where you can't analyze, and it all goes right into the subconscious mind. Fox News is the worst.

Check out this amazing link on Obama's great skills at scientific mass hypnosis:'s_Use

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