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News Item10/2/15 12:32 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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B. McCausland wrote:
... with a pragmatic following.
yep, you have some useful points here. humanism. Oh Lord, help us to be a people led by your Spirit, not rationalists and pragmatists. What a great temptation there is in leaving the Spirit of God behind for formulas and worldly praise.

News Item10/2/15 12:29 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:

You're not just trans-racial, you are pretty and smart too!!! (hope that is enough compliments)
and because I have not had occasion to say, a HUGE welcome back to brother John UK
well, that was a very nice compliment.

good try bud.


as one female politician said that men should be in concentration camps, the end is the same for you!

(you thought you could placate my mood with a compliment? how insulting!)

News Item9/24/15 9:34 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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thank you Mike, even back to the 1950's this was normal and the way everyone cooked. modernism and feminism has erased our history and heritage.

interesting to read the comments to the article and how the collegen/gelatin has helped with arthritis, decreased aging features on their faces, etc...

while others turn to facial products to make up for the losses...

Confirmed: Skin cream contains fetal proteins, Company's antiaging products built on cells harvested from aborted baby

we cannot escape God's humble means of providing for health. as the abortionist I talked with said, they'd be moved to the cities, on gm's which would make them chronically ill and then constantly on drugs to mediate. if there's any confusion on this, see popes visit and agenda 2030.

News Item9/23/15 10:27 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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sodomites are not reconciled with God. Nor are murderers, thieves, the list is long the crimes of humanity against itself and a holy God. there is one mediator who was given to atone for our sins and to put a new life in us, that is Jesus Christ. His life is recorded in the New Testament of the bible, especially Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. He met with the humble of heart and brought salvation to those who would hear His voice. He is still there today calling people out of the usery of this world order, through the forgiveness of sins. Repent and believe.

News Item9/21/15 2:52 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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let's hear a drum roll......

Jim Lincoln wrote:
science doesn't work when scientists are unethical

News Item9/21/15 10:53 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Mourner wrote:
that story ended in 2006
dear sister, I have read through your comment and now I understand your name better, as you must also be grieving, the Lord does take us through if we let Him and restores the joy, even if in the place to come. You and I can pray for each other through this winter. I see that you have need. I pray that your needs will be met in Jesus name. Yes, the joy in the Lord is great and our place with Him is sure. You have been courageous as well, even if in a humble shell or a humble life. I'm sorry if my words seem thin, in person would be much improved.

Christopher, I also pray for continued healing in the Lord for you and your family.

News Item9/21/15 10:42 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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its time that our ethicists start dealing with the concept of genetically modifying God's seed.

its one thing to hybridize plants, but this is taking dna in a lab and cutting and splicing God's design, inserting what was never to be there before, mixing kind

what our corn and soy products are now, and the rats get tumors, look at the effects of the plant producing glyphophates and how it stops the enzymatic process of weeds, what does it do to the human body? kidney damage?

look at the genetically modified goats! they spliced silk worm dna into the dna of a goat so that when you milk the goat, you can extract silk from it. the animals die young and its a wasteful process.

then look at how we make it sooo difficult for a farmer to raise a natural sheep to naturally grow wool and to sell that healthy product to humans.

its utter madness, and supposed Christians won't touch the topic as if its sacred science. we are literally forsaking God's Providence in nature for a mark of the beast system of butchery of God's seed. This is so universal now, it applies to so much, the abortions, the shots, the destruction of the small farmer trying to trade is goods, the sodomy movement. this is an endtime philosophy, and evangelicals are absorbed right in it.

News Item9/20/15 6:49 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Dolores, interesting post, thank you. You know a consistent thing I hear from the underground church and other eras of persecution, is that the greatest fear among believers was that at their time of testing they would testify against Christ or compromise in some terrible way. They seem to feel sometimes the temptation to fall is of greater concern than the jail sentence itself. That's a sobering thought, and I think a good one. Are we more afraid of suffering or of denying our Lord? kudos to your pastor, these are things to be weighed in the heart before God!

News Item9/18/15 7:11 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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yes, I see it now. Thank you Brother Lurker for your wisdom. Good day.

News Item9/18/15 6:46 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Dave, thank you for sharing your testimony and being honest at the same time. Makes you seem more real, without the Lord we would all still be in the miry clay. Praise be to God!

News Item9/18/15 10:43 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Mourner, is concerning when disproven theories are taught to anyone that confirms in their confused minds their carnal ways. I know this is a mouthful, but their evolutionary teachings make people less able to reason. (hence post modernism, what is truth?) If a man has a rebellious spirit against God, which is common to mankind, then they are taught that they were evolved from monkeys and that by vaccines, genetically modied or mixed species seed etc, we are genetically improving the world, then... they are going to be puffed up and emboldened in their ignorance.

So yes, we have a responsibility in this. "Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it"

and we have a responsibility to call out their fraudulent scientific theories, they are an affront to human dignity and to Creator God, besides being utter foolishness, and a responsibility to show the harm it causes, as Christ said that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.

News Item9/16/15 12:48 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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we have been convinced science is just man's reason and that this can be had. I really question this. wisdom comes from above and man left to his own reason is unreasonable. so why do we put such trust in it?

reading about mendel. through the church (I'm assuming he had a creationist understanding of the world), he experimented with peas to see what traits would be produced. he discovered the dominant/recessive traits. He presented this to a group of academics who basically fell asleep.

this was the same era as Darwin, darwins antiGod, racist theories took storm.

here were two men in the same era, it was the creationist who understood the passing on of traits.

they should've listened to mendel instead of Darwin, instead we got the chemical model, Pasteur discovered germs only for the sake of killing them (not knowing our bodies are made up of more bacterium than our own cells, and that we depend on them for our immune system, digestion and health)

then you've got the marketing aspect. it is easy to acquire chemicals and sell them for millions. it takes a decentralized economy of fathers and mothers and God-fearing individuals to create from the earth health and community.

so science is a big fraud in many aspects.

Darwin should get the Darwin award!

News Item9/11/15 3:27 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Jim, what is the truth that they needed to be set free?

News Item8/23/15 6:53 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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I hope someone reads the bible to Trump, otherwise he'll get all confused.

For instance, I am reading, the cornerstone of Zion is Christ and those who believe in Christ are the living stones. This is explained in 1 Peter 2. So if he wants to see Zion in action, he might join some Redeemed Jews and Gentiles in their worship of the Cornerstone.

Or perhaps they might read to him verse 9, and there he will find out who the holy nation is.

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

Here's hoping that the called out ones don't stumble over the stumblers, and reserve their allegiance to their King.

Christ, "Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature" Col 1:15

"For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." Col 2:9

News Item8/20/15 8:12 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Praise the Lord!

News Item8/15/15 10:42 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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my all means.... investigate, bring things to light.

News Item8/9/15 9:35 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Thank you! Jesus said He was the temple. That should be taken very seriously. He said, tear it down and it will be raised in three days.

And believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Looks like the temple is built in the redeemed man and God's purposes are completed in the proclamation of the gospel.

they're looking in the wrong place for it, all those false religions like the one Jim is in.

the fulfillment has come with the Messiah and He returns to judge the living and the dead.

Seems many are prepped for end time deceptions. If they are looking for politicians to fulfill Messianic Kingdoms for them, they will be fooled.

News Item8/7/15 9:52 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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hugh wrote:
reject the charge of hypocrisy,
well brother, being grieved in the Spirit is not hypocrisy. I agree with the couple being accused and their efforts to make a statement, and yes people need to hear the gospel. There's two witnesses in each situation. There's the witness to the individual sinner and the need to deal in a political reality. If the gov comes down with a form for new hirelings that they have to sign a form endorsing sodomy (this has happened in a few cases) or a judge cannot be put on the bench because he volunteers as a boy scout (back before they put sodomites in charge of boys, this would disqualify judges in CA if they did philanthropy that wasn't sodomy friendly) -- well these are real men having to deal with political situations. So we have both witnesses, to the individual and corporately as to what is right or wrong. Like abortion, you have a young lady who is guilt ridden from her experience to share the gospel with, but come on now, they are murdering those babies and selling their organs in OUR neighborhoods. this is the political witness.

some evangelicals tend to voice one witness or the other and then beat up the other for not being like them. Christ warned of "devouring one another"

News Item8/6/15 2:55 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Wayfairer and Allie, I share your concerns. Moore seems to insert himself as a stumbling block sometimes, especially against Roy Moore.

News Item8/5/15 10:20 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Amen! What wonderful news!
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