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News Item6/25/07 3:05 AM
rob | n.c.  Find all comments by rob
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If Obama knows his Bible, he'll remember that one who builds his house upon the sand will regret it.

Survey6/23/07 1:39 AM
Rob | new zealand  Find all comments by Rob
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teaching tithing is a doctrine that abuses poor christians and God loves poor people.In the old testament the poor received tithes they did not pay them. The only people to pay tithes in the old testament were land owners and herdsmen and tithes were always food not money.

Survey6/14/07 1:35 AM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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I am beginning to think I am wasting my time with you... Has God hardened you heart against the Truth?

This was the common interpretation before 1830 when Darby developed the Jesuit-inspired UnBiblical system of Dispensationalism.

Survey6/13/07 12:14 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Are your eyes still closed?????

Survey6/13/07 11:36 AM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Yamil or "Weapon of Mass Instruction"

1. He confirms the Covenant for one week - it's not the Covenant that is one week but the confirming of it!

2."By verse 27" - Are you completely unfamiliar with the "couplets" of hebrew prophesy? It is common in scripture to describe something twice for emphasis. Thus vs 26 & 27 are speaking of the SAME event. The are NOT a chronological series of events.

3. "The prophesy has specific actors (Jews) and a setting (Jerusalem)."

Exactly - it was fulfilled in 490 years from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the annointing of Messiah.
NO 7-YEAR TRIBULATION is taught here.

4. Come now, does your sin now condemn you? That is assuming you are converted, justified?

And I am still waiting for a verse that CLEARLY teaches a 7-year Trib...


Survey6/13/07 1:56 AM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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”The passage states that the Messiah would be cut off after "threescore and two weeks" NOT threescore and 5 and a half weeks.”

Clearly you are confused. The text is clear enough.
Dan 9:24,25 "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city,...from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks"

It clearly says: 7 + 60 + 2 = 70
It does NOT say: 7 + 60 + 2 + 2000 = 2,070
Dan 9:26,27 "And AFTER threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:...And He shall confirm the covenant with many for ONE WEEK: and in the MIDST of the week He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease"

The math is simple: 7 + 62 = 69
Then AFTER 69 follows 70. It is during the 70th “week” that Messiah confirms THE Covenant with the Many (Israel – “to the Jew first”); is cut off in the middle of the week (3 ½ years of Ministry); causing the sacrifices to cease, opening the Most Holy Place (Mat 27:51; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45).

The Last Half of the 70th week the Apostles finish preaching the Gospel to the Jews. The 70th “week” ends with the first Martyr, Stephen and Peter’s vision of unclean things. The gospel went to the Gentiles.

Survey6/12/07 6:47 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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"1. Daniel 9:27 says that this will be a seven-year covenant,"

It says nothing of a limited term for the covenant.
Read it:
"And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:"
He CONFIRMS the Covenant. He does not "CUT" a covenant.
And it is THE MESSIAH that confirmed THE Covenant - The ONLY Covenant. This is the ministry of Jesus preaching to the Jews first. The 7-year period ended with the Martyrdom of Stephen and the Gospel turning to the Gentiles. See Acts.

"2. The word "he" in Daniel 9:27 is referring back to ... "the ruler who will come" (Daniel 9:26, above)."
READ it again:
"And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

Who pronounced desolation on the Temple?
Jesus did.See Mt 23:37,38
Who fulfilled and ended all sacrifices and oblations & opened the most holy Place?
Jesus did. See Heb 9, Mt

"4. If the 70 weeks has been was to make an end of sin."
Heb 9:26...but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to PUT AWAY SIN by the sacrifice of himself.

Survey6/12/07 1:35 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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You remain elusive - Where is the NT verse that says there will be a literal "7-year Trib"?

(Hint - it doesn't exist!)

News Item6/8/07 11:40 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Vote Ron Paul instead!

News Item6/7/07 3:35 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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The Reformers had no such sentiments as the Christians today. They were not indifferent to wickedness in society, politics or law. They rightly saw their duty before God to Reform ALL areas of life. This is why they were hunted down and burned alive!

You did not see them shrinking into their churches waiting for the "Rapture"; rather they were pursuing "Refomation without tarrying for any"!

Join Knox especially understood what most Christians don't get or won't get: That Jesus Christ has been given ALL authority in heaven and on earth; and therefore, ALL kings , princes, presidents, congressmen, bureaucrats, judges, etc., must rule ONLY according to the Law of God.

Knox taught that rulers are under Covenant to do so and to protect the Church and true worship and doctrine. If they fail or refuse to do so, and instead pursecute the Church, they have breached the Covenant and their authority is invalid.

At that point all Christian men are obligated to overthrow them at replace them with faithful rulers.

Thomas Jefferson understood this when he said, "Rebellion to tyrants is Obedience to God!".

For better understanding of Knox and the Covenanters, Listen :

Survey6/7/07 2:13 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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I stand corrected - I didn't look further into the past blogs.
One of my pastors is also A-Mill, and we agree on 98% - 2% leaves him an A-mil & not willing to take the last step to Post-mill.

Yes you are evasive on the literal 7-year Trib. Yet if you want to bring up Dan 9, read carefully and you'll find that it describes "the annointing of the Holy One". That can only be the Baptism of Jesus - the only Holy One. This is at the beginning of the 70th week - obviously - since it occurs AFTER the 69th. What comes after 69 ?

THEN, 3 1/2 years later (half of the 70th week) He (Messiah) "is cut off... not for himself"..."putting an end to oblations & sacrifices"... His Crucifixion.

The veil of the Temple was ripped in two - opening the Most Holy Place, and showing that the Sacrifices had been completed,satisfied, and had ended. All further sacrifices, from that point, would be an Abomination that would bring Desolation.

The 70 weeks were fullfilled.

No Gap - No Stopped Clock.

Survey6/6/07 1:16 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Your post makes no sense.
Acts 2 clearly shows that the Pentacost was fulfillment of Joel's prophesy of the "last days" - days in which the Apostles lived.

Where does NT describe a "7-year Tribulation"? I mean with the actual words "7 years" - not some verse that you overlay your extrapolated system onto?

Survey6/5/07 2:11 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Murray A

"I guess Jesus already came and we are in his millenium reign. Ha!"

As Previously mentioned, His Coming was not the Second Coming but coming in Judgement of Jerusalem. By this He showed the world that He had Ascended to the Right Hand of Power and was "coming in the clouds".(Matt 24:30; Mat 26:64; Mrk 13:26; Mrk 14:64)

And yes, we are in the so-called "Millenium".

But it was never expected to be limited to only 1,000 years. The OT prophets spoke of His ruling "Forever".

Let me ask you, Where in the New Testament does the Bible say that Jesus must return PHYSICALLY to reign?

See Eph 1:20-23; 1Cor 15:25-28

He is PRESENTLY reigning from the Right Hand of God, progressively bringing ALL His enemies under His Feet... until the last enemy standing is death itself.

Survey6/5/07 1:47 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Many BELIEVE it "is substantiated, by a line of early fathers who knew personally the aged apostle John in their early days. The apostle was banished to the island of Patmos during Domitian's persecution."

But this is based on hearsay of early church fathers who all base this notion of ONE sentence in a book of Ireaneus which is a very doubtful translation.

Please listen to "Revelation: the Date & Expectation" HERE:

As for "near", "coming soon", or "coming quickly" ...
Why is it so difficult to accept the LITERAL language?
Compare Rev 22:10; to Dan 9:24. Why would the book of Daniel be sealed -waiting for fulfillment 500 years later, while Revelation be not sealed - waiting 3,000 years for fulfillment?

His Coming was not the Second Coming but coming in Judgement of Jerusalem.

Survey6/4/07 9:03 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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It has been interesting to read the debate from Pia & JD.

However, both have seemed to have forgotten that at least 9 times - at the beginning and the end of the Revelation - we are told that the things which are prophesied in it "will SHORTLY take place"; "are AT HAND"; and "coming QUICKLY".

This can only mean that the prophesies came to pass SHORTLY after the book was written - and are not some future events to us in the 21st century.

The Revelation was written about AD 65 - 68. It was before Jerusalem fell and much of the book relate to that historical event.

Yes you have heard it said that it was written in AD 91 - 95, but that view is unsubstantiated.

News Item6/4/07 10:58 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Ron Paul is the only candidate worth voting for.
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

Every Christian should vote for him.

News Item5/17/07 7:57 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Err, let's see if I've understood this correctly. The Campaign to Defend the Constitution wants to defend the constitution by violating the First Ammendment. "Let's ban the any religion that conflicts with Humanism." Humm. The Supreme Court would agree, I guess.

News Item5/15/07 11:27 AM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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I've just re-read 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 and nope. There's still no mention of a 7 year Tribulation.

Pre-, A- and Post Millennialists all believe those who are alive when Christ returns will be caught up in the air and that we will meeting him in the air with the resurrected saints. This passage discribes the Lord's final coming to institute the Judgement make the New Heavens and New Earth.

News Item5/13/07 6:05 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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I guess you're right. If the "Rapture" is imminant, then we should be working to create as many wars in the Middle East as possible, destroy our nation as quickly as possible and rejoice at the corruption in politics and the church because that means the 'signs of the times' are aproaching. The only problem is that if Chirst was to return to His church, he would find a church full of 'unprofitable servatants' "And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’" Mat 25:30

On the other hand if the Lord returned and found is laboring in His vinyard and seeking to advance his Kingdom, perhap we could look forward to wo more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ Mat 25:23.

The church needs to remember that that God has given us the duty of caring for the widow and the orphan and not the State.

News Item5/13/07 4:20 PM
Rob | St Louis MO  Find all comments by Rob
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Are you saying that Christians don't deserve someone as principled as Ron Paul?
(He has only ever voted on the basis of "is it in the Constitution. He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch. And he's a pro-life Protestant.)

I guess we don't, but we have a merciful God who often gives us what we don't deserve.

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